King of Eon by Anna Hackett ePUB)

Chapter Nineteen

All his attention was focused on his gorgeous mate.

Gayel gave up trying to control the need and emotion raging inside him. He was driven by a deep, primal need to mark her, to make sure she never forgot that she was his.

Right now, he was jealous of anyone or anything that took her attention away from him. He let his armor melt away.

“Take it off,” he growled.

A second later, her armor disappeared. She was in her Space Corps spacesuit. Both of them were scratched up, a little bloody.

He didn’t care.

He kissed her, swallowing her moan. He pushed her head back, pressing his lips to her neck. He bit her. She undulated against him and cried out.

Gayel backed her up, need an urgent siren in his head. He ripped at her suit, tearing it and her underwear, off her.

Cren, he loved her body.

Quickly, he stripped his own clothes off. Her face was flushed, lips parted. Her gaze ran across the expanse of his bare chest. His rigid cock throbbed and her gaze dropped. She licked her lips.

With a growl, he pushed her into one of the plush seats. He shoved her legs apart, kneeling on the seat between them.

She ran her hands over his chest.

“Your skin is so hot,” she said.

“I’m burning up for you.”

He pushed her legs wider, over the armrests of the chair. He stroked the plump flesh between her legs. He smelled her arousal, but he wanted to be sure she was ready for him. Because it was going to get rough.

He fingered her and she threw her head back.

Gayel.” His name was followed by low moaning.

The hunger inside him gripped him hard. She was so wet. He thrust his finger inside her and watched her writhe.

Now she made a desperate sound. Her gaze met his. “Now. I need you inside me.”

Gayel shifted and gripped his cock. He notched the broad head between her legs, and thrust inside her with one desperate plunge.

She screamed, her nails scratching down his arms.

He let out a rough, low sound. He kept his thrusts steady, and slid a hand down her taut belly. He found the swollen nub and worked it with his thumb.

Her hips jerked up, her cries low and husky.

“Come, my delicious mate,” he growled.

She shuddered, her body clenching on his cock.

Gayel gritted his teeth. He wasn’t ready to be done yet. He wanted to watch her come again.

He pulled her off the chair and onto the floor. He set her on her hands and knees, then gripped her hip and slid his other hand into her hair.

As he thrust inside her, he tugged her head back.


He loved the look on her face as she took him. She met every heavy thrust, pushing back against him.

Everything in him coiled tight. He wouldn’t last much longer. He growled. He couldn’t see enough of the emotion on her face.

He pulled out, ignoring her protest, and flipped her onto her back.

He covered her and sank deep into her again.

She cried out his name and wrapped her legs around him. Their gazes locked, and he stared at her as he moved inside her.


Yours,” she whispered.

“My mate.” He picked up speed as he thrust into her. “You’ll make a magnificent queen. Loyal, dedicated, protective.”

“Gayel. I love you. I’ll do anything to be with you.”

He moved faster and faster. She clutched him and he felt hot, pleasure-pain drive down his spine.

On his next thrust, she arched and cried out. As she rode through her climax, her body shuddered and she panted his name.

Her release triggered his. His muscles strained as the pleasure washed over him and he poured inside her.

He slumped over her, trying to catch his breath. Air sawed in and out of his chest.

She ran a lazy hand up and down his back.

“So, a day or two of this?” she asked.

He nuzzled her neck. “Yes.”

They were both covered in a sheen of sweat. He already felt the desire growing again.

“Your Highness?” The tentative voice of the pilot over the comm.


“Um, the xalk is howling. And we’re almost at the Desteron.”

Gayel wrestled with his desire. They needed to get to his cabin on the Desteron, and into the shower.

He imagined Alea naked under the water, and his cock twitched. “We’re about to dock. Let’s get dressed and rescue your pet.”

“My pet?”

“It’s yours now. You’re the first person to ever tame a xalk.” He helped her up and ran a hand down her side. “Now, get that gorgeous body covered.”

She grabbed her space suit, then stilled. “Oh, no. The pilots will know what we’ve been doing.”

Gayel pulled his trousers on. “We’re in the mating frenzy. Everyone in the Empire will know what we’ve been doing.”

She groaned.

* * *

Alea openedher eyes and took a second to work out where she was.

She was in a ship cabin.

Naked in a bed.

