Wanting by Lynn Burke



That little shit was lucky I didn’t wreck his face more than I had. Sure, his nose had crunched under my fist and I might’ve broken his jaw, but I’d wanted to do more. Smash in his eye sockets and temple. Fucking ruin him, bury him six feet under for thinking he could put his hands on my princess.

My dick ached from the adrenaline rush, from getting up in her face as that dipshit bled at her feet. Seeing her mouth swollen from his, those lips parted, panting as I crowded in all close had me turned upside down.


I adjusted myself in my jeans, casting a quick glance at the back of her head as she stared out the passenger window like a petulant child.

She’d wanted him to touch her? The fuck was wrong with her? He couldn’t be more than five foot nine—if that—with small-ass feet. Probably had a pencil dick too. Semi-rich boy, sheriff’s son. He was good enough for her…

I blasted the radio, hating the fucking country shit the stations in Anchorage played, but at least I didn’t have to talk to the sulking princess the twenty minutes it took me to drive back home. Not that I knew what the fuck to say.

My temper had gotten the best of me, but hadn’t I given Devon a warning to not push? He’d been ballsy enough to ignore me. I’d expected him to land at least one punch worth a damn. As it was, his fists missed, easily weaved past me.

Fucking pussy.

Stepping in and breaking them up had pissed her off, but that was what overly protective stepbrothers were supposed to do, right?

What they shouldn’t do was get a hard-on whenever she was within three feet. No amount of jerking off rid my mind of her. No matter how raw my dick got or how my wrist ached, I couldn’t blow a wad big enough to empty my balls’ need for her.

Something had to goddamn give before I made a mistake and put us both in a shit ton of trouble.

The second I parked the car, Addilyn jumped out and attempted to stomp up the driveway with weaving steps, her flouncing hair and swaying hips pulling me in.

She had no fucking clue what she did to me, how unstable our future was because I’d damn near lost my shit on Devon—and the fucking adrenaline demanded I let my blood rage loose on her.

My still-hard dick had me sniffing up her ass the whole way toward the front door.

Sunshine and goddamn peaches.

Fuck it.

I reached out and grabbed the handle before she could and pressed every hard inch of my front along her back, so damn desperate for release, I couldn’t think straight. Twining my free hand in her hair, I held on tight.

“Gideon…” She all but gulped my name and lay her cheek against the door, eyelashes fluttering shut.

No headbutt like she’d done the other time I’d gotten too close for her liking.

No cursing, no name calling…

A shudder rippled through her as I sniffed the sweet scent of her, using my grip on her hair to turn her face, my nose tracking behind her ear to the nape of her neck. Her skin sparked maddening lust inside me, dizzying my fucking head better than any joint, evading every cell inside my body and giving me a goddamn high like none other.

“Do you know how hard it is for me to not touch you, princess?” I asked, breathing hot along her ear, imagining how fucking euphoric it would be to stretch her tight pussy with my dick. “Fuck. I can’t…” Shit. “I can’t. If I do—”


I gave into the need to grind my aching length against her lower back, my spine tingling and balls tightening as I pulled on her hair hard enough she whimpered—with fucking need.

“I-If you do, what?” she whispered, the corner of her lips tempting me to take what she’d given Devon and demolish that memory for life.

She’d been drinking beer, but I didn’t doubt her mouth would taste sweet as cherries.

“He’ll send me away,” I answered rather than finding out for myself.

Another grind of my hips, a harsh tug on her hair, and she gasped, biting on her lower lip.

“Goddamnit, Add—”

The door wrenched open, and she tumbled forward out of my arms—right into Dad’s. She jerked away from him as though his touch burned her, and she stumbled up the stairs where safety could be found.

My teeth clenched as Dad watched her go, and I fisted my hands at my sides, still standing on the damn stoop, my heart pounding. Balls aching.

Fuck. He fucking saw. Goddamn surveillance shit he had installed…

One fucking costly mistake, one my mind scrambled to explain—

Dad turned toward me, his face as cold as always when he glanced down over me. Thank fuck my sweatshirt hung low over my belt, somewhat hiding my raging boner. “The hell was that about?” he asked.

“She’s upset.” I glanced up the stairwell she’d disappeared into, brain still ramped up on finding an excuse, on blowing my load.


Knowing I had to redirect his focus away from whatever he thought he saw on the doorbell video feed, I went with the truth.

“Some prick was pawing at her at the party she and Jenny snuck out to. Caught him with his tongue down her throat.”

Dad’s jaw clenched like he felt the same sick jealousy I did. “Who?”

“Devon Bradshaw. Junior—thinks he’s big shit.”

“Sheriff’s son, her little wanna-be boyfriend.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, even though he hadn’t asked a question. The sheriff had become his best friend, so he knew exactly who Devon was.

Lloyd eyed me and my blood-splattered sweatshirt, but I didn’t shift or try to hide what I’d done. “I take it you beat his ass for touching her?”

“Bloodied his face up, but his friends were helping him when we left.”

My dad dipped his head once and clasped my shoulder. “Good job, son.”

All thought fled, and my jaw dropped. An encouraging word and an act of affection when fighting before had gotten me tossed into juvie?

“Ingrid is sleeping and doesn’t need to know,” Dad said, stunning me even further. “We’ll keep this to ourselves. I’ll talk to Addilyn and tell her the same.”

I nodded, dumb and mute.

Dad turned and walked away, leaving me standing there in the open doorway. I stared after him, wondering what the hell had gotten into the man who found negativity in everything I did, who’d been happy to send me away for my anger issues during my earlier teen years.

Addilyn had let me rub all against her backside without hissing like a pissed cat or acting high and mighty like she had a stick up her ass, and Dad all but told me I’d pleased him with the aggression he used to find so distasteful.

I strode into the house—fucking grinning.