Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Four


I scrollthrough all the notes I’ve made for Mrs. Neil. When I get to the bottom of the sixth page, I start to think I went a bit overboard. This is, after all, only kindergarten. A class she’s been teaching for years. I close the document out before pulling up an email to attach and send it off to her. It feels so final.

I know I’m being a bit dramatic with this being my last day here at Hawthorne Elementary, but it feels like I’m once again about to start over. It might not be a whole new city and identity, but it’s all I really have at the moment.

“Honey.” Lori calls my name as she walks through the open door to my classroom.

“Hey,” I call back, checking the time. It’s the last block of the day, and my students are in gym. They should be back any minute now.

“I think I have something for you.” She waves a piece of paper in her hand, coming over to lean up against my desk. Her long dark ponytail bounces the whole way.

“Something for what?”

“A job. Have you ever nannied before?” I open my mouth but close it quickly. “It’s not a hard question.” She laughs.

“I’ve babysat before,” I finally say.

I’m a terrible liar, but that’s not really a lie. I babysat when I was younger. It was actually how I became a nanny. The very thing that had gotten me into this whole mess to begin with.

“You know Paige’s dad.”

“Oh no? What happened?” My heart drops for the poor girl.

Her dad has been in the hospital for awhile now. She’s been staying with a family friend who she is always calling Mr. Chan. At first I thought it was odd her always calling him by such a proper name, but I’ve learned that Paige can be a bit quirky. It is one of the many endearing things about her. I’ve yet to meet the man, but I have met his assistant Shannon a few times. She seems to handle most things for him. Especially when it comes to Paige.

“No change with the dad or anything, but the man who is taking care of her—”

“Mr. Chan.”

“Oh, you’ve met him?” Her perfect eyebrows lift. I shake my head no.

“Paige talks about him.” A lot actually. More so than she ever did of her own father when I think about it.

“Right. I guess he’s looking for some help. I talked to him on the phone this afternoon. I think this could be a really good fit.”

“He wants a nanny? Paige is in school. Surely he doesn’t need someone full-time.”

“Honey. You need work. Why are you trying to talk yourself out of a job offer?” She laughs.

“Right.” I reach up and take the paper from her hand. It only has a phone number with the name Chan next to it.

“Spring break is around the corner, and this guy knows nothing about kids from the sound of it. He sounds a bit desperate.”

“Okay, I’ll give him a call.” What would it hurt? I already adore Paige, and I need a job.

“He is actually coming by to see you after school.”


“Yep.” She pushes off the side of my desk as the kids start to trickle back into my classroom from gym class. “Have Paige stay back when class is done.” Lori gives me a wave, slipping back out the door.

“Let’s get our areas cleaned up and grab our bags from your cubbies,” I announce to the room. The final bell is about to ring for the day. “Paige. I need you to stay please. Mr. Chan is going to be coming here to pick you up.”

She gives me a curious look but nods her head before getting her stuff together like the rest of the kids. A moment later, the bell rings.

“Bye, everyone! I will miss you.” A handful of the kids rush up to give me hugs while the others are already out the door. I watch them go until it’s only Paige and me left.

“I’m going to miss you. You’re more fun than Mrs. Neil. She smells funny.” A burst of laughter comes from me before I can stop it.

“That’s not a nice thing to say.”

“I wouldn’t say it to her.” I bite the inside of my cheek, so I don’t laugh anymore. “I made you a goodbye card.” Paige holds up the paper in her hand to me.

“Oh, sweetie.” I take it from her, opening it.

If I had a mommy I’d want her to be as pretty and nice as you. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

“I love it, Paige.” I drop down to my knees. I’m not really sure where her mom is. She’s never talked about her before, and I never got the chance to meet her father.

“I think you’re really nice and pretty too.”

“Really? You don’t think my nose is too big for my face?” She squeezes her eyes shut, tilting her chin back to give me a better look. “Mr. Chan said it was the right size for my face.”

“I think I’d have to agree.” Her eyes pop. “You’ve got one of those button noses. It goes just right with your cheeks.” Her nose scrunches, thinking over what I said.

“Carly says her nose is perfect.”

“Carly Porter?” Pretty sure she’s in Mrs. Carter’s third grade class. Paige nods her head.

“Well, that’s unfortunate for her, I suppose.”


“I mean, who wants perfect? There’s nothing cool or different about perfect.” I lean in a bit, dropping my voice like a secret. “I mean, that’s kind of lame, right?”

“I think you might be right.” A smile pulls at her lips.

I come to my feet when a knock sounds on my door. My breath catches as I take in the massive man looming in the doorway. They found me. I take a step forward to stand in front of Paige. I open my mouth, but no words come out.

“Mr. Chan!” Paige shouts, darting around me. This day is one surprise after another.