Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


Jude lost himself in the rhythm and routine of chopping, grating, and stirring. The kitchen space was new, but it was set up exactly how he’d dreamed of it, and everything was where it was supposed to be. It took no effort at all, and the movements became a dance. It would be different when it was filled with his staff—bright and loud and vibrant—but even in the empty, quiet kitchen, his heart lightened, and a smile stretched across his face.

A chef without a kitchen was a sad thing indeed but he had a kitchen now. And people to cook for. What more could he possibly need?

Jude glanced at the clock on the wall to see that it was nearly time for Logan and Tony to arrive. His smile widened further.

He’d spent most of his New Year’s Eves working in a kitchen. It was a first for him to have the evening off. Next year would be nuts—if everything went according to plan—but tonight he’d enjoy a private celebration with the men he loved.

Once everything was prepped, he took off his chef’s coat and hung it from a hook on the wall. He traced his fingertip across the embroidered name on the breast pocket. Jude Maddox, Executive Chef.

Pride at what he’d accomplished built in his chest as he slipped out of the kitchen and into the dining space. It wasn’t quite finished, but the big pieces were in place. Including an enormous bar top, swathed in canvas. Jude had been itching to take a peek, but Tony had made him promise that he’d save the reveal for tonight.

And when Tony looked at him with pleading brown eyes, there was nothing Jude wouldn’t do for him.

He smiled at the thought of how hard Tony had worked this week to get the bar finished. Christmas dinner had gone surprisingly well and the news that his father was willing to make some much-needed changes had lit a fire under Tony. Jude had never heard him talk so much. There hadn’t been much opportunity to all play together, but they’d spent a few nights at Jude’s place. It would be tough once the restaurant was up and running. His hours would be crazy and there would be little opportunity to take time off.

It made him more determined than ever to move in together with the guys sooner rather than later. But it was all dependent on what happened with Tony’s dad and how long it would take to get him situated somewhere he felt good about.

For Tony, Jude could be patient.

While he waited for them to arrive, he surveyed the table he had set up in the middle of the room. The booths had been installed but the freestanding tables were still stacked and waiting. In the center of the room, he’d set up one table with three chairs, then topped the gray tablecloth with white China and gleaming silver flatware. A bottle of wine chilled in an ice bucket. He lit a tealight and watched the flame leap up, sparkling off the glassware.

It was a little glimpse of how the restaurant would look in the future and Jude snapped a quick picture of the table setup and posted it on social media with the caption, About to celebrate New Year’s Eve with my boyfriends.

He had no intention of hiding his relationships with either of them. There might be blowback, but he would bet the positive press would outweigh the negative. Besides, a little scandal could be fun.

Though it hadn’t been as much fun for Preston. He was still hiding out at Blake’s house as far as Jude knew. He made a mental note to check in with him to be sure he was okay. He hadn’t even had time to visit Preston since he’d been home. He made a second mental note to do that soon.

A knock made Jude’s heart leap and he strode to the door, unlocking it. Brown paper still covered the windows of the storefront but when he peeked outside, he saw his two favorite people.

He opened the front door with a flourish. “Welcome to my restaurant.”

Logan stepped inside with a smile, bringing a blast of crisp winter air with him and Tony followed on his heels. “So, I noticed the new sign out front. My French is a little rusty but … Les Trois Garçons? That’s Three Boys, right?”

“It is.” Jude smiled. He’d paid through the nose to have it ready for tonight but it had been worth it. “I couldn’t resist. I’m proud to be with you. Why wouldn’t I want to brag about it?”

Tony chuckled. “I like it.”

“Good.” Jude kissed them both, then took both their coats, hanging them off the rack set up by the door, near where the hostess stand would be.

“Everything is coming together, isn’t it?” Logan said.

“It is.” Jude tugged Logan and Tony over toward the bar. “I can’t believe you got this done so quickly, Tony.”

He shrugged. “It’s easy when I can spend all day working on it. Not having to go into Christensen’s gave me a taste of what it’ll be like when I can work on this stuff full-time. I am so excited.” His brown eyes sparkled.

“I’m excited for you,” Jude said, squeezing his hand. “Now, are you going to show me this amazing bar yet or what?”

