King of Eon by Anna Hackett ePUB)

Chapter Twenty

When Gayel stepped off the shuttle in the palace courtyard, he held Alea’s hand tightly in his.

The courtyard was full of people, and when he straightened, cheers erupted. He smiled and looked at Alea. She smiled back.

Gayel waved. He saw his mother. Standing beside her was Lieutenant Knox with one hand on Kyber’s shoulder. Just behind them were the delegates and the Terran women. They were all clapping. Chloe put her fingers in her mouth and whistled.

The rest of their group exited the shuttle. Davion and Eve, with their son held securely by his father. Lara and Caze, and Jamie and Aydin. Malax with his arm around Wren, and Airen and Donovan. Thane and Kaira, along with Allie Borden and Brack. Adlyn and Ryphen were the last off.

Adlyn saw her son, and grinned. Then her gaze shifted to Ben.

Then Gayel’s usually composed sister was running. Ben stepped away from the group, striding to meet her. Adlyn leaped into his arms. The Terran man caught her, then planted a deep kiss on her mouth.

“What the hell?” Alea breathed, blinking. “They were fighting like cats and dogs.”

Or like Shaggy and Alea’s xalk.

He watched his sister pull back, cupping Ben’s rugged face. She was beaming.

For the first time in a long time, Gayel saw pure happiness on Adlyn’s face. “I guess my sister couldn’t resist the charms of a Terran, either.”

Alea laughed and shook her head. “I will be getting all the details about this story.” As the couple kissed again, she wrinkled her nose. “Well, maybe not all the details.”

Kyber ran to the couple, throwing his arms around them both, grinning widely.

Gayel turned to face the crowd. “I’m sure you’ve all heard the news. The Kantos’ hunger is gone. The threat to our empire is no more. Our planets, our people, and our allies are safe.”

Wild cheers erupted.

He tugged Alea forward. “And I would like to present my mate, Alea Solann-Eon. Soon to be your queen.”

The cheers and clapping intensified.

Gayel pulled her close and kissed her.

They were mobbed by well-wishers. As he clasped hands with several warriors, he saw his mother hug Alea. The two women smiled and shared some quiet words. It left him with a warm pressure in his chest.

Suddenly, a bright splash of color darted off the shuttle, cutting through the crowd. A woof followed, Shaggy bounding after the xalk. A tiny, fluffy creature followed, making a chittering noise. The xalk, now named Teal, easily evaded the canine. Shaggy crashed into someone, and the small creature—who was named Cutie and belonged to Jamie—leaped onto Shaggy’s back.

The xalk turned and hissed at the canine.

“By the warriors, that’s a xalk,” someone cried.

“He’s friendly,” Alea yelled. She scooped her pet up and the animal curled into her arms. It shot Shaggy a smug look.

The canine looked disgruntled, his eyes like laser targets on the feline.

“Shaggy, enough.” Eve strode through the crowd and grabbed her pet’s collar. “That damn cat is going to slice you open, and you’ll deserve it.”

A deep, masculine laugh filled the air. Nearby, Donovan was laughing, his mate Airen at his side, shaking her head at the animal antics. With them were Thane and his mate Kaira.

Davion appeared with a tiny bundle held snug in his brawny arms. He stopped by Eve and the crowd went quiet.

Gayel nodded at the couple and raised his voice again. “I would also like to introduce Kane Thann-Eon. The first Terran-Eon child.”

Davion, face filled with pride, tilted the child for everyone to see. Young Kane slept peacefully, unaware of the importance of his birth.

Yes, the first Terran-Eon child. Gayel met his mate’s gaze. But he hoped it wouldn’t be the last.

Councilor Tann-Felis strode out of an archway. His gaze lit up when he saw Gayel, then when he saw Alea, his brows dipped down. He bustled forward, shoving through the crowd.

“Your Majesty, I must congratulate you on your success in the fight against the Kantos. Your greatness will go down in history.”

“You should be thanking, Alea, Councilor. I couldn’t have done it without her.”

