Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


Clean sheets, freshly showered body, lube, condoms, toys, and bottled water. Jude went through the mental checklist before he nodded to himself. He liked to be a good host, whatever the occasion. Preston had jokingly referred to him as the kinky Martha Stewart once. Jude had rebutted that by saying he was pretty sure Martha Stewart was already kinky. After all, it wasn’t a stretch to imagine that woman wielding a whip.

Preston had countered that Jude was the gay, kinky Martha Stewart then, and Jude had nodded. Because he couldn’t really deny it.

If Jude ever hosted an orgy, it would be epic. And of course people would need snacks and drinks to keep up their stamina. What was so wrong with that?

Preston was just jealous because he was too famous to play anymore. Jude wrinkled his nose. Ugh. That sounded terribly boring.

Sometimes Jude missed boring, though. It was fun to feel the anticipation build as he waited for Tony and the new guy to arrive. There were far worse ways to spend his Monday night than having a threesome with a couple of smoking hot guys. But at times he missed those quiet moments curled up on the couch with Donovan.

At this point, Jude was pretty sure he didn’t love Donovan anymore, just what he’d represented. The comfort and familiarity. Someone who had seen Jude snort wine out his nose when he laughed at the wrong moment and upchuck noodles when he was sick with the flu. He missed having someone who had seen his bedhead and smelled his morning breath and still loved him anyway.

But Donovan had fallen out of love and maybe Jude had too. Maybe he’d clung to something that was already long gone because he hadn’t wanted to admit it was over. Maybe it had been too hard to concede they were done because Jude was terrified he’d never find what he needed.

Better to have something that wasn’t right than nothing at all.

Jude pushed that thought away and reminded himself that Tony would be here soon. He’d been a lot of fun the last few times. If he were a switch, Jude would beg him for more than the occasional hookup.

And the new guy … Jude shivered. Oh yes, inexperienced or not, NewBieDom was hot as fuck. Hot body at least, since neither of them had shared face pictures. Hopefully his face was as good as the rest of him. And Jude was excited by the thought of teaching someone the ropes. Pun fully intended.

A knock on the door made Jude spring into action, and he pulled it open to see the first of his guests.

“Tony.” He smiled because Tony was so damn handsome. Sweet. A little quiet but there was real warmth in his brown eyes and every time Jude was nice to him, he looked so damn grateful. He didn’t mind some impact play, but he wasn’t a pain slut like Jude. He was more service-oriented than masochistic, but he’d do anything to please when Jude got bossy, which was also fun. Though it made Jude worry about accidentally pushing him too far.

He still wasn’t entirely sure what had happened to Tony before they met. He’d been vague and only said that a scene had gone bad. Just as well he’d told Jude that the guy had just been passing through, because if he was still around Jude would have run him out of town on a rail. Pendleton Bay wasn’t his town, not yet, but the thought of anyone getting shitty with submissives made his blood hot.

Jude had felt both offended as a dominant and pissed off as a submissive. That trust was sacred.

“Come in.” Jude pulled Tony inside and shut the door behind him. He was big. Taller and broader than Jude, who was neither short nor skinny. He looked tough with his sleeves of tattoos and square jaw, but his brown eyes were soft and he was utterly submissive, softening the moment Jude pulled him close. A gentle giant. “Kiss?”

“Yeah.” Tony’s face lit up.

Jude cupped the back of his head and pulled him in for a searing kiss. Tony’s mouth was wet and warm, minty from toothpaste, and his happy little hum made Jude smile.

When he pulled back, Tony licked his lips. “So, will this guy be here soon?”

Jude glanced at his phone. “Yeah, should be. I just wanted you to come a little early, so we had a minute to talk.”

Tony looked nervous. “What about?”

Jude rubbed his arm soothingly. “Just wanted to check in and make sure you were still feeling good about this. You trust me, right?”

“Of course.” Tony’s gaze was steady. “You won’t let him hurt me.”

