Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


When the elevator doors opened, Logan strode into the lobby of the Park Hotel. The dark-haired man standing near the seating area looking at his phone was a welcome sight and Logan picked up his pace.

“Archie Shaw,” he said as he approached, and his son glanced up with a smile.

“Hey, Dad.”

They embraced and Logan pulled back, examining Archie’s face. “I’m glad to see you, but you look like hell.” Logan scanned his son with a critical eye. “Are you getting any sleep these days?”

“No. I’m a surgeon who works at one of the busiest Level I trauma centers in Chicago. What do you expect?” His laugh was rueful, but his eyes lit up like they always did. Exhausted or not, Archie loved his job.

“You probably aren’t eating well either,” Logan gently chided him. “Come on, let’s get some good food in you tonight at least.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

They crossed the lobby of the boutique hotel, heading toward the restaurant. “I’m always surprised you stay here,” Archie said with a little shake of his head as they passed the check-in desk.

“Why? Because it’s too young and hip for me?” Logan teased.

“Well, I wasn’t going to say it …” Archie’s grin was cheeky.

Logan smiled at the banter with his son. The Park Hotel was a fun, eclectic place. He’d been drawn in by its location initially, in Lincoln Park, and not far from where he conducted business. He’d liked the proximity to the lake, where he could go jogging in the morning, and the warm, friendly vibe of the hotel. There was a great manager named Ricky Chavez too, who had gone out of his way to help Logan whenever he needed it.

Plus, the restaurant was amazing, at least by Logan’s standards. He wasn’t sure how Jude would feel about it. He did have a sudden urge to invite Jude and Tony here to check the place out. Spending a weekend together in Chicago would be so much fun. There was a kink club he’d been to once that he’d love to take them both to.

Logan had made reservations, so he and Archie were seated at the restaurant right away. They made small-talk while they waited for their starters and drinks. After the waiter delivered them, Archie gave him an appraising look.

“Seriously though, what’s new with you, Dad?” Archie took a sip of his drink. “You look great right now.”

Logan gave him a wry look. “Ouch. Apparently, I usually look terrible enough that you notice a difference.”

“No, come on,” Archie said with a laugh. “I didn’t mean it like that. Only that you seem different. Happier? There’s something … I just can’t put my finger on it.”

Logan shrugged. “I took a little break from the usual work to get my hands dirty with a project in Pendleton Bay.” He took a sip of his red wine.

“Oh cool. That’s a nice little town.”

“It is,” Logan agreed.

“So, tell me about this project.”

“You remember Jude Maddox?” Logan’s heart kicked up just thinking about him.

“Of course,” Archie scoffed. “Haven’t spoken to him in a long while, but I really should reach out. He’s a great guy.”

“Well, he’s renovating an old storefront and turning it into a restaurant in Pendleton.”

“Huh. Cool. You’re doing the reno then?”

“I am,” Logan said. He explained how he’d come to take the job and Archie nodded.

Very cool. Is that really what’s making you so happy though?” He gave Logan a skeptical glance. “I know you like doing hands-on work, but that hardly explains the smile that’s been on your face since we sat down.”

“Maybe I’m just happy to see my son,” Logan teased.

“Mmm.” Archie clearly wasn’t convinced.

Logan sighed. “Okay. Can I tell you something that I’d prefer if you didn’t share with anyone else?”

“Of course.” Archie’s expression grew concerned.

“I’ve been seeing”—he took a deep breath—“two people recently. And I don’t mean I’ve been playing the field. We’re all involved together.”


“Uh, I wouldn’t say there’s a lot of romance going on but …”

Archie’s eyebrows rose. “Right. So, you’re a swinger now?”

Logan chuckled. “Not exactly.”

“So, you’re just hooking up with this married couple or …”

“No, they’re not married.”

Archie rubbed his head. “Look, I don’t want details, Dad, but if you want to talk about it with me you’ve got to give me something here. I am really not sure what you have going on.”

“Right.” Logan took another fortifying sip of his drink. He should have gotten something stronger than wine. “Okay, so shortly after I got to Pendleton, I logged into an … app, and I met this man. We were talking about uh, meeting up when he suggested that a guy he’d been involved with previously could join us. We all clicked and the three of us have been seeing one another since.”

Archie’s eyebrows were somewhere up around his hairline. “Wow. Okay. Not what I expected but … you’re clearly happy.”

