Single-Dad Cowboy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Chapter Nine

Moments later, Zeke stood in line with Nell as Ben passed out generous slices of cake handed to him by a server. Zeke had met the Choosy Moose owner several times. A robust sixty-something, he had the same impressive silver mane as Zeke and Jake’s father.

The resemblance ended there. Ben was a straight-shooter, a generous soul who’d started a Christmas toy drive for needy kids many years ago and it was still going strong. Ben also thought Henri Fox hung the moon. Zeke agreed with him.

When Nell stepped up to get her cake, Ben’s face lit up. “You’re the new teacher!”

“I am. But how did you know?”

“Claire showed me a picture she took with Zeke’s phone when you were working on the greenhouse project. Awesome idea.”

“Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without this guy.” She turned to Zeke with a smile. “And Claire. She was a big help, too.”

“She loved that project,” Ben said. “You weren’t here for the Christmas party, right?”

“Didn’t want to spread my germs.”

“Good call. Nice to finally meet you.” He took the next serving of cake and handed it to her. “You’re gonna like this.”

“I’m sure. Thanks for the party.”

“My pleasure.”

She stepped aside and Zeke moved forward.

“That’s quite a cake, Ben.”

“Wait’ll you taste it.”

“If it’s as good as the slices I’ve ordered here before—”

“Even better. This one’s got a mocha filling. If it’s a hit, we’ll add it to the menu.” He handed Zeke his cake. “Looks like the whole gang is here except Leo and Fiona.”

“They’re spending a couple of weeks with Fiona’s parents.”

“Somehow I missed that memo, but I’m happy for them. I have a stake in that relationship.”

“So I heard.” Clearly matchmaking was a thing in Apple Grove and Claire fit right in. He thanked Ben for the cake and joined Nell on the sidelines. Her piece was untouched. “You don’t like mocha with your chocolate?”

“I love that combo. I was waiting for you.”

“That was sweet.”

She gave him a flirty look. “I’m a sweet person.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.” He picked up his fork. “Let’s dig in.” He cut into the cake but held off taking a bite so he could watch her reaction. If this was better than the kind he’d ordered here before, she’d be a happy lady.

She slid the fork into her mouth. Then she closed her eyes and moaned.

Look away, dude.But he didn’t. And he paid for it. A surge of lust made him reconsider taking that bite. Choking would not be cool. “Like it?”

She chewed, swallowed and opened her eyes. “I love it.” Pleasure put stars in her eyes. “If Ben adds it to the menu, I’d come back just for this.” She forked up another bite and checked out his plate. “What are you waiting for?”

“Just having fun watching you enjoy yourself.”

Her gaze met his. Slowly her cheeks turned pink and her lips parted.

He forgot all about cake. And the people gathered around them. And his vow not to get involved with her. He’d never been so desperate to kiss a woman in his life.

She sucked in a breath. “Um, we should—”

“Yes, ma’am.” He blinked. “We should eat this. The band will be back any minute.” He started in. The cake was rich and creamy, but no substitute for what he wanted.

Just when he needed willpower, it had deserted him. He planned to finish this cake and dance to as many fast tunes as Nell could handle. Maybe he’d work through his obsession with kissing her plump, rosy lips, which were currently flavored with mocha and chocolate. His jeans pinched.

Ben’s voice came over the sound system. “There’s more cake for anyone who wants a second piece.”

Can I get it to go? Oh, boy, now he was projecting images on his fevered brain that would drive him crazy if he didn’t shut them down ASAP. Tearing his gaze from Nell, he focused on Ben up at the mic.

“The band will return in about five minutes. Before they do, let’s take this opportunity to thank Principal Kuhn and the faculty and staff of Apple Grove Elementary. They’re doing a terrific job. Let’s show ’em some love.”

Zeke found a spot to put his plate so he could join in the standing ovation. Nell looked tickled by it. He wanted to give her a congratulatory hug. Did he dare? He hesitated a little too long.

“Be right back.” She touched his arm. “Val and I are ducking into the restroom before the dancing starts again.”

The second she was gone, the Buckskin gang descended on him with a chorus of we told you so and now what?

Zeke sighed. “I’ll tell you what.” He directed his comments at Jake, who was clearly the ringleader. “Nothing. We’ll dance a few more dances and then I’ll go home and she’ll go home. Separately.”

“That’s not how it looks to the rest of us, little brother.”

“And I guarantee that’s not what she’s expecting,” Millie added. “I caught the hot look that passed between you two a bit ago. Add that to all the fancy dancing you two have been doing, and I figured you’d be driving her home. She’s likely thinking the same.”

“But you don’t know that.”

“No, I don’t, but I’d bet my new set of porch rockers she and her friend are in the restroom discussing your intentions.”

“I agree with Millie,” Kate said. “If you don’t drive her home, she’ll be confused at the very least. That look you gave her was enough to singe her eyebrows.”

Guilt slammed into him. “You make a good point. Maybe I should have a private talk with her, let her know where I stand.”

“Like during the drive to her place?” Jake gave him a pointed look.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Rafe weighed in. “It’s the best you’ve got, buddy. You can’t have that kind of discussion here, with all these folks around and music blaring. If you feel the need to explain yourself, take her home and do it on the way.”

“And I’d leave soon if I were you,” Garrett said. “The more time you spend dancing with her, the more you’re leading her on. That’s not fair.”

“Okay, okay. I get it. One more dance, and I’ll suggest driving her home. I’ll tell her I need to explain my unique situation so she doesn’t get the wrong idea.”

Jake coughed. “Right. Do that. Good plan.”


“Can I see you privately for a minute? Before she gets back?”

“Okay.” Zeke followed him over to the far corner of the room. “Look, I mean it. I don’t have time for romance. I have to concentrate on Claire.”

“Take a lesson from Nell. She knows how to multi-task.”

“She’s amazing. But I can’t risk getting involved with her, Jake. Claire needs me.”

His brother gazed at him. “You’ve managed to go dancing with us almost every week.”

“No woman wants a guy who can only spare one night a week.”

“Why assume that? Ask the lady. She might surprise you.”

“I can’t imagine asking her that.”

Jake gazed at him. “All right, then don’t.” He reached in his pocket. “But in case the subject comes up, so to speak, take these.”

“Good God, Jake.”

“Take ’em.”

No.” He glanced around. “I can’t believe you have those handy. What the hell are you—”

“I brought them in anticipation of this very scenario. Unless you’re a complete idiot, you’ll put them in your pocket. A Lassiter does not go into the unknown unprepared.”

“You made that up just now.”

“I did, but I like it. Gonna remember it. Anyway, she never has to know you’ve got ’em. Unless…”

“It won’t be happening.”

“Then you can give them back tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry, I will.” Zeke took the condoms and quickly shoved them in his pocket with a silent pledge that they’d stay there.

Well, unless he found a way to ask that million-dollar question.