“I won’t,” Jude promised, relieved by Tony’s sure tone. “And if either of us do anything you don’t like, you just let me know.”

“I will.”

“And even if tonight is fun but you’d rather just play one on one in the future, we can do that.”

“Really?” Tony’s eyes widened. “You want to keep seeing me, like, regularly?”

He looked so earnestly grateful and pleased that it made Jude want to kiss him all over again.

“Of course I do,” Jude said.

Things with Tony were never going to be a full-time monogamous thing because Jude was miserable when he was stuck in one single role. He knew some switches didn’t mind. They were adaptable enough to shift to whatever the person they loved wanted, but that wasn’t Jude. He felt incomplete without that opportunity to express both sides of who he was. He still didn’t know if that was what made him seek out open relationships or if he was actually poly, but he knew that it seemed like the only way he’d ever find what he was looking for.

He’d imagined finding another switch like him, someone who could flow back and forth between dominance or submission, but he’d never had any luck.

Preston said it was just because Jude liked to be difficult.

There was maybe some truth to that, but Jude really had tried a lot of different things. He could never be happy pretending to be someone he wasn’t. He was as switchy as he was gay and it didn’t matter how hard he tried, nothing would change that.

That had been the problem with Donovan. He was no more switchy than Jude was solely a sub.

Which left him doing this. Snatching at whatever he could find out there and hoping someday something would stick.

Jude rubbed his thumb across Tony’s cheek. “God, a few months ago when I edged you with my mouth and fucked you open with that dildo … I can’t get that out of my head,” he said huskily. “And the other night …” He captured Tony’s mouth again, tasting him deeply.

Jude had just backed Tony up against the door when a firm knock on it sent Tony’s eyes flying wide open and Jude’s heart rate skyrocketing faster than when he’d done interval training that morning. He squeezed Tony’s side and gently guided him out of the way so he could answer the door.

Jude pulled it open, expecting to greet NewBieDom but found a familiar face on the other side.

He cringed internally. Just his luck. Normally he’d be happy to see Logan but right now? No. Jude would have to politely get Logan out of there quickly without being rude. Shit, Jude didn’t even remember giving Logan his address here in Pendleton but maybe he’d seen it on the contract and just figured he’d head over to discuss something. Weird that he hadn’t texted first though. Especially this late at night.

“Uhm, hey, Logan. What are you doing here? Why didn’t you call?” Jude laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m happy to see you, but couldn’t anything work-related wait until tomorrow? I’m having a couple of guys over and …”

Logan stared at him, wide-eyed, an expression Jude couldn’t begin to identify written all over his face. He cleared his throat. “It’s, uh, not work-related. I came here because … well, apparently I’m one of the guys you invited over.” He turned his phone to face Jude.

All the blood drained from Jude’s face when he saw the conversation with NewBieDom where he’d sent him his address. Which meant … “Fuck.”

“I take it you didn’t know?” Logan’s voice was strained.

“Uh, no,” Jude said. “Definitely did not know I’d made plans to hook up with my dad’s best friend.” He muttered the latter part under his breath, as much to himself as to Logan.

Oh, sweet Jesus, Logan had seen his dick. Jude had seen Logan’s dick too. Though what a nice dick it was …

“Everything okay?” Tony asked, snapping Jude out of his temporary dick-induced stupor. It was the shock. That was why he was still thinking about how fucking gorgeous Logan was under his clothes. How incredibly sexy his words were. How absolutely fucking perfect he was as a Dom.

“Yeah, it’s okay. Um, you want to come in, Logan?” Jude stepped back, head still swimming with confusion.

Logan hesitated. “You sure that’s a good idea? I should probably just head out and we can pretend this never happened.”

Tempting, but ignoring things had never been Jude’s style.

