Age Gap Romance by Penny Wylder


Trevor takes a quick shower in my bathroom, and by the time he comes out—sadly covered again in sweats and a t-shirt and smelling delicious—I have coffee ready and am already in the process of cooking the pancakes. He pours himself a cup of coffee and sits at the breakfast bar, looking completely normal except for the fact that he’s staring at my ass. I can’t seem to keep the grin off my face. Maybe my sisters are right and this is what I’ve been missing—though I’ll fall dead before I give them the satisfaction of knowing that.

I hear steps clattering down the stairs, and Brad appears in the kitchen followed by one of the twins. “Hey mom.”

“Morning,” I say, putting one platter of pancakes on the dining room table before flipping the one that’s cooking. I make a couple more and put them on another platter on the breakfast bar. Brad grabs the syrup from the pantry and slaps Trevor on the shoulder as he slides onto a stool. “Happy Birthday, man. I totally forgot about it, was reminded on Facebook this morning. I would have got you something.”

Trevor laughs, the sound sending a buzz through my skin and making my stomach flutter. “Don’t worry about it.”

“You should have said something, Trevor,” I say, scooping a few more pancakes onto the platter by him. “We would have gotten a cake, and definitely a gift.”

“I already had my birthday treat this morning,” he says, and I feel my eyebrows shoot straight into my hair. He takes a fork and lifts a pancake, toasting me with it. “Your breakfasts are legendary, Stella.” The wink that follows has me ready to throttle him and jump him.

Daniel trudges into the dining room, clearly less awake than his twin, but he manages to find the table and the pancakes all right. “Morning, Daniel,” I say.

I get something close to a grunt in response, and I’m reminded how thankful I am not to have a teenage son anymore. Opening the fridge, I grab jam, chocolate spread, and whipped cream. I place them on the bar in front of Trevor. “Well, since it’s your birthday, you should have more options than just syrup. Take your pick.”

I hear the shaking and spray of the whipped cream can as I go back to finishing the batter. Almost done.

“Dude, really?” Brad says. “Whipped cream—that’s what you pick when you have the chocolate stuff sitting in front of you? Why?”

“The same reason I put whipped cream on anything,” Trevor says. “So I can lick it off before getting to eat the rest.”

I turn to find him looking straight at me, and I flush at the same time I feel my pussy turn to liquid. I manage to pull my eyes away from him in time to save the last pancake.

“Whatever,” Brad says. “More chocolate for me.”

I turn off the stove and ferry the rest of the pancakes into the dining room as Bradley and June come down the stairs. “Morning everyone,” Bradley says, holding out a fist to Brad. “Namesake.”

Brad bumps his fist. “Namer.” It’s a little tradition they started when Brad was little. Once Brad noticed that he and his uncle had the same name, I had to explain that I had named him after Bradley.

The pancakes go over well, and everyone seems happy. “What are your plans for today?” I ask the room.

“We’re going to visit my family today,” June says. “We won’t be back until late. I hope that’s okay?”

I wave a hand. “Fine with me. Your vacation. We have plenty of time together before Christmas.”

“What about you?” she asks.

“I need to buy a Christmas tree,” I say. “Brad, you want to come with me?”

He winces. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

There’s a pang in my heart, but I don’t let it show on my face. “That’s okay. What have you got going on?”

“Well…” he says, “I actually need to finish a paper. I got an extension on it and I have to turn it in tomorrow.”

“I see.” I put on my best mom face. “Tried to slip that one past me?”

“Unsuccessful as usual,” he says, laughing.

I take another bite of pancake. “As long as you finish. But you’re on the hook for decorating the tree with me tomorrow.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Trevor swivels around on his stool. “I’ll go with you to get the tree.”

My heart flies up into my throat. “Are you sure?” I say. “It’s a long drive, and you’re on vacation. Plus, it’s your birthday.”

“I’m sure,” he says, grinning. “I have nothing to do and I can help you wrestle the tree into submission.”

“All right,” I say, taking my dishes to the sink. I collect the rest of the dishes, switching the clean and dirty dishes in the dishwasher and listening to the bustle of my brother’s family getting ready to leave.

An hour later I’ve showered, changed, and kissed Brad goodbye. Trevor is waiting outside for me by my car, and my god he looks fantastic. Peacoat, jeans, hat, and boots. He’s a fucking model. He smiles when he sees me. “Road trip?”