Bad Daddy by Jayda Marx

Chapter Four



My hands shook as I checked the time on my cell phone. Colt was due to arrive any minute to pick me up for our date. I had been a bundle of nerves all day, and didn't even have any customer service calls to distract me since it was Saturday.

And now that I was dressed, ready, and waiting for Colt, my anxiety was in full swing. I was going out with the sexiest man on earth and I didn’t know how to process it.

I wasn’t a big dater; I’d had a lot of other things to deal with, like losing my father, trying to support my mother, working hard to get my degree, and grieving for both of my parents. And now I worked from home and didn’t meet a lot of new people. It was by luck alone that I met Colt; if you can call a broken down car lucky. Since it led me to him, I certainly did.

My stomach twisted when a knock sounded on the front door of my apartment. I took a deep breath to (unsuccessfully) settle my nerves, and then I gripped the doorknob and swung open the heavy wooden door.

“Oh, wow,” I blurted out when I saw Colt standing on my welcome mat. He looked hot when I saw him in the garage in his worn jeans and work shirt, but this...this was a whole new level of heat.

He was dressed in a pair of snug, dark jeans, black boots, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. The tattoos on his knuckles peeked out of the supple fabric and I actually had to swallow the drool collecting in my mouth.

And then I felt very silly. There stood Colt looking like a bad boy and dripping with sex appeal, while I was dressed in pressed khakis, loafers, and a button down powder blue dress shirt.

“Should I change?” I asked worriedly; I didn’t want to embarrass him.

“You should stay just how you are,” Colt replied with his sultry, smooth voice and a subtle smile. I loved how forthright yet comforting he was. I never had to guess what he was thinking. “You do need a jacket, though.”

“I’ll grab one, thanks.” I hurried off to my closet to grab a brown corduroy jacket, which I shrugged on. Maybe it was just an offhand remark, but it felt good; like he was looking out for or caring for me. I desperately wanted someone to care for me, and to help me navigate this crazy life.

“How’s this?” I asked when I returned to the front door, where I’d stupidly left him instead of inviting him in. I really suck at this.

The left side of Colt's mouth tipped up into a sultry smirk. "Gorgeous." His words alone were enough to send a shiver down my spine. I couldn’t imagine what may happen if he were to actually touch me. “Let’s go.” He jerked his head and I happily followed him down the sidewalk to the road.

My eyes widened when Colt stopped next to a motorcycle which was parked along the curb. “Is this yours?” He nodded. “It’s gorgeous.” It was all black except for shiny chrome wheels.

“I wanted to get a few more rides in before winter. Have you ever ridden one?” When I shook my head no, Colt said, “You’ll love it.” He lifted a black helmet from the seat and settled in on my head before snapping a clasp beneath my chin.

Colt pulled on an identical helmet before straddling the motorcycle. “Hop on.” I awkwardly threw my leg over the seat and managed to scoot onto the cushion behind him. “Just relax while I drive,” he instructed. “Don’t fight against the turns; just go with them and trust me.” Trusting him was easy to do. “Now hold on tight.”

I held my breath as I wrapped my arms around his waist, sinking my fingertips into the cool, smooth fabric of his leather jacket. The engine roared to life, making me yelp and squeeze Colt tighter. Even though the whole bike was vibrating, I still felt the rumble of his laugh against my chest.

We took off down the street and when we took the first turn, I remembered what Colt said and fought the urge to tense up. I kept my body loose and leaned with him. When he straightened us back up, Colt let go of the handlebar for a moment to pat my hand. Knowing I pleased him gave me a warm feeling in my stomach. I wanted to do what he needed and make him happy.

It was several minutes before I realized that I didn’t know where we were going. As much as I had looked forward to this date and dreamed what it would be like, I didn’t actually plan anything, even though I asked him out. I really was terrible at all of this. But Colt came to the rescue, taking charge and apparently making plans for us. I liked when he took the lead.

Feeling eager to see where he was taking me yet relaxed under his care, I rested my head against his back and smiled as I watched the lights of the city zip by us.





Luckily Westin couldn’t see me smiling like an idiot as I drove us through town. His body felt perfect clinging to mine. He was a natural on the bike; he relaxed and trusted me to keep him safe.

He also joined me without questions about where I was taking him; I doubted he had made reservations or plans, which is exactly how I liked it. Westin naturally followed my lead, which got my blood pumping.

We came upon Blowing Smoke, the barbecue restaurant I chose, but I made an extra lap around the block just to feel Westin wrapped around me a little longer. I was greedy for the feeling, and worried that I wouldn't get to feel it again. I was afraid that once Westin learned more about me, he wouldn't want anything to do with me.