“Did you peek?” Tony asked.

Jude glanced over at the bar, still draped in the heavy canvas. “No.” His tone was sulky. “I wanted to, but I behaved.”

“Good boy,” Logan said with a grin.

“Will I get a reward for that?” Jude teased.

“I think you might.”

“Excellent.” He turned pleading eyes on Tony. “Please, can I see it now?”

“I think I’m starting to see why you enjoy the begging, Logan,” Tony joked. “But yes. Logan, cover Jude’s eyes until I say otherwise.”

“He’s getting very bossy,” Jude said as he obediently closed his eyes. Logan’s chuckle rumbled against his back.

“He is. I’m kind of enjoying it, to be honest.” Logan covered Jude’s eyes with his large broad palm.

“I am too,” Jude whispered. “But don’t tell Tony that.”

Tony laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m not getting any ideas about switching in the bedroom. I am happy to have you two stay in charge.”

There was a rustle of fabric, and Jude’s pulse leapt with excitement.

“You can look now.”

Logan took his hands away and Jude held his breath as he opened his eyes. For a moment, he was speechless.

“Do you like it?” Tony’s voice was apprehensive. “I took a little bit of artistic liberty with your design but …”

“Oh, Tony,” Jude said, the words barely a breath. “It’s stunning. Come here, darling.” He wrapped Tony in a tight hug. “Oh, I love it. Tell me about it.”

“Well, your design was originally for a stained maple. It would have looked nice, but I remembered I had this chestnut in the barn. It’s been in there for decades—since my great-grandfather cut down the tree—and it was perfect. Do you know anything about chestnut wood?”

Jude shook his head.

“American chestnuts were enormous and very prevalent in this area. They made up nearly half of all the trees in the forests east of the Mississippi. Before the early 1900s there were billions of them, but there are only a few hundred mature ones that survived a fungus that decimated the population in about fifty years.”

“Oh wow.” Jude turned to him. “So, this is rare.”

Tony smiled. “Extremely. The trees were on our property and they must have been cut down before the blight hit. I know they’ve just been sitting in the barn getting dusty since. I have no idea what my great-grandfather intended the boards for, but I was hopeful I’d have enough and that it would work for this project. With a few clever modifications of your design, I did.”

“It’s stunning,” Logan said.

Tony’s smile widened. “Thank you.”

Jude let go of Tony to run his fingers across the smooth surface. “It really is. I mean, the texture and color …” The wood seemed rippled with stripes of rich orangey brown tones that exactly matched the brown leather chairs that would be placed around the room.

“Isn’t it incredible? It’s a little piece of my family’s history too.” There was a shy note in Tony’s voice.

Jude swallowed past a lump in his throat. “Are you sure you should have used it for my restaurant?”

“Of course.” Tony leaned in and pressed their foreheads together. “You and Logan are part of my family now. I want you to see how much you matter to me. The three of us built this restaurant together. It’s going to be a place you spend nearly every day in. I wanted something to remind you that I love you.”

“Oh, God, Tony.” Jude grabbed his head in both hands and kissed the hell out of him. “I could never forget that. But thank you for this. I—” He grew a little choked up and couldn’t continue. He pressed a palm against Tony’s chest, feeling his sure, steady heartbeat underneath. “You’ve given me something really incredible and I don’t know how to tell you what that means to me.”

“You already have.”

After a few kisses, and a few for Logan too, just because he could, Jude inspected the bar again. “Are you sure this will hold up to spills and drinks? I’d hate to have anything bad happen to it—”

Tony shook his head. “I used marine-grade sealant. If it’s good enough for boats, it’s good enough for a bar.”

“You are amazing,” Jude said with a sigh. “If I could shout to the whole world about how talented you are, I would.”

Tony chuckled but his smile was pleased. “Let me get my business up and running first.”

“Deal.” Jude kissed him again. “Now, follow me, if you will. I want to feed you dinner.”

“You’ll get no arguments from me,” Logan said with a laugh.

Jude took Tony and Logan’s hands and led them over to the table. “Please have a seat and I’ll be back with appetizers.”

“I’ve never been wined and dined before,” Tony whispered as Jude walked toward the kitchen.

“Get used to it!” he called over his shoulder.

