Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


The entire room was dead silent when Logan finished. Even the music had stopped. The crowd had stared at them surreptitiously since Jackson’s outburst but now they openly gaped. It would have been almost comical if they weren’t staring at him.

Jackson’s jaw was slack as he blinked at Logan. “Excuse me?”

“Logan and I are seeing each other,” Jude said, his tone cool and distant.

Logan felt a wave of remorse. He’d only meant to stand up for Jude. He’d never intended for this to become a public confrontation with Jackson about their relationship. So much for him being the mature responsible one.

“I thought you were dating the carpenter.” There was a distinct note of scorn in Jackson’s voice.

“I’m dating both of them,” Jude said, raising his chin, a flash of rebellion crossing his face. “Logan is our Dom.”

A ripple of noise went through the crowd. Jackson glanced around.

“In my study. Now,” he said, his tone so cold it felt like someone had dragged a sliver of ice of down Logan’s spine. “Both of you. We need to talk.”

Logan took Jude’s hand and saw the grateful look in his eye. Tony hesitantly stepped forward as they approached him, and Logan held out a hand to him as well. He took it, and the tightness in Logan’s chest eased a little. As long as they were all united in this, they’d get through it.

The walk down the hall seemed to stretch on endlessly, but they approached the door to Jackson’s study all too soon.

Fiona followed on their heels, and when they were all inside, Jackson closed the door behind him with a short, sharp jerk that rattled the frame.

“Would you care to explain yourselves?” His jaw was clenched, his eyes narrowed.

“There’s nothing to explain,” Logan said. It was sheer bravado but he could feel the tight grip of Jude’s sweaty hand and the tremble in Tony’s fingers. He’d promised both of them that he would look out for them, stand up for them. He wouldn’t back down now.

“You’re telling me you’re dating my son. That deserves some explanation.”

“When we spoke on the phone, I told you I was seeing someone. Well, the truth is, it’s a little more complicated than that,” Logan said calmly.

Jackson’s gaze swept across the three of them. “I can see that.” His tone hadn’t thawed a fraction of a degree. “Elaborate.”

“This fall, when Jude called me about his restaurant project, my only goal was to help out a friend of the family.”

This is what you call helping out our family?”

Logan took a deep breath. “I didn’t expect to develop feelings for Jude, but I did. The better we got to know each other, the more I realized what an amazing man he is. I had no intention of starting a romantic relationship with him but that grew over time.”

“You didn’t—” Jackson cleared his throat. “You swear you didn’t begin this years ago? I know you and Jude were close when he was in high school but—”

“No!” Logan scowled at him and caught a glimpse of Fiona’s tense expression softening as she listened intently. “Jesus, no. I never looked at Jude twice when he was growing up. I never thought of him in any way that was inappropriate, and I resent the implication. It wasn’t until we began working on the restaurant project recently that my feelings changed. We made a connection that was undeniable. I won’t apologize for it because we did nothing wrong.”

“Nothing wrong,” Jackson scoffed. “So that’s why you were vague about it when we spoke on the phone. Why you lied to me about your date not being able to come tonight. Why you and Jude hid your involvement.”

“And why do you think that is?” Jude said furiously. “Because we knew you’d act like this.”

“Jude.” Logan shot him a look and he subsided. He turned back to his friend. “Look, Jackson, we had every intention of telling you about our relationship after the party was over this evening.”

“So you say.” He turned to look at Tony. “And who is this person to you both?”

“His name is Tony,” Jude said through gritted teeth. “I’ve told you that at least eight times.”

Logan cleared his throat. “This is where it gets complicated. Tony is as much a part of this relationship as Jude and I are,” Logan said calmly. “I don’t expect you to understand but—”

Jackson scowled at him. “I always thought you had a sensible head on your shoulders, Logan. I don’t know what Jude has convinced you to do but—”

“He hasn’t convinced me to do anything but love him,” Logan said calmly. “Him and Tony. To be honest about who I am. I know you’ve always dismissed my bisexuality but—”

“I don’t know why you continually bring it up.”

“I wouldn’t have to if you would acknowledge it,” Logan pointed out.

“Consider it acknowledged.” Jackson waved that off. “Now, what is this Dom business you were talking about? Explain yourself.”

“The three of us are involved in a BDSM relationship,” Logan said. “It’s unconventional, I know, but the three of us are consenting adults.”

“So you’re telling me you expect me to swallow the fact that you are not only dating my son but you’re dating another man as well, and you’re beating them both.”

