The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Charlie

For the second time in two days, I woke up to the feel of Rand’s erection against my backside. However, this time was different since we were naked, and we’d consummated our relationship the night before. Glancing over my shoulder, I found Rand smiling back at me. “Good morning.”

“Waking up beside you makes it the greatest morning of the year.”

“I would have to agree.”

“Did you sleep well?”

I laughed. “Do you mean did I sleep well once we finally kept our hands off of each other?”

He chuckled. “Yes. I suppose so.”

After our initial sex session, we’d moved from the bed to the shower. Along with getting clean, we’d also gone for round two. It was long after the water had run cold that we finally exited the shower. “I slept like a log.”

“Glad to hear that.” With a somewhat sheepish expression, Rand cocked his brows. “I’m going to put my mouth all over you.”

Tilting my head up at him, I asked, “Where exactly?”

After shifting in the bed,Rand dipped his head to kiss my chin. “I would start here. Then I would make a trail up to your ear.” His mouth then echoed his words as he kissed and licked a trail up to my ear.

“You only wantto kiss my face?”

He shook his head.“Next I would start down your neck and across your collarbone. I would only get half way across before the allure of your beautiful tits called to me.”

I giggled.“Who knew they had a siren’s call?”

“They’regreedy bitches wanting my hands and my mouth.”

I gaspedwhen Rand’s mouth covered my nipple. He sucked it into his mouth, his teeth grazing the swollen nipple. “Yes, that’s very nice,” I panted.

With his breathfanning against my nipple, Rand said, “Of course, I can’t leave the other one out of the attention.” He then moved to suckle my other breast.

As the heatbuilt between my legs, I knew where I wanted his mouth desperately. “Where are you going next?”

“Well,I suppose I would kiss down your abdomen. My kisses would grow closer and closer to your cunt.”

I jerkedmy head off the mattress to stare at him. “Seriously?”

“Sorry. What would you prefer?”

Wrinkling my nose,I replied, “If we’re talking about British words, I think I like fanny better.”

Rand chuckled.“Fine then. With my mouth growing closer to your fanny…”

I widenedmy thighs for him. “Yes,” I panted as his tongue trailed across the skin of my abdomen.

“Then I would kissand lick your delicious inner thighs.”

“Rand,”I growled in frustration.

Ignoring me,he kissed, licked, and nipped at the skin on my inner thighs. “Finally, I would kiss and suck your fanny.”

I hissedin satisfaction when he placed a tender kiss right on my pussy. I sucked in a breath while Rand blew warm air across my already inflamed core. Closing my eyes, I murmured, “Okay, Sir, that’s enough with the teasing.”

When his tongueflicked across my folds, I cried out. Rand then began alternating between sucking and licking me. I shrieked with pleasure when his teeth grazed my clit. Holy hell, was the man good at going down. And he wasn’t one of those men who did a little light lick and suck and then was ready to move on. He was devouring me like I was a juicy peach.

A sheenof sweat broke out along my skin as I rocked my hips against Rand’s mouth. I gripped his hair as he slipped two fingers inside me and swirled them around. Then he began to move them in and out of me while still licking and sucking my clit with his tongue. My whimpers and harsh pants filled the room before I finally tensed and went over the edge. “Rand!” I cried as I thrust my hips up one final time. I probably muttered more obscenities as he continued to lick and suck at my core.

Once I’d fully come backto myself, I gazed up at him. “Guess where I want to put my mouth now?”

“Hmm, my cock?”

“Yes, please.”

After Rand rolledover onto his back, I rose up onto my knees. I then took Rand’s growing erection in my hand. After pumping him for a few moments, my fingers eased back the sensitive skin at the top of his cock. Dipping my head, I licked the tip, causing Rand to groan. Slowly, I took him deeper into my mouth. I then began to work him in and out of my mouth. Rand’s head fell back as his chest rose and fell in harsh pants. I continued to bob up and down on his erection, suctioning the tip and giving special attention to the sensitive head.

At Rand’s hearty groan,I felt the slickness between my thighs begin to grow. I continued stroking him with my hands and tongue.  With my free hand, I cupped his balls, causing Rand to groan again. “Fuck, Charlie. You have to stop, or I’m going to come.”

Reluctantly,I let him fall free of my mouth. “I want you to come inside me.”

Lust flickered in his eyes.“So do I.”