It only took a few minutes to get everything together and he carried the appetizers out on a tray, setting it down on a nearby stand with a flourish. “The first course.”

“You really are an amazing chef,” Logan said halfway through. “I’m in awe.”

Jude beamed. He felt a happy glow spread through him at Logan’s praise and the way Tony made a contented little noise as he took a bite.

His pleasure only grew as they ate their salads, and Jude dropped a kiss on each of their lips before he disappeared into the kitchen to make the main course.

Smiling, Jude put the water on to boil and salted it. He’d prepped everything already so it wouldn’t take long to pull together. He retrieved the ingredients from the walk-in cooler, and once the water was boiling, he tossed in fresh homemade linguine.

He could hear the low murmur of Logan and Tony’s voices in the background as he flicked on the heat under another pan, then added a glug of olive oil and a pat of butter. He added minced chilis and garlic and let them infuse into the oil for a few moments. A heavy sprinkle of lemon zest went in, followed by julienned strips of zucchini. It wilted in moments, and he tossed in the chopped crab and stirred it. The steam rose, filling the air with a fragrance that made him close his eyes to savor it as he breathed it in.

Sometimes cooking felt like magic to him, and when he poured his love into it the way he was now, it was like he could fill up the people he cared about with it too.

He shook the pan to keep things from burning, then added a spoonful of pasta water and a glug of seafood stock to create a sauce. He flicked off the burner, then pulled the cooked pasta out of the water and added it to the pan. A squeeze of lemon, a sprinkle of sea salt, a bit of black pepper, and some chopped fresh herbs rounded it out. He tossed it all together for a moment, then plated it. A sprinkle of herbs to garnish, and it was ready.

He nearly dropped the tray of plates when he stepped into the restaurant. The sight of his own restaurant, with his men in it, smiling at each other over the table, made his throat feel tight. He loved them more than he could ever find words for, and he could only hope that his food would speak for him. His smile widened when he passed the bar, gleaming under the low lights.

“Both of you really outdid yourself working on this restaurant,” he said, placing the dishes of pasta in front of them. “I can’t believe the way you brought my dream to life.”

Tony looked up at him and smiled. “You deserve the best.”

“That’s why I have you two.” Jude cupped Tony’s cheek, then Logan’s. “I mean it. Thank you. I would never have been able to create this without you both. And even if I’d had found someone else to do the work, it wouldn’t have meant as much as it did to have you two do it. You put your heart and soul into my restaurant just as much as I did, and it means so much that I will get to come here every day and share that love with everyone else through my food.”

His voice was rough as he looked between them and saw their feelings shining back at him. Logan took his hand and pressed a kiss to Jude’s palm.

“I loved every minute of it. And I would love nothing more than to show you how much.”

“Later.” Jude smiled. “For now, there’s dinner to enjoy.”

He skirted around the table and took his seat between them, right where he belonged.

* * *

Jude carried a soft-sided cooler in one hand while reaching for his keys with the other. They’d packed up the dessert to enjoy after their play and his heart beat a little quicker as he wondered what Logan had in store for him. He’d asked Jude if he could plan the scene from start to finish and Jude had told him yes.

He unlocked the door, letting Logan and Tony inside, and when he closed the door behind him, his eyes widened at what Logan had done to prepare for their scene.

The couches had been pushed back and Tony’s cross was set up in the center of the room. The toys were arranged on a nearby table, but most interestingly, a mattress filled up much of the space on the other side of the cross.

“Well, that looks fun,” Jude murmured. He discarded the cooler on the kitchen counter, then approached the play area.

Logan smiled and pulled him close, gesturing for Tony to come over as well.

“The plan is that Tony will lie on the mattress and put on a show for us. You’ll be tied to the cross, Jude. And I’ll whip you while we watch. You’ll be directing what he does.”

“Oh.” Jude’s head spun at that idea. “Yes, please.”

Logan stepped closer. “Go to the bathroom and clean up. Thoroughly.”

He licked his lips. “Yes, Sir.”

* * *

Jude’s skin was still damp when he walked into the living room. He was naked. A bold choice, but he figured he hadn’t overstepped when he spotted Logan and Tony intertwined on the mattress, making out.

