Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


Almost two weeks passed before they were all able to get together again. Jude was ready to climb the walls.

He and Logan had been going nonstop with the restaurant reno, and Tony was up to his eyeballs working on the bar design and getting the business plans together

“That’s it,” Logan said on Friday morning when Tony stopped by the restaurant site to take some more measurements and have them review the sketches he’d done. “I need to see you two tonight.”

Jude’s sigh was heartfelt. “I’m in.”

Tony nodded. “I’ll make it work.”

“My place, I assume?” Jude asked.

“Yes.” Logan looked at him. “If you’ll have us.”

Jude scoffed. “You two are always welcome there. You don’t even need to ask.”

Logan looked between them. “I have an idea I want to run by you both.”

They both nodded.

“Tony, if you’re ready for it, I want to try binding you tonight.”

Tony’s eyes widened and he was silent a moment before he nodded. “Okay. I trust you.”

Logan’s smile was brilliant, and he leaned in and kissed Tony’s forehead.

“Are you ready to try the whip?” Jude asked.

“I am,” Logan said. “But only if Tony’s up for it.”

“Yes.” Tony nodded. “I probably won’t be able to take it for long but …”

“No, that’s fine. Jude can show me how to wield it and you can be my test subject, Tony.” Logan’s eyes danced.

“Sounds good to me,” Jude said with a smile. He leaned in to kiss them both but the sound of voices out on the sidewalk made him draw back. Workmen, presumably.

“I’ve gotta get back to work anyway,” Tony said as the crew came streaming in the door.

“Seven o’clock?”

“Works for me!” Tony left with a little wave.

Jude got caught up in the chaos of work. They’d finished the epoxy flooring system earlier this week. Yesterday they’d begun installing the kitchen plumbing, and would work on the ovens and extraction hoods today. Jude was over-the-moon excited to see it actually coming together. He had spent weeks tweaking the layout with the original architect, coming up with one that was just right.

The space was compact, a tighter fit than the kitchen at Plated, but it would be all his.

It would be a semi-open kitchen that diners could see into, and he could picture himself conducting the symphony of the kitchen, making sure everything ran smoothly.

“You’re happy,” Logan said softly.

Jude turned to look at him. “I am. This place is coming together. Things with you and Tony are good …” He murmured the last part but the crew was busy getting set up for the day and paying the two of them no attention.

“They are,” Logan said. “You don’t mind the plan for tonight, do you? I’ll be a little more focused on Tony but—”

“No, it’s fine,” Jude said hastily. “I want to see him get over this fear as much as you do.”

“Good.” Logan patted his shoulder, his palm warm through Jude’s shirt. “Now, let’s get to work.”

* * *

Jude sighed contentedly as he scrubbed his hair, the foamy bubbles cascading down his back in the steamy shower.

The kitchen install had gone well. The gas range, flat top grille, and hoods had been installed, along with the walk-in cooler. Prep tables would come in on Monday and there were floor mats on order. All the other supplies—like pans and utensils and baking trays—would be arriving in a few weeks.

Jude was working his way through the list of hires—he had a sous chef lined up already—and prep cook and dishwasher positions were being filled. He’d hired a front of house manager as well and in January they’d begin interviewing servers and start training.

The closer they got to the deadlines Jude had set, the more excited and anxious he got.

Now, he gave his hair a final rinse, then flipped off the water in the shower. He reached for a soft towel as he thought about the night to come.

Logan and Tony were on their way over and Jude needed to turn off work-brain for the evening. Not that it would be difficult once he saw the guys …

Jude had just dressed—probably pointless, but with his luck he’d answer the door naked and horrify a delivery person or his father or something—when his phone vibrated on his dresser.

He assumed it was Logan or Tony and was surprised when he saw Preston’s name flash on the screen.

“What’s up?” he answered. “You never call me.”

Preston let out a choked little sound. “I am in deep shit, Jude.”

“What kind of deep shit?” Jude asked, curious. “Like you just murdered a hooker and need help hiding the body or …”

“Almost that bad.”

“Dude, talk to me, Preston.” Jude knew it was kind of cheating but he used his Dom voice because Preston, as a submissive, would respond to it.

Preston inhaled sharply. “The press caught me at a kink club in L.A. Someone snuck in with a camera and got pictures of me in the middle of a scene with a pro Dom.”