A heavy male arm was banded around her waist.

She turned her head. Gayel was asleep. His face, while never boyish, looked relaxed.


Every cell in her body vibrated with it. This man would be by her side for the rest of their lives. He loved her. All of her.

He didn’t care what she’d come from, who her family was. He just loved her and what she’d made of herself.

Alea shifted and winced slightly at the small aches that rippled throughout her body. She smiled. She’d enjoyed getting every one of them.

They’d been locked in his cabin, gorging on each other for the last day.

She slipped out of the bed, but Gayel didn’t move.

In the washroom, she climbed into the shower and groaned. The water felt so good. She washed off, noting the small bite marks and bruises on her skin. She smiled. She’d left plenty of her own marks on her mate. She pressed a hand to the wall and bent her head under the water.

A second later, a hard body slipped in behind her.

“Hello.” His voice was husky as he kissed the back of her neck.

Shockingly, a faint tremor of desire shivered through her.

God, it should be impossible after how many times they’d made love.

“The frenzy isn’t done yet,” he murmured. “But I really need to get to the bridge and check in with Davion and the others.”

She nodded. She wanted an update, as well.

They dressed. She pulled on a black, sleeveless Eon uniform that someone had left for her. They also ate the food that they found outside the room.

Alea tied her hair up, then watched Gayel finish his preparations. He slid a gold twist on his bicep. He looked so delicious she wanted to bite him.

Then he grabbed something off the desk, and held up a small box.

She’d noticed it sitting with the food tray.

“I asked Davion to arrange this,” he said.

Curious, she took the box and opened it. A gold armband like his, just thinner and smaller, rested inside.

“A sign of our joining,” he said.

“Like an engagement ring on Earth. A ring we wear on our finger.”

“We can get one of those, too.”

She held out her arm and he clipped the gold band in place.

Her throat went tight and she smiled. “It’s beautiful.”

“Not as stunning as my mate.”

They held hands as they walked to the bridge. They passed several warriors who stood to attention and smiled at them.

God, the entire ship knew that they’d been fucking each other’s brains out. Somehow, Alea couldn’t manage to dredge up any embarrassment. She was too happy.

They reached the bridge. Suddenly, a huge dog bounded toward them, tongue lolling.

“Shaggy!” Eve waddled over, one hand on her belly—which looked even bigger than it had a day ago. “He has no manners. Sorry.”

The canine tried to lick Eve. She laughed and rubbed his head.

A smiling Davion came over. “Congratulations on your mating.”

Alea tried not to blush.

Gayel wrapped an arm around her. “Thank you.”

The bridge was crowded with people, including Malax and Wren, several others off the Rengard, and Adlyn and Ryphen.

Adlyn shot Alea a smile and a thumb’s up. Alea wondered where the warrior had learned the Earth gesture.

“Your potential bride candidates were equal parts disappointed and happy for you both,” Davion said to Gayel.

“They’re okay?” Alea asked.

“Yes. They’re still at the palace with Lieutenant Knox. We’re currently in orbit around Eon.”

“The Kantos?” Gayel asked.

“On their way back to Kantos space. Several ships are escorting them, including the Oronis.”

“I’ll need to thank Knightqueen Carys again.”

“She’s about to call in. And Nisid as well. He was shocked and happy to hear what happened.”

When Davion stepped closer to Alea, Gayel pulled her back.

Hmm, the frenzy was still in effect. She smoothed a hand down his arm and felt him relax a little.

The viewscreen blinked, drawing everyone’s attention. Knightqueen Carys appeared on a split screen with Admiral Barber, and a Kantos elite.

Alea guessed this was the rogue leader, Nisid.

Gayel inclined his head. “Once again, Carys, your assistance has been invaluable. You have our thanks.”

The blonde woman looked so regal, but at the same time, Alea could sense the steel of a warrior. Suddenly, Alea realized she’d been holding on to preconceived ideas about what a queen had to be, and that she could very much be herself. Like Gayel’s mother and the Knightqueen, Alea could do things her way. The thought gave her a flash of satisfaction and contentment.

“Gayel, the Oronis will always stand with their allies.” The queen’s gaze moved to Alea. “Congratulations on your mating. I have no doubt, Captain Rodriguez, that you will make a wonderful leader and queen.”

“Thank you,” Alea said. “You’ve given me a wonderful example to follow.”

