Wanting by Lynn Burke



The tour Addilyn had taken as a kid wasn’t available, so we ended up in a helicopter on her mom’s dime. Spoiled princess had a credit card at age fifteen. To be so damn lucky.

I’d given her space while driving south and kept things cool between us, but once we climbed into the helicopter, we sat side by side, our thighs pressed tight. The scent of peaches filled my nose and chubbed me right the fuck up.

Talking to myself the entire damn flight kept my dick in check, but every shift of her body while she peered out the windows—and goddamn her for leaning over me once to get the view I had—made my jaw ache.

I needed to blow a load like a motherfucker.

“Problems?” Addilyn asked all sweetness as I adjusted myself after settling into the Cherokee for the drive home.

“Yeah,” I didn’t bother lying.

She snickered. Fucking laughed.

“You think it’s funny I’ve got a boner for you?”

“Actually, it’s sick,” she sassed back, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder. “We’re siblings.”

“Step,” I bit out and put the car into drive, “and don’t pretend being all trapped up inside that helicopter, our thighs brushing each other’s, didn’t make your panties wet. You’re just as twisted and sick as me, princess.”

“I’m not aroused by you,” she stated, primly placing her hands on her lap.

“You’re full of shit. Your nipples, the pulse in your neck, the way you panted when I had you trapped against your bedroom door and almost stole that kiss…don’t lie to yourself. You want me.”

“Jackass,” she muttered.

“Admit it. I turn you on just like you turn me on. It’s called chemistry, Addilyn, and there’s nothing sick about it.”

She didn’t reply, and I glanced over while heading north up the highway to find pink staining her cheeks.

“Yeah.” I faced forward, grinning. “You’re wet.”

“Change of subject, please,” she hissed but remained all prissy-like in her seat.

“Okay.” I toyed with a few ideas, enjoying her tone even though my balls ached for her to wrap her lips around them one at a time and suck them into her warm, wet mouth. “Do you ever touch yourself when you hear me jacking off in the shower?”


Fuck, did she sound like her mom. My dick cringed, same as my facial muscles. “Answer the question.”

“I’ll do no such thing.”

“Aaaaand, that would be a yes. You really aren’t so pure like your mother claims, are you?” I grinned, needing to adjust myself again which earned me another hiss from her plump lips.

“God, Gideon, can you please keep from touching your…penis when I’m around you?”

“Nope.” I popped the P. “You make me hard. My jeans choke the fuck out of my dick, and since you won’t give me relief, I gotta get myself comfortable until I have a chance to rub one out later.”

“Oh. My. God,” she muttered, shifting on her seat to angle her attention out the passenger window.

“So, are you aroused or wanting to escape right now?” I tossed out, glancing her way.

She shot me another glare that caused my hard length to jerk, bent out of shape in its prison. “I should’ve stayed home.”

“And be burdened with required sit-down Mother time?” I snorted a sarcastic laugh. “Please. She’s a goddamn raving lunatic, and you’d rather be here with me, loving our banter, eating up how I make you shiver and pant.”

“I don’t love anything about you, Gideon Destil,” she claimed, chin lifting as she crossed her arms beneath her tits, making my teeth tingle for a taste of her neck. “I’d go so far as to say I lean toward hate when it comes to you.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” I lied to the snob needing to be brought down a notch or two, my smile fading. “But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t lick and bite every inch of your tight body given the chance.”

“If you ever touch me, you’ll find out exactly how much I hate you. Remember who my friends are.”

I didn’t bother telling her she was more than welcome to touch me whenever the fuck she wanted.

I’d had enough banter with her prissy ass for the day. My goddamn balls couldn’t handle another round, so I let her sit in quiet the rest of the ride home.

“Gideon,” Dad called and waved me toward his office. He stood on the threshold like he’d been waiting for me to come down the stairs.

I had finished up my homework and planned to hit the weights in the finished basement Ingrid had bought for the two of us. Goddamn cunt—I hated her more than I hated my own father, but at least she knew how to butter a guy up. I forced those special smiles for her whenever she spent money on me. Fucking bitch deserved that at least, and it always made it easier for her to buy me more shit too.

“What’s up?” I asked, following Dad into the office that had belonged to his wife’s old husband she’d offered him use of.

Dad nodded toward a chair facing his deck, and I lowered myself into it, my shoulders tensing and breaths growing shallow. He didn’t appear angry—no scowl or dented brow—but Dad never asked to speak to me in private unless something was wrong.

Maybe Ingrid had finally gotten under his skin and he was ready to call it quits.

Fuck—that thought sucked balls. I hated Alaska, but I needed more time to get under Addilyn’s skin. Show her she wasn’t all that, bring her down to my level—

“Grades good?” Dad settled into his chair and shuffled a few things around on his desk.

“Yes.” I didn’t bother with a “sir” like Ingrid would require when in her presence.

“Making any friends?”

“None that will get me to stay here after graduation if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“I’m actually coming to enjoy Alaska.”

So much for him calling it quits and heading back home.

“I’ll be out of your hair come June because there’s no way in hell I’m staying up here in this damn ice box.”

Lips pursing, he finally turned his focus on me. “I was talking to Sheriff Bradshaw at the dinner Ingrid and I went to last weekend.”

Fucking lovely.I waited rather than saying anything.

“It seems as though Devon feels animosity from you.”

As well the fucker should. “He sniffs after Addilyn’s ass like he wants a bite.” I went with what I expected Dad would hate to get him to understand my need to protect her—only from everyone but myself.

Sure enough, a muscle twitched in his jaw. “Given the chance, would he attempt anything, do you think?”

“Looking after the princess’s innocence?” I asked, keeping my tone light, without a trace of suggestion.

“According to her mother, Addilyn is pure, and yes, I’d like to keep her that way until she’s ready for a man in her life.”

My stomach clenched up tight as fuck as I studied his face.

He held my stare, his cold and closed off, but he couldn’t get shit past me.

Grooming, I’d heard it called. Well, attempts, anyway. I didn’t think he’d broken through Addilyn’s walls enough to get her ready for his attention. Dad wouldn’t ever earn her trust. My princess was too smart—same as she wouldn’t trust me.

I’m sick, just like him.

I lost our stare down and glanced out the window to my right, the afternoon’s dark sky settling over me like a heavy weight.

“I want you to stay the hell away from Devon, Gideon. Addilyn isn’t yours to protect.”

“She’s my sister,” I barely held back the snip in my tone.

“She’s not blood and not your concern.”

I got the hint, the true meaning behind his words that had nothing to do with Devon Bradshaw. Dad would take what he wanted, and I would sit back and let it happen—because I owed him one.

“She hates me anyway,” I stated, straightening my shoulders in attempt to pass myself off as confident, uncaring of his veiled threat.

“I’m putting a security system in the house.”

I blinked at his one-eighty in topics but waited.

“She’ll be sixteen in a couple weeks. Legal. I expect young men will start taking an interest.”

They already had, but I didn’t bother telling him. Last thing Addilyn needed was my father to decide to up his plans for her before some other punk got to her first. “What kind of system are you talking?”

“Cameras. Inside and outside the entire property.”

Fucker. I knew exactly why he wanted cameras everywhere.

I forced a grin. “Just not in our shared bathroom,” I said with a laugh. “My bedroom, either. I won’t be able to jerk off knowing you might accidentally get an eyeful of my dick and balls.”

Dad chuckled like we shared some sort of male camaraderie shit. “Can’t have that.”

Yeah, I wanted to tell him. Can’t have her for as long as I’m around either.