“Fuck.” Preston was closeted-ish. Bi but not open about it and so far he’d kept his kinky side hidden.

“Yeah. It went viral and now I’m holed up at my agent’s place and we’re trying to figure out a strategy for how to deal with it.”

“Oh hell, I’m sorry, Preston.” Jude hadn’t been on social media at all today or he would have seen it. “Okay, let me think.”

He pondered all the options before landing on one that made him brighten. “Can you make it back to Michigan without being followed?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“Well why don’t you come stay with your parents in Fort Benton?”

“That’s the first place they’ll look for me.”

“True.” Jude pondered the options. “I’d offer to let you stay with me but it’s a one-bedroom place. Besides, shacking up with a gay man who is involved with two other kinky men is probably not keeping a low profile.”

“Not so much.”

“Do you know anyone in the area still?”

“Just Blake.” There was tension in Preston’s voice.

“Ahh.” Blake was a mutual friend of theirs. They had all grown up together and there had been something between Blake and Preston, but they had refused to talk about it and Blake had gone on to marry a woman, then gotten divorced pretty quickly after. Jude had lost touch with him a while back but the last he knew, he was still around here.

“Am I that desperate?” Preston muttered.

“I don’t know,” Jude said with a laugh. “It kind of sounds like you are.”

“I just want to hide away and not show my face until some bigger scandal comes along.”

“Well, it’s Hollywood,” Jude said trying to be optimistic. “Scandals come along all the time.”

A knock on the door came and Jude walked toward it. “Look, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. If there’s anything I can do, let me know. And think about coming to Michigan if you need a place to hide out. I know things were awkward for a while, but I think if push came to shove, Blake would step up.”

“Ugh. I don’t know.”

“Well, think about it,” Jude said. “But I’m off to get kinky with my men.”

“I hate you a little bit,” Preston muttered.

“No, you don’t.” Jude blew a kiss into the phone. “Love you. Good luck.”

He hung up before he could answer, feeling a bit guilty but not wanting to make the guys wait outside. He answered the door to find Logan on the other side, carrying an overnight bag.

“You okay with me staying the night?” he asked as he shut the door behind him.

“Of course, I assumed you—” Jude’s words were cut off by Logan’s mouth on his.

Jude sighed against his lips and let himself sink into the kiss and touch, forgetting all about the call. “God, I needed this,” he said when he finally drew back.

“Me too.” Logan slid his hands down and cupped Jude’s ass.

“This week has been really good but …”

“You need a break.” Logan smoothed Jude’s hair off his forehead and Jude leaned into the touch.

“I do.”

“We can change the plans for tonight if you want.”

“No, no.” Jude waved off the suggestion. “Even if we’re focused on Tony, I’m not thinking about the restaurant, which is what I need, you know?”

“Sounds good. I figure after we get Tony accustomed to the restraint and the whip—and assuming everything goes well there—I can practice what I learn on you.”

“I like the sound of that,” Jude said with a smile.

“Just think of it as delayed gratification …”

“Mmm.” Jude smiled at that thought. “I can do that.”

“And if you do very well teaching me how to use the whip, you’ll get rewarded.”

“With being whipped?” Jude laughed.

“Oh, not just that. But yes. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be sleeping on your stomach for at least a couple of days.”

“Mmm, fuck yes,” Jude said. “I am here for this.”

Logan laughed and kissed him again. “I can feel that. You are hard as hell right now. Too bad Tony’s not here yet.”

“I know.” Jude frowned. “Where is he? He’s usually early.”

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Logan stepped back and Jude adjusted his hard-on before answering.

“There you are.” Jude blinked at the bag slung over one shoulder and another duffel—at least four or five feet in length, that Tony clutched in both hands. Jude stepped back to allow him in. “Are you moving in with me? I mean, I meant it when I said you were welcome to stay, but how long are you staying?”

Tony laughed and set the large bag on the floor with a relieved sigh, then shrugged out of his coat. He was rather red in the face.

“I brought you a present, Logan.” Tony’s grin was triumphant. He knelt on the floor and unzipped the bag, lifting out long pieces of wood.

Jude blinked. “Is that …”

“A modular St. Andrew’s Cross I designed.” Tony’s eyes sparkled.

