Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


“Where were you off to so late?” Mike’s voice floated through the dark house and Tony cursed under his breath. He’d hoped to make it to the stairs without his father waking and hearing him.

“With a guy I’m seeing.” It was as close to the truth as Tony could manage. He squinted across the living room at his father who was faintly illuminated by the light of the TV. Not playing anything but still on.

Mike grunted. “Don’t know why you bother.”

“Why I bother to date?”

Not that this was dating. God, had Tony ever really dated? No, it had been mostly hookups and casual things. But he didn’t want his father to sully what had been the best night of his life.

“No one sticks around.”

Tony tried not to sigh. Aaand there he goes. “We can talk more tomorrow,” Tony said shortly. “I’m going to get some sleep. Work will come early.”

“See. Waste of time. All you did was lose sleep.”

Tony turned and made for the stairs, his jaw clenched tightly shut so he didn’t say something he’d regret. He would never call tonight a waste of time. The moments with Jude and Logan had been so good they’d hurt. And he didn’t mean Logan spanking him or the thickness of Jude’s cock in his ass. It was that they’d given him those sharp moments of feeling alive. Of feeling like his life was more than just winches and rusty old metal. More than running a business he hated and taking care of a man who resented him for the effort.

Tonight had felt real in a way he’d needed more than he realized.

It made Tony greedy for more, yet fearful that his father was right. That he’d want things that were never meant to last. That he’d never find what he was searching for and that he’d be doomed to do this forever until his father died and Tony was finally free.

And he felt like a horrible son for ever thinking that because he loved his father. Before his diagnosis, he’d been kinder. More fun. Tony remembered them tossing the football out back, playfully wrestling. He remembered his father cheering for him during a homecoming game when Tony sacked the rival team’s quarterback and saved them from a near loss.

He remembered, long before that, his parents laughing in the kitchen, stealing a kiss. They’d been happy once. He had dim memories of that too, though they were rare.

Those good times were overshadowed by the fights. And the day his mom had left.

“I’m not leaving you,” she’d sworn as she gripped his shoulders. “It’s your father. I can’t … he’s so damn stubborn. He’ll never change. Not like I need him to.”

She’d lied. She’d driven out of town and kept going. She hadn’t called Tony, hadn’t written except a handful of postcards she’d sent for a while telling him about the road trip she’d spontaneously decided to go on. But after a while, the postcards trickled off too and he hadn’t heard from her again. She was somewhere in California now. He’d looked her up online a few years back and found her easily enough. But he hadn’t messaged her. Because what was the point in fighting for someone who didn’t want him?

But tonight, Tony had felt wanted. He’d felt happy, like everything was the way it was supposed to be. Like Jude and Logan were a bit of something good that he might be allowed to enjoy for a while.

After Tony brushed his teeth and stripped down to his underwear, he slid under the covers in his dark bedroom. He squirmed around until he was comfortable. His ass was a little sore, but he didn’t mind it. He wondered what it would have felt like to have Logan inside him. Maybe he’d find out next time.

God, just let me have this for a while,Tony prayed as he flipped on his side and nestled into the pillow. Even if it’s only a little while. Let me have them both.

* * *

The week dragged. Tony spent most of the time on autopilot, focused on work. It was a routine he could do in his sleep. Mostly a lot of paperwork. His cousin Keira was the one who did the day-to-day office management while Tony took care of the rest. He towed a few stranded motorists here and there as needed, but he mostly spent his time in the office on his father’s property.

It was a good chunk of land to the southwest of downtown Pendleton. It had been an old farm once—in Tony’s grandfather’s day—but it was difficult to make a steady income in farming, so he’d branched out into scrap metal, then towing. Now, the old horse barn out back was Tony’s workshop, but there was a newer building too. Nothing fancy, more like a small warehouse for parking the tow trucks with a small office tucked inside.