The older man’s nose wrinkled. “Yes, well. Thank you for your assistance, Captain Rodriguez. I assume you’ll head back to Earth soon.”

Gayel looked up at his mother. “No one told him?”

His mother’s smile was slow and smug. “No.”

“Councilor Tann-Felis,” Gayel pulled Alea to his side. “Alea isn’t going anywhere. I have selected my queen.”

The man spluttered. “No. This is not—”

“I suggest you watch what you say about my mate,” Gayel warned.

Tann-Felis’ mouth opened, closed, and opened again. “Mate?”

Gayel pressed a kiss to the side of Alea’s head. “Yes.”

The man nodded and pulled in a breath. “We look forward to welcoming you to Eon, Captain.” His words were clipped.

“Thank you.” Alea looked like she was trying not to laugh.

“I think we need a party,” a throaty female voice declared.

Gayel turned. A woman with long, blonde hair and a curvy body strode off the shuttle. He blinked, then frowned. She hadn’t been on the shuttle when they’d left the Desteron.

Wren groaned.

The blonde woman shimmered for a second and he realized she was a projection.

“Sassy,” Wren said, “I thought we’d agreed the projection tech wasn’t ready yet.”

“It needs testing, Wren, so I’m testing it.” Sassy fluffed her hair, then smoothed a hand down her side. “I think this body is more than ready. I’m hot.” She caught Ryphen’s eye and winked at the warrior. “I want to try dancing.”

The warrior froze.

Alea laughed, the sound full of joy. Gayel wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “You Terrans sure know how to keep things interesting.”

“Be prepared, Your Highness,” she murmured. “You have a lifetime of interesting ahead of you.”

Gayel couldn’t wait. He was ready for every moment with his mate.

* * *

Three monthslater

Okay, so her usual breathing techniques weren’t calming her nerves today.

Alea pressed her hand to her belly, trying to ignore the butterflies winging around inside her. The fabric of her dress was so incredibly smooth and she stroked it. Her wedding and coronation gown was beautiful.

The dress was strapless, royal blue in color, and fitted tight to her torso. The skirt flowed down starting in blue and giving way to rich, warm cream. The long train swept behind her—elegant and grand. Her twist of gold was around her bicep and she now wore a beautiful ring that Gayel had given her with a large purple gaala stone in it. It looked like a large diamond and was the color of the strands in Gayel’s eyes.

Her hair was down, her makeup was exquisite, and very soon, she would finally be joined to Gayel in marriage. Their mating was enough for her, but she knew this wedding was for their people as much as for them.

Soon, she’d officially be queen of the Eon Empire.

Her stomach turned over again.

“Alea, you look stunning.”

She swiveled and saw the Traynor sisters enter. The women all wore lovely dresses. Eve’s was a long, sleek column of blue. She didn’t look like she’d given birth a few months ago. Lara’s was silver in a mermaid style, with glittery beading. And Wren’s dress was gold, with a princess neckline and a long, full, A-line skirt.

Alea realized they’d matched their dresses to the colors in their mates’ eyes.

“I’m so nervous,” Alea said.

“Um, you took down the Kantos,” Wren said. “I’m pretty sure you’ve got this.”

“You’re marrying your mate.” Lara smiled. “Nothing to be nervous about.”

“Who knew,” Eve said, “that when I set off on a suicide mission to abduct the most fearsome Eon war commander, that we’d all end up here.”

“In love,” Wren said with a sigh.

“Mated,” Lara added.

“Happy,” Eve finished. “And I’m a mother, and mated to the most gorgeous alien warrior.”

“No mine is the most gorgeous,” Wren insisted.

“No mine,” Lara said.

Alea’s nerves settled. Hers was the most gorgeous.

Gayel was everything she’d never let herself dream about. The last three months with him had been amazing. Yes, she’d had to resign from Space Corps, but she’d been so busy learning more about the Eon Empire, helping negotiate deals between the Eon and Earth, and advising on security issues. She loved it.