“Well, if you want to forget it happened, that’s your prerogative,” Jude said. “But I think we should talk about this so it doesn’t get weird. I’d rather not do it in front of my door though so …”

“Sure.” Logan pulled in a deep breath. “Yeah, okay. You’re probably right.”

Once they were in the living room, they all stared at one another awkwardly.

“Did you two date in the past or something?” Tony asked, finally breaking the tension. “’Cause it seems like you know each other, maybe.”

Feeling bad he’d been more or less ignoring Tony, Jude shot him an apologetic glance and reached out to touch his arm.

“Didn’t date,” Jude said. “Logan’s, um, a friend of the family. My dad’s best friend, in fact.”

It sounded dirty as hell when he said that out loud. Jude licked his lips, remembering the flirty banter they’d had on the app. His promise to teach Logan how to be a Dom. God if that thought hadn’t been the hottest thing ever and now Logan was here and damn it, Jude really shouldn’t still be thinking about it. But he was. He so was.

“Oh shit.” Tony’s mouth made a little ‘o’ of surprise. “Well, that’s awkward.”

Logan let out a little huffing laugh. “Tell me about it. I’m sorry. I never dreamed it was you, Jude. I had no idea you were into kink and …”

“Well, I had no idea you were bi or kinky,” Jude admitted.

Logan grimaced. “Obviously, this can’t happen. I really should just go—”

Jude grabbed Logan’s arm. His skin was warm under Jude’s palm, muscles firm. “What if you didn’t? I mean … why not at least talk about this before we dismiss the idea?”

“You can’t really think continuing this is a good idea.” Logan arched an eyebrow, staring at Jude like he was shocked by his audacity. “Our families … Your father. Jesus, he’d kill me. And we have to work together for the next few months. It’s crazy.”

“It is a little crazy,” Jude admitted. “But can you honestly say you weren’t attracted to me when you saw my profile?”

“Of course I was attracted to you. But it’s not like I act on it every time I find someone appealing!”

That brought up another question. “When exactly did you discover you were bi?” Jude asked. “Because I seriously missed that news. I feel like I would have remembered that.”

“About the time I graduated college.”

Jude blinked. “That long?”

“Yeah, I just didn’t discuss it or act on it until Ann and I opened up our marriage.”

“You and …” Jude shook his head. “You’re going to have to catch me up on a lot of things, apparently.”

“Should I, uh, leave?” Tony said.

“No!” Jude protested. Jesus, with his luck, they’d both walk out and his whole night would go to hell. He turned to look at Logan. “Logan, please give me a few minutes and hear me out before you go anywhere.”

He smiled at Tony. “And look, Tony, no matter what happens with Logan, I’d like you to stay.” He ran a hand along his inked arm and squeezed his bicep. “I enjoy being with you, you know that.”

Tony bit at his lip before nodding. “Okay.”

Jude turned back to Logan. “Why don’t we all sit down, have a drink, and talk.”

Logan gave him a skeptical look but nodded. “Okay.”

What are the odds of this happening?Jude wondered as he hurried into the kitchen to fetch cold bottles of beer. Shouldn’t something have clued him in that the guy he’d been flirting with was someone he’d known since he was a kid? Except Logan’s pictures had been carefully framed to only show himself off from the waist down. He had no tattoos and the last time Jude had seen Logan with his shirt off was at a 4th of July pool party at the Shaw house a good ten years ago when Logan had been nowhere as fit as he was now. The username had been generic enough and for Christ’s sake, Jude had truly never had any idea Logan was bi or kinky. Other than NewBieDom’s vague statement about being new in town and the compact, powerful build, those were the only pieces Jude had to put together.

Though it was a little ironic given how much he’d been drooling over Logan lately.

But now that Jude knew, did that really change how he felt about it? He considered the idea. Not really. Knowing who NewBieDom was didn’t make him any less appealing. Logan Shaw was an incredible, sexy guy. All the flirty little comments and the charged energy between them recently made a hell of a lot more sense now.