“I am,” Logan admitted. “It’s been a lot more fulfilling than I expected. They … they allow me to be the man I’d like to be.”

That was about as close as Logan was going to be able to get to explaining how he felt as a Dom without scarring both himself and his son for life.

“Well, that’s great.” Archie’s smile was genuine. “Unconventional, for sure, but if you’re happy …”

“I am happy.” Logan sighed, feeling a bit deflated. “I’m starting to realize though that this has an end date. When I finish the restaurant and leave town …”

“Does that have to be the end?”

Logan considered the idea. “I suppose not. We could maybe make the long-distance thing work for a while. But I think ultimately, we’re all looking for a relationship. Something more concrete than what this is.”

“Well …” Archie spread his hands wide.

“Well, what?”

“Jesus, are you getting dense in your old age or what?” Archie shook his head. “So, see if these guys are interested in making what you have concrete.”

“Well maybe,” Logan said slowly. “I just—”

The waiter arrived with their starters and Logan contemplated the idea further as he took a bite of the grilled asparagus with crispy prosciutto.

Logan wasn’t unaware of polyamorous triads, but he’d never seriously considered the idea of one for himself. He’d kept this situation with Jude and Tony so compartmentalized in his head he’d never contemplated the idea that they could keep seeing one another and make a lasting commitment. Plus, he’d been so wrapped up in conventionality he’d never considered what it could look like if they went for something less traditional. Archie made a valid point though.

“Do you want a relationship with them?” Archie asked, spearing a Moroccan lamb meatball.

“I don’t know,” Logan admitted. “I do care about them both. They make me feel lighter. More balanced.”

“Those are good things.”

“I feel more like myself when we’re all together.” Or, perhaps, the person he’d always longed to be.

“I feel that way with Jane.”

Logan smiled at the thought of his daughter-in-law. “I see that whenever you’re together.”

“Then it seems simple to me,” Archie said with a little shrug. “I mean, as long as your guys want that too.”

Would they? Logan wasn’t really sure. He knew Jude wanted a relationship. Something long-term. He’d talked about how much he missed what he had with Donovan, even if that hadn’t been quite right. Tony seemed in search of something too.

Maybe …

But hell would rain down on them from Jackson Maddox if they went public with it. Logan winced. “I don’t know. Dealing with people’s reactions is going to be a nightmare.”

Archie shrugged. “I mean, sure, some people will probably get weird about a polyamorous relationship, but do you really think it’ll be a huge deal for your business?”

“No. The business is doing well enough that I can withstand … whatever happens with that. And you’re fully grown, so I don’t have to worry about repercussions there.” These were all arguments he’d used toward the general idea of coming out as kinky when he’d talked to the guys last week. But coming out as part of a kinky triad relationship with Jude and Tony was something Logan hadn’t considered until now.

“If someone you know has an issue with you over this, they’re not really a friend you want to have around anyway.”

“True.” Logan grimaced.

Was Jackson a good enough friend to let this go? Even more importantly, was Logan willing to strain Jude and Jackson’s already rocky relationship further? Though, Logan supposed, that was Jude’s choice to make. And that was all assuming Jude and Tony wanted to get serious with a man literally old enough to be their father. Sex was one thing, but a committed relationship was quite another. He really had no idea if either of them was interested.

“They’re both quite a bit younger than I am,” Logan admitted.

Archie raised an eyebrow. “How much younger is younger?”

“One is about your age; the other is in his late twenties.”

He winced. “Okay, that is definitely an age gap.”

“Do you have an issue with it?”

“It’ll take me a minute to get used to the idea but I don’t really figure it’s my call.” Archie shrugged. “Besides, it would be ridiculous for me to get hung up on that when you’re telling me you’ve never been happier.”

Logan swallowed past the lump in his throat and reached out to touch his son’s forearm. “God, how’d you get to be so great?”

Archie shrugged. “Runs in the family or something. So … any more arguments you need me to tear apart or are you going to go for it?”

“I’m considering it,” Logan said with a little laugh. “Like I said earlier, this is all assuming they want this too.”

“Do you have any reason to think they don’t?”

He paused. “No,” he admitted.

“Well …” Archie gave him the exact same look Logan used to give him as a kid when he wasn’t picking up on what Logan was trying to get across to him. “You won’t know unless you ask.”

