Bad Daddy by Jayda Marx

Chapter Three



Holy hell in a hoodie. The beautiful boy next to me had me totally undone. I wasn’t expecting him to have such a heart wrenching story, or for him to reach out to me for comfort. Most people didn’t see me as a comforting guy, and with good reason; I normally wasn’t.

But I wanted to be for Westin. I wanted to be the one he called when he needed to hear that things would be okay; to be the one who made things okay for him.

But was it something I could even do? Maybe I sucked at it; maybe that’s why Westin pulled away and changed the subject back to his car. Maybe it felt all wrong when I held him in my arms.

But god, it felt right to me. His small body fit perfectly against mine. I wanted to wrap him up and protect him from the world as much as I wanted to tie him down and show him every pleasure imaginable.

Which brought up another question; what did he mean when he said he wasn’t an expert on ‘sexy stuff’? Was he inexperienced with kink or sex in general? Would the fact that I wanted to own and control his sweet little body excite him or scare the hell out of him? Westin had my head completely fucked up, so why did I like it?

I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand. If nothing else, I at least wanted to help him with his car problem.

I slid the key into the ignition and turned, but nothing happened except for a quiet clicking sound. I pumped the gas pedal a few times and tried again, and the engine finally turned over. The car jerked violently as the engine sputtered, and then everything went still and quiet.

Westin looked at me with worried eyes. “That’s probably not a good sign, huh?”

“Probably not,” I replied honestly, and tried not to smile when his nose scrunched up in the cutest way. I was shocked at myself; I couldn't remember the last time I thought something was cute. “I think it’s your transmission.”

“You can tell that just from ten seconds of shaking? You’re really good at this.”

I was shocked again when his words warmed my chest. What the fuck? I was a foul-mouthed, hardcore, ex-con Dom, so why was I getting the warm and fuzzies? “I’ve been doing this a long time,” I explained with a shrug.

“How long?”

I tipped my head back and forth. “About thirty years or so.” Even in prison, I worked in a garage fixing up patrol cars. It kept my skills sharp along with helping pass the time.

Westin’s eyes widened. “Thirty years? How old are you?” They widened even more. “Oh, that was rude. I’m sorry. It’s don’t look old. You look great. I mean, you’d still look great even if you are old…” He groaned and closed his eyes as he rubbed his temples.

I let out a belly laugh, surprising myself again. I couldn’t remember the last time I enjoyed talking with someone so much. “I’m thirty eight. My dad started teaching me about cars when I was just a kid.”

“Oh, that makes sense,” Westin nodded, and I chuckled again. “That’s really nice that you had that time with him. My dad never knew much about cars, but he did know about software, so I still learned a lot from him. Is your dad still around?”

“No.” Westin gave me a sad smile and I added, “He’s out there somewhere, but he decided that he didn’t want a gay son.”

“I’m sorry, Colt.” He put his hand on my shoulder and it took everything inside me not to shiver at the touch. “I was lucky; my parents didn’t care about my sexuality. They just wanted me to be happy.”

The whole thing was a tragedy; Westin had supportive parents but lost them too young. My dad was still alive so we could have a relationship, but he didn’t accept me.

I nodded my thanks and looked back at the key hanging from the ignition. “I better try to get this thing to the shop or my boss will have my balls.” If he ever decided to show up, that is.

“Sorry for distracting you.”

“Trust me, pup; I’m enjoying the company.” It was yet another surprising sentence from my lips, but I couldn't deny its truth. Most people judged me, talked down to me, or generally got on my fucking nerves. But Westin was a breath of fresh air.

“Me too, but I’ll be quiet now and let you focus.” He naturally yielded to me, even without direction. I doubted the boy could get any more perfect.

I started the engine once more, pumping the gas to keep the car moving forward. I listened to every clunk and bang that sounded beneath the hood as we shook and grinded our way to the garage. Unfortunately, the vehicle died about thirty yards from the garage’s entrance and wouldn’t start again.

I jerked the gear shift into neutral and told Westin, “I’m going to have to push it the rest of the way. I need you to scoot over here and steer for me.” He gave a determined nod and when I stepped out onto the road, Westin climbed across the console into the driver’s seat. He didn’t exit the car and walk around to the other side; he scooted because I told him to scoot. Goddamn.

Luckily, pushing a car was the perfect way to work off sexual tension. I put my back into it and propelled it forward as Westin steered, smoothly guiding the vehicle into the work bay.

“Go ahead and put it in park,” I yelled, and Westin slid it into gear before climbing out.

“You did it!” he exclaimed. “You’re so strong.”

