The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Chapter Twenty-Four: Charlie

After Rand left for the hunt, I collapsed back down on the bed. As I stared up at the ceiling, I felt like a complete nut-job when the tears started. I don’t know why his reaction to what happened this morning bothered me so much. It was totally in his character to be mortified about his ungentlemanly behavior of feeling me up.

At the same time, it felt like we’d taken not just a step back in our would-be relationship but a giant leap. I’d wished for him to tell me he truly had feelings for me and now we were acting like two teenagers. Ugh, it was so ridiculous.

Once an hour passed of wallowing in despair, I was desperate to get out of the bedroom and away from the morning’s memories, I showered and then got dressed. While I’d originally thought of just hanging out in the library, I decided it wasn’t far enough away from the bedroom. Instead, I made my way outside. I walked down to the stables and said hello to the horses. There weren’t any hounds left to pet since they were all yapping along the hillside after the fox.

I roamed around the extensive property. While Alfie’s estate wasn’t as large as Rand’s, it was still expansive. The terrain grew more and more slippery since it appeared to have rained during the night.

Just at that moment, the dark clouds overhead opened up and a steady stream of rain began to fall. “Well, isn’t that just fucking peachy,” I muttered. I don’t know how I’d failed to notice the weather was changing. Turning around, I started running back in the direction of the main house.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the bottom of the giant hill below me. A splash of red on horseback cut through the tall grass at the bottom of the hill. Craning my neck, I narrowed my eyes to peer at the figure.

Holy shit. It was Rand. What was he doing away from the hunt? Had he hurt himself? My heart leapt at the thought he was coming to tell me he was sorry for acting like an idiot earlier, and he wanted to tell me how he truly felt about me.

That fantasy-like thought fueled me to start running down the hillside. Halfway through my sprint, I realized my grave mistake. The side of the hill was more like a bog, which sent me sloshing and careening through the grass.

For some reason, I couldn’t seem to stop. I just kept gaining momentum. It was then I went into a full reenactment of the opening of Little House on the Prairie where Carrie falls. But while Carrie had a momentary tumble, I did a very unflattering roll.

Mud splashed into my face and caked its way through my hair. When I finally came to a stop, a shooting pain ricocheted through my ankle. At the sound of horse’s hooves approaching, I wished I could just crawl into one of the marshy holes and die of mortification.

Rand dismounted before he even reached me. As he came racing towards me, he tore off his red blazer. At the sight of the rain soaking his shirt, a gasp shuddered through my chest. It was just like out of my dream. Okay, maybe I’d been thrown from a horse rather than rolling down the muddy hill.

“Charlie, are you hurt?” Rand questioned to which I so eloquently replied, “I dreamed this.”

His brows furrowed. “You what?”

Oh shit. I’d actually said that aloud. For a moment, I thought about not saying anything else and just pretending I had a head injury. But that wasn’t going to get me anywhere or us anywhere in the long run.

Staring up at him, I smiled. “I dreamed you rescued me like this the first night I spent at Sutherlin House.”

Rand’s brows shot into his hairline in surprise. “You did?”

I nodded. “Even though I kinda hated you then, I still dreamt of you rescuing me.”

Swiping the water from my face, Rand prompted, “What else happened in the dream?”

“You told me you wanted to be with me.”

He swallowed hard. “And?”

I licked my lips. “You kissed me.”

Rand’s gaze dipped to my mouth. “Did you want me to kiss you now, Charlie?”

“Oh yes.”

Rand took me by the shoulders and drew me to him. “Good. I want nothing more in the world than to kiss you as well.”

The next thing I knew his lips were on mine. Oh God, I had missed his kisses. But unlike the night we had “practiced”, it was really real. Desperate desire and aching need poured out from Rand’s lips. As he swept his tongue into my mouth, I moaned. Our tongues intertwined and danced around each other as Rand raked one of his hands through the strands of my wet hair.

Was this really happening? Was I going to wake up back in bed at Alfie’s house? Reaching my hands between us, I ran my hand down Rand’s chest. When I got to the waistband of his riding breeches, his bulging erection felt very real.

At my touch, Rand groaned, “Oh fuck.”