Beside it, a huge fenced-in area where people dumped off scrap metal and another, bigger, warehouse. There was nearly constant noise and mess and no matter how high the fence, the property looked junky. They bought, sold, and recycled the metals that came through, so there were always piles of rusty materials and heaps of discarded mufflers and metal roofing. There was also a perpetual rumble of forklift engines and the metallic squealing crunch of cars being flattened.

Tony hated the noise, hated the dusty yard, hated the smell of the processing building, where it was all ground up and melted down into industrially reusable commodities. Tony liked that breaking it down and reusing it was better for the environment. It was stupid to throw it in a landfill and waste natural resources. He could see the benefits, but he was tired of being the one to do it. Tired of spending every single day doing something he hated.

He didn’t want to spend the next forty years chained to this place, ordering around guys twice his age who resented having to answer to someone as young as him. It wasn’t Tony’s fault his dad couldn’t run this place—or had at least convinced himself he couldn’t—and Tony had needed to step in.

All he wanted was a quiet, clean space where he could do his woodworking and not have to be in charge of anyone.

His thoughts flicked back to the time with Jude and Logan. They’d both messaged him this week, checking in to make sure he was okay. All three of them had spent hours every evening exchanging messages about nothing and everything and Tony was counting down the minutes until Saturday night.

Now, he shivered in the cold evening air as he walked from the house to the barn, craving the quiet solitude of his workshop. His belly was full of the spaghetti and salad he’d made for him and his dad, and aching from the disagreement they’d had at the kitchen table.

Tony had brought up the idea of spending the night at Jude’s on Saturday.

Mike had gone through his usual bullshit spiel of saying it was a waste of time. Tony had nodded and shoveled in food, tuning him out the best he could until he could stand it no longer.

“I’m going,” he’d snapped. “I already checked with Mary to make sure she can stop by. If you don’t want her to, then you’ve gotta let me hire a home health person.”

The conversation had turned messy as Mike called him selfish and Tony tried not to scream that he’d given and given and he just needed to stop giving for once in his goddamn life. He needed something for himself. Something pure and good and fun.

Now, Tony unlocked the workshop, his mood lifting as he thought about the fact that he was starting on a new project. A spanking bench. He’d made plenty of them before, but this was a custom order. He worked with a variety of different woods. Pine if people wanted a lighter, less expensive piece. Sometimes red or white oak for the midrange stuff. Cherry and maple prices weren’t too bad now, but walnut was through the roof at the moment.

This customer had really splurged and gone for figured black walnut, which Tony was itching to see in its finished form. After securing the door behind him, he strode over to the stacked-up lumber. Earlier this week, he’d cut the pieces to rough lengths and flattened the face of the board by running it across the jointer. Last night it had all been planed to ensure a constant thickness. Now, he ran his palm appreciatively across the surface. Still rough and dusty, but it would be silky smooth and gleaming by the time he was done.

All walnut was a rich, gorgeous chocolate color, but figuring was when the normally straight grain of the wood was rippled in curls or waves. After these pieces had been sanded and finished, they would be a rich, warm shade of deep brown with shimmering waves of visual texture. Hints of rust and gold gleaming through the glossy finish.

Walnut was one of Tony’s favorites to work with, especially for dungeon furniture. It had an excellent strength-to-weight ratio and shock resistance, and it never gave him trouble, unlike olivewood, which was gorgeous but a pain in the ass.

Tony slipped into his happy place as he fired up his compound miter saw and cut the boards to their final lengths. Time slipped away while he sanded the pieces and his mind wandered back to the night with Jude and Logan. He’d soaked up their praise that night, and it had reminded him that he deserved more from his life than the little scraps he allowed himself. They’d reminded him how good life could be when he did what he loved, not just what was expected of him.

Tony’s chest filled with an ache for more, and he stilled as he stared across the bench at the pegboard with tools.

He was tired of telling himself he was going to do something to change his life. He didn’t know how to change it, not yet, but the first stirring of determination blossomed. He couldn’t keep putting it off. He didn’t want to wind up a bitter, resentful man like his father.

