Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Seven


“Hey,aren’t you Bear Chan? Fighter Chan?” The little worm in my grip tries to wriggle around to face me.

“Yeah, and what about it?” I jerk him toward the wall, not because I’m trying to be incognito or anything but because I don’t want his spit in my face. Plus, does he deserve to look at me? No.

“I’m a big fan. Bought the pay per view of your fight three months ago. It was three months, right? Or four? I think February because it was after Valentine’s Day, and I’d suggested to the missus that she buy the fight for me as a gift, but she didn’t because she’s a stingy bitch. All mad because I didn’t get her fucking flowers on Valentine’s Day, but I told her last year she wasn’t getting none after she refused to put out. Who doesn’t put out on Valentine’s Day? That’s part of the deal. I give you roses and a box of chocolates and you have to go down on me and swallow. None of this shit where you bring me to the edge and then pump me until I come. No way, I want my dick down your throat cuz that’s what a real woman does.”

This guy wouldn’t know a real woman if she slapped him across the face. “Don’t care about none of that. I don’t know what games you play here, but you step inside someone’s apartment without permission again, and you’re not going to like the consequences.”

“I own this place,” the worm declares.

I mash his face against the wall until his cheekbone is flush with the drywall. “I don’t like repeating myself. Stay out of people’s private property.” I give his head a few taps—just small ones—until he nods in agreement. “Glad we’ve come to an agreement. I hear you stepping outside of that, and I’m not going to be so nice.”

The door opens, and Honey and Paige step out. Honey’s got a small satchel in one hand and Paige’s little paw in the other. I release the worm, and he slides to the ground like the spineless creature he is.

“Ready?” At Honey’s small nod, I gesture for them to go in front of me. As we walk away, I hear him hurl a few curse words at my back. Things like “I’m going to report you” and “Wait until the press hears about this” which might affect some people, but I fight for a living. The public doesn’t care about what I do outside of the ring so long as they get their bloodlust quenched when I fight, and I always put on a good show. Plus, unlike some other fighters, I’m not spending all my money on drugs, booze, and women. I’ve invested in gyms and property. I could hang it all up tomorrow and not worry about feeding myself. Lots of guys don’t have that luxury. I still fight because I like it. Stepping inside the ring, beating the daylights out of some guy, and coming out a conqueror charges my battery. Getting paid to do it is just a bonus.

“I don’t think that man likes you,” Paige chirps.

“Probably so.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”


“I don’t like when other people don’t like me. What about you, Honey?”

“I guess I haven’t thought about it but it’s not a nice feeling, is it? Mr. Chan seems to be taking it okay.”

“Daddy says Mr. Chan doesn’t have feelings, and that’s why he never gets mad. Daddy says that if he was more like Mr. Chan, he wouldn’t be in so much trouble. Do you think that’s right, Mr. Chan?”

Johnny talks a lot of shit, I realize, but he does tend to run his mouth, and that’s probably why he’s lying on his back hooked up to a couple machines. He’s lost matches because someone whispered some trash thing in his ear, and he couldn’t shake it off. “I guess he’s not wrong.”

“I’m sure Mr. Chan has feelings, Paige. All people have feelings, only some are better at hiding them than others.” Honey peeks over her shoulder at me.

If she’s worried about me, she shouldn’t be. Honey needs to save that energy for herself because it’s taking a lot out of me not to stare at her ass as it swings from side to side. My mind’s already envisioning how sweet it will be to strip off her clothes, grab that ass in both hands and pound into her with all ten inches of my hard, aching cock.

“We should stop by the hospital and see how your daddy’s doing, Paige. You down with that?” I want to make sure the nurses are giving him the right amount of care so he can be up on his feet, and I can have Honey flat on her back.

“That’d be nice, Mr. Chan.”

“Great.” I toss Honey’s bag into the rear of the SUV. She can’t have more than one change of clothing in there. “We’ll stop at the Melting Pot for dinner after.”

“Can I have ice cream?”


“For dinner?”



“No?” I ask, looking at Honey.

She flushes but doesn’t turn her gaze away from mine. God, she’s hot. I want to swoop in and taste those cherry red lips of hers. I wonder how red her pussy lips are and what flavor her cunt is. Tangy and sweet, I bet. Her tongue darts out to lick her lip. I groan.

“Mr. Chan, you’re growling again.” Paige’s disapproving voice cuts through my fog of lust.

Honey comes to her senses, too. “No. Ice cream is for dessert. After you eat some dinner, then you can have ice cream.”

She buckles a disgruntled Paige into her seat and then climbs in beside her, avoiding my gaze. I let the door close and stare up at the sky until my hard-on subsides. Maybe keeping my hands off Honey’s fine ass is going to be harder than I think.