“Yes, let’s do just that,” I panted.

He chuckled. “Here in the mud and the muck?”

“Anywhere. I just want you inside me.”

His eyes darkened with lust. Just as he appeared ready to pounce on me, the sound of horses’ hooves and voices echoed in the distance. “Fuck. The hunt must be over.”

Tilting my head up at him, I asked, “If it’s just now ending, why were you coming back?”

A sheepish expression came over his face. “After what had happened this morning, I couldn’t get my head in it.”


He nodded. “But moreover, it was how we left things between us. I was worried about you.”

“I suppose I was a little hurt by how you wanted to pretend nothing ever happened. Like you were ashamed of having felt that way about me.”

Cupping my cheek, Rand said, “I could never be ashamed of my feelings for you, Charlie.”

I was so glad to hear him say that. Although I was desperate for us to continue talking and potentially screwing, Rand rose to his feet. “Come on. We need to get you out of the rain and back to the house, so someone can look at your foot.”

“Funny. I hadn’t thought of my foot at all since you kissed me,” I teased.

Rand grinned. “How flattering.”

My gaze dropped to his deflating erection. “Pity at the waste,” I teased.

He grunted. “Trust me, I’m just as frustrated by this interruption as you are.”

The next thing I knew he was scooping me up into his arms. “Are you sweeping me away to ravish me in the thicket away from prying eyes?”

He threw his head back with a laugh. “Do you ever stop?”

“Kiss me again and find out.”

“Charlie,” Rand warned.

Disappointment flooded me when I realized he was walking me to the horse. As if he sensed my thoughts, Rand stared into my eyes. “There will be a time I will ravish you. I’ll also make love to you. But now is not that time.”

Breathless at his words, I could merely nod. “Until that time, we’re keeping this PG rated, okay?”

“Okay,” I replied with a smile.


“You know, you carrying me like this? It was a part of my dream, too. Except you carried me all the way back to the house.”

With a snort, Rand replied, “I must’ve had superpowers to carry you that far.”

“I didn’t doubt your strength then or now.”

At my compliment, Rand planted a kiss on my lips. “Thank you, Charlie.”

“You’re welcome.”

He then heaved me up onto the saddle. At his chuckle, I questioned, “What?”

“I seem to remember another time like this where I helped you onto my horse.”

“Yes, at the polo game.” I grinned down at him. “If I remember correctly, you got a handful of my arse that day as well.”

Rand laughed. “Yes. It was a good day.”

It was then the riders reached us. “Everything okay?” one asked.

“Just a hurt ankle,” Rand replied.

“Check with Dr. Woodhouse when you get back. She could take a look.”

“Thank you,” Rand and I replied.

As the riders rode on, Rand started leading me back to the house. Thankfully, I hadn’t wandered out as far as I thought. “Do you really think a doctor needs to look at my foot?”

“It couldn’t hurt.” He grinned back at me. “No pun intended.

“Har, har.” As I glanced down at my mud caked form, I sighed. “While you go in search of Dr. Woodhouse, I’m going to grab a quick shower.”

“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” Rand asked innocently enough.

I wagged a finger at him. “I don’t think your suggestion was PG-rated, sir.”

“I was merely offering my assistance to help you in and out of the shower.”


“You’re right. My mind had veered into naughty territory.”

“So cheeky.”

Instead of taking me to the stables, Rand brought me and the horse right to the front steps. After easing me back into his arms, Rand started carrying me up the stairs. “You know, I could try to walk.”

“There’s no need. I’m fully capable of getting you upstairs.”

Of course, our behavior had everyone in the front hallway staring and whispering. I’m sure by the time of the Elton party, we would be the talk of the household. When I glanced at Rand, I found him smiling slightly. “What?”


“You’re enjoying the attention, aren’t you?”


“Should I say something like, ‘You’re my hero’?”

“I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“What about ‘I feel light as a feather in your strong, masculine arms, Earl Whittingham?” I teased.

With a roll of his eyes, Rand replied, “Have you been reading bodice rippers in your spare time?”

Winking, I replied, “I’ll never tell.”