Jude watched them for a moment, mouth dry at the sight of them together. Logan, stretched out over Tony, pressing his hands down into the mattress over his head, Tony letting out needy little whimpers as Logan ground against him.

“Can I get in on this?” Jude said roughly.

Logan lifted his head. “No.”

“What?” Jude pouted.

“Get into position against the cross. You’re going to watch for a while. Tony, stay here while I secure him.”

Jude scrambled to stand facing the cross and lifted his arms, slipping them through the loops Logan had created with a gorgeous blue rope. It was positioned so he’d be able to see everything Logan and Tony were doing. Damn, he was clever.

Logan ran a hand up and down Jude’s back. “Are you ready for this?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Jude smiled happily as Logan wound more lengths of rope around him, the tight press of it against his skin slowing his racing heart.

Logan stepped close when he was done, kissing Jude’s shoulder. “I want to torture you a little. Make you ache to be touched while you stand here watching us, but if it gets to be too much, you know your safeword.”

Jude swallowed. “Yes, Sir.”

“And remember, I love you, my boy.”

Jude smiled. “I love you too, Sir.”

Logan walked over to the mattress and knelt on it. He was so fucking gorgeous with his broad shoulders and silvery hair. Tony was stretched out on the sheets right where Logan had left him. His big muscular body was relaxed as he looked up at Logan, eyes shining with love.

Jude swallowed hard when Logan dipped his head and kissed the V of Tony’s hip, licking a wet stripe up and over the jut of bone. Tony arched up, eyes closing as he let out a little whimper of need. Logan lavished kisses down Tony’s body, taking his thick cock into his mouth with a wet slurp.

If Jude had been any less secure in their feelings for him, he might have been jealous. Might have worried that he was being left out, but as it was, he could feel nothing but love when he looked at the two of them.

It was incredible to watch Logan’s intense focus while he worked Tony over. It felt like Jude was so connected to them that his heart sped up when Logan reached for the lube. Tony and Jude held their breaths when Logan worked two fingers inside Tony’s body.

Jude’s own cock pulsed when Logan lowered his head to Tony’s, lapping at the sweet liquid there. Jude’s mouth watered as Logan took Tony deeper, sliding his fingers in and out in rhythm with the bobbing of his head.

Jude was so hard he ached, but he couldn’t quite get any friction in the position he was in. This was torture, he decided. The most delicious torture he’d ever experienced but it was definitely torture. And still, he stared avidly when Logan added a third finger, stretching Tony’s ass open more and drawing a low moan from his lips.

Heat raced across Jude’s skin and he clenched around nothing, aching for Logan and Tony’s touch but too transfixed by the sight of them together to voice it.

His ragged panting filled the air, broken only by the slick sounds of Logan’s mouth and fingers, and the quiet cries Tony let out.

“Sir, I …”

For a moment Jude thought he’d said the words aloud, but it was Tony who had lifted his head. His chest heaved. “I’m close, Sir.”

“Good.” Logan grinned at him. “But you’re not allowed to come until I say so.”

Tony whimpered and Jude almost whimpered too.

“But now it’s your turn to be tortured while I work Jude over. Can you do that for me, sweet boy? Can you do exactly what Jude tells you to while I whip him?”

Jude and Tony both whimpered that time.

Logan’s grin made his brown eyes light up. “I think you can. I think you’ll be a good boy for me, Tony, and edge yourself while you watch us.”

Tony came up on one elbow and looked from Logan to Jude. His abs contracted, the rippling muscles filling Jude with a sudden longing to trace his tongue along every one. “Yes, Sir.”

It was clear from the look in Tony’s eyes he was speaking to both Logan and Jude, and Jude swallowed against the emotion making his throat thick. The odds of the three of them finding one another was astronomical but somehow they had. Somehow Jude had found two incredible men who complemented him and each other as if they’d been made to do so.

“Jude, you’re in charge of Tony now.” Logan’s tone was firm. He got up and walked over to Jude.

Jude shook off the haze in his head as he focused on Tony. “I want you to take the lube and the vibrating plug and work it into yourself. I want you to go slow. Put on a show for me, Tony.”

Tony’s face turned pink but he licked his lips and reached for the toys nearby. “Yes, Sir.”