After stalling as long as possible, I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and killed the engine. I removed my helmet and climbed off of my bike before offering Westin a hand and helping him onto the ground.

He didn't move to take off his helmet; he just waited patiently for me to do it. He was so damn perfect without even trying. I unsnapped the clasp and hung the helmet from the handlebar before running my fingers through his hair; partly to comb it off of his forehead, but mainly because I wanted to find out if it was as soft as it looked. It was.

"Thank you for choosing a restaurant for us," Westin said with a pretty, dimpled smile.

"You're welcome. This is my favorite place to eat. Have you ever been here?" Westin shook his head and my chest swelled with pride. It was a small thing, but I wanted to introduce him to everything.

"I'm excited to try it, and I'm really hungry."

"Did you eat lunch today?"

Westin nodded. "I had a peanut butter sandwich. Thanks for the reminder earlier."

Since I had Westin's number, I texted him earlier in the day to make sure he ate something. Technically it wasn't my place, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to make sure he was taken care of. I couldn't deny that I wanted to take care of him, or how good it felt to do so. Westin had been so receptive, but I wanted to see exactly how far he was comfortable going, so I looked into his eyes and told him, "Good boy."

His answering smile was breathtaking. "Thank you. I...I like making you happy."

I wanted to bend him over my motorcycle and claim his sweet little ass. Instead, I winked at him before jerking my head towards the restaurant. "Let's go eat, pup." Westin nodded and stayed right by my side as we walked inside the barbecue joint.

The hostess led us to a booth, where we sat across from one another, and left two menus for us to look over.

Westin gave his menu a once over before looking up at me and asking, "What should I get?" He had no idea how even the simplest, most innocent question affected me. Every time he asked for my opinion or instruction, it made me want him more.

"Let's split a sampler. It's enough food for two people and you can try everything to see what you like."

"That sounds great."

Our waiter stopped by the table to take our order, and then brought our drinks before leaving us alone. I tapped my foot against Westin's and requested, "Tell me more about yourself."

"Okay," he smiled brightly. "Let's see; I already told you about my job-"

"You said that you are a computer support specialist," I remembered, and he nodded. "You said you help companies; what kinds of companies? And what do you help them with?"

"The company I work for services all kinds of businesses, but I mostly work with hospitals and restaurants. I help troubleshoot cash register systems, electronic records, and even security systems."

"And you can do all that from home?"

"Oh yeah. As long as I have an access number, it's pretty easy to tap into a computer remotely. Most problems are with the software itself, so when I get into the program, it's usually just a matter of coding."

He said the words like they weren't impressive as hell. I was proud of how intelligent he was, but also nervous because I...wasn't. I wasn't a stupid man, but I was better with my hands than my brain. "I can tell you enjoy your work."


I changed the subject by asking, "What do you like to do for fun?" I wanted to get to a topic that I wasn't completely ignorant about.

"Hmm…" Westin squished his plump lips around as he thought. "I love watching movies."

"Oh yeah? What kind?"

"Action movies with lots of gunfire and blood."

His answer surprised me; sweet Westin didn't seem the type who would enjoy carnage, but I was also thrilled because they were my favorite too.

"That's my boy," I said with a wink, making him smile so widely his nose crinkled.

"I'm into music too. I like to mess around on my computer and mix songs together."

"Mix them together?"

"Mmhmm," he hummed with an excited nod. "I like to make lots of songs into one. I think it sounds really cool. I've got a couple saved on my phone, would you like to hear them?"

He looked so damn eager to show me something he was proud of, there was no way in hell I was going to decline. "I'd love to."

"Awesome!" Westin dug his phone out of his pocket and scrolled down the screen before passing it over to me. "Just hit that little triangle to play it. Oh, I hope you like it."

I swallowed hard at his desire to please me before pressing the button and holding the phone's speaker to my ear.

A song began and I recognized it as one I'd heard many times on the radio, but then it changed when a second tune joined in. They were total opposites; one had a thumping bass line and the other was a soulful ballad, but somehow they meshed together beautifully. After about a minute, a third instrumental song jumped into the mix, giving an underlying funky beat which somehow made the tune even better.

I couldn't help but get into the music, and I bobbed my head to the beat. I hated to hear the song come to an end. I passed Westin's phone back and told him, "That was better than the original. You're very talented."

His warm brown eyes sparkled when he grinned. "You really think so?"

"I don't say things I don't mean, pup," I replied with a wink, and he wiggled happily in his seat as he replaced his phone.