It was cleverly made. It was designed to break down into four-foot pieces that could be transported in a large bag. It had rectangular cutouts, presumably to lighten the weight, because it was made from hardwood. Jude watched as Tony set it up, flipping out a sturdy-looking leg to create a tripod shape and securing the whole thing with solid metal bolts.

“You said this was for me?” Logan asked. “A loan or …”

“I ran across it today in the workshop. It was my prototype when I created this design and I want you to have it. Permanently.”

“That is gorgeous.” Logan’s eyes glowed as he looked at Tony. “I love it. Thank you. What do I owe you?”

Tony shook his head. “It’s a present. I don’t expect anything for it.”

Logan pulled Tony to his feet and into a hard kiss. “Thank you, my sweet boy.”

Tony glowed in his arms and Jude felt something odd twist inside him, another stirring of jealousy.

It was strange. He had never been like this with Donovan. When they’d played with other people, it had been clear that Jude and Donovan were a unit. Anyone else was only there for fun. But Jude cared about both Logan and Tony, and a strange uneasiness settled in his body, like they had something that he wasn’t invited into. Like he was the outsider. The feeling had been creeping up more and more. He knew he should say something soon—it wasn’t good to let these things fester.

But tonight wasn’t the time for that, so Jude brushed the uneasiness aside and gave Tony a smile. “You do amazing work.”

“Thank you.” Tony beamed.

“I think we should set the cross up in the open space here between the living and dining areas. What do you think?” Logan asked.

There was plenty of room to wield a whip there and Jude nodded. Tony lifted it with a grunt, then carried it to the spot they’d talked about. It had non-skid rubber pads on the floor to prevent it from sliding around. Tony had thought of everything. He really was talented as hell.

“I like it there. I should get one for myself to keep set up at all times.” Jude gestured grandly. “Welcome to my home. Feel free to grab drinks, snacks, or a turn on the cross.”

Logan chuckled. “You would.”

“Of course, it’ll be leaving when you leave, Logan, so I guess I’ll just have to order one from you, Tony.”

Tony winced. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have another one or …”

Jude shook his head. “Don’t be silly. I can afford a dozen of them if I’d like.”

Logan shot Jude a look and he realized he was being weird. “Anyway, no worries,” Jude said, pasting a smile on his face. “It’s all good. I am looking forward to seeing you up on this tonight.”

“So am I.” Logan pulled Tony closer. “Thank you again for the gift, sweet boy.”

Tony nuzzled in. “I like when you call me that, Sir.” His eyes widened. “If I can …”

“Mmm, I love hearing that,” Logan said.

Jude felt another weird little stab of envy. Logan hadn’t said anything about it when he’d called him that a few weeks ago. But maybe that was because Logan didn’t think of him the same way he thought of Tony. Maybe Jude’s switchiness was once again getting in the way.

“I’m going to go get some supplies,” Jude said, emotion making his throat thick, and he walked away before he could say something he’d regret.

Twenty minutes later, they were all set up. Logan had sent Jude a few curious, worried glances but now that they were ready to play, his focus was on Tony.

He’d brought some gorgeous rope, silky and a beautiful shade of deep green. After he’d pressed Tony to the cross, he’d begun binding him.

Logan was good, Jude acknowledged with a mingled feeling of envy and pleasure. He worked carefully but he wasn’t hesitant. Everything he lacked in experience he’d clearly made up for with research and his knots were good and his spacing and tension right.

Jude made a few murmured suggestions when he got to a few tricky parts but by the time Logan was done, ropes wrapped up and down each of Tony’s limbs, attaching him to the four spokes of the cross and wrapping around his waist and thighs to leave his ass and back bare.

Tony was beautiful on the cross. His broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist and his ass was full and tight and the rope accentuated it to its best advantage

Jude felt that little itch for it to be his rope, his bindings on Tony, but instead he stepped back and let Logan run the show.

“How are you doing?” Logan whispered as he stepped close to Tony. “Do you feel okay?”

“So good, Sir.” Tony’s voice was a little slurred. “My head is … happy.” He sighed happily.

Some submissives were like that, drunk on the feel of the pressure against their skin. It didn’t surprise Jude that Tony was that kind of sub.

Logan smiled and rubbed Tony’s back. “I’m going to leave you there for a few minutes while I practice with Jude. Is that okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You’ll let me know if you need down.”