The Kantos were settling into their new existence. There was still some discord and in-fighting as they determined their new way of life, but Alea knew they’d get there.

The door opened, and Sassy sauntered in, holding a bottle of Terran champagne and four flutes. She’d improved her projection over the last few months and looked shockingly real.

“I think some pre-ceremony champagne to calm the nerves is necessary,” Sassy announced.

“Thanks, Sassy,” Alea said.

Sassy poured the champagne and handed the glasses out. She huffed out a breath. “I really wish I could taste that.” She stroked her chin. “I might need to work on a program to allow me to do that.”

As Alea took her glass, her hand brushed Sassy’s. The new projection felt like skin. It was remarkable what the sentient being and Wren were achieving with their experimental projects.

“And I’m ready to try sex now too,” Sassy added.

Alea and the Traynor sisters all choked on their champagne.

“Sassy,” Wren said calmly. “You can’t—”

“I think I can talk Ryphen into it.” Sassy grinned. “That warrior is divine.”

Alea laughed. Yes, the nerves were completely gone now.

A flash of blue-green caught her eye and she spotted Teal. As she leaned down to stroke him, he purred. Thankfully the palace staff were getting less nervous around him.

Shaggy bounded in, skidded to a stop—narrowly avoiding a couch. Tongue lolling, the canine watched Teal with adoring eyes.

Her feline and Shaggy had come to an agreement. Shaggy was now madly in love with Teal, and Teal ignored the canine. Although, just the other day, Alea had busted the two snuggled together on her and Gayel’s bed, fast asleep.

Yes, life was good. So very, very good.

“I’m ready,” Alea said.

As she walked down the aisle of the lushly-decorated main hall, she scanned the guests. Former Councilor Tann-Felis caught her eye and gave her a small nod. He’d retired to his country estate the month before.

She smiled at all the warriors and their mates. The bridal candidates had returned for the wedding. They all waved and smiled. Chloe gave Alea two thumbs up.

She spotted Davion with baby Kane. The bright, young three-month old was already sitting up and loved to be entertained. He had his mother’s dark hair and his father’s blue-black eyes. And Alea had to admit the war commander looked incredibly hot holding the tiny baby with such adoration. That would hopefully be Gayel one day, holding their child. Her heart lodged in her throat. She couldn’t wait.

The Queen Mother smiled and inclined her head. Gayel’s mother was fast becoming a friend and confidant. She advised and helped Alea on so many aspects of royal life.

Then Alea saw Ben, Adlyn, and Kyber. She couldn’t control her smile. Ben and Adlyn had married the month before. Ben nodded, Adlyn smiled, and Kyber waved. Ben had also left Space Corps and was now working with palace security. He and Adlyn were crazy in love, and Kyber adored his new step-father.

Alea turned her head to the front and her breath caught in her chest.

Gayel was waiting for her.

Her mate looked so handsome in cream trousers and a blue, sleeveless shirt trimmed with gold. His gold twist was around his muscled arm and today, she’d slide a solid band of tanium steel on his finger.

He was her world.

Like her, he was dedicated to both Earth and the Eon Empire. They stood together for the benefit of the people depending on them.

But in their quarters, it was just the two of them—Gayel and Alea. Her mate, who would stand forever at her side.

She reached him and he held out his strong hand.

Alea placed her hand in his, knowing she would never again be abandoned or alone.

Earth and Eon joined forever.

* * *

I hope you enjoyed Alea and Gayel’s story!

THANK YOU for joining me on all the Eon Warriors adventures. I have loved writing these action-packed stories with strong alien warrior heroes and badass heroines from Earth.

But don’t worry, we won’t be saying a total goodbye to the Eon and their Terran mates just yet. I am very certain we’ll see some glimpses of them in my future series, the ORONIS KNIGHTS.

I hope, like me, you’re keen to learn more about Knightqueen Carys, Knightmaster Ashtin and the powerful Oronis Knights. No release dates yet, but stay tuned!

Looking for more action-packed science-fiction romance? Read on for a preview of Gladiator, the first book in Galactic Gladiators.

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