So what if they let that attraction move forward? What if they continued to explore it? What if they didn’t let the pesky little fact that their families had been friends for decades get in the way of what Jude was sure would be the hottest experience ever?

Jude returned to the living room to find Tony and Logan silently staring at the floor.

“Well, this is awkward as fuck,” Jude said as he held out the beer.

He was relieved to see Logan look up and crack a smile. “That’s putting it mildly.” He took the bottle with a sigh.

“So, obviously this is not the way we expected this night to start,” Jude said. He handed Tony his drink, then twisted the cap off his own beer and took a long gulp. “But I’ve been thinking about this. I definitely think we should go forward with it anyway.”

Logan sputtered and wiped beer from his lips. “You can’t be serious? And you were hardly thinking about it for long. You were only in the kitchen for a few minutes.”

“Well, okay, fine,” Jude admitted as he took a seat. “The thought just popped in my head, but that doesn’t make it any more ill-advised.”

Logan shook his head. “In fact, it really does. Responsible adults don’t go with the first idea that pops in their head without careful consideration.”

People rarely called Jude a responsible adult so maybe that made sense. But hey, he’d held down a great job for years, saved up money, paid his taxes on time, and was in the process of opening a restaurant. So fuck them.

“I’m not suggesting we hop into bed without talking about it,” Jude said. “I’m just saying it’s worth considering. The plan was that you’d watch while I topped Tony, right?”


“So that can still happen. You won’t even be touching me.”

Logan rubbed his head. “I’m not sure touching is what makes this so insane. Given our history, we can’t get kinky and sexual together. That’s just … asking for trouble.”

“Well, it’s not like I was planning to announce it. ‘Hey, Dad, guess who I had a kinky threesome with last weekend? Logan Shaw! Isn’t that crazy?’.”

Logan rubbed his head. “I wouldn’t put it past you.”

“That’s uncalled for,” Jude said with a scowl. “Did you even know I was kinky?”


“Well, however reckless you think I am, I do know how to be discreet. It’s not like shit like this doesn’t happen in the kink community all the time.”

“Oh really?” Logan raised a skeptical eyebrow.

“Well, not this exact situation, maybe,” Jude admitted. “But I know a guy whose sister is also active. They just agree to not be at the same events and then don’t talk about it.”

“I fail to see how those compare,” Logan said.

“I’m just saying we’re not the first people to end up in an awkward position. Could’ve been worse, you know?”

“It could have,” Logan acknowledged. “And while neither of us intended to be in this position, now that we are, we can make a choice to walk away and not make it worse.”

“You’re going to be in town for the next few months.”

“I know I am. Which is exactly why we shouldn’t—”

“Can you think of a better opportunity to learn what you want?” Jude said. “I’m sure as hell not going to blab about your sexuality or kink preferences to anyone.”

“It’s not all a secret,” Logan argued. “Several people know I’m bi, including your father. He just chooses to ignore it.”

Jude let out an annoyed little huff. “That sounds like him. Also explains why he never mentioned it to me.”

“Archie knows I’m bi too. Why he never brought it up to you, I don’t know. He doesn’t know about the kink and I’d prefer to keep it that way, however. I’m mostly trying to be discreet because of my career.”

“I get that,” Jude said. “Lots of us are discreet. If you’re worried about Tony—”

But Logan shook his head as he glanced at him. “Jude vouched that you were a nice, trustworthy guy, Tony, and I believe that.”

Tony had been watching them go back and forth like he was viewing a ping-pong tournament.

“Of course your secret is safe with me,” Tony said softly.

“Under different circumstances, I’d have been flattered to play with both of you,” Logan said, cradling his beer in both hands. “But as it is, it just isn’t a wise decision.”

Jude let out an aggravated sigh. So logical. So boring.