"Will you tell me about you now?" Westin asked hopefully. "What do you like to do when you're not fixing cars?"

"Bloody movies and barbecue are a great time for me," I shrugged, making him chuckle. "I enjoy the simple things." His pretty smile as he nodded made my heart pound. There was something knocking on my brain that I couldn't shake. Since we were getting to know one another, I decided to jump right in and ask; a patient man I was not.

"Yesterday you mentioned that you weren't an expert on sexy stuff." Westin's cheeks flushed at my words, but he gave a subtle nod. "What did you mean by that?"

"Oh." His eyes drifted to the table.

"Look at me," I requested, and my stomach warmed when his eyes snapped to mine. "Don't be embarrassed. You can talk to me."

Westin let out a long breath and took a few moments to collect his thoughts before answering, "I don't have any experience with sex, and barely any when it comes to men. I've only been on a couple of dates in the past, and nothing has ever turned physical."

Dear lord. The warmth in my stomach spread down into my groin, causing my dick to swell in my jeans. Westin was a virgin; untouched and totally innocent. Fuck, what I would give to touch you; to make you mine.

Westin squirmed in his seat and I realized that I hadn't said a word, only staring at him with hunger. I cleared my throat and told him, "Thank you for being honest with me."

His nervous expression morphed into a shy smile. "You're welcome. So, do you have a lot know…experience?"

I tried to think of a way to explain my situation without scaring him shitless, and finally decided on, "I do, but I've not been in a relationship in a very long time. For many years I have only had no-strings-attached experiences."

"Oh." Westin's smile faded quickly. "Is that what you're looking for with me? Because I'm sorry, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want a relationship with someone special."

I wanted to be his someone special, but I had to be honest about my needs as well. "I wasn't looking for a relationship until I met you," I admitted. "But I'm searching for a very particular type of relationship."

Westin blinked rounded eyes. "What type?"

"I crave control. Hell, it's not just a craving; it's a need. I need to be the one in charge; to make the decisions and lead and guide my boy through life while showing him unimaginable pleasure."

Westin's jaw rippled when he gulped. "That…that sounds…" I held my breath and my heart pounded until he finished, "Incredible."

I wanted to climb across the table and pounce on him, but I kept my ass in the seat. Though I risked scaring away this precious pup, he deserved to know why I demanded control.

"Before we can talk any more about that, there's something I need to tell you."

Westin swallowed again, but this time he looked more concerned than intrigued. "What is it?"

"It's about me; about my past." He nodded for me to continue and I took a cleansing breath. "Until I was released three years ago, I was in Blackwater Federal Prison, where I spent sixteen years of my life."

Westin recoiled in his seat before scooting to the end of the bench. "You're frightened," I concluded as his breathing quickened and his eyes widened.

"A little." Even though it hurt, I appreciated his honesty. After several deep breaths to calm himself, he asked, "Why were you in prison?"

I stared at him, wishing I hadn't brought it up, but knowing he deserved the truth. "Attempted murder," I finally answered, and Westin's skin grew pale. "I was a kid - only nineteen at the time."

"I'm twenty," Westin reminded me in a terrified whisper. Fuck, that's not helping my case. I expected him to jump to his feet and run out the door. I wouldn't have blamed him if he did, but Westin sat still. He tangled his fingers together nervously before asking quietly, "What happened?"

I appreciated that he was giving me the chance to tell my story. "I told you that my dad disowned me when I came out as gay."

"So you tried to kill him?" Westin asked in shock, and I shook my head.

"No. I was hurt and angry, but I could never injure my father." Westin relaxed a little and I continued, "When he kicked me out, I moved into a shitty little apartment with my boyfriend at the time. We had no money, and I ended up dropping out of my senior year of high school to get a job to pay our bills. We lived together happily for two years. I thought we'd be together forever, until one day everything changed."

Westin leaned forward, waiting for what came next. "I got off of work early one day and when I got home, I found my boyfriend Aaron getting fucked by our neighbor Daniel. As soon as he saw me, Aaron screamed for help, telling me that Daniel was raping him. I had no reason not to believe him, and I lost control."

"I tore Daniel away from Aaron and beat the hell out of him. I couldn't stop. I wanted to kill him for what he'd done. I would have killed him, but when my hands were already covered in Daniel's blood and his face was smashed and unrecognizable, Aaron began begging me to stop; he admitted that he was lying. Daniel wasn't hurting him; they were having an affair and I walked in on them."

"Oh my god," Westin whispered as he put a trembling hand over his mouth.