While Rand wentin search of Dr. Woodhouse, I took a quick shower. Of course, my foot had to scream in protest any time I was standing. I’d just changed and got back into bed when Rand reappeared. “I didn’t find Dr. Woodhouse, but I did find her husband. He’s bringing her here straight away.”

“Good. My foot is being a real bitch.”

Thankfully, there was then a knock on the door. Rand called, “Come in.”

A middle-aged woman with a blonde bob stuck her head in. “Hello, I’m Dr. Alexandra Woodhouse.”

“Nice to meet you,” I replied.

“My husband told me you had an injured foot.”

“Yes, I unfortunately took a tumble down a hillside.”

Dr. Woodhouse nodded. “If you don’t mind, I’ll take a look.”

“Don’t tell me I’ve lucked out with a podiatrist,” I joked.

She laughed. “No, I’m an equine veterinarian.”

“Did you say you’re a vet?” Rand questioned.

“It’s a hurt foot, Rand,” I countered.

He frowned. “Don’t you think you should see a real doctor instead of James Herriot over here?”

“Easy there. I can put you down just as easily as a horse,” she joked.

I laughed while Rand rolled his eyes. “As someone who adored All Creatures Great and Small, I’ll be happy to have Alexandra look at my foot.”

She grinned. “Wasn’t that a great show?”

“It was. Growing up, I used to watch it every Sunday night with my parents.”

“It’s what made me decide to become a veterinarian.” After feeling around on my foot and ascertaining where the pain was, Dr. Woodhouse asked, “Did you hear a noise when you fell?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

She nodded. “Considering your ankle isn’t numb or misshapen, I don’t feel it’s broken. Most likely, you just have a slight sprain. I would recommend staying off your feet as much as you can today and keeping the foot elevated to help the swelling.”

“Thank goodness. I would hate to miss the Elton John party tonight.”

While Rand snorted, Dr. Woodhouse laughed. “I have to say it’s the highlight of the weekend.”

“It’s my first time.”

“Oh, you’re going to have a blast. I would suggest some ibuprofen to help both the pain and inflammation. I only have equine pain killers with me.”

“No problem. I have some myself. But if the pain gets really bad, I might take you up on the equine stuff,” I teasingly replied.

“Just let me know, and I’ll pop round with them.”

“Thanks again, Dr. Woodhouse.”

“Glad I could help.”

As Dr. Woodhouse left, Rand asked, “How about I get you a drink to take the edge off until the ibuprofen takes effect?”

“While I’m not sure chasing pills with alcohol is the best idea, I’m not going to say no this time.”

“Maybe I’ll come back with the bottle, and you won’t need any other medicine,” he teased.

“I won’t say no to that either.”

I’d barely had time to fluff my pillows and get readjusted in the bed when Rand burst through the door with an empty glass in his hands. “Did you forget my drink?” I asked.

“Actually, I drank it on the way up.”

“What? Why?”

Rand swallowed hard. “Lydia is here,” he choked out.

Oh. My. God. Never in a million years would I have dared to think Rand would utter those three words. An incredulous laugh bubbled from my lips. “Stop it. You’re so not funny.”

“I’m not joking, Charlie.”

“Lydia is here?” I repeated. “Like here as in the same household as I am?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

As red-rage clouded my vision, I rose off the bed and started hobbling over to the door.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to kick her ass.”

Rolling his eyes, Rand crossed the room to join me. “Have you forgotten about your foot?”

“I just need my hands to bitch slap her.”

“While I wouldn’t doubt Charlie Monroe might be the arse-kicking type, Eliza Littleton is most certainly not.”

I jerked my chin at him. “You don’t know that. She might enjoy dishing out some well-deserved physical revenge after Lydia caused Eliza’s public humiliation at Ascot.”

“No, she wouldn’t.”

With a frustrated grunt, I fell back against the door. “This is a fucking nightmare.”

“I concur. I sure as hell would have never consented to this weekend if I’d known there was even the slightest chance of seeing her.”

“You realize what this means?”

Rand’s jaw clenched. “We’ve both entered a ring of hell Dante didn’t even fathom?”