“How are you doing, Jude?” Logan murmured. “Any pinching or numbness?”

He shook his head. The ropes were so comfortable he’d nearly forgotten them. They held him snug against the cross. “No, Sir. I feel good.”

Logan still ran his hands across every inch of him, checking to make sure the blood was flowing. He even slipped a finger between the ropes and Jude’s skin to test the snugness. Jude loved the way it tugged, tightening in other places when he did that.

He hummed happily.

“How are you feeling otherwise?” Logan crowded close, pressing his body against Jude’s.

“Very, very turned on,” Jude admitted. He swallowed reflexively and watched Tony on the makeshift bed, legs spread wide, his hole glistening with lube as he rubbed the vibrating plug around the entrance. The quiet buzz of it filling the air. “Mmm, good choice, Tony,” he praised. “Teasing yourself like that.”

“Did you like watching me suck Tony?” Logan asked. He ran his hands across Jude’s torso, pinching his nipples with a sudden hard bite of pain that made Jude cry out and his cock throb.

“Yes. Oh, God, it was like I could feel everything you were doing to him,” Jude said with a pained groan. Logan pressed his rigid cock against the back of Jude’s thigh.

“Mmm.” Logan bit at his shoulder. “That’s what I was hoping for.”

Jude squirmed but he couldn’t move his hips much. “I can’t get any friction.”

Logan chuckled. “Good. It’ll make the whipping that much more intense. I should probably put a plug in you as well. I want that ass ready for me when we’re done.”

Jude panted, transfixed by the sight of Tony who had his head thrown back as he pushed the toy partway inside, then retreated, repeating the motion over and over again.

“Please, Sir.” Jude licked his lips. “Good boy, Tony. You’re doing so well. I am so hard for you now. I can’t wait to fuck you.”

But Logan laughed and raked his blunt nails across Jude’s abs, leaving a sting in his wake. “Oh, you’re not going to get to fuck Tony later.”

Jude whimpered.

“Do you know why, my boy?”

“No, Sir.”

“Because Tony and I are going to fuck you. At the same time.”

Jude’s whimper turned desperate as Logan bit at his neck again, this time, digging his teeth in before licking the spot, but it was the words as much as anything that had him panting and flushed.

From Tony’s lack of reaction to Logan’s words, Jude assumed he already knew about this part of the evening.

“Do you like that thought?” Logan purred. He reached down, tugging at Jude’s balls and making his breath go short and sharp.

“Yes, Sir.” Jude’s head spun with the idea of it, but he forced himself to pay attention to Tony. “Tony, push it in. I want you filled.”

With a quick little inhalation, Tony did. The toy sank inside him and he groaned, his gaze meeting Jude’s. It was like a jolt of adrenaline, the connection between them sparking and making Jude’s whole body warm.

“Good boy,” he praised. “I want it, Sir,” Jude he added, turning his attention back to Logan. “I want to feel you both fucking me.”

“It’ll hurt,” Logan warned. “I’ll warm you up a little but it’ll still hurt.”

“I want that,” Jude panted as Logan stepped away. “Want you to hurt me. Fill me up with your cum like we talked about a few days ago.”

“Good. Because I can’t wait.” Logan returned a moment later. He spread Jude’s cheeks, then probed slick fingers between them.

Jude groaned at the sudden invasion but before he could tense or resist, they were replaced by a thick plug. He panted as he forced himself to take it, the burn of it stretching him wide, making his heart beat fast and his cock throb with need. For a moment it was almost too thick, too much on top of the ropes and the sight of Tony playing with the toy in his ass, chest sheened with sweat and his head thrown back.

“Mmm, good boy.” The rumble of Logan’s voice soothed Jude and it allowed him to draw in a breath, not even realizing his chest had been tight with the need for one. “Don’t forget Tony though.”

“Stroke your cock, Tony,” Jude managed, his voice ragged. “Use lube.”

“Jude, I’m going to warm you up for the whip,” Logan said.

Jude’s head spun when he felt the first soft thud of a leather flogger on his shoulders. He pressed his palms to the smooth, silky wood of the cross as he watched Tony slick his palm.