“We are engaged in consensual sadomasochism, yes.”

“Jesus Christ. I don’t know if this was Jude’s idea or—”

“You don’t understand anything.” Tony’s passionate words made them all turn to look at him. “Logan and Jude have given me the most meaningful relationship I’ve ever had. They show so much care for me, and you shouldn’t judge them so harshly.”

“I will judge my son however I see fit,” he said icily. He turned back to Logan. “Is there anything else you want to confess? Did you somehow manage to subvert biology and knock my son up as well?”

“Jackson!” Fiona cried out.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Jackson,” Logan snapped. “I understand if you aren’t happy about this but—”

“But what?”

“But can you at least try to see that Jude, Tony, and I are happy together? Can you try to be happy for us?”

“I don’t see why.”

Logan stared at him. “Because presumably you want your son to be happy. You know I’ll be good for him.”

Jackson’s mouth tightened. “Lord knows he could use a steadying figure in his life, and he’s never listened to a word I’ve said.”

“It isn’t like that,” Jude protested. “I’m not with Logan because of that.”

“Presumably you did this just to throw it in my face. Prove to me how—”

“For God’s sake, Jackson, would you shut up for two fucking minutes and let them talk,” Fiona snapped.

To everyone’s surprise, he did, though his mouth narrowed to an unhappy little line.

“Logan, please continue,” Fiona continued more softly.

He rubbed at his forehead. “Fiona, Jackson, I understand you’re probably confused and concerned about this.”

She nodded.

“But I love your son. I love Tony as well. I understand that there are a number of factors here that you’ve had to wrap your brain around all at once. But Jude is a grown man. He’s more than capable of making decisions for himself. The three of us make each other happy. However unusual the relationship might look to the outside world, isn’t a relationship where your son is happy and thriving what you want for him?”

“Of course it is.” Fiona’s voice was kind and she walked over to stand in front of her son. “You really are happy, Jude?”

He took her hands. “I am. Logan, Tony, and I and just fit. You know I loved Donovan, but being with them is so much better for me. They allow me to be the best possible me. They make me feel like I’m enough.” There was a tremble in Jude’s voice that made Logan want to reach out to him.

Fiona cupped his cheek, tears sparkling in her eyes. “I’m glad of that.”

“So we’re supposed to just smile and say we’re okay with this?” Jackson said with a scowl. “What are our friends going to say?”

“Oh, fuck what they’re going to say,” Fiona snarled as she turned to her husband. “For once would you listen to what your son is telling you? How can what your golfing buddies think be more important than Jude’s happiness?”

“Have you forgotten that I have a business to run? That without it, we wouldn’t have this comfortable life we live? I’ve worked my whole life to build on my father’s legacy and have something I can be proud to pass on to my son.”

“None of that has ever mattered to him,” she said softly. “I understand your disappointment, but that’s his choice to make. And have you forgotten that you have a daughter who has followed in your footsteps and done everything you’d hoped Jude would do? Why can’t that be enough? Why can’t we let our son follow his own path, whatever that is?”

Jackson blinked at her.

“I seem to remember you telling me you married someone your father didn’t approve of,” Logan pointed out. Joe Maddox had been vehemently against Jackson and Fiona dating. They’d grown up knowing each other but only because Fiona’s mother had been the Maddox family housekeeper.

Jackson turned to face him. “Yes, married. I wasn’t tying her up and beating her along with some mistress who I installed in my house in some sort of kinky ménage à trois!”

“You don’t have to understand our relationship,” Logan said stiffly. “But we do expect to be treated with respect.”

“Don’t be absurd. There’s nothing respectable about this nonsense.”

“That is enough,” Logan snapped. “Jackson, you are hurting your son right now. All he has ever wanted was your approval and you have continually denied it. He is one of the hardest-working and most dedicated people I know. He’s caring, generous, and kind. Those may not be traits you admire but they’re ones I admire. And think long and hard about whether you’re willing to alienate your son completely. I seem to remember some long conversations we had about your feelings about your father after he died. Do you really want to leave that sort of legacy with Jude?”

Jackson’s face went white.

Fiona stepped forward and took his hand. “Darling, you defied your father to marry me. I was too poor. Not well-connected enough. He spent our entire marriage trying to make you regret that you chose me, but you refused to let him cow you. Can’t you see how much you and Jude are alike? Except he cares even less about the money or the social standing. If you push him, he’ll walk out. He wants your approval, but if you’re asking him to choose between two men who love and support him and a father who does nothing but tell him he’s a failure, you will lose.”

