Devious Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder











A few minutes later, we walked out to the parking lot. “Have you ever been on a bike before?” Ryder asked.

I shook my head. “Never.”

He smiled. “Would you like to?”A little flutter of excitement had hit my stomach. I had never thought about it before but it sounded fun. And I definitely wouldn’t mind being so close to Ryder during the ride. The closer I was to him, the safer I felt. I nodded. “That sounds fun,” I said shyly.

He grinned. “Good.” He led me over to his bike and handed me his helmet. “Put this on.”I obeyed. Everything looked a little dark through the tinted visor but I could still see everything well enough.

Ryder got on the bike and directed me to get on behind him and put my arms around his waist. I obeyed. I couldn’t help but blush at hugging him so tightly. I could feel his body heat even through his leather jacket. It felt nice and comforting. I also couldn’t help but notice how muscular his abs were under my hands. He was definitely someone who worked out often. No, don’t think thoughts like that! He was just helping me out. That was it.

“Ready?” he asked, turning to look at me.

I nodded.

He smiled. “Excellent.” He pulled out of the parking lot and soon we were biking on the road.

The wind whipped through my clothes, making me shiver and press even closer against Ryder. But the adrenaline hit me when we started biking and I giggled. I could definitely see the appeal of doing this every day.

I knew he was going slower than most of the cars on the road because I was on the bike. But it still felt absolutely thrilling to be so open and exposed to the road. It was easy for me to forget why I was in this situation in the first place when I was focused on the wind caressing me with every turn.

We pulled up to a small house with an attached garage. It looked plain but well-kept with a neatly mowed lawn and a tar driveway and pathway leading up to the front door.

I got off the bike, my legs feeling a little shaky from the thrill. “That was so much fun,” I said as I handed him the helmet.

He grinned. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” He said. “I love biking. It’s been my passion ever since I was a teenager.”

“How long have you been biking for?”

“I got my first bike when I was sixteen. Everyone else my age wanted cars, but they never had the same thrill for me that a bike did.”

“Is that why you joined a motorcycle club?” I asked.

“That’s a lot of it,” He said. “But not all of it. A few years ago, women were getting kidnapped in this town. Turns out the Demons-- the same guys targeting you-- were kidnapping them to feed their brothels.”A shiver ran down my spine. “That’s absolutely horrible.”

He nodded grimly. “Yeah. It wasn’t pretty and law enforcement wasn’t doing anything because the Demons know how to bribe their way out of any situation. Gunner started to investigate and he got kidnapped as well. That’s when the Hell’s Renegades sent Mac to establish a chapter here and drive the Demons out of town, which he did successfully. He managed to get all the women back.”“Wow,” I said. “That’s insane.”

“It was a lot of luck and a lot of motivation, especially after they kidnapped his old lady.”I frowned. “Old lady.”“Ginger,’ he said. “Old lady is club slang for wife or girlfriend.”

“Oh.”“Anyway, after that, I knew I wanted to join and contribute to the group who saved my town. That’s why I joined.”I smiled. “That’s really cool.”

He shrugged. “I joined after most of the action went down. It’s not impressive.”

“It’s still admirable you wanted to join a group to help people, even though you knew it could be dangerous at times.”

“It’s more than worth it. They’re like a second family to me.” He jerked his head to his house. “Let’s go inside and I can show you around. I think I might have some old clothes that will fit you as well.”

I glanced down at my waitress uniform. “That would be nice, thanks.” I hoped I wouldn’t be here long. If I was, then I would have to go back to my place to pick up some things like clothes, a hairbrush, and a few other necessities. I doubted a bachelor like Ryder would have those items on hand.

The inside was a lot like the front. The combined living room and kitchen were clean and moderately comfortable with windows letting in a lot of light and a comfy couch in front of a flat-screen TV. But it lacked a lot of small touches that made something a home. There weren’t any pictures on the walls showing family or friends. No notes or random souvenir magnets on the fridge. The entire place felt impersonal and even a little cold.

“Make yourself comfortable on the couch,” he said. “You can turn on the TV if you want. I’ll get you some clothes and start fixing up the guest room for you.”“I’m sorry to make you go through so much trouble,” I said. “Let me help with the guest room.”He smiled but shook his head. “I appreciate it, but no. I just want you to relax right now, okay?”

I nodded. “I guess I can do that.”