Our lips found each other,and we began kissing passionately. Pushing Rand back down on the mattress, I rose up to straddle him. I couldn’t help teasing him by rubbing my wet center across his dick.

“Bloody hell,”he grunted as I continued my rhythm.

Just as Iwas starting to get a bit carried away, I remembered we needed protection. I eased off of Rand’s lap. Leaning over, I grabbed another condom off the nightstand. I ripped open the gold wrapper and tossed it aside.

When I tookhis cock in my hands, Rand’s eyes flared with desire. “Ready for me?” I asked.

“More than fucking ready.”

After straddling him again,I rose up on my knees. I guided his cock to my core and then started easing down on him inch by inch.

“Fuck. You feel amazing,”he muttered.

“I would agree.”Placing my palms on Rand’s chest, I then started an agonizingly slow rhythm. I alternated between rising almost off all the way of him and then bringing myself slowly back down. After a few minutes of breathless panting from the two of us, Rand gripped my hips tighter and started working me harder and faster against him. Our pants were replaced by the sounds of grunts and groans and skin slapping together. “Oh Rand,” I cried as I came. As my orgasm echoed through me, Rand continued raising hips and jerking me hard down on him. After I collapsed over onto his chest, he came into me with a shout of pleasure.

A few momentspassed before either one of us could speak. “That was perfection,” Rand said.

“I agree.”Although I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with him, my stomach growled loudly. “Sorry. I guess I worked up an appetite.”

Rand shook his head.“Don’t apologize. I could go for something as well. Why don’t I run downstairs and grab us something?”

“My hero,”I murmured as I brought my lips to his.

At the soundof someone knocking on the door, I jerked my lips off of Rand’s. “Who could that be at this hour?” I asked.

“It better bloodywell be important to get me out of bed with you,” he growled before rising up in the bed. Ever the gentleman, Rand slipped on his robe as he walked to the door.

He barely crackedit when Rob pushed his way inside. “It’s not a good time,” Rand argued.

At the sightof my disheveled form, Rob chuckled. “Oh, I’d say a good time was had by all.”

After tighteningthe sheet around my breasts, I cocked my head. “Seriously, Rob? Why barge in here like this?”

His jovial expression vanished.“I really hate to have to tell you this, especially after what appears to be a relationship making night.”

“Get to the point,”Rand commanded.

“The shit has hit the fan,”Rob replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Someone has outedyou guys to Debrett’s Deb.”

I gasped.“No. It can’t be.”

While I scrambledacross the bed for my phone on the nightstand, Rand put his glasses on to read his phone. After a few seconds of scrolling, my stomach lurched, and I fought the urge to vomit. “This is bad,” I muttered

“I would say so.”

Shaking my head,I glanced up from my phone. “But who could have possibly told her?”

As Rob shook his head,Rand replied, “Lydia.”

“But how?”Rob asked.

Rand ranhis hand over his face. “I told her last night.”

“You what?!”Rob demanded.

“It was rightafter she kissed me. She tried to say I was only rejecting her because of having a new piece of arse.” At my hiss, he held up his hands. “Her words, not mine.”

Rob’s eyes bulged.“Lydia tried to kiss you?”

With a disgusted look,Rand replied, “Unfortunately yes. She wanted me back, but of course, I rejected her, and now in her petty jealousy, she decided to out us.

Grinning,Rob said, “Well, at least we know our plan to make her jealous worked.”

I snorted.“Yes and then it promptly went to shit.”

Rand glanced between us.“Would the two of you please focus? We have to decide how to handle this.”

“My apologiesfor being rusty on how to handle a public scandal where I’m outed as your fake girlfriend,” I snapped.

“I thinkthe first thing the two of you should do is try to beat the press and get the hell out of here.”

I gasped.“You think the press will come here?”

With a frustrated grunt,Rand replied, “Oh yes. The first picture of us together post-scandal breaking will be worth a lot of money.”

“Fucking vultures,”I muttered.

Looking to Rob,Rand said, “We’re going to need a decoy. Would you be willing to drive my car out of here?”

He nodded.“Of course. Anything you need.”

“Takethem the long way back to London if you can.”

Rob chuckled.“Oh, I’ve got all kinds of traffic tricks up my sleeve.”

While I laughed,Rand shook his head. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Okay,I’ll go and let you two get dressed.”

“We’ll meetyou downstairs in ten minutes.”

As Rob said, “Okay,”I said, “Ten minutes?”

