Catherinelle by Diane Portman-Ray




I touched motherfucking Shangri-la, and it was everything I expected it to be. It was quiet. Catherinelle’s touch calmed the caliginous sea that was raging in my chest. In that moment, I wasn’t tortured by the curse of my existence. Here it was just me and the woman who’d be my one-way ticket to hell.

She was playing with the rose, sniffing it. I had never given a woman flowers before. I had never given a woman anything; there was no need to. Fucking doesn’t require wooing. I said when, and they came running, and Catherinelle shouldn’t have been any different, but who the fuck I was trying to fool? I saw the florist playing with the flowers, arranging them in the bouquet, and I made the mistake of touching a rose. The petals were soft like her lips, pale like her skin, so I bought one more. I couldn’t believe it myself until I saw it in her hands. The fuck was this girl doing to me, and why her? Why so young? Why my best friend’s sister? My boss’s sister…

I had a harem in New York that would gladly be the object of my desire, girls I didn’t have to worry hurting their feelings, but of all the women in the world, it was her I wanted to pervert. Every wet dream, every fantasy, all were about a blond girl with vivid blue eyes. For a long time, I refused to name the one who tortured me in my dreams, teasing me with her cruel beauty, but there was no way around it anymore. Not now when she was offering herself to me like a sacrificial virgin. If hell was the price for corrupting the last innocent thing left in my life, then tell Satan I’m on my way, because nothing could snatch Catherinelle Nucci from my arms now.

She swirled in my arms and raised on her knees, looking at me.

“I know a better way to make you relax.” Wrong. She was so fucking wrong. Just the suggestion made me tense up from the top of my head to the tip of my dick.

“Princess.” The word was calloused when rolling off my tongue.


Her lips landed on mine with gentleness, and I danced to her song, letting her have control. She teased me with her tongue and bit my lip, but not hard enough to cause a jolt of pain. I was already ready to take her like an animal from a simple fucking kiss. I had never had an urge like this, not even when I was a teenager with blisters on my right hand from all that jerking off. Somehow, her hand slid from my chest all the way to my crotch, and she squeezed me through my jeans, and I twitched.

“Fuck, Cat. Fucking hell, don’t do that. I’m going to lose my mind.”

“Do it. Lose your mind on me, Hugo.”

No way. There was no way. She was not the woman to see the dark and fucked up depths of the monster that I was.

“Cat, easy.”

“No, I want you.”

She tugged at my jeans trying to make her way to my boxers. I couldn’t let her win this round because there wouldn’t have been a way back, so I pushed her away.

“Hugo, don’t do that again.”

“You said you want me? I want you too. I want my mouth on you.”

Before she could protest further, I put her on her back, threw away her boots and leggings and put her legs on my shoulders. Looking at her like this, spread at my mercy, was better than any porn movie out there. Unable to hold onto my reaction anymore, I bent down and bit her through her silk underwear. My mouth was watering so fucking hard, I wet her panties. Or maybe that was from her.

She giggled and let her head fall to the side.

“I didn’t know there was a playful side to you, Mustafa.”

“If you think that was playful, you’re out of your Goddamn mind. Baby girl, that was hunger.”

“So what are you gonna do now?” There was an unspoken invitation in her eyes.

I dragged the panties up her legs, my hard-skinned fingers insulting the creamy texture of her skin, and uncovered her under my greedy eyes. She wanted to say something, but I didn’t give her the occasion. With one brisk move, I split her legs wider, uncovering smooth lips and the pink pearl that was the center of her pleasure. Fuck me, that was a pretty pussy inviting me to suck on it like it was a popsicle.

Tonight I was going to make Catherinelle cum until she passed the fuck out.

“Ready, princess?”

“Please.” She begged for something but had no idea what.

I grabbed her thighs, thinking about all the things I could do with her right now. She pushed her hips up, trying to get close to my mouth. My little princess was restless for some degradation, and who was I to go against the crown. The moment I lowered my mouth on her, the sweet taste of woman flooded my mouth, and I was an addict. She was coated in ambrosia, and I was on a mission to clean her up with my tongue.

An arduous moan evaded from her, and it only made me go harder, burying my head between her legs and sucking on her lips like there was no tomorrow.

“Do you like that, princess. Should I eat you out every day?” She didn’t answer but moaned again and spasmed like crazy. “When I take you to school, should I stop in a parking lot and devour this pussy before you go to class, Cat? Should I drag you in a bedroom when you’re at some Sunday barbeque and make you cum on my tongue?”

“Fuck, Hugo, fuck. Stop talking. I feel…”

I knew exactly how she felt. I could read it on her face.

“Tell me, princess?” To emphasize my words, I gave her a vigorous rub with my thumb.

“Yes. Do it every chance you get. Santa Madonna, e così sorprendente. It feels so good. More, per favore.

She was losing her head, panting on the verge of an orgasm, and it was more beautiful to look at than a Botticelli painting.

