Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Six


“That is Mr. Chan?”I whisper to Lori. We are both staring at the door he and Paige retreated through. I’ve never seen Paige so worked up. With how sad she’s been about me leaving, I didn’t think she’d be so opposed to me being a nanny to her.

“It seems so,” Lori responds, a bit dumbstruck by the man too. I’ve never given what Mr. Chan might look like much thought, but this man is so not what I was expecting. Honestly, I could have never thought this man up in a million years.

I had no idea someone could be big and intimidating while also seeming a bit cuddly. “Did he growl?” Lori finally pulls her eyes away from the door. He definitely had. The sound should have been scary. Maybe that’s the way he meant for it to be. But scared was not the reaction my body had when the growl came from him. Turned on was more like it.

“He did say to call him Bear.” Even his name is big and cuddly.

“Oh. Right.” Lori snaps her fingers. “Paige’s dad Johnny is a professional fighter. I’m guessing this guy is too. No wonder he has no clue what to do with a little girl.” That would explain a lot about Mr. Chan’s appearance. He definitely looks the part of a fighter with his solid body, thick thighs, and a nose that I can tell has been broken a few times. Yet it does nothing to take away from how handsome he is.

I wrap my arms around myself. How does someone spend their lives beating the crap out of people for a living? I’m not sure this is someone I can work for. Violence is the last thing I want to be around. I’ve seen enough of it to last me a lifetime.

“He’s hot.” I reach out and smack Lori’s shoulder. “What? I’m married, not dead.” I can’t blame her. Hot is putting it mildly. My fingers still tingle from where he took my hand. “You’re taking the job, right? Please tell me you're taking it.” I almost laugh at the desperation in her voice.

“Paige didn’t look too happy about the idea.” That stung a bit. I adore the little girl. I’m not sure why she got so upset. “Did he say I would be moving in?”

I lived with the family of my last nanny position. It’s not completely abnormal. All of it was set up through an agency. Not that the agency helped much in the end. I’m still trying to escape that nightmare.

“Honey!” Paige comes bouncing back into the room, her smile back in place. Bear follows behind her, looking anywhere but at me. “You’re going to be my nanny.” She beams. “Mr. Chan said you’ll be moving in with us.”

“I’m not sure about that, sweetheart. I have a place of my own.” Her face falls.

“You could keep your place. This is only temporary. You would just be staying with us for a while,” Bear says, stepping up behind Paige. They both have big hopeful eyes that are impossible for me to say no to.

“Okay.” I give.

“Yes!” Paige starts jumping up and down. I wasn’t expecting to start so soon, but I guess now is as good a time as any.

“I suppose you should give me your address. I’ll need to get some things from my place. When would you like me to start?”

“Now,” both Paige and Bear say at the same time.

“Why don’t you have Bear take you home and help you get your things? Honey doesn't have a car,” Lori explains. It’s true. She’s been giving me a ride back and forth since we got close. Before then, I’d been taking the bus. It’s not so easy to get a car when you have no past credit history.

“You don’t have to do that,” I rush to say, not wanting him to feel obligated.

“That works,” Bear says. I don’t really get much of a chance to protest. Before I know what is happening, Paige and Bear have me in their giant SUV, and we are headed to my little studio apartment. Both of them can be rather persistent, but together they really are unstoppable.

“This is where you live?” Bear asks as we pull up outside my building.

“It is.” I try to keep my voice bright. The building isn't the best, but it’s not like I have a lot of options. I really had no choice in the matter. This is where I was put. I suppose anything is better than six feet under, which is where my last employer wishes I was.

“It smells,” Paige says as Bear helps her out of the back seat. Leave it to children to be brutally honest.

“I think that’s the factory.” I point to the giant plant a few blocks over. They make dog food. At least that’s what I’ve been told. A strange smell is always coming from there.

“It doesn't smell that bad.” Bear tries to come to my building's defense.

“It’s okay. I know it does.” I snort a laugh. They both follow me inside. Paige slips her hand into mine as I take the stairs up to the second floor. I stop walking when I spot my apartment door hanging open about an inch.

“You live alone?” Bear asks. I nod my response. He motions for Paige and me to stay put. Before I can try to stop him, he’s already pushing into my place. I tell myself it’s a normal break-in. Nothing more. This isn’t a great part of town. Yet that doesn’t stop the panic that begins to rise in me. I always have that constant worry in the back of my mind that my past life has finally caught up with me.

My eyes widen when Bear comes back out a moment later. He’s got a man by the back of the neck. It takes me a moment to realize who it is.

“Ted? What are you doing in my apartment?” He’s in his normal wrinkled suit.

“Yeah, Ted. Why are you inside her place?” Bear growls. Yeah, that was definitely a growl.

“I own the building,” he sputters.

“You can’t just let yourself into my place whenever you want.” Can he? Ted has always given me the creeps. He stares a bit too long.

“I own the building,” he repeats. He tries to break from Bear’s hold, but it’s pointless. He’s not going anywhere unless Bear allows it.

“Go get your things, Honey,” Bear says. “Take Paige with you.”

I do as I’m told, slipping past both of them. Paige’s hand is still in mine.

“Ted is in trouble,” Paige says when the door closes behind us, leaving Ted and Bear out in the hallway. “Have you been robbed?'' Paige glances around my bare apartment.

“No, sweetheart,” I respond.

Not today at least. I was robbed six months ago of my life.