He wanted to live his life doing something he loved. He wanted to be unapologetic about who he was. He winced as he thought about the fact that his woodworking business wasn’t even in his own name.

Maybe that was one place to start. Maybe his first step should be telling the world that Joseph Lynch was actually Tony Christensen.

* * *

“I can’t wait any longer.” There was a bit of a whine in Jude’s voice and Tony stifled a chuckle as he dried the dishes, phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear.

“It’s already Wednesday,” Logan said. “That’s only a few more days, Jude.”

They were having a three-way phone conversation. Jude and Logan had called him from the construction site, and Jude was whining about how long it would be until they got together on Saturday.

“Three days is foreverrr.”

“Did you know he was such a brat?” Logan asked, amusement lacing his tone.

“I suspected,” Tony said with a smile. He set the plate on the counter.

“Hey, you’re supposed to be on my side, Tony!”

“Sorry.” He wasn’t really sorry though. This was fun. They were fun. They made him laugh and feel like life was something other than drudgery. “Anyway, did you just call to say you were looking forward to Saturday?”

“No, I called because I want to talk you two into coming over tonight. I have a desperate need to bury my tongue in your asshole.”

“Oh.” A wet plate nearly slipped from Tony’s fingers, and he shakily placed it back in the drainer and dried his hands.

“I know it’s hard for you to get away, Tony, but if you can make it work, I promise I will make it worth your while.” There was a purring note to Jude’s voice.

Tony had the spanking bench he needed to work on. A house he should clean. Paperwork to do. But he wanted this. Wanted his life to be like this, spontaneous and sexy and fun.

“Are you on board with this, Logan?” Tony asked, amused and turned on in a way he’d never experienced before.

He chuckled. “I could be persuaded.”

“Yes! See, c’mon, Tony, please?”

“Fine, fine,” he said with a laugh. “I’ll make it work. Give me an hour?”

“Ugh fine. If you don’t hurry up, though, Logan and I will start without you.”

“We will not,” Logan said firmly. “Tony, please don’t rush. Get here safely whenever you’re able. I’ll keep Jude in line until you arrive.”

Jude’s noise of outrage made Tony smile. He was still smiling as he hung up and hastily finished cleaning the kitchen, then made sure his father had taken his evening meds.

He flew up the stairs and showered as fast as he could, though he paid particular attention to his ass. Just in case Jude did what he’d promised.

“Going out for a bit. Call me if you need anything!” Tony called as he dashed past the living room and reached for his keys on the hook by the front door.

His father grumbled something in response as Tony pulled the door tightly behind him. He let out a breath of relief as he started the truck and saw the time on the clock. He was doing okay.

He remembered Logan’s words, reminding him not to rush and to be safe, so he drove as slowly and carefully as he could manage with excitement urging him forward.

Jude answered the door, a barely contained ball of excitement, and Logan’s greeting was a little more restrained but no less warm and welcoming.

Twenty minutes later, Tony stood naked in Jude’s bedroom. Jude was naked too. So long and lean and elegant. He made Tony feel giant and hulking, and he much preferred Jude’s smooth golden lines.

Logan was still dressed in a pair of jeans that molded to his thighs and a snug black T-shirt. He crossed his arms over his chest, and Tony’s heart sped up. Oh yeah, fuck the project he needed to do out in the workshop. The house cleaning. The business paperwork. Fuck all of it.

He had two handsome men who wanted him. He was going to enjoy every last second of that.

Logan cleared his throat. “What I want from you tonight is for you two to edge each other. I’m going to help by using vibrating plugs on you both. Bend over the bed and hold your cheeks apart so I can take a look at you.”

Tony gulped and did as ordered. He glanced over at Jude, who shot him a little wink.

Logan let out a small appreciative sigh. “Oh my, what a view that is. Two perfect asses for me to play with. How did I ever get so lucky?”