He struggled to keep his eyes open as Logan settled into a slow, steady rhythm, the thwack of the leather biting into his skin ramping the tension in him higher with every hit. The slick noise of Tony working his cock only fueled it and he watched a little tremor work through his body.

“Are you getting close?” Jude asked.

Logan increased the speed, the hits coming harder and faster now.

“So close, Sir,” Tony panted.

“You’re not allowed to come,” Jude reminded him. “Not yet.”

“I understand, Sir.” Tony’s face screwed up tight.

“The whip now, Jude,” Logan said and the first bright flash of pain bit into him and made his head spin.

Jude shuddered, clutching the cross with his fingers as he breathed through it. His cock ached, leaking against his belly when he humped air.

They went on like that for a while, Jude managing a few commands to Tony, who did them all, his gaze pleading and full of love, while Logan kept up the assault on Jude’s back, striping little licks of fire across his shoulders and ass, the few that landed on the backs of his thighs making him howl and strain against the ropes.

After a while, he sagged against the cross, resting his head against his bicep. His shoulders ached and his back throbbed in time with his heart. He was so turned on his mouth was dry with need.

“I can’t…” he panted, ashamed.

Logan pressed close. Even the touch of his skin against Jude’s back was agony. “What can’t you do, Jude?” Logan prompted.

“Can’t keep my eyes open. Tony … I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Logan’s voice was soothing. “Tony, you just continue to do what Jude told you to. I’m going to focus on him for a few minutes and then we’ll join you.”

“Yes, Sir.” Tony’s voice was as ragged as Jude’s.

Jude licked his lips. “I’m sorry I failed you.”

Logan’s hands were warm and soothing as he ran them across Jude’s chest, hugging him close. “Jude, you didn’t fail me. You have been such a good boy. Do you need a break?”

“No. Just couldn’t do both anymore.”

“Thank you for telling me. You did exactly what you were supposed to.” Like that, the tension in Jude eased. “You want me to continue then?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Just a few more. They’ll be hard. Are you ready for that?


Jude straightened, his eyes closed, his heart beating erratically as Logan stepped back. The whip whistled through the air, and he cried out when it made contact with his upper back, almost before the pain even registered. It stung like the devil and a moment later another agonizing stripe of pain landed on his ass cheek. This went on and on until he was trembling almost uncontrollably and his cheeks were wet with tears he didn’t even realize were falling.

One more hit, so hard he couldn’t breathe, and he dimly heard the whip clatter to the table. He cried out, slumping against the cross, his legs no longer able to hold him up.

“I’ve got you,” Logan murmured. “Tony, come here.”

Jude swam in a haze of pain and arousal until soft touches steadied him. The rope’s tension fell away, and he lowered his arms, muscles screaming in agony and fingers tingling as blood returned to them.

Something soft and cool swept up and down his back, hurting and soothing at the same time.

“I broke the skin in a few places. Let me get the cream.” Logan’s voice was soft and concerned and Jude let himself be manhandled until he draped against Tony’s hard chest, his arms firm and supportive as he kissed Jude’s hair and guided his head to rest on his shoulder.

“Love you, Jude,” Tony whispered, and Jude let out a drunken little laugh as he kissed Tony’s collarbone, breathing in his familiar scent.

“Love you too,” he slurred. “So much. You an’ Logan. So good to me.”

“No more than you deserve.” Logan was close again, smoothing something cool across his back with a gentle touch. When he was done, he touched Jude’s cheek. “Can you look at me, Jude? I need to check in with you.”

He pried his eyes open, blinking at the light until Logan’s face came into focus.

“How are you doing, Jude?”

“So good, Sir.”

“Are you done for the night, or do you want more?”

“Need to come,” he pleaded. “Need you both inside me.”

“We can do that.” Logan smoothed a hand across his hair. “Tony, I want you to take Jude over to the couch. Sit down and have him straddle you.”

Jude was still dazed as he settled with his knees on either side of Tony’s muscular thighs. Tony was so hard, so thick, and Jude’s mouth watered as Logan spread more lube on his cock. He groaned when Logan tugged at the toy buried inside him and little sparks shot up his spine as it came free. Logan’s fingers inside him again—two, no three—made his heart beat fast and he braced himself on Tony’s shoulders, staring into his face.