"As soon as I heard the truth, I called an ambulance, which took Daniel to the hospital. He had to have emergency surgery to relieve pressure and swelling on his brain. He lived, but when he woke up several days later, he had no memory of what happened."

"He believed what Aaron told him; that I was a crazy ex-boyfriend who found them together and went into a jealous rage."

"But he was lying!" Westin exclaimed.

"I had no way of proving it. The case went to trial and when the jury got a look at what I'd done to Daniel, they didn't care why. They found me guilty and I was sent to prison. I would've been out in twelve years, but I was attacked by a gang on the inside. I fought back and put two guys in intensive care, so I got time added to my sentence."

"But you were defending yourself. That's not fair!"

"Things aren't fair on the inside," I explained. And speaking of unfairness, "Daniel never learned the truth. He and Aaron have been together ever since, and are now happily married. I'm still on probation for another two years."

Westin's eyes shimmered as he slowly shook his head. "I'm so sorry, Colt. Aaron lied and cost you half of your life."

"I still nearly killed a man with my bare hands." I lived with guilt every day for what I'd done.

"Because you thought your ex was being attacked," he argued. "If Aaron had been telling the truth, you would have saved him."

"But don't you see what I'm capable of?" I remembered the hatred I felt towards Daniel; how badly I wanted him dead. I wanted to kill him. I knew how little I cared about the lives of the prisoners I sent to the hospital.

Westin reached across the table and rested his hand on mine. His fingers didn't tremble and his eyes held no fear. "You were protecting the person you cared about, and you were protecting yourself. Since you were released from prison, have you hurt anyone?"


Westin smiled; actually fucking smiled at me, even though he knew what I was. "You've been working hard and helping people. You helped me so much." He squeezed my hand and added, "I understand why you want control after what you've been through. Control was taken away from you for so long."

It was true. I'd gotten my life back on track by taking charge of my situation and surroundings.

"I also understand why you haven't been in a relationship since," Westin said. "It would be so hard to trust after what you've been through." I was in awe of his intelligence and intuition. "I'm honored that you'd even think about a relationship with me, and I swear that you don't have anything to worry about; if you choose me, I would never cheat on you or lie to you."

I didn't deserve his understanding and compassion, and I sure as hell didn't deserve to be with such a sweet soul, but I was greedy.

"And you're comfortable handing the reins to me?" I asked, and Westin nodded.

"Honestly, it's a relief. I don't know what I'm doing with any of this stuff. I want to hand over the reins. Your confidence and guidance are so attractive to me."

This was too good to be true. Before I jumped on his offer and claimed him as my own, I had to be sure Westin knew what he was getting into.

I leaned in closer and told him, "I need you to be sure, pup. Because if you agree to be mine, you're mine. I don't share and I go hard. I will expect your full submission, in and out of the bedroom."

Westin's breathing picked up again, making my lips curl into a predatory smile. "That's right; your sexy little body will be mine to do with as I please. I'll own you, use you, and make you feel so good. What do you say, pup? Do you want to be mine?"

Westin's voice was quiet and breathy when he answered, "Yes, Sir."

"That sounds so sexy, but do you know what would sound even better?" Westin leaned forward, silently asking for my answer. "Call me Daddy."

His body rocked with a shiver. He licked his lips and whispered, "Daddy." With one word, he had me rock hard beneath the table.

"Okay, I've got a sampler here," our waiter announced as he placed a huge platter on our table with the worst possible timing. "Do you guys need anything else?"

"He'll take another Coke," I answered when I noticed that Westin's glass was empty.

"I'll be right back with that," the man replied before scurrying away.

"Thank you…Daddy," Westin said shyly, smiling when I winked at him.

"You're welcome. Now, come sit next to me."

Westin scooted out of the booth and hurried to my side, cozying up to me. Our waiter dropped off my boy's drink and a couple of plates before leaving us alone again.

Westin didn't reach for the food, instead allowing me to fill his plate with a little bit of everything. He was inexperienced, but fucking made for this lifestyle. I couldn't wait to show him every pleasure imaginable.

We munched through chicken, ribs, and pulled pork until we were both full to bursting. My favorite was the ribs, but Westin liked everything equally. When the bill came, he grabbed it, claiming the dinner was his idea, and his thanks for my help. But when I arched an eyebrow and explained that Daddy wanted to take care of his boy, he didn't argue, and even gave me a hug. He was too damn sweet.

But I wanted to see his spicy side. I stroked my hand up and down his back and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "I'm going to take you home and make you feel so good."

He replied with the words I'd waited so long to hear. "Yes, Daddy."