Tony’s face went warm at Logan’s words and the feel of his slightly rough hand, caressing his skin.

“What you don’t know about me yet is that I enjoy watching. So, we’ll begin with the two of you putting on a nice show for me. Get on the bed, head facing the other’s feet.”

Tony scrambled to obey and a few moments later, felt Jude settle on the bed beside him.

Logan set down a bottle of lube and two vibrators, then reached for the chair that he’d brought in from the dining room. He took a seat on it, self-satisfaction radiating from every pore as he looked them over.

“It’s up to you how you want to do this, but the rules for both of you are the same. Lube the other up, slip the toy in, then suck each other’s cocks until I tell you to stop. Neither of you are allowed to come.”

Tony gulped, and he wasn’t surprised when Jude immediately pushed him onto his side and dove between his legs. Tony gasped at the soft, wet drag of Jude’s tongue against his balls. He teased the smooth skin behind, then lapped at his hole.

“Better get to it, Tony,” Logan said, and Tony snapped to attention.

He parted Jude’s legs, hooking one over his head, and circled Jude’s entrance with his tongue.

“Mmm, that’s the kind of enthusiasm I love to see. Did I mention that whoever gets the other closest to orgasm will get a reward?” Logan said in a teasing voice. “The winner will get my cum all over his face.”

That image made Tony work even harder. He used his spit-slicked tongue to tease Jude’s hole, fluttering against it, circling it, doing everything in his power to make Jude groan. The sensation of Jude’s clever tongue working at Tony’s entrance was dim in comparison to Tony’s desire to please Jude and Logan.

He flattened his tongue and dragged it between Jude’s cheeks, then made it into a firm point to drive inside him. Jude let out a muffled sound, and a moment later, Jude pushed a slick finger into Tony’s ass. Tony gasped, head swimming as his nose filled with the scent of Jude’s body. Clean and soapy and musky all at once.

Tony worked harder, spearing his tongue inside Jude before gripping his cheeks and eating him out. He made love to Jude’s hole until his world narrowed to the soft press of Jude’s balls against his chin and the rhythmic contractions of his thighs on either side of Tony’s head.

The slick press of two fingers inside him and the slow, delicious slide against his prostate made him grunt and work harder, determined not to let Jude distract him.

“Mmm, yes.” The pleased rumble of Logan’s voice made Tony go warm, and he wondered if Logan was hard.

And then Jude’s fingers slid free and Tony felt the hard press of the toy against his hole. Jude pushed in a little, then eased out, again and again. The flutter of Jude’s tongue on his balls made Tony gasp, and Jude pressed steadily in until the widest part slipped past his tight ring and was seated deep.

Tony lifted his head and fumbled for the lube and toy even as his body trembled with little shocks of pleasure. He nearly dropped the bottle as Jude took his cock into his mouth, warm and wet.

It was almost too much, and he gritted his teeth to keep from coming as he slicked his fingers and toyed with Jude’s entrance, drawing a low strangled groan from his lips. Tony took Jude in his mouth, nearly choking when he immediately went deep.

Tony worked the toy into Jude’s ass while fluttering his tongue against Jude’s cock, but that only made Jude work harder too, dragging and twisting the toy in and out of Tony. Both vibrators began to buzz then, one against his fingertips, the other deep inside him.

Tony’s head swam and he shuddered, his whole body going tight as he fought back the waves of orgasm threatening to crash over him.

“Mmm, fuck, you two are gorgeous.” Logan’s breathing was quick and strained, even from a few feet away, and Tony felt an ache to reach out to touch him too. “Keep going.”

They kept going.

They went on and on until Tony’s body was slick with sweat and his jaw ached and the fire in his belly made him tremble. Jude didn’t appear to be doing any better and at one point he pulled away to rest his head on Tony’s thigh and pant.

“Up, now,” Logan barked, and they sprang apart. As Tony rose to his feet, the toy shifted inside him and the air washed over the tip of his cock, cool enough to make the fire in his belly die back long enough for him to focus.