“If you wait for the perfect situation, Logan, it may never happen,” Jude pointed out. “Is this a little wild? Yes. But we wouldn’t be doing anything morally wrong. We’re three consenting, unrelated adults. Yes, you and I have a personal history, but we weren’t going to be shouting about it to our family and friends anyway. We can have a little discreet fun for a while without it getting weird.”

“Jude …”

“How about this?” Jude suggested. “Tony and I will do a scene. You can stay fully clothed and watch.”

Logan opened his mouth but closed it before saying anything. Jude spoke quickly, hoping Logan would warm to the idea. “It’s no different than watching a demo at a kink event really.”

Logan seemed to consider the idea. “That’s true, I guess. It is pretty similar.”

“My original plan was to have you watch me with Tony, then practice on me. That could still happen. Again, you could stay fully clothed. No penetration …”

Which was kind of a crime because Jude had salivated over Logan’s dick, but he would respect Logan’s reluctance to cross that line.

Jude looked between Tony and Logan. “So, what do you say? Do both of you want to do this?”

“I …” Logan stared him in the eye. “What about the construction project? Will this make things weird?”

“Truthfully,” Jude said, “I am pretty sure it’s going to be weird if we don’t. Unless I imagined it, there’s been some pretty heavy sexual tension between us already.”

“There has. I just didn’t know you …”

“Ditto.” Jude shook his head. God, he was an idiot. He should have picked up on something. So much for his theory that successful, dominant men in business didn’t want to take control in the bedroom too. Maybe that was true for many of those guys but clearly Logan wasn’t one of them.

“If you really think we can ignore this, we can try. But I’m pretty sure we’d just be delaying the inevitable. There’s something here, Logan, and if you ask me, it makes a hell of lot more sense to explore it than pretending like it isn’t the kinky elephant in the room.”

Logan looked over at Tony who had sat there silently through their exchange. “He’s persuasive, isn’t he?”

Tony smiled. “He is. Honestly, I agree with him, but that’s probably selfish of me because I was really looking forward to tonight.”

Logan sighed. “So was I.” He was silent a moment before he straightened his shoulders. “Truthfully, the idea of limiting it to watching you two play sounds like a matter of semantics. If we do this, we’re damned either way.”

Jude looked him over and raised an eyebrow. “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

“I’m suggesting if we do this, it’s pointless to worry about if we fucked or not,” Logan said drily. “If Jackson finds out, he’s going to have a shit-fit either way.”

“Agreed. So … let’s go for it.” Jude set down his half-empty beer and walked over to Logan. “We’ll be careful and discreet, but let’s give this one night and if it goes well, figure it out from there.”

“Same rules we discussed before?” Logan asked.

Jude tried not to show his elation because that sounded like Logan was finally on board with the idea.

“Well, let’s consider our options. Tony, do you feel comfortable playing with Logan or not?”

Tony gave Jude a thoughtful look. “Honestly, yes. I was nervous before meeting Logan but hearing you guys talk and knowing that you do have a personal history is actually a big relief. So … maybe let’s just see what happens. I mean, bondage and whips are still off the table but”—he ducked his head—“I would actually really like to be with you both otherwise.”

“Mmm, good.” Jude reached out and dragged a finger along Tony’s jaw. “So how about this? We all go in the bedroom and get naked like God intended.”

Logan huffed out a laugh.

Jude ignored him and continued. “We’ll break the ice with a little making out, then go from there. I’ll make suggestions as we go and as long as you both agree, we’ll keep going. At some point though, I’d really, really like to get my mouth on your cock, Logan.”

“Me too,” Tony blurted out.

“I’d be a fool to turn that down,” Logan said with a little laugh. “Okay, let’s do this.”

“That’s the spirit!” Jude held out his hands to the guys in front of him. “Okay, into the bedroom with you both, if you please.”

When they were in the bedroom, some of the apprehension seemed to slip from Logan’s shoulders. He undressed with sure, confident movements. Tony stripped too, darting his gaze between Logan and Jude as if he didn’t know which of them to look at.