“I will.”

They’d debated if Logan should tie Tony, then practice with the whip or vice versa, but they’d decided that they’d see how he did with the bondage, and then the sound of the whip.

Logan picked up the short single tail. He’d told Jude he’d practiced throwing it at home, aiming for a pillow to get a feel for how it moved and to hone his accuracy. He did that now and after a first, experimental throw that went wide, the second was less hesitant and more accurate.

Jude glanced over at Tony. His eyes were open but there was no fear in them, only a slightly wary alertness as he watched, so Jude turned back to Logan.

“May I make a few suggestions?” he murmured.


Jude showed him a slightly different grip and angle to try, that would give him the same force but with less effort.

“Oh, I like that,” Logan said after a few experimental throws. “Well done, Jude.”

He smiled.

After a few more hits until his accuracy was back up, Logan stepped close to Tony again. “You ready, my sweet boy?” He rubbed Tony’s back with his free hand.

Tony pulled in a deep breath. “Yes, Sir.”

Jude went around to the far side of the cross so he could watch Tony’s face and Logan’s swing at the same time.

“You can do this, Tony,” Jude reassured him. Tony gave him a small smile and closed his eyes. He’d tensed up a little but was clearly trying to relax.

Logan swung lightly, barely putting his weight behind the throw, but the first hit was enough to make Tony cry out. Jude suddenly wondered if he should have had a gag but that probably would have been a step too far for Tony today. It was better that he could yell his safeword if he needed it.

Logan swung again, a little harder this time, and the crack echoed through the room. Jude idly wondered if the neighbors could hear. He decided he didn’t care.

Instead, Jude concentrated on Tony’s face, seeing the way it scrunched up tightly with every hit, then softened between.

“You’re doing so well,” Jude praised him. “Logan and I are so proud of you.”

Whatever envy Jude felt, he wanted this to be good for Tony. Wanted him to feel like he’d exorcised the demons of his past.

Tony was taking the whipping well. His cock wasn’t hard but he relaxed between the hits, breathing deeply, and he wasn’t thrashing around the way Jude had seen some subs do.

Logan’s pacing was good, giving Tony time to adjust. He was quiet though, so Jude let Tony know how well he was doing. How beautiful he looked. Sometimes whips felt impersonal. There was no thud, only sting, and without the reverberation in your bones, it could feel distant and almost clinical.

The dominant talking as he used the whip usually helped build that connection but Logan was too focused on what he was doing to provide that, so Jude did that for him. Another time or two of this and Logan would be able to talk and throw the whip at the same time, but for now Jude would fill in.

Worry stabbed at Jude again as he wondered what his role would be once Logan reached that point. They’d done what they’d set out to do. Tony had gotten over his fears. Logan had gained experience and confidence. And Jude … well, he was a bit superfluous now, wasn’t he?

He swallowed back the grief that rose in his throat as he realized he really had become a third wheel.

Logan had what he needed in Tony and Tony had what he needed in Logan. They cared for each other, that much was obvious. They cared for Jude too, he didn’t doubt that, but did they really need him?

Jude’s throat tightened and tears stung his eyes as he began to doubt that he had a place in either of their lives.

He felt nothing but relief when Logan lowered his arm and tossed the whip aside. Tony let out a deep shuddering sigh. Logan checked in with him, murmuring in his ear as he ran his hands along Tony’s skin.

“Help me unbind him, Jude,” Logan said softly, and Jude snapped to attention, going through the motions automatically. He rubbed blood back into Tony’s hands as Logan steadied him and together, they eased him toward the couch. He curled up on his side, his head in Logan’s lap, and Jude covered him with a blanket, carefully tucking it around him.

Tony was dazed, his eyes dreamily drifting open and closed. “Did I do good?” he slurred.

Logan laughed but it was a little throaty like it was tight with emotion. “You did so good my sweet boy. You pleased Jude and me so very much.”

“You did.” Jude patted his hip. “Tell us when you’re ready for some water, darling.”

Logan stroked Tony’s hair and Jude felt another weird twist of envy that made him wonder if he wanted to be the one comforting Tony or the one being comforted.

Jude watched Tony and Logan together for a moment as Tony drifted off to sleep.

There was something so ugly inside him that he turned and walked away, not wanting to spoil the beauty of their moment together.