The Knightqueen looked pleased. “Now, I must go. We have another dark danger gathering in a distant quadrant of Oronis space.”

Gayel frowned. “Do you need our help?”

“No. At least, not yet. I hope we can de-escalate the threat, but if not, I will call. Be safe.”

Gayel and Alea nodded.

Then Alea met Admiral Barber’s gaze. “Admiral.”

“Captain Rodriguez, I heard that I need to recruit a new Space Corps Headquarters security captain.”

Alea glanced at Gayel and smiled. “Yes, sorry.”

“Well, Queen of the Eon Empire is a hell of a promotion. Well done defeating the Kantos. King Gayel, Earth is forever in your debt.”

“There is no debt between allies, Admiral. And soon, I’ll have a Terran queen.” He rested his hand on the back of Alea’s neck. “Our species will be forever linked.” His gaze shifted to Nisid. “And it is a new beginning for your people, Nisid.”

“I feel a hope for my species that I haven’t felt before. Many are still shocked, uncertain, and afraid, but I know that the Kantos can create something new, something better. If we are no longer driven by the hunger, we can learn new things. Love and family. Art and culture. We can be more than we were before.”

“And the Eon are here if you need our help.”

The Kantos bowed his head. “I am humbled by your friendship, and inspired by your integrity.”

Suddenly, loud barking erupted on the bridge. Shaggy raced past, chasing Alea’s xalk.

The feline leaped into her arms. Shaggy stopped, paws down and butt up. He growled.

“Shaggy.” Eve grabbed the canine’s collar.

“By the warriors, that’s a xalk,” someone yelled.

“He’s friendly,” Alea insisted.

Shaggy growled. One of the xalk’s tails whipped out, and hit Shaggy’s nose, opening up a small cut.

“No,” Alea said.

The feline snuggled in her arms and gave the canine a baleful look.

Suddenly, Eve grabbed her belly and groaned.

“Eve!” Davion raced to his mate.

She straightened. “Um, my water just broke.”

“What?” Davion looked like someone had punched him. “Have you been having contractions?”

Alea noticed a damp patch on the woman’s long skirt, and on the floor beneath her.

“No! Nothing, I—” Eve groaned again. “But I am now. The baby’s coming.”

Davion went pale, his blue-black eyes wide. “We need to get to Medical.”

Eve grabbed his arm and squeezed. “There’s no time. I can feel it coming now.” She doubled over and groaned.

“What do you mean, now?” her mate barked. Apparently, something did terrify War Commander Davion Thann-Eon.

“As in, I need to push and it hurts like hell,” Eve snapped.

Alea shook off her shock. “We need blankets or towels. Now.”

The bridge erupted into chaos. The viewscreen went black. Blankets were laid out and Davion helped Eve lie on them.

“Where’s Aydin?” Davion shouted.

“The medical commander is on his way,” someone called out.

Eve let out a long groan. “I… The baby’s coming.”

Gayel and the other warriors stood like statues.

“You’ve got this,” Lara knelt down, checking between her sister’s legs.

“Totally.” Wren took Eve’s hand. “Eve, you can do anything. You’ve always been scarily fierce and tough.”

Eve squeezed her sister’s fingers.

“I mean, you started all of this when you abducted Davion,” Wren added with a smile.

Alea grabbed Gayel’s hand.

“Okay, Eve,” Lara said. “Push.”

With Davion at her back, Eve bore down.

“I love you, Eve,” her mate whispered against her head.

“Davion.” She pressed her cheek against his chest and pushed.

A moment later, a baby’s cry broke through the bridge.

Lara wrapped the child in a towel. “You guys, your son is here, and he’s perfect.”

Eve laughed as she took the baby, holding him to her chest.

The fear finally drained from Davion’s face. “Eve, you amaze me every day.”

“Look what we made, Davion.”

Davion stroked the baby’s cheek. The couple leaned over their child, Davion’s strong arms around both of them.

The doors to the bridge opened, and Aydin rushed in. He came to a halt when he saw the new family, and smiled. He motioned to his assistants to bring a stretcher over.

“You’re always in a rush, Eve.”

Alea looked up at Gayel, her throat tight. “Another new beginning.”

He cupped her jaw. “And we’re just starting ours. I can’t wait to see where we go. Together.”