Damn if that didn’t make me swell up with pride. “You did great too, pup; nice and smooth.” Westin beamed at the praise and I couldn’t help but wonder what he’d do if I told him that he was my good boy; that Daddy was proud of him. Damn, how I wanted to find out.

“Where the fuck have you been?” echoed through the garage, and I rolled my eyes at the sight of my boss John lumbering into the work bay. It was just my luck that he decided to show up to work for once while I was gone.

“Where the fuck does it look like I’ve been?” I snapped back, motioning to Westin’s car. “I was helping a customer.”

“You’re supposed to be here doing that! You left the garage unattended. Any asshole could have strolled in here and robbed us blind.”

“First of all, Buck was supposed to be here looking after the front desk, but he’s been gone all fucking day. If you want to blame someone, yell at him.” He wouldn’t, though; in John’s eyes, his son could do no wrong. “Secondly, I keep my tools locked up when I’m not using them but Buck left these hanging out of the cash register.”

I pulled a key from my pocket and threw it at my boss’s feet. “I locked it up, so you’re welcome. If it had been up to your son, we could have gotten robbed blind.” When John picked up the key, I added, “Tell him to shove it up his ass; maybe he won’t lose it next time.”

John’s face contorted with anger. “You watch your attitude or I’ll dock the rest of your day’s pay!”

“If you dock my pay, my ass is going home,” I retorted. I wouldn’t mind a break, and I certainly wasn’t afraid of John. Besides, I knew he wouldn’t actually follow through on his threat; no one else here could do the work I did. If I left, he didn’t make any money the rest of the day.

He huffed a few heavy breaths before yelling, “Just watch your fucking mouth!” before storming off towards his office. I rolled my eyes again and flipped him off when he turned his back; the guy was a tool.

Though our little screaming match was nothing out of the ordinary and was honestly just another day on the job, I immediately regretted it when I saw the panic on Westin’s pretty face.

Well, fuck. I really liked the guy, but I just ruined whatever slim chance I could possibly have with him by showing him what an asshole I truly was.

“Westin…” I wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t want to claim that I normally wasn’t this way; I’d be lying. He shook his head and I braced myself for the brush off I deserved.

“I’m sorry,” Westin said quietly. “I should have said something; you helped me and I just stood there while he yelled at you. I wanted to help you too, but...he scared me. I’ll go talk to him now though and tell him that it was my fault you left.” He took a step forward before pausing and looking over his shoulder. “Will you come with me?”

I melted; not only was Westin not running away, he wanted to defend my honor...even if he needed my strength and support to do so.

“Don’t worry about him,” I told him with a flap of my hand. “He’s just a bag of dicks; always has been, always will be.”

He gave a quiet chuckle before asking, “You’re not worried that he’ll fire you?”

I made a fart noise with my mouth. “Hell no. He knows no one else would work for his cranky ass.” Westin giggled again. Wanting to do anything to keep him smiling and spend more time with him, I nodded towards his car and asked, “Want to take a look under the hood with me?”

“Really? I’d love to!”

“Okay then, come stand by me.” I stepped in front of his car and Westin stuck close to my side. “Don’t touch anything; the parts could be hot.”

“Yes, Sir.” Westin flinched. “I’m sorry; I don’t know why I keep calling you that.”

I knew, but I wasn’t sure that it was the right time to get into it. I did, however, wink and tell him, “Trust me, pup; it’s not a problem.”

He smiled widely and replied, “I like it when you call me that too. But, why do you call me that?”

“It just comes naturally, I guess.” He cocked his head expectantly, so I added, “Since you’re so sweet and cute.” It was hard to be super Dom when he was so fucking precious.

Westin gasped and put his hands on his chest. “You think I’m cute?”

I thought he was a lot of things, but again, probably not the best time to discuss them. Instead, I winked at him again before popping the hood and propping it open with the strut. With one quick look, I could tell the news wasn’t going to be good.

“Okay, so the first thing we’re going to do is connect my diagnostic scanner to the car’s computer.”

“My car has a computer?” Westin asked, sounding shocked.

I smiled at him. “Yep. Most cars built after 1980 have at least one computer in them.”

“Whoa. You’d think I’d know more about them then.”

I chuckled and retrieved my scanner from a drawer before connecting it to the system. “This device will run a test and if there’s a problem with the transmission like I’m thinking there is, numbers will pop up on the screen. They’re called P Codes and will tell us what the problem is.”

“This is so cool.”

I smiled and started the test, but my grin disappeared as code after code popped up on the screen.

“I’m guessing that’s not good,” Westin said as he inspected the screen.

“It’s not great,” I told him honestly. “This first code tells me that your transmission is over temperature.” I pointed to the next one on the list. “This one indicates corrosion in your circuit range, and this last one shows shift solenoid failure.”