Logan sat on the chair, his hard cock pushing at the fly of his jeans and Tony had to force himself to remain still instead of dropping to his knees and begging to suck him.

“What good boys you are.” Logan smiled. “Tony won though. You had to take too long of a break, Jude.”

Jude grumbled, but Tony smiled back at Logan.

“I’m going to spank you both now. You use your safewords if you need to.”

Tony nodded and Jude did too. “Bend over and rest your arms on the dresser. Press up against each other so I can reach you both at the same time.”

Tony did as Logan instructed, and Jude got into position beside him. He smiled at Tony as he pressed their shoulders and hips together on the right.

Logan was to Tony’s left. The heat and pressure of his body was reassuring, and there was none of the anxiety he’d felt in the past. Just a calm sureness that Logan and Jude would take care of him.

Logan’s spanks were almost lazy at first. Slow taps that warmed his skin. He switched between the two of them, a few hits to one before moving to the other. With their bodies pressed so closely together, Tony could feel every jolt from Jude’s body. Every twinge and hiss.

After a while, Tony’s ass went hot and it really began to sting. He didn’t like that part, but he loved the sounds Logan made, low murmurs telling him how good he was. How he was taking everything so well.

That lit Tony up inside in a way nothing else did. He didn’t know why he had such a praise kink, but it made him glow every time. If he was pleasing a Dom, everything was right in his world.

He felt Logan run a hand along his back. “How are you doing, my sweet boy?”

“Okay,” Tony said with a gasp as Logan landed another stinging swat to the place where Tony’s hips and thighs met.


He grimaced, body trembling, and Logan rubbed his shoulder. “Just a little longer. You can take that for me, can’t you?”

“Yes,” Tony promised.

“And you, Jude, you are so hard right now. You must be aching to come.”

“Yes.” He groaned low and long.

“Good.” A flurry of hard, stinging slaps filled the air, making Jude’s body jolt with every hit.

Logan switched to Tony, the hits lighter and further apart, giving each of them what they needed most. Tony liked the connection of spanking, the way it brought him closer to the Dom he played with. Being asked to do something he didn’t like much to please someone else made him happy. But Jude needed the pain itself and Logan knew to give him that.

A few more rounds like that and Tony sank into his fuzzy, happy place. And then one last smack and the room went silent for a heartbeat or two.

The warm drag of Logan’s palm up and down Tony’s back pulled him back to reality, and he sighed and slumped against him.

“You both did so well for me.” Logan’s voice was a warm, rich purr in Tony’s ear, and his grip was tight. “I am so proud of you both. Especially you, Tony, taking all that pain for me.”

“Happy to,” he managed, the warm, happy glow filling him as he soaked in Logan’s words.

“And you, Jude, you desperately need to come, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Jude shivered. “Please.”

“Well, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen yet.”

Jude’s outraged noise made Logan chuckle.

“First, Tony, I want you to stand upright.”

He stood, head swimming, swaying a little. Logan steadied him.

“Open your eyes and look at me, sweet boy.”

Tony’s eyelids were heavy as he peeled them open, but he smiled when Logan came into focus.

“There you go. How are you feeling?”

“Good,” Tony said truthfully. “Happy.”

“I’m glad.” Logan cupped his cheek and rubbed his thumb across it affectionately. Tony leaned into the touch. “This next part is so easy. All I need you to do is stand here and take all the pleasure we give you. You were such a good boy, I want to reward you, okay?”


“Jude, fetch me the lube, then kneel behind Tony.”

Jude did it without a word, and a moment later, settled into position.

Logan slicked his hand and wrapped it around Tony’s cock. He was only half-hard. Unlike Jude, pain made Tony go soft. But the slick, tight pressure of Logan’s hand made his shaft begin to rise again.

“Mmm, yes, just let yourself enjoy this,” Logan purred. He still had his hand around the back of Tony’s head and that made Tony feel anchored. “Now Jude, I want you to eat his ass. Do better than you did last time. Focus all your attention on Tony. Show him what a good boy he was for us tonight.”

