The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Chapter Twelve: Randall

Idon’t know how many hours I lay awake thinking about the moment with Charlie and that blasted tiara. Of course, my mind seemed to focus more on her lips, the soft curve of her body against mine, and the sweet smell of her perfume. It had been a long time since I’d wanted to kiss a woman, especially one I wasn’t in a relationship with. But damn me to hell, I’d wanted to kiss her.

But I couldn’t let myself go there. We had a job to do, and we couldn’t let our feelings get muddled along the way. Charlie had a life and career that were completely foreign to me. Britain would never be her home, and this was so temporary in the scheme of things. I would not expect any more from her. Of course, it would’ve made sense to talk to Charlie about what had almost happened, I decided to take the coward’s way out and simply ignore it.

While I had expected to see Charlie and Teri at breakfast, they both slept in. Normally, I wouldn’t begrudge them, but time was ticking on our transformation project. My appearance at the Chelsea Flower Show was just forty-eight hours away. To prompt them, I had Mrs. Homiller take a tray up to them. As I expected, the allure of coffee and pastries lured them out of their beds. Soon voices echoed through the hallway as the two hit the ground running. As silly as it sounds, I found myself pacing anxiously around the house to see the final product. I couldn’t help asking myself if I would like the new version. Especially since I was growing more and more fond of Charlie.

Rob and I had just sat down to lunch in the garden when Teri appeared in the doorway. “Oh, good, I’m glad to see you’re sitting down because this is going to blow you away.”

When Teri stepped aside, Eliza appeared. I couldn’t say it was Charlie anymore because she was truly transformed. Her once long, blond hair now was a deep Chestnut color, and Teri had cut it to hit just below her shoulders. Charlie stared out at me with dark eyes, not her usual blue. Even her posture had changed as she appeared to be carrying herself differently.

“Holy shit!” Rob eloquently replied. Of course, he pretty much took the words out of my mouth. I never imagined she would look and act so differently. She certainly was a consummate actress.

“Your face—it’s different,” I remarked.

While Charlie laughed, Teri said, “It’s just a few tricks with the contouring and highlighting along her nose and cheeks.”

“How will she replicate this?” I suddenly envisioned a summer with Teri in tow to transform Charlie.

“Teri taught me how to do it,” Charlie replied.

“That’s good,” I murmured.

With a grin, Teri replied, “See, you don’t have to worry about me third-wheeling you guys.”

Snorting, I replied, “We might as well make it an even fourth since Rob is always here.”

“Say what you will. I know deep down, you adore having me around,” Rob countered.

Ignoring him, I kept my gaze on Charlie. “It’s amazing how much the color of your hair changes you.”

Self-consciously, Charlie twirled a strand between her fingers. “You really like it?”

I smiled. “I do. It suits you.”

“I suppose it would since my natural color is probably more this shade.”

“Then it’s just as beautiful.”

Charlie rewarded me with a beaming smile. “Thank you, Rand.”

“You’re very welcome.” I pulled out the chair next to me. “Sit down and let’s have some lunch.”

As Charlie sat down, Rob rose up to help Teri. “My, my, you Whittingham men sure are chivalrous,” she remarked with a grin.

“That’s because we are true gentlemen in every sense of the word,” I mused.

“We certainly don’t get that back home, do we?” Charlie asked Teri.

With a sigh, Teri replied, “Nope. I can’t remember the last time Danny did anything remotely chivalrous.” When Rob opened his mouth, she wagged a finger at him. “But I’m not leaving him. Got it?”

Rob chuckled. “Just remember me if you ever do.”

She winked at him. “You’ll be the first one I call.”

Glancing over at me, Charlie took her napkin from the table and draped it across her thighs. With impeccable posture, she then rested her hands in her lap. “Very nice,” I complimented.

“Thank you,” she replied in a perfect upper-class accent.

“Have you been giving her etiquette lessons?” Teri asked.

Before I could answer, Charlie huffed, “I’m not a total slouch when it comes to which fork to use or which glass to drink out of.”

Teri snorted. “The only reason I know anything about what cutlery to use is from Pretty Woman.”

I couldn’t help smiling to myself as I thought about Charlie’s and my Pretty Woman moment with the pearls. Apparently, she must’ve been thinking the same thing because when I looked up from my plate, she smiled at me.

As we began to dine on our plates of roast chicken and vegetables, Rob appeared lost in thought. “Is something wrong with your lunch?” I asked.

“No. It’s nothing like that. I was just thinking about Charlie’s transformation.”

While I furrowed my brows, Charlie said, “Hmm, I’m not sure I like the sound of this.”

“While you’ve nailed the hair and makeup and clothes, I think you’re missing a big factor.”

“And what would that be?” I asked.


Charlie and I exchanged a look. “I thought we were getting along very well,” I argued to which she nodded.

Rob leaned forward in his chair. “Look, this is about selling a relationship not just to the public, but to your harshest critic—Lydia.”

“Do you think it’s going to take something extra to prove to Lydia we’re a couple?” I questioned.


Inwardly, I groaned. “And how are we supposed to do that?”

