Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Fifteen


It’s been so long.I’ve held myself back for Paige’s sake, but Honey’s throaty voice did something to me, and my control snapped like a worn-out rubber band. I’ve been giving it time. Letting everything settle in. The wait is over.

“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed this,” I mutter against her lips. My mouth moves upward, peppering kisses against her cheeks and eyelids. I bite the tips of her ears and suck on her lobes. I score the delicate column of her throat with my teeth and soothe the marks with my tongue. I’m so starved and needy for her I even want to kiss her small, delicate ears. Every part of her. All of it.

She moans and stretches her neck, wanting more. I give it to her. Anything she’ll let me have I’ll take before anything can try and take it back from me. I need to slow down but we’ve had months of slowness. I’m not a delicate man by any means.

So many nights over the last few months, I’ve lain in bed mapping out exactly how I would make our first time slow and perfect. I’ve gone over it hundreds of times in my head. One small moan from her and that all goes up in flames. The need to take her consumes me.

I feast on her collarbone while tugging at her shirt. She shivers when my knuckles brush the bare skin of her waist. The shirt comes off, and her bra straps are pushed off her shoulders. Her juicy tits bounce free of their bindings, and her nipples tighten from exposure to the air. I thumb one and draw the other between my teeth.

Her fingers delve into my hair. “That feels so good.” She moans, not telling me to slow down. In fact, her body is begging me to go faster.

I skate my hand against the indent of her waist and over the curve of her hip, sweeping her knit pants as I go. I hold the fabric against the floor under my heel and lift her out of her clothes, seeing that she’s clad only in a pair of wispy undies. I carry her to the bed.

There aren’t flowers or candles here either, but it’s not dirty, and no one else is around. It’ll have to do because I can’t wait any longer. I’ll make this up to her, I silently vow as I worship her with my mouth. My dick is ready to explode with the need to be inside her.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” I rasp, unsnapping my jeans and then stepping between her legs. “I’m going to tear your cunt up. If you don’t want it, say it now because I won’t be able to stop if you stay.”

I cup my heavy cock in one hand and rub my fingers against the slick skin of her pussy.

Her eyes are wide. “Shit. Fuck,” I mutter. My brain is not firing right. “I mean make love. I need you.” I try to soften myself.

“I-I want this, too. All of what you said.” She blushes as if vocalizing her need is too dirty for her ears.

I grin. She wants my gruffness. I knew she was made for me, from her mind to her wide hips and thick thighs. All of her can handle me. “You tell me everything you want, and I’m going to give it to you.”

“You inside me.” She moans as I separate her folds and place my cockhead at her entrance. “You’re so pretty here. Your pussy is pink and wet. You're small, beautiful girl. Just take a breath and let me in.”

“I don’t know about this.” Honey wriggles backward as she sees how big my cock is compared to her. It has to work.

I drop my cock and clamp a hand on her hip, needing to show her how perfectly I know we’re going to fit. Before her, I never wanted another. The desire was never there. No woman could handle or want what I can give. They’d all run screaming. Then Honey came along—the one woman for me.

“Whoa. It’s going to work. I’m going to make you feel so good, you’ll be begging for me to fill you up every minute. It’s why you’ve waited for me. This body is mine.”

I pull her to the end of the bed and spread her legs wide. She bites down on her lower lip and watches with big eyes as I press my cockhead at her hot entrance. “Look at you. See how we fit. See how your sweet cunt is eating up my cock? Fuck. This is so hot.”

She inhales a shaky breath, but she watches, not pulling back. In fact, she starts to push down, seeing what I see. Her cheeks redden, and the flush spreads from her face to color her tits. I lean forward and capture her mouth, inching farther inside her steamy clutch. My own orgasm pounds at the base of my spine, ready to explode at the first sign. I hold the reins of my self-control tight, calling on every ounce of training I’ve ever had. Fighting in a ring is nothing compared to the endurance I need right this moment.

I plunge my tongue into her mouth until she’s kissing me back with the same kind of hungry fervor she had when I first tasted her. Her hands grip my shoulders, and her thighs tighten around me. She sucks me in, pulling my shaft deep inside her wet cunt. The minute my cockhead hits the back of her channel, she lets out a cry, and her cum drenches me. Her orgasm sends me into oblivion. My vision blacks, and instinct takes over as I drive into her again and again until my release bursts out of me like a flood.

I collapse, nearly crushing her and turning away only at the last second. “Damn,” I half-laugh. “I didn’t even get my jeans off.” She lets out a small laugh with me. “We’re just getting started.”

I start to reach down and kick them off when the door to the bedroom begins to move. Thank fucking God for my lightning-quick reflexes because I’m able to throw a cover over Honey’s nude body and my exposed dick before Paige’s white face appears in the doorway.

“Mr. Bear? Honey? Didn’t you hear me calling?”

“No, Paige, we didn’t.” Honey sits up, her hair falling over her bare shoulders and the blanket clutched to her chest.

“I had a nightmare.” Paige’s eyes narrow, landing on the undies, bra, and clothes strewn around the room. She’s a baby, but she’s seen stuff at Johnny’s. She’s adding a few things together in her little mind and doesn’t like how it’s all coming together.

“You said you wouldn’t,” she accuses me. “You said that you wouldn’t drive Honey away like Daddy did with all the other girls.”

“I’m not driving her away.” Fuck. I want to drive her closer. Lock her in his house so she can never leave us. Both Paige and I need her.

“He’s not doing anything to me. I’m going to be here for you.” Honey starts to get to her feet, but I drag the blanket down so as to keep myself covered.

Paige chokes out a cry and races off. I pull up my jeans and run after the little girl. She reaches her room and slams the door shut.

“Paige.” I knock on the door. “I’m coming in.”

“No. You stay out. You’re a liar, and I don’t want to see you.”

“Paige. Don’t be this way. I’m always going to be here for you. That’s why your daddy left you in my care. He knew I’d take care of you.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want you!”

Paige’s helpless sobs are like a knife to my gut. Honey stands behind me, an anguished expression on her face. I reach out to her, but she backs away. “No. We shouldn’t have done that, Bear. We need to think of Paige.” Her eyes fill with tears too. They are both ripping me from the inside out.

“I know. I am thinking of Paige.” There’s only one solution. A fucking perfect one, if you ask me “We should get married.”

Honey’s face crumples. “I can’t. I can’t marry you.” And then she, too, runs off and slams the door, leaving me dazed and confused.