The vibration stopped as Jude parted Tony’s cheeks, and Tony gasped when he worked the plug free. With a swipe of a damp cloth, the lube was gone. The warm, slick touch of Jude’s tongue made Tony shiver with pleasure. Combined with Logan stroking him, it didn’t take long for Tony’s dick to be so hard it ached and he trembled helplessly against Logan.

“Does that feel good, sweet boy? Mmm, I’m glad. I want you to feel so good. I want to take care of you.” He pressed their foreheads together. “Come whenever you’re ready.”

For a few moments, the air was filled with Tony’s panting, the slick sounds of lube on skin, and the wet noises Jude made with his mouth. Sensation zinged through Tony, the stimulation of both his dick and ass sending little sparks through his body and settling low in his groin. He let out a little gasp as his balls drew up tight.

“Just like that,” Logan coaxed, their mouths so close together they could have kissed.

Tony trembled as Logan twisted his hand, concentrating on the head of his cock, and Tony could no longer hold back. Several slick, hard strokes and the feel of Jude spearing his tongue deep into his ass made him cry out, shaking as pleasure erupted out of him, spilling from his cock and into Logan’s palm.

They kept working Tony over until he was trembling non-stop and tears spilled down his cheeks. He let out a broken whimper and Logan pulled their bodies tightly together, sheltering him. “Stop, Jude. That’s enough. Clean off my hand, then let’s help Tony come down, okay?”

Logan tucked Tony’s head against his neck and stroked his hair. Tony shuddered against him, his eyes still wet, emotion flowing out of him without stopping. He felt overwhelmed, in the best of ways, and all he could do was burrow close and hang on to the back of Logan’s shirt. He breathed in his scent and felt the brush of Logan’s lips against his hair. “Shh, you’re okay, sweet boy, you’re okay. I’ve got you.”

Jude pressed against Tony’s back, murmuring soft soothing nonsense as he rubbed his hands up and down Tony’s arms and plastered his chest against Tony’s back. Tony had never felt like this before, never felt so warm and surrounded and cared for. Like he could just … let go.

They stood there for the longest time until the tears slowed, and Tony had stopped shaking.

“Thank you,” he whispered, pressing his lips to the side of Logan’s neck.

“Thank you. You did so well tonight. Are you ready for your reward?”

Tony lifted his head and looked at Logan, dazed. His reward? Hadn’t he already … his eyes widened as he remembered Logan’s earlier words. “Yes, please.”

Logan smiled and gave him a little kiss.

“On your knees, sweet boy.”

Jude stepped back and Tony sank to his knees. He gratefully rubbed his cheek against Logan’s cock, not minding the stiffness of the fabric of the pants he still wore, only the fact that he couldn’t feel the heat of Logan’s skin.

“So eager, aren’t you?” Logan asked teasingly.

“Yes.” Tony licked his lips.

“While Tony gets me off, I want you to do two things for me, Jude. Watch Tony and instruct him how to please me as you jerk yourself off. If you do very well, I’ll allow you to come. On Tony, if he’d like that.”

He nodded eagerly. “Please.”

Logan smiled affectionately down at him. “Then you’d both best get to it. I am very hard right now.” Tony settled back on his heels and reached for Logan’s fly with shaking fingers. He undid the jeans and eased them down over the jut of Logan’s erection until they were around his muscular thighs. His cock was so beautiful, just the right size, and Tony’s mouth watered.

Jude brushed his fingertips across Tony’s hair. “Lick him first. Tease the crown with your tongue and show him what a good cocksucker you are.” There was a firmness in Jude’s voice and Tony marveled at how he could be so submissive and so dominant in the same scene. In almost the same moment. He was directing Tony all while answering to Logan.

