Knocked Up By Love by Ella Goode

Chapter Eight


“I’ve never been so full,”Paige says as Bear carries her into the house.

“They barely gave us anything to eat,” Bear grunts.

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. I don’t think he knew what he was in for when he suggested we go to the Melting Pot. They serve fondue there, and you have to cook everything yourself.

When they brought out the main course of raw meat selections, Bear was adorably confused. Not only because he had to cook it himself but mostly because of the small portion size. I’m sure a man of Bear’s size could eat a twenty-ounce ribeye and still have room for more.

It was the dessert section that filled Paige up. Instead of cheese, they serve chocolate fondue with a variety of things to dip into it. Paige was more than willing to try them all. We let her have whatever she wanted since she ate a good portion of her dinner.

“We should go back tomorrow.” Paige groans.

Watching the two of them together is making my ovaries ache. Along with a few other parts of me. Bear is good with her, but I can see why he needs a nanny. He more fits the role of an uncle, not a primary caretaker. He’s not really great at enforcing the rules. He may seem big and tough, but that little girl already has him wrapped around her finger. I don’t even think he realizes it yet. I was the one who had to cut the chocolate off. Paige would have gone until she threw up if I hadn’t.

“Maybe next week,” I chime in before Bear can cave to her. He gives me a grateful look.

I follow him into the house and up the stairs. He pushes open a bedroom door, carrying Paige in to lay her down on her bed. She pops up the second he puts her down.

“I think it’s time for PJ’s and teeth brushing.”

“I don’t wanna.” She moans, falling back onto the bed.

“Then I guess I don’t wanna read you a bedtime story,” I say. Paige loves storytime at school, so I’m guessing she also loves a story before bed.

“Okay, okay.” She pops back up. I knew that would get her.

“Let me show you to your room,” Bear says when Paige disappears into her bathroom.

“That would be lovely.” I follow him out of the bedroom, taking in the place as we walk. The house is brand new from the looks of it, but the walls are bare. There are no personal touches anywhere. Even the furniture is somewhat basic.

“You’re here.” He pushes open a door. “My room is there.” He points to the double doors at the end of the hallway. My room is right next to his. “Is this okay?” Bear shifts on his feet as we enter the room.

For some reason he seems nervous all of a sudden. I bet it’s finally starting to settle in that he practically has a stranger living with him. I mean, why else would a man like him seem nervous?

“It’s perfect. This room is bigger than my apartment.” I laugh. He doesn't. His eyebrows pull together. He opens his mouth to say something, but my cell phone starts to ring.

“Sorry.” I dig through my bag and find my phone to clear it. When I see who is calling, I know I have to answer. “I need to take this.” He nods but stands there. “Alone.”

“Right.” He gives me one last long look before he slips from the room. I shut the door behind him, answering the call.

“Honey.” Simon’s voice comes through the line.

“Hey,” I respond, sitting down on the end of the giant bed.

“I stopped by your place, and you weren’t home.”

“Did we have an appointment?”

“No, I was only checking in.” He does that a lot. I’m not sure if that's normal or not. “Where are you?”

“I went out to dinner,” I tell him. I don’t want to bring up the whole nanny thing. I’m supposed to stay away from jobs that are the same as my old one. I’m breaking the rules, and I know it. It’s hard. I love working with kids. I’ve already had to give up so much.

“Oh, with who?”

“A friend from work.” That also isn't a lie.

“That Trevor guy?” I don’t recall telling him about Trevor, but maybe I did.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” He pushes.

“I’m fine, but I really need to go. I’ll talk to you later.” I end the call before he can stop me. I’m the worst at lying. I toss my phone onto the bed before having a look around my new place for the next few weeks. I peek into the bathroom, seeing a giant tub that I know I’ll be spending a lot of time in.

When I open my bedroom door, I see my bag sitting there. I grab it, setting it inside the room before I head back toward Paige’s room. I hear Bear reading to her before I even get to the door. I lean up against the wall outside the room and listen to him read the words of The Giving Tree.

“This book is depressing,” I hear her tell him. I fight a laugh, having to agree with her, but I’m pretty sure she only said that to sucker Bear into another book.

I close my eyes and listen to Bear start another book. There is something so soothing about his voice. Hell, there is something calming about him. I still find it hard to believe he beats people up for a living. It must pay well based on his home.

“Night cap?” I jump, letting out a small scream, my eyes flying open. “Sorry.” My hand goes to my chest over my pounding heart. I was so lost in my thoughts of him that I hadn’t realized he had stepped into the hallway.

“No, I’m sorry.”

“You spook easily.” He has no idea.

“Yeah,” I admit.

“Did your call go okay?” He puts his hand on my back, guiding me down the hallway. I should go back to my room, but I do need to know what Bear’s expectations are of me. I know he said this would only be for a few weeks, but no one can predict how long a person will be in a coma for. So it could be longer.

“Yeah, it was fine.”

“Boyfriend?” he asks. I shake my head no. A smile spreads across his face, making my heart flutter. He’s too handsome for my own good. I can’t fall for him. Heck, I can’t fall for anyone. No one can truly know who I am.

Bear is a whole different kind of trouble. The kind that comes for your heart.