“C’mere,” Jude coaxed when he was naked. He crooked a finger and Tony walked over, shyly, beautifully nude. Jude pulled Tony in for a slow, lingering kiss and the tension in his body softened and faded.

Jude drew back and turned his head to look at Logan. He stood a few feet away, watching them with hunger in his eyes. “You too, mister.”

Logan joined them and Jude almost wept at the prickling brush of Logan’s beard against his chin. And then he curved a hand around the back of Jude’s head, and their lips touched. Heat surged through Jude at the contact, forcing a little groan from his mouth.

They kissed for a while, Jude’s head swimming with need, body already beginning to react, but he forced himself to pull away eventually.

“Now you two.” Jude’s voice was husky, betraying how turned on he was by all of this as Logan shifted his attention to Tony. It was almost unbearably hot to watch as Logan brushed a thumb across Tony’s cheek, making his eyes flutter shut. Logan grasped the back of his neck and pulled Tony’s head down so their lips could meet. Logan was shorter than Tony by several inches, but he looked completely in control as he plundered Tony’s mouth. Jude caressed both their backs, enjoying the contrast of them together. Younger and older, bigger with more compact.

When they finally broke apart, Tony’s lips were wet and reddened and his eyes glassy. Logan’s chest heaved, and Jude tightened his grip on both of them. His brain whirled with ideas, trying to figure out what came next. There was so much he wanted to do. So much to try. Hell, a part of him just wanted to get on the bed and focus on the sex part of this. God, he could picture Tony sucking him while Logan fucked him mercilessly. They could both fuck Tony. They could … there were an endless number of things they could do, Jude reminded himself.

But they were all kinky people with a desire to unleash a side of themselves that rarely got to come out. And, for all practical purposes, tonight Jude was the ringleader. He needed to be in charge while still giving Logan the opportunity to be dominant. All his earlier plans were out the window, so he needed to come up with something new.

“Tony, get on your knees,” Jude said firmly.

He did it immediately, eyes wide and eager, and Jude ran an affectionate hand across his hair. “Such a good boy.”

Tony’s smile was radiant.

“Logan, if it pleases you, I want Tony to suck us both off. Whoever lasts the longest gets to spank Tony.”

Tony’s eyes lit up.

“It pleases me.” There was a hint of gravel in Logan’s voice, and Jude glanced down to see the thick jut of his cock.

“Then, Tony, get to work.”

Tony’s gaze flickered between the two of them, almost apologetic when it was aimed at Jude, and he understood when he shifted to kneel in front of Logan first. Jude couldn’t blame him. He’d like to be on his knees for Logan too.

Instead, Jude stepped behind Logan, caressing his shoulders, thick, solid muscles softening under his palms as he stared down the length of Logan’s body. Tony opened his mouth and dragged his tongue up Logan’s shaft, making him shudder lightly.

“When you want, you can take his head in your hands and fuck his face. He loves that,” Jude purred in Logan’s ear. Tony shot a heated look up at them both through his thick, dark lashes. “His safe signal is to squeeze your thighs, so don’t be afraid to really use him. He loves to serve on his knees.”

“Good to know.” Logan cradled the back of Tony’s head in his palm. “Take me deep, Tony. I want to see how much of it you can manage.”

There was nothing hard in his voice at all but there was still a command to it and Tony did as ordered. He opened wide and sank down over Logan’s cock until his lips brushed the short silver hairs at the base. “Fuck,” Logan said with a gasp.

“He’s good, isn’t he?”

“Mm-hmm.” Logan dragged Tony’s head back, then pushed it down again. “Yeah, keep that up. Just like that.”

Logan groaned as Tony worked him over. It was heady for Jude just to watch them, to know he’d played a part in making this happen. He wasn’t the one on his knees sucking Logan’s thick cock, but he was the one who had set this all up. In charge in some ways but serving in others, and it made his head swim.

“Now suck Jude off,” Logan growled.