Jackson stood stock-still for a few minutes before he sat heavily in his chair. “I … no, I don’t want that,” he said hoarsely.

“Then before you say something you can never take back, think about it.” She reached out and squeezed his shoulder before she turned to Logan.

“It’s clear you love my son. Am I surprised by your relationship? Well, yes, I didn’t expect this. But if Jude is happy, I am willing to keep an open mind. And I’ll do my best to drag Jackson along with me.”

“That’ll take some doing.” Jude muttered. He leaned against Logan as if seeking comfort and Logan wrapped an arm around his waist. Tony was right there too, rubbing Jude’s upper back.

She glanced at Tony. “And although I haven’t had much time to get to know you, it’s clear you love them as well.”

“Yes,” Tony said softly. “I care about them both very much.”

She reached out and took his hand with a little sigh. “I am sorry you didn’t have a better introduction to our family.”

Tony gave her a little smile. “It’s okay. I understand this came as kind of a shock.”

Fiona lifted a slim shoulder. “I won’t pretend I understand much of anything about polyamory, but as I said, I want my son to be happy. If that’s with you and Logan, then you’re all welcome here.”

“Thank you, Mom.” Jude disentangled himself long enough to hug her. When he stepped back, she reached up and brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.

“And if you’d prefer, I can come to Pendleton to visit you for a while. I’ll see if I can get your father to come around but no matter what, I hope you’ll allow me to get to know your—your partners better.”

“I’d like that.” Jude’s smile was tremulous. He turned to face his father.

Jackson hadn’t moved an inch, he still sat there like someone had taken his knees out from under him. “Dad?”

“I—” He cleared his throat. “I am going to need some time to think.”

Jude nodded.

Fiona gave him a sympathetic smile. “Why don’t you all head out? It’s been a long evening. I assume you’ll all be staying at your place, Logan?”

“Yes.” He smiled at her. “And I think that’s a great suggestion. Thank you, Fiona.”

She ushered them out of Jackson’s study and Jude and his mother fell into step. Logan was a bit behind him, walking beside Tony. Jackson remained in his office.

“You may need to give your father some time,” Fiona said, her tone apologetic.

“You think there’s any chance he’ll come around?” Jude’s voice sounded horribly bleak.

She slipped a hand into the crook of his arm. “I think there’s always a chance.”

The party had more or less broken up, though Ann, Marc, Archie, and Jane were seated in the living room, speaking quietly. They looked up as Logan approached.

“So, the cat’s out of the bag,” Logan said with a sigh.

“I don’t get it, but I don’t care,” Archie said as he rose to his feet. “Honestly, Dad, I want you to be happy.”

Logan pulled him in for a hug and held him a moment, so damn grateful for his support. He wouldn’t have given up on his relationship, no matter how much Jackson and Archie disapproved, but having Archie’s blessing meant the world to him.

“You really did turn out great,” he murmured thickly against Archie’s hair before he drew back.

“You should probably thank Mom for that.”

Logan chuckled, the weight that had been pressing down on his shoulders all evening finally lifting. “I will.” He turned to face his ex-wife, who smiled at him with an amused sparkle to her eyes.

“Well, that’s the most exciting party I’ve been to in a while.”

Logan laughed and hugged her too.

She shook her head as she drew back. “I know you wanted to explore some new things but dating Jackson’s son? You’re a brave man.”

“I love him,” Logan said simply. “I love both of them.”

“I see that. You deserve to be happy, Logan. However unusual that looks to the outside world, I’m pleased for you.”

“Thank you.” He squeezed her hand once, then let go, turning to face Jude and Tony who both looked a little shell-shocked. “Come on, let’s go back to my place.”

They gathered their coats and left with a few final goodbyes as they waited for the valets to retrieve their vehicles. The air outside felt blessedly cool after the heated atmosphere inside. Logan spotted Jude sucking in the crisp, clear air like he hadn’t had a deep breath all week.

It was snowing now, soft, fat flakes floating lazily to the ground as if they had all the time in the world.

“Guess I won’t be having much of a Christmas this year,” Jude said with a sigh.

“Yes, you will,” Logan assured him. “Tony and I will make sure of it.”

“We will.” Tony rubbed his thumb across Jude’s cheek. “Can I drive you back to Logan’s place?”

“Please.” Jude rested his forehead against Tony’s. “I’m in no shape to drive.”