“Seriously, when did you get so wise?”

Archie smiled brightly. “Seriously, you and Mom were great examples.”

Logan changed the subject, and they spent the rest of the evening talking about Archie’s life. How his work was doing, how things were going with Jane. Logan promised to visit for a little longer next time so he could see them both.

At the end of the evening, after they left the restaurant, Logan hugged his son.

“Thank you again,” he said through the lump in his throat. “You have no idea how much I appreciate you listening without judgment when I told you about the men I’m seeing. It means the world to me.”

“Of course.” Archie’s smile was wide and easy. “You’ve been nothing but supportive of me and my dreams. If these guys make you happy, that’s all that matters to me. Hopefully, one day I’ll get to meet them.”

Oh, you’ve met one already.Logan suppressed a wince.

He wasn’t quite ready to fess up to who it was he’d fallen for. Odds were, Archie would still support him even after he found out about Jude. But there was also no point in crossing that bridge until they got to it.

* * *

On the elevator ride up, Logan considered everything he and Archie had discussed. By the time he reached his floor, he had a plan. And it didn’t involve staying in Chicago for another night.

In his room, he tapped out a message to the group chat he had with the guys. Decided not to stay in Chicago. Going to drive back to Pendleton tonight. I should get in around eleven if weather and traffic cooperate. I don’t want to intrude on the time you two have together, but I’d love to see you both tonight if you’ll have me.

There was no response. Logan tried not to let it sting, knowing they were probably enjoying their evening together. They were undoubtedly in bed. Logan’s cock stirred at the beautiful images that conjured up as he hastily packed his belongings. After a quick scan of the room assured him he hadn’t forgotten anything, he was out the door.

In the lobby, he explained to the clerk that he wanted to check out early.

“Was everything in your room to your satisfaction, sir?” The young woman’s expression grew concerned.

“Yes.” Logan smiled. “I just want to go home.”

Home. Funny, he hadn’t realized he’d begun to think of Pendleton that way, but it did feel more like home than Fort Benton had in a long time. Once Archie had moved out and he and Ann had split, he’d stopped feeling like he had any ties to it.

Now, he had ties to two people in Pendleton.

Logan paid his bill, retrieved his car from valet, and within half an hour, he was on the outskirts of Chicago and heading back to the small town that had grown on him so much. And the men who lived there.

Still no word from either of them, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it. At worst, he’d head back to his apartment, sleep there, and hopefully be able to see the two of them tomorrow.

Archie was right. He really did need to discuss this with them. It had been fast. Incredibly fast, if he was being honest with himself. Was it really plausible that he had life-altering feelings for two men he’d only known for about a month?

But there was no denying his feelings for both of them. Something he hadn’t experienced since he’d been with Ann. More, really, since there was the added layer of kink and the rightness of finally being able to step into the role of Dominant. Improbable or not, Logan was falling for them both. He needed to be sure they were all on the same page before it got messy.

The two-and-a-half-hour drive back to Michigan was boring, but Logan was grateful. He’d had a few of those trips that were a little too exciting when storms swept through. To his pleasure, Jude and Tony texted just as he crossed the border into Michigan and headed north on Blue Star Highway.

Jude: Pffft. Of course we want you.

Tony: How soon can you get here?

Logan smiled and used voice to text to send a reply back.ETA: 11:19 PM

Jude: We’ll be naked and waiting …

The thought of seeing them both soon made Logan press his foot a little harder against the gas pedal and he shaved about ten minutes off the drive. He parked, grabbed his bags, and sent a text as he strode across the parking lot of Jude’s complex.

Logan: Here.

Jude: Door’s unlocked. Come straight in, if you please.

Oh, yes, it pleased Logan. It pleased him even more that as he toed off his shoes, he heard the low murmur of Jude’s and Tony’s voices coming from the bedroom. He followed the sound to find them as promised, naked.

Very naked. And very well positioned. On their knees, hands behind their backs. Perfectly obedient and submissive for him, though of course Jude had undoubtedly directed the scene, which only made it better.

The sight of them did something to Logan, and he had to swallow past the lump in his throat as he looked at their familiar faces and saw their eager, happy expressions.

He cupped the sides of their faces in his hands and had the overwhelming urge to murmur, ‘my boys.’ They were his boys though, or at least that was what he desperately hoped they would be.