“Yes, definitely that, but I was also thinking about how we’re going to have to hit it out of the park with our relationship to rub it in her face.”

His hardened expression softened. “After our kiss earlier, I don’t think it’ll be that hard, do you?”

My heart skipped a beat as he referenced our kiss. “I was wondering when we were going to talk about that again.”

Holding up a hand, he said, “Before anything else is said, I want you to know I don’t regret kissing you.”

“You don’t?” I murmured.

A tentative smile quirked at the corners of his lips. “Kissing you is something I’ve wanted to do for a long, long time.”

Struggling to breathe, I replied, “I know exactly what you mean.”

“But more than sharing a kiss, I wanted to tell you how I truly felt about you.”

Oh God. It was really happening. My wish was coming true. As I tried processing the enormity of the moment, I decided I better sit down on the bed considering how lightheaded I felt.

Rand eased down beside me on the mattress. “Charlie, I know we haven’t known each other that long, and some might argue that you’re merely a rebound for me after Lydia.” At my sharp intake of breath, Rand gave a defiant shake of his head. “But I can’t ignore what I’m feeling.” Reaching forward, he took my hands into his. “I like you, Charlie. I don’t want to date Eliza anymore—I want to date you.”

Without missing a beat, I replied, “And I want to date you, too.”

“You do?”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be daft, Rand.”

He chuckled. “There you go with your Britishisms.”

“I’ve learned from the best.”

Tilting his head at me, Rand asked, “So, you really want to see where this could go?”

“I didn’t pull away when you kissed me, did I?”


“Then I definitely want to see where this could go.”

His face lit up at my declaration. “You can’t imagine how happy this makes me.”

I smiled. “I can because I’m just as happy.”

Rand dipped his head to bring his lips to mine. I couldn’t help wrapping my arms around his neck and drawing him even closer. God, his body felt amazing against me. His broad, wide chest. His strong, muscular arms. While I felt passion, I also felt safe. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind Rand would ever hurt me. He wasn’t like any of the other men in my past. I suppose they were just boys while Rand was truly a man.

Just as he was about to press me down into the bed, Rand abruptly jumped back.

My eyes frantically searched his. “What’s wrong?”


“Um, considering you just doused us both with a figurative pitcher of water, I would say something most definitely is wrong.”

After running a hand over his face, Rand cleared his throat. “I’m just afraid we’re moving too fast.”

“Is that even possible after what happened in bed this morning?”

He laughed. “What we did when we were practically unconscious doesn’t count.”

“If you say so,” I huffed.

Rand’s expression grew serious. “I just don’t want to cock this up.”

“And you think by us screwing that’s going to happen?”

“I just want to take things a little slow. You and I really haven’t had an actual date. I’ve dragged you along to all these events as Eliza. I want this to be about you and me, not her. I want to be able to take my time with you and not fear someone hearing us.”

“Why do you have to be such a gentleman?” I lamented.

The corners of his lips quirked up. “It’s a curse.” Rand tenderly brushed the hair from my face. “Trust me when I say the last thing in the world I want to do is to pull away, but I think it’s for the best.”

“Are you absolutely sure? I mean, we have the rest of the afternoon free.”

He groaned. “Don’t tempt me.”

With a reluctant sigh, I said, “Fine.”

“Don’t sound too sour grapes about it all.”

“Since we’re taking the time to get to know each other, you can now learn I like to pout when I don’t get my way.”

Rand laughed. “I already knew that.” Jerking his thumb to the bathroom, Rand said, “I think I’ll grab a shower.” Wagging his brows, he replied, “An ice-cold shower.”

Laughing, I replied, “I’ll just lie here, close my eyes, and think of England as ol’ Queen Victoria said.”

Nodding, Rand replied, “Good plan.”

As he started to the bathroom, he jerked the hem of his shirt out of his pants, giving me a wonderful view of his lower back. “Would you get your arse in the shower and stop teasing me?”

He threw a wicked grin at me over his shoulder before dipping into the bathroom. It was then it hit me how so few people saw this side of Rand—the extremely sexy, manly specimen that he was. I especially wanted the uptight brigade he surrounded himself with to know it. The wheels in my brain began to whirl as a plan formulated in my mind. If I was to execute said plan, I would need some outside help.