“I’m thinking some PDA.”

Fuck me, this was bad. Holding up a hand, Charlie said, “Wait a minute. I didn’t think public displays of affection were necessarily part of the plan. I mean, Brits are known for their stiff upper lip, especially in public.”

“Seriously, Charlie? Do you honestly think I’m worried about you pulling this off?”


Rob snorted. “You’re an actress. You can make an audience believe you’re in love with Quasimodo if needs be.”

“I’m not bloody Quasimodo!” I huffed in protest.

“Of course, you’re not. It was just an exaggeration to show Charlie’s talents.”

Narrowing my eyes at him, I said, “I believe there was a deeper allusion going on.”

“And what would that be?”

“That I’m some lumbering buffoon who couldn’t possibly possess any romantic sensibilities.”

“I just worry about you coming off as a bit stiff.”

“I assure you, little brother, that I can fully rise to the occasion when necessary, and I will have no issue proving I’m madly in love with Charlie.”

With an audacious twinkle burning in his eyes, Rob jerked his chin at me. “Prove it.”


“You heard me.” Rob’s gaze flicked over to Charlie who stared wide-eyed back at him. “Lay one on her.”

Bloody hell. Hadn’t I just mentally prepared myself to distance myself from Charlie after the tiara incident? Now I was being taunted to charge full-steam ahead into the abyss.

“I-I really don’t think that’s necessary,” she replied.

Teri shook her head. “I don’t know, Peachy. He has a point.”

“Thank you,” Rob replied.

Regardless of what Charlie and Teri thought and what I’d promised myself, Rob had issued me a challenge. Years ago, the same type of words would’ve resulted in revolvers and a duel at dawn. I reached for my Laguvulin. After downing the glass in a fiery gulp, I shot determinedly out of my chair. When I reached for Charlie’s hand, her mouth dropped open in either shock or horror. Possibly both.

After helping her to her feet, I placed my hands on her shoulders. “While I endeavor to prove my brother wrong, I won’t do it if it compromises your character or feelings.”

Charlie’s eyelashes fluttered at me. “You have my consent,” she replied almost curiously.

Rob clapped his hands together with a laugh. “Oh, it’s on!”

After shooting a scowl at him across the table, I turned my attention back to Charlie. I knew they were expecting me to give a quick peck on the lips or what would’ve equated to a close-mouthed “stage kiss.” But I wasn’t backing down. I was going to prove my brother wrong or die trying.

Slowly, I slid my hands from Charlie’s shoulders up her neck. As I gazed into her eyes, my thumbs brushed along her jawline. After a few moments, I dipped my head to place a tender kiss on her forehead. Charlie’s response came in the form of soft sigh. I then feathered kisses past her temple, over to her ear, and then down her cheek. Pulling back, I studied Charlie’s face. Her hooded eyes stared back at me in anticipation. I moved one of my thumbs to trace her full, bottom lip. At Charlie’s sharp intake of breath, I knew it was time.

The moment my lips brushed against hers it was like a switch went off inside me. Something long buried and dormant was reawakened. For a moment, I froze because it was such a foreign feeling. But then desire took over.

I gripped Charlie’s face tighter as my kiss grew more demanding. At Charlie’s moan, I thrust my tongue into her mouth. Instead of protesting, she brought her arms to encircle my waist. With our bodies flush against one another, the small voice of reason in my head was quick to remind my lower half not to get any ideas. Of course, she wasn’t making that easy as she ran her hands up my back and pressed herself tighter against me.

Just as I was about to fling the contents off the table to the ground and lay Charlie on it, I started slowly coming back to myself. “STOP IT, YOU BLOODY IDIOT!” rang through my head. At the same time, the sound of applause filled the air. After pulling away from Charlie, I felt Rob’s hand clap my back before he came around to face me. In somewhat of a daze, I stared over at his grinning face. “Holy shit, Rand! I didn’t think you had it in you!”

Teri shook her head. “Oh, I knew he did. It’s always the quiet, repressed types you have to look out for.”

“Seriously, it was amazing,” Rob said.

“I thought so myself,” I murmured. Gazing down at Charlie, she stared wide-eyed back at me. “Was it good for you as well?”

“I—I…yeah…it was…”—a shiver ran through her body—“breathtaking,” she finished.

Teri giggled. “You can say that again. I need a drink because you two got me hot and bothered.”

She wasn’t the only one who needed a drink. Not only that, but I could’ve benefitted from a cold shower as well. How was it possible one kiss could’ve ignited more lust and longing than I’d felt in my entire marriage? I didn’t love Charlie—I barely knew her. And after what I’d just experienced, how could I ever go back to the way things were with Charlie? The way things had to be to keep my calm around her.

With my mind whirling, I knew I needed to get out of there. “Well, if you will all excuse me, I must get back to work. Lot of last-minute details about the garden to make sure are correct.”

Regardless of how ungentlemanly it was, I didn’t even wait for their response. I exited the garden post haste and hurried back into the house. When I entered the study, I went straight over to get a drink. After pouring the Scotch, I collapsed down into my chair.

I was so screwed.