Fuck what Jackson thought. Fuck everyone else. If Jude and Tony wanted him, he’d do whatever it took to keep them.

But now was not the time for that conversation. Not when two beautiful naked men were eager for him to take charge.

“Stand,” Logan said roughly. “And kiss me.”

They scrambled to their feet to obey him. Logan dove in, gripping Jude’s hair hard as he licked between his lips and plundered his mouth. He switched to Tony a moment later, kissing him with the same ferocity but a little more gentleness.

“On the bed,” he rasped a few minutes later. Tony looked dazed and Jude’s lips were kiss swollen. “On your back, Tony. I want Jude to suck you while I fuck him.”

They scrambled to obey, and Logan’s chest felt very full as he stripped off his clothes, then settled on the bed behind Jude. Logan rolled on a condom and slicked himself. He reached for the bottle again, intending to use some of it to open Jude up, but Jude stopped him.

“Sir?” Jude rasped.

Logan stilled, heart beating fast as he shakily replied, “Yes?”

“No prep, please. I want it to hurt. I need to feel you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” His hands were shaking too as he wrapped a hand around Jude’s hip and used the other to position himself at Jude’s entrance. He wondered if Jude knew what he’d just called him. If he meant it. If it meant as much to him as it did to Logan.

He sank inside, closing his eyes at the tight grip of Jude’s body, the pleasure so intense it made him lightheaded. His fingertips bit into Jude’s hip as he rocked into him. The universe narrowed to the two men on the bed with him, and he suddenly regretted that he couldn’t touch and kiss Tony right now.

“Change of plans,” he said roughly. “On your sides. Jude, Tony, I want you two to rub off on each other while I fuck Jude.”

It was a blur of rough kisses and wandering, desperate hands after that. Their cheeks brushing Jude’s, Logan and Tony kissed for a while. Jude hooked his thigh over Tony’s as they rubbed together.

Logan licked and bit at Jude’s neck while he fucked him, making him groan. He was overwhelmed by the feelings inside him, by the need for connection, and after a while, he stilled and hoarsely ordered them to switch.

He put Tony between them, facing him, while Jude put a condom on. He kissed Tony while Jude eased inside him, and once he began to move, Logan put a hand on Jude’s hip, guiding his thrusts. Trapped between his belly and Tony’s, Logan’s cock was hard and leaking. But his fervor was driven more by his desire to be closer to them both than a need to come.

This wasn’t even about kink or what their roles were at the moment, but about connection and emotion. None of them spoke much, their focus on touch and taste. Logan kissed Tony deeply while Jude licked at his neck, and he ran an affectionate hand along Jude’s head, threading his fingers through his silky hair.

“So close,” Jude rasped, and Logan dug his fingers in, pulling Jude’s hair and giving him that flash of pain he needed as Logan pressed his forehead against Tony’s.

“Come when you’re ready,” he managed. “I’ll be right behind you.”

A few more frantic thrusts and Tony came low and long, spurting between their bellies, panting breaths mingling with Logan’s, grinding his hips against Tony’s, almost there. Jude’s orgasm hit, and his long moan filled the room. Logan kept his grip on his hair, needing to feel the connection that threaded between all three of them as he released too, shuddering and shaking, his head swimming with the force of it.

They lay intertwined, bodies quivering with little aftershocks, touching and tasting one another while they came down from the peak of their orgasms. Logan wanted to speak, wanted to tell them what he felt, what he wanted, what kind of future he saw with them if only they wanted it too, but he couldn’t quite form the words.

Jude eventually got up to dispose of his condom and get them all something to mop up with and the urge faded in favor of cleanup.

After, Logan lay on the bed between them, lazily kissing them both, then watching the two of them kiss while he stroked his fingertips up and down their backs, and felt a sharp surge of affection for them both. No, more than affection.

He would have to find a time to discuss the future with the two of them. There was something here that was so good it made him wonder how he’d gone his whole life without it. Better late than never, but he couldn’t stand the thought of going without again. He gathered them close, letting them nestle in until their heads rested on his shoulders, and knew that he wanted more of this. For as long as they’d have him.

“My boys.”

He didn’t even realize he’d whispered the words aloud until Tony let out a pleased little sound and cuddled closer and Jude sighed and pressed a kiss to his chest.

Logan closed his eyes and let sleep take him away.