As soon as the door closed behind Rand, I reached for my phone on the nightstand. While my original plan was to show Rand’s friends and acquaintances what a hunk of burning love he could be, thoughts of Lydia caused it to shift. It then became a more Lydia-specific, revenge type plan. Sure, it was potentially juvenile, but come on, after everything she’d done, she needed some comeuppance. She’d weaseled her way onto the guest list to torment both Rand and myself. I had to find a way to turn the tables to show her not only that he had moved on from her, but that she had made a huge mistake in leaving him.

From the start, I knew my plan needed more than just words. There needed to be very specific actions. Ones that illustrated Rand was far more than he appeared to be. And then it hit me. The classic film trope of taking the somewhat nerdy woman or man and giving them a makeover. In Rand’s case, it was going to be a costume makeover.

To make sure everything went off without a hitch, it was time to call in reinforcements. It had to be someone who thought like me and had a stake in making Rand look like a god among men. My thumbs flew over the keyboard as I dialed Rob’s number.


“Hey, it’s me.”

“Yes, I know that by the ID,” Rob teasingly replied.

“Look, we have a code red issue here.”

“Let me guess. Rand’s gotten a stick up his arse once he’s been around his old chums?”

With a groan, I replied, “I only wish that were the problem.”

“Then what?”

“Lydia is here.”

“Bloody hell!”

“Yes, that’s pretty much my sentiments as well.”

Rob’s growl reverberated through the phone. “She is an utter and complete bitch!”

“Once again, you’re taking the words out of my mouth.”

“Just when I think she couldn’t possibly deign to stoop any lower after Ascot, she pulls a stunt like this. What the fuck was Alfie thinking letting her come?”

“Since she wasn’t on the guest list, I guess she used some of her feminine wiles to persuade him.”

“Considering Alfie is a letch, that makes perfect sense.”

“Listen, I didn’t call to commiserate—I called to coordinate a plan.”

“A plan for what?”

“It’s hard to classify. I guess, it’s somewhat revenge.”

“You aren’t serious,” Rob mused.

“I most certainly am. But I’m going to need some help to pull it off without Rand knowing.”

Rob chuckled. “What are you suggesting? I consult an apothecary for some poison? Loosen the strap on her saddle to send her arse into tit into some ditch?”

I rolled my eyes. “No smart arse. I was thinking something less heinous that wouldn’t land me or you in prison.”

“While that’s much more practical, I think I can get onboard with anything devious.”

“Oh, my plan is devious. It’s just not dangerously devious.”

At the sound of the shower cutting off, I lowered my voice. “Are you free?” I whispered.


“Look, I have to whisper so Rand doesn’t hear me.”

Once again, Rob’s laughter tickled my ear through the phone. “Oh, my, this is going to be good.”

At the sound of the bathroom door unlocking, I replied, “Gotta go. I’ll text you what I need.”

“Aye, aye, Captain.”

I ended the call just as Rand cracked the door. To my surprise, he just poked his head out. “Is it okay if I come out in a robe?”

Furrowing my brows at him, I asked, “Why would that be an issue?”

“I don’t know. It seems rather intimate.”

“I’d say after we’ve kissed and you had your hand on my breast this morning, a robe seems more than appropriate.”

Rand winced at the mention of his morning gropeathon. “Once again, I can’t apologize enough.”

“It’s okay, Rand,” I replied with a smile.

With a tentative grin, he said, “While I am sorry, it wasn’t all bad.”

“No. It wasn’t.”

His brows furrowed as he glanced between me and my phone. “Were you on the phone?”

Shit. “No,” I lied.

“I could’ve sworn I heard you talking to someone.”

Waving my hand absently, I replied, “I was just watching some videos on Tik Tok.”

Although he still didn’t appear convinced, Rand nodded. “I just realized in the shower that I still owed you a drink. As soon as I throw on some clothes, I’ll go grab you one.”

“Between my foot and Lydia, you better come back with the bottle this time.”

I had a feeling between my foot, Lydia, AND my plan with Rob, I was really going to need the bottle.