I opened her lips with two fingers and licked her clit, circling it over and over again until she exploded. I could feel her body closing and opening under my lips, and it took the willpower of everything holy to not unzip my pants and take her right there like a barbaric conqueror taking his virgo intacta.

“Hugo,” she called for me desperately and squeezed my neck with her legs, looking for something to keep her in the real world. The way she lost herself in pleasure was a fucking spectacle, and it was worth everything. Money, my soul, my life, whatever it was, I was willing to give.

“This is it, baby girl.”

Three minutes and twenty-seven seconds. That was exactly how long it took for her body to stop spasming. I did a lot of things in this life, some good, some atrocious and some fucking glorious, but nothing ever made me feel more triumphant than satisfying Catherinelle’s needs.

I threw away everything I had worked for in this life for this woman. It only took a second. I was nine when I swore to never be at the mercy of others, and I fought – I fought tooth and nail – and here I was now, slave to a pretty pussy and a pair of lucent eyes.

“Baby,” she whispered and looked down where I was resting my cheek on her thigh. “That was amazing.”

“You’re welcome, princess.”

Her crystalline laugh filled the room.

“Cocky bastard. You have to carry me to bed. My legs don’t work.”

If she kept blowing my ego, my chest might explode with pride.

I picked her up and wrapped her in the knitted throw before carrying her bodyguard style to the master bedroom. I wasn’t anything like that fella, Costner, with his babyface and rosy lips that seemed to make all the ladies swoon, but Cat was way more beautiful than any R&B diva. She was radiating like a fucking sunshine while I was the ashy cloud that sucked her light and hid it away.

I couldn’t help but feel my life had no meaning until today. I didn’t know gentleness until I let her touch me. I didn’t know sweetness until I tasted her on the tip of my tongue, and I sinned every day, watched the life drain out of weak men’s eyes, but today I had desecrated an angel.

When I let her down on the bed, she clutched my arm and pulled me down to lay with her. I tried to not think so hard that I was on my best friend’s bed with his half-naked sister.

“Don’t leave me alone,” she pleaded, nestling into my chest.

I smiled in her hair and inhaled her sweet smell.

“Still shaken from your first orgasm, princess?”

“What are you talking about? That was not my first orgasm,” she said with an idle tone, like we were making small talk at a park when in reality she was hitting my stomach with a metaphoric baseball bat.

I jumped out of the bed like I was in a fucking trance and walked across the house, boiling with a brutish fury. When my hot-headed temper got the best of me, it was always the same – my blood started to run faster; my eyes begin to burn, and I saw the world in red. There was a beastly roar smoldering in my chest ready to come out. It was like my mind was locked on one thing – hurt, destroy, ruin, kill. That was exactly what I wanted to do.

The rational part of my brain turned off; there was just instinct now. Someone touched something of mine, and I wouldn’t feel better until I’d divorced his arms from his body. I was too caught up in my rage episode to hear her bare feet running through the halls in my direction. When Catherinelle finally got to me, I was in the living room taking off the safety of my gun.

“Hugo, what the hell?” I didn’t answer her, but she didn’t give up. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to kill a rat.”

“What’s got into you? Jesus. Is something wrong?”

“Yes, fucking hell, yes, it is. I’m going to go into the city and haunt that fucking piece of filth with blonde hair that dared to put his hands on you.”

“What? Are you talking about Nate?”

Like I would give a fuck about what his name was.

“Show me, Cat. Show me how he put his hands on you,” I grunted through my teeth, unable to articulate properly because my jaw was too tensed.

She looked at me like I had grown a second dick on my forehead.

“Nate?” Why did she keep telling his damn name? “You…were there, remember? You almost broke his back for that kiss. Hugo, where is this coming from?”

“Tell me how he touched you when he made you cum so I know how to send him into the eternal sleep.”

“What? You…” Her eyes rounded up before bursting into an uncontrolled laughter. Did she think I was joking? “Oh my god, this is…it’s because I said it was not my first orgasm? Hugo, I meant I, umm, with myself.”

“Fuck!” I turned around and paced the room, every breath feeling like fire in my lungs.

“Baby, put the gun down.”

She walked up to me and took my handgun, carefully placing it on a shelf nearby, and then grabbing my hand in her palms. I felt my treacherous heart settling under her silky touch.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You didn’t scare me, Hugo, you worried me. Come on, I want to go to sleep.”

She led me to the bedroom and virtually tucked me in like I was some helpless infant, wrapping me in the comfort of her petite body, and neither of us said another word. Time settled her into a deep and peaceful sleep, but mine refused to fucking show up. My mind was troubled by what just happened. I didn’t know what that feeling was, but it possessed me, making me lose control. Worse, in that moment Catherinelle had control over me. Everything was about her – protecting her, avenging her. Her. I was under some kind of wicked spell, and I had to shake it off before it got us both in trouble. The kind of trouble that made the ground shake.