They shifted so Tony knelt at Jude’s feet and Logan stood beside Jude. The first wet suck of Tony’s mouth sent Jude’s heart racing and he reached down to caress Tony’s cheek.

“So good at that,” Jude managed, but words and coherent thought disappeared for a while as Logan mouthed at his neck, then licked and teased down his shoulder.

Logan skimmed a hand down Jude’s back, stroking his skin and igniting the flames that Tony had been so expertly kindling.

“Now Logan,” Jude said in a rough voice, urging Tony away.

“Maybe he should go back and forth between us,” Logan suggested, slipping an arm around Jude’s waist so they stood side by side, hips and thighs pressed together. “Use his hand on the other, then switch. For fairness’ sake.”

“Yes, for fairness,” Jude managed. He felt high, fuzzy-headed and floating on a sea of need and desire. Tony licked his lips and got to work again, sucking Logan for a few moments while he stroked Jude, then stroking Logan and sucking Jude.

Blindly, needing more, Jude turned his head and kissed Logan who returned it with equal hunger. The air was charged, and Jude’s breath caught as Logan teased a finger along his crack, then dipped it between his cheeks.

“What are you doing?” Jude asked breathlessly, gasping against his mouth.

“Winning this little bet.”

“And here I thought you were an ethical man.”

“I think all that went out the window once I realized I wanted to fuck my best friend’s son,” Logan said with a growl.

Jude shuddered. The reminder of the forbidden nature of it made it so much hotter. He groaned when Logan used a thick finger to probe at his entrance.

“As long as you want me to, I am going to fuck you, Jude,” Logan rasped. “Whether it’s tonight or another time, I will bury my cock in your ass and fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

“Yes.” Jude let out a rough, desperate gasp, reaching for the back of Tony’s head to anchor himself. He responded by sucking harder and Jude’s whole body trembled with the onslaught of sensation. “Want that too.”

“Do you like it slick or dry?” Logan teased at his opening. “How much do you want it to hurt?”

“Hurt me,” Jude begged.

There was a sharp, stinging sensation in Jude’s ass as Logan pressed inexorably forward with his thick middle finger and despite the heated need that spread through Jude at the pain, he tensed. Logan bit at his shoulder and Jude yelped, but it served as a distraction, and he relaxed around the invasion.

“Mmm, fuck, Jude. You are going to feel so good around my cock.”

Logan twisted his finger just as Tony sucked hard and Jude came without warning, body shaking, pleasure streaking through him until he could contain it no longer. He let out a throaty groan, filling Tony’s mouth with a shocking, sudden spurt.

“Don’t swallow,” Logan barked. “Hold his cum in your mouth. I want you to kiss him after you’re done.”

Jude gasped, a combination of the image those words conjured, Logan sliding his finger free, and Tony’s gentle suction on the sensitive head of his cock as he slid off all wreaking havoc with Jude’s head. He clung to Logan, needing that steady touch to keep him from falling over.

When Tony stood, Jude dove in for a kiss, licking into his mouth and tasting the salty bitterness of his cum, making a show of it, letting Logan see the way it dripped from Tony’s tongue into Jude’s mouth before he swallowed it down.

Logan let out a little growl of pleasure and pressed closer, wrapping his arms around both of them. “You are both so hot like that. But I believe I won and it’s time to collect my prize.”

Jude pulled away from Tony’s mouth to look at Logan.

“You did cheat,” he pointed out.

Logan grinned, and the sight of his dark brown eyes crinkling up at the corners made Jude go a little weak in the knees. “First lesson about me as a Dom then. Unless you tell me otherwise, I will get my way.”

“Mmm, good to know,” Jude said with a little laugh. He turned to look at Tony who was simply watching them both, face relaxed, eyes happy.

“Tony, on the bed,” Logan said crisply. “Hands and knees, one side near the edge of the bed. I’m going to give you your spanking now.”