King of Eon by Anna Hackett ePUB)

Chapter Eighteen

Gayel gripped Alea’s waist and lifted her down off the last rock.

It was nice to be back on solid ground.

Around them, his warriors were herding the docile, confused Kantos into a group.

“The hunger…it’s gone.” Alea stared at the aliens. “I can’t imagine how they feel. Do they remember everything?”

He took her hand and squeezed. “We’ll help them.”

A small smile. “You’re a good and noble king.”

“I’d prefer you describe me as a handsome, strong mate.”

She leaned closer. “You’re that, too.”

“King Gayel!”

Davion and the others jogged over.

“By the warriors, you did it.” Davion clapped his hand to Gayel’s back.

“Alea and I did it.” It was only with his mate’s help that he’d controlled the helindai.

The war commander engulfed Gayel’s mate in a hug. Despite knowing Davion was happily mated, with a baby on the way, Gayel felt a prick of something uncomfortable. He didn’t want any other males around her.

“Your Highness, reports are coming in from the Desteron.” Caze’s eyes were wide. “The Kantos ships just…stopped.”

“What?” Gayel breathed.

“The agent, it didn’t just affect the Kantos here on the planet, it affected the ones in orbit too.”

How was this possible?

Alea looked shocked.

“It isn’t just the Kantos here,” a melodious female voice said.

Gayel turned to see Knightqueen Carys approach. Her Knightguard, a tough, big bruiser, followed right behind her, towering over her silently.

The Knightqueen’s helmet retracted. Long, pale-blonde hair spilled out behind her. She was beautiful, with an almost delicate face, and an intricate flower marking down the side of her face, running along her hairline.

“Carys.” Gayel bowed his head.

“Gayel. My knights have reported that all Kantos across the system have stood down.”

“All of them?” Alea said.

The queen looked at Alea and smiled. “It appears the Kantos’ ravening hunger and drive to consume is gone.”

“Oh, my God.” Alea grinned.

Gayel smiled, her pleasure hitting him. “Carys, thank you for your friendship and the assistance of you and your knights.”

“Our two species are linked, Gayel. The Oronis will always stand with the Eon.” Her sapphire eyes—filled with what looked like blue electricity—moved to Alea. “And now the Terrans. We consider you all allies.”

“The Kantos hunger has been reversed,” Davion yelled to the crowd. “In all Kantos.”

Cheers went up.

“I still don’t understand how it’s possible,” Alea said.

“I might know.” Thane stepped forward. The medical commander was covered in the sweat and blood of the fight. “I spoke with some of the Kantos. We already knew that they are linked telepathically, but apparently, it acts almost like a hive mind. The effect of the agent passed from these Kantos to all Kantos.”

Gayel’s chest filled with a sense of triumph. The Eon Empire and its people were safe.

Earth was safe.

He looked at Alea. She was smiling, sharing looks with the surrounding Terrans and Eon warriors. He pushed toward her.

She stiffened, looked like she wanted to run, but she lifted her chin. “Gayel—”

Shouts echoed from the other side of the courtyard. They all spun.

Young warriors poured into the courtyard.

Again, warmth filled Gayel’s chest. The young warriors were safe. The future of the Eon, their shield to protect the Empire from future threats, was intact.

He hadn’t failed them.

The young warriors filed past him, bowing their heads.

“Eon and our allies.” Gayel’s voice rang out across the courtyard. “Today, we protected what we hold most dear. We fought back against those who would destroy our worlds and our people.”

Almost as one entity, the gathered Kantos shifted uncomfortably.

“And I hope this is a new dawn for the Kantos,” he continued.

He caught the eye of a blood-spattered elite. The alien stared back at him for a moment, then bowed its head.

“The Eon have always sought to expand our minds, our capabilities, to be the best we can be. In the past, perhaps that made us rigid. We followed a path to excellence a little too doggedly.” He turned to Alea, glanced at the other Terrans—Lara, Jamie, Donovan, Kaira.

“You never stop learning, and we’ve learned so much from our old allies—” he looked at the Knightqueen and the Oronis “—and continue to learn from our new allies from Earth. We’ve also been blessed to find so many treasured mates among the Terrans. I had planned to take a Terran bride to cement our alliance. Instead, I was blindsided by a tough, Space Corps captain, who is my mate.”

A ripple went through the crowd.

“And who I’d also make my queen, if she’ll have me.”

He saw Alea’s cheeks go a little pale. His fierce Terran had faced down the deadly Kantos without hesitation, but the thought of a crown gave her pause.

His gut churned. Or maybe she didn’t want him enough? He wouldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. What if she didn’t want him enough to withstand the pressure of royal life?

He met her gaze, and let her see all he felt for her inside him.

* * *

The world shrankto just Alea and Gayel.

Later, she’d give him hell about doing this right now, in the middle of the crowd.