“How am I so lucky?” he whispered as he touched Tony’s cheek. He was in pain, desperation clawing at his spine for the release he’d been working toward all evening, and he was still filled with so much love it left him breathless.

“We all are.” Logan’s lips were warm against his neck. “Jude, slide down over Tony. Tony, I need you to hold very still after that.”

Jude lifted his hips then scooted forward. Tony held his cock steady as Jude lowered over him and Jude’s lips parted with a gasp at Tony—bare and slick and hot inside him for the first time.

“Ride him, Jude. Slow at first.”

He did, belly tightening with every slow drag of Tony’s cock against his inner walls. And then he felt the brush of Logan’s finger. “I’m going to work you open, Jude. Can you take that?”

“Yes, Sir.” His fingers bit into Tony’s shoulders as he slowed and stilled.

It hurt. The tight ring had to stretch to accommodate the intrusion of Logan’s finger, and his head spun at the idea of more. Of Logan’s cock sliding in alongside Tony’s.

Jude gasped and Logan stilled immediately. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, Sir,” he managed. He sucked in a deep breath and forced himself to relax. “Please, keep going.”

A thick drizzle of lube and a few moments later Logan worked a finger in. Tony and Jude both whimpered. Logan kissed Jude’s neck, his lips a warm whisper of comfort. “You’re doing so good. You’re going to feel so tight around my cock. I can’t wait to feel that. You clenching around me and Tony. Both of us fucking your tight hole. Coming inside you and filling you with our cum.”

Jude panted softly, resting his forehead against Tony’s shoulder. He’d had this fantasy for years and now it was about to come true. His whole body quaked with need as Logan slid a second finger in alongside the first. He drizzled more lube and Jude breathed through the stretch.

“Are you ready for my cock now?” Logan asked after a while.

“Please. Need you.” He couldn’t stop an involuntary whine at Logan’s fingers sliding free. Logan pressed a hand to his upper back, the little sting from the whip marks only fueling Jude’s need. Tony shifted so he lay against the arm of the couch, and Jude draped over him. A few moments later, he felt more lube, enough that it dripped down, coating his balls, and Logan whispered soothingly as he worked his way in alongside Tony.

It hurt like the devil and the sting made tears spring up behind Jude’s eyes but his cock was as hard as ever and Tony kissing his face sweetly, tenderly, balanced it all out.

When Logan was seated deep, Jude almost wept at them filling him. And then Logan began to move. It sent a sting through him that eased after a few strokes and then it was just slick friction and pressure and the overwhelming sensation of being filled to the brim.

He cried out at the pressure against his prostate combined with the drag of his cock across Tony’s abs where it was sandwiched between their bodies. He captured Tony’s mouth in a deep kiss as Logan controlled the pace, slowly rocking in and out.

Jude teetered on the edge for the longest time, too full and completely turned on, desperate to come and desperate for it to never end.

“Come when you’re ready,” Logan said after a while, his voice hoarse. He bit Jude’s shoulder.

A few more strokes and Tony panted against his lips, shuddering with his release as he held on to Jude’s hips in a grip tight enough to leave bruises.

Jude spilled against Tony’s body, tears leaking from his eyes as he shuddered helplessly and Logan’s rough, erratic movements signaled his own release.

Jude was gone then, floating on a haze of sweet pain and pleasure and he slumped against Tony’s shoulder. His eyes fluttered open when Logan eased out of him, wincing at the sharp tug on his stretched rim.

“I’m going to plug you now,” Logan said in his ear. “I want you to keep our cum inside you for a while. Can you handle that, Jude?”

“Yes.” He needed that. Needed something filling him as he came down from this incredible high. Tony slipped out and something thick and hard was pressed into place. It hurt but it stopped that ache of emptiness.

His head swam as Logan and Tony helped him up off the couch and he could barely stand as they led him to the shower and washed the sweat and lube from his body.

“I’m sorry,” he slurred. “I’m a mess.”

But Logan just kissed his face while Tony hugged him from behind.

“I love taking care of you.”

Jude wasn’t sure which of them said it, but it didn’t really matter; he knew they both meant it, so Jude just smiled and closed his eyes as he let the water rain down over him, happier and more content than he’d ever been in his life.