Devious Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder











I watched Anna carefully while she ate her breakfast and drank her coffee. She seemed less on edge now than when she arrived and I was thankful for that. I was also relieved she wasn’t scared of me. That actually meant a lot to me.

I hated that she was in this mess, all because her manager was a piece of shit who left her in that position and because the Demons couldn’t stay dead. Now through no fault of her own, she was in danger and possibly out of a job. At least until we could take care of the Demons.

After she finished her food and coffee she leaned back. I looked at the cup of water that had been untouched. If she was my Little I would have scolded her for not staying hydrated. Even now I itched to tell her to drink it. But I bit back the words. It wasn’t my place.

Mac came in and sat down next to me so he could talk to Anna. She told him everything that had happened in a halting voice. She looked down and started to fidget a little when she talked about seeing the diner on fire and the Demons following her. I wished I could reach out and comfort her.

Mac listened to everything with a grim expression. “You did the right thing getting out of there and coming here,” he said. “We’ll track down where the Demons are hiding and handle them. We’ll also find your manager.”

Anna bit her lip. “I don’t want you guys to get hurt over this.”Mac smirked. “Trust me, love, we won’t be the ones getting hurt.” He glanced between me and Anna. “Do you have some place to stay until this is over? It seems like they’ve singled you out because they can’t get to your manager. You might not want to go home, just in case.”

She swallowed and suddenly looked like she was about to cry. “No,” she said. “I don’t have any family in the area, and I don’t have close enough friends to crash on their couch. And I wouldn’t want to explain this to anyone anyway.”Mac nodded and then he glanced at me. “How about you stay with Ryder?” he said. “He can keep you safe.”What was Mac doing? He knew that was a bad idea. He knew I wanted to be Anna’s Daddy. Why would he tell her to stay with me? The last thing she needed right now was a biker who found her irresistible. I glared at Mac but he didn’t look at me. However, the lines at his eyes creased just slightly, showing me he was holding back a smile. Smug bastard. He felt like playing Cupid.

Anna looked at me hesitantly. “Would that be okay, Ryder? I can find a hotel or something if not. It wouldn’t be a big deal.”“No,” I said. “I would rather you were with me instead of a hotel. You can absolutely stay.” The Demons probably still had enough connections to track her down in a hotel if they wanted to. I would just have to behave myself while she was staying with me. I could do that. I would have to.

She gave me a sweet smile. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”“It’s my pleasure.” I bit my tongue right before I called her baby girl. How the hell was I going to survive when she would be sleeping in the room right next to mine?

Mac nodded and stood up. “I’m going to start asking around about where the Demons might be regrouping,” he said. “I’ll have Rogue stake out the restaurant in case they come back there and Gunner will start asking around about your manager. His name was Dylan, right?”

She nodded.

“Perfect. I’ll keep you guys updated.” He looked at me briefly and smirked just enough so I would see before leaving. Bastard.

I turned back to Anna. “Drink your water, okay? I’ll wash your dishes and then we can get going.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

“Good girl.” The praise was out before I could stop it. I mentally kicked myself. I picked up her dishes and left to wash them without a word. This was going to be hard. Harder than I wanted to admit.