Then she stared into his handsome face, into the glowing, purple-black eyes she loved, and realized that he was taking a risk far greater than fighting the Kantos.

She saw all the love and desire he felt for her stamped all over his face.

For her to see, for everyone to see.

She’d been so busy guarding her heart, dealing with her own old fears, that she hadn’t really let the depth of her own feelings free.

This man—this powerful, strong, noble alien king—was hers.

Her mate.

Her love.

Her man.

Alea knew in her heart that Gayel would be committed and loyal, and love her as fiercely as he loved his Empire.

She stepped closer, and saw him tense. She kept her voice low. “I love you, Gayel Solann-Eon. I’m not good at this kind of thing.” She pressed a hand to his cheek. “But I want to be your mate. And for you, I’ll be your queen.”

The purple strands in his eyes turned almost white.

“You’ll have to hold my hand,” she said. “And teach me. But I’ll stand by your side. Support you, fight alongside you.”

He made a low sound and lifted her off her feet. “She said yes!”

The crowd erupted in cheers.

Alea wrapped her arms around him and he kissed her. She kissed him back.

She put everything she felt into the kiss, and when they broke apart, they were both breathing heavily.

He pressed his forehead to hers. “All my life, there have been things I wanted for myself that I couldn’t have. I have a duty to my people, but having you is what I want more than anything. I will fight any army that tries to take you from me. I will stand at your side, always. And I will love you for eternity, Alea.”

She felt a hot rush of tears. “Don’t make me cry in front of these people.”

With another kiss, he set her down.

They were mobbed by well-wishers.

“Queen Alea,” Lara said. “Has a nice ring to it.”

It still made her feel breathless and a little queasy. “Let’s just stick with Alea.”

Lara smiled. “Allying with the Eon sure has made life interesting.”

Alea felt something brush her legs, and she saw her feline friend. She picked the animal up and stroked it. She saw the colors ripple, and it made a low sound, almost like a purr.

Several Eon warriors stepped back.

“That is a xalk,” Davion said carefully.

All the Eon were staring at the animal like it was a ticking bomb.

Gayel’s lips twitched. “It has befriended Alea.”

“It helped me reach the base, sneak in, and fight to free Gayel.”

“They’re deadly,” Davion said. “And notoriously antisocial and solitary.”

Alea blinked, then stroked the animal again. “Not this one.”

Davion stepped closer, and the animal hissed at him. The war commander stepped back quickly and made an unconvinced sound.

“We need to convene on the Desteron,” Gayel said. “Decide how to best help the Kantos.”

“Help the Kantos.” Caze shook his head. “There’s something I never expected to hear.”

“The leaders here on Orzon are already organizing a cleanup of the base,” Davion said. “We’ll meet with any elites and help them back to Kantos space.”

Alea looked at the milling Kantos. “Will they survive? Without the hunger?”

An elite stepped forward. We…we will try. For our people.

“The Kantos rogues led by Nisid have made their own community,” Gayel said. “I think it will pay to contact Nisid and see if he can help.”

The elite bowed its head.

Suddenly, Alea saw Gayel’s cheeks flush. With a small groan, he bent over.

“Gayel?” Was he injured? She could feel her cuts healing up, thanks to the mating bond. But there was also a strange gnawing in her gut that she knew had to be an echo of whatever Gayel was feeling.

“I’m fine.” His hands snaked out, yanked her close. She bumped into him.

He also shot Davion and Caze a narrow-eyed stare.

Both warriors grinned.

Gayel’s hand slid lower, cupping her hip.

She frowned. “Gayel?”

He pulled her up on her toes and kissed her. The kiss was carnal, holding a hard edge that shot heat straight through her.

She managed to pull her lips free, but she was panting and tingling all over.

“You’d better take the first shuttle back to the Desteron,” Davion said. “We’ll finish up down here and coordinate with the Kantos.”

Alea blinked. She tried to step away, but with a low growl, Gayel kept her pinned to his side.

“It’s the mating fever,” Davion looked like he was fighting a smile. “Go. We’ll see you in a day or two.”

A day or two?She didn’t have any time to process that. Gayel dragged her through the crowd. He didn’t stop to talk to anyone, and hauled her almost bodily aboard the shuttle.

Desteron,” he barked. “Now.”

The two pilots snapped to attention then looked askance at Alea’s feet.

The xalk had followed them.

“She’s friendly,” Alea assured them.

“Actually, it’s a he,” Gayel said.


“Keep it in the cockpit with you.” He touched a button and a privacy screen closed between them and the cockpit.

Now it was just her and Gayel in the plush passenger area of the shuttle.

He stalked toward her. “I need you.”

She saw it on him, the hard, desperate need. She felt it in her belly.

No one had ever wanted her like this alien king. Her mate.

She lifted her chin, heat swirling inside her. “So, take me.”