Tony tipped his chin up and reached for Logan’s cock. He lapped at the sticky head, sucking a little more of the liquid from the tip. Logan let out a desperate groan. He’d been hard for a long time, but had clearly pushed that to the edge of his awareness to take care of Tony and Jude. Appreciative, Tony licked his way along the shaft, back and forth, stopping only to worship the head, sliding his tongue along the ridge, thrilling at the little groans that escaped Logan’s lips and his heavy, possessive touch as he ran his hands across Tony’s hair.

Tony felt half-drunk again, this time on Logan’s pleasure rather than his own.

“Take him in your mouth,” Jude said huskily. The air filled with the wet sounds of him stroking himself, and Jude hissed. “Fuck. Take him in as far as you can go. Show him the way you deepthroat, darling.”

So Tony did, pulling in a huge breath and opening wider. There was a momentary flash of fear as he choked but he forced himself to keep going. He took Logan into his throat, breath held, running his tongue along the underside of the shaft until the rhythm of his breathing settled and his mind grew peaceful again.

Logan tightened his grip on Tony’s skull. “Oh, Tony. Fuck, I …”

“Suck him,” Jude said harshly. “Suck him hard. Messy. I want you to drool while you fuck your mouth over him.”

Gasping, Tony pulled back, then plunged down again. Spit ran down his chin as he suctioned hard, creating a warm tunnel with his mouth, the sounds wet and obscene.

“Not much longer,” Logan said. His voice was strained, and he gripped Tony’s head so tightly. “I’m going to fuck your face for a moment. You let me know if it’s too much.”

Tony nodded the best he could and tipped his head back a little.

“You’re going to take Logan’s cock, Tony, you hear me?” Jude said. His voice was a little strained. “You’re going to be the perfect little sub and let him take his pleasure in you. You’re going to make him come so hard because you’re such a good boy.”

Logan plunged in and Tony gave himself over to the feel of being used, becoming nothing more than a vessel for Logan’s pleasure. The grip of his hands, hard on Tony’s skull, was so perfect, the weight of his cock on Tony’s tongue was exactly what he needed. Tony on his knees, being what he was always meant to be, was so right that his spent cock twitched.

“Are you close, Jude?” Logan’s voice was strained too and he let out harsh, gasping breaths that mingled with the sloppy wet noises of Tony’s sucking mouth and Jude’s slick hand.

“Yes.” Jude groaned. “Oh fuck, right on the edge.”

“Come on Tony’s face,” Logan barked.

He pulled back and Tony mourned the loss of him in his mouth. But Jude stepped closer, both of them stroking their cocks, aiming them at Tony’s face. He closed his eyes and parted his lips, waiting submissively for his reward.

“Look at how good he is,” Logan said. “So obedient.”

The first splash of his cum hit Tony’s cheek, followed by another shot at his lips, and he smiled. It was warm as it hit his cheeks, sliding down his face and dripping onto his chest. Jude and Logan both let out little gasps and groans, desperate pleasured sounds that made Tony light up inside, and his smile widen. He resisted the urge to lick his lips.

The spurts slowed then stopped and there were two heavy exhalations of contentment. Logan’s fingers brushed his cheek. “Open your eyes, sweet boy.”

Tony blinked them open and saw Logan and Jude staring down at him, expressions warm and content. Their cocks were spent, and their chests heaved with exertion. They were both sheened with sweat, and with the overhead light haloing their heads, they looked so powerful and godly it made Tony want to kneel all over again. To worship at their altar.

“You did so well.” Jude caressed his head.

Logan pushed his fingers into Tony’s mouth, and he happily sucked the cum from them. “Thank you,” he murmured as he drew back.

“No, thank you both,” Logan said with a contented-sounding sigh and a soft smile. “Thank you for being utterly perfect. Both of you. You are both amazing.”

He pulled Tony to his feet. He staggered a little, and Logan wrapped his arms around him and pulled Jude in too. They stood there a few minutes, breathing together, nuzzling close, and Tony had never felt happier or more content in his life.