“And when they all show up at the same time?”

“It means that your transmission is shit.”

Westin let out a long sigh. “Can you fix it?”

“It needs to be replaced. But honestly, I’m not sure that is the right answer either.” At his confused look, I explained, “How old is this car? About fifteen or sixteen years?”

“Sixteen,” he nodded.

“And when I was driving, I noticed that it had nearly two hundred thousand miles on it.” He nodded again. “So even if we managed to repair or replace the transmission, odds are that the car will need more repairs soon." I pointed to the engine block and asked, "Do you see that liquid dripping?"

He nodded and I continued, "That shouldn't be there. You've most likely got a blown head gasket, which would need to be replaced, and could mean there is more damage that we can't see."

"I appreciate you taking the time to explain all of this to me," he said, and I smiled at his sweetness. "But what does it all mean? What do you suggest?" It made sense that he asked my opinion since I was the mechanic; it shouldn't have made me feel like he was asking Daddy for help.

"Honestly, I think it would be best to sell it for what parts can be salvaged and use the money towards a new car."

"I was afraid you'd say that," Westin groaned.

I gave him a sympathetic smile. "I know it's a big financial commitment."

"It’s not that. I mean, I can swing the finances for a nice pre-owned car; I just have no idea what to look for. This is the only car I've ever driven; I learned to drive in this thing. I don't want to buy something that ends up being a piece of crap."

"I can help you," I blurted out before better judgement had a chance to kick in. I needed to leave this sweet boy alone.

"Really?" Westin placed his hand on my arm, causing my heart to race and helping me to quickly decide that better judgement could kiss my ass.

“Sure. I can check under the hood on any car you're interested in to make sure everything looks okay before you’d buy anything.”

Westin gently squeezed my arm and beamed, making pretty dimples indent his cheeks. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this. What day would you be free to go shopping together?”

The way he asked made my heart beat even faster. I didn’t give two shits about shopping, but I did care about making sure this boy was taken care of. “My schedule is booked up here for the next couple of days, but I have Sunday off.”

“That sounds perfect. Thank you so much, Colt.”

“It’s no trouble,” I said with a shrug. I wanted to help him.

“Yes it is. You’re doing me a huge favor and I want to do something for you too. Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?”

Red flags paraded through my mind. It was a bad idea. This boy’s soul was spun from sugar and mine was blackened from my sins. There was no way this could work. Sure, it was one dinner, but I could tell from the way Westin was still touching me and from the hopeful gleam in his eyes that this wasn’t just a thank you dinner.

No one ever asked me out, and I wasn’t the type of guy who would agree if they did. I wanted to be in control, inside the bedroom and out. So why was I itching to accept his offer? No matter how badly I wanted to see him again, I needed to decline the invitation.

“Sure.” Dammit, Colt!

Somehow, Westin smiled even wider. “Really? This is so great!” He took his hand from my arm to fan his face. “Oh my gosh, I was so nervous you were going to say no.” His excitement only made me more uneasy. I didn’t want to break this sweet pup’s heart. 

“Wait a second, I can’t take you out,” Westin said, and I was both hurt and relieved that he realized he’d made a mistake by asking me for a date. “I don’t have a car; I can’t pick you up.”

Oh. “I’ll pick you up,” I insisted. “I prefer it that way.”

“That’s so nice.” Westin hadn’t quite figured me out yet.

I held out my hand and requested, “Let me see your phone. I’ll enter my number and you can text me your address.”

“Of course.”

Westin passed over his cell phone and I programmed my number into it. I was tempted to enter ‘Daddy’ as the contact name, but I thought that may be a step too far. For now.

“What am I going to do with this?” Westin asked, motioning towards his dilapidated car.

“I know of a salvage yard across town that buys cars in any condition. If you’d like, I’ll call them and they will tow it to their lot, pay you for parts, and give you a lift home.”

“That sounds great. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to figure all of this out on my own. I’m really glad I met you, Colt.”

My pulse raced. He needed and appreciated me, and it made me want to do more; to guide him through life and make decisions to help him. I wanted to control his pretty little body and show him how great I could make him feel.

Though I shouldn’t have allowed myself to say it, I admitted, “Me too, pup.”

Westin smiled and bit his lip in the most sinfully innocent way. I fought every urge not to pry it out and taste it myself. Instead, I called the salvage yard for a distraction.

They arrived shortly and loaded Westin’s car onto the tow truck. Before he climbed into the cab of the truck, Westin thanked me again and said how excited he was for our dinner together.

As I watched the truck disappear down the street, I couldn’t help but think to myself, What the fuck am I doing?