Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Two


“Surprise!”Everyone shouts as I walk into the teachers’ lounge. I let out a scream, my heart lodging in my throat as the books and folder in my hands go crashing to the floor.

“Oh, honey, we didn’t mean to startle you.” Lori rushes over to help me gather my things from off the floor. “We wanted to do something a bit special for you.”

“Thank you,” I say as I go for one of my folders on the floor, shuffling the papers back inside.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lori grabs my trembling hand. The whole room goes quiet at my overreaction. I take a breath, trying to settle my racing heart. Is this what it’s going to be like for the rest of my life? Is every small thing that happens going to startle me and make me think I’ve been found? I force a smile onto my face, not wanting any of them to feel bad.

“Yes, I’m sure. This is all sweet. Thank you, everyone.” I come to my feet, wobbling on my tiny heels.

Trevor grabs my hips from behind, trying to help me so that I don’t stumble again. I step forward to get out of his reach. He’s always a bit too handsy. A few of the other teachers enjoy it. But I think it’s gross. And not only because he’s freaking married. There’s something about him that gives me the creeps.

When I finally get myself together, I look around to see the small teachers’ lounge is filled with balloons and banners that say You will be missed. In the short time I’ve been at Hawthorne Elementary, I’ve met a lot of new sweet people. It really sucks that it’s time for me to move along. Mrs. Neil is coming back from maternity leave, and they no longer need me.

I didn’t mean to grow so attached to my coworkers. I knew this was only a temporary position, but that doesn’t make it any easier. More than anything, I’m going to miss all the cute faces of the kindergarteners that have been mine for the last three months. They have brought so much joy into my life.

“We’re going to miss you.” Lori gives me a tight hug. I return it, while trying to keep my tears at bay.

I am definitely going to miss her too. We’ve become fast friends. I don’t think she’ll ever know how much her friendship has helped me. It’s so strange to settle into a giant city with people everywhere but still always feel so alone. It’s something I should be used to at this point, but I never am.

“Let's have some cake to drown our sorrows. I got your favorite. Vanilla buttercream frosting on a strawberry cake.”

“Oh, I love you.”

“Wait and try it before you go declaring your love for me. I’m not as good of a baker as you are, but I gave it a shot.” I let out a laugh. I love Lori. I really do, but I have to admit that she is a terrible baker. I watch as she starts to cut into the cake. From the outside it looks great, but icing can cover a lot of things.

Lori hands me the first piece. I grab a fork and take a bite. It’s a bit dry, but the thick icing helps cover up the burnt taste coming from the bottom of the cake. Still, it doesn’t stop any of us from digging in. It’s way better than some of the stuff they serve in the cafeteria here.

“Has the school district found somewhere to put you next?” Lori asks as she takes a seat across from me.

“Going to be hard not getting to see your pretty face every day.” Trevor sits down in the chair next to mine. I give him a small smile before I answer Lori.

“No, nothing yet. I’ve applied at a few daycares. I can’t wait around for someone to get knocked up again or have an accident for them to fill me in somewhere.”

I really need to find something more permanent. This city is going to be my home for the foreseeable future. At least that’s what my handler Scottie told me. I don’t get much of a choice in the matter. I’m usually placed where they think I’ll be the safest and when they think differently, I’m moved immediately. I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes I can’t help but get tired of all of the relocating. I suppose I should just be thankful I’m still alive at this point.

“I’m sure something will come up. You’re so good with the kids that anywhere you go will be lucky to have you.” I smile at Lori’s compliment. It’s nice to have a friend that lifts your spirits up and believes in you. Especially when I’m unable to be in contact with anyone from my old life.

I finish my cake before I give a few other teachers hugs and head back toward my classroom. I get back right in time for the kids to come rushing into my room after recess.

“Is it bunny painting time?” Paige comes to stand in front of my desk. I hate to say that I have favorites, but Paige is mine. She’s adorably sweet and smart with a side of mischievousness.

“It is. Can you get the cotton balls out for me, and Sarah, can you grab the construction paper? Along with the bunnies, we’re going to make cards for Mrs. Neil. She’ll be back tomorrow,” I remind them.

“What?” Paige’s eyes go wide. “Tomorrow?”

“Yes, tomorrow. I bet she brings in pictures of her little girl.”

“But if she comes back to teach, where will you go?”

“I’m not sure yet, sweetheart.”

Her eyebrows pull together. “Will I see you tomorrow?” Her question makes me want to burst out in tears, but I somehow control myself.

“No. Mrs. Neil will be here bright and early. I’m sure she misses you.” Paige’s lips purse together, making her look even more adorable. I’m going to miss her so much.

“We’ll see,” she chirps with that mischievous smile of hers before she bounces off to get the cotton balls.

I smile at her optimism, wishing there really was something she could do. I’m glad I won’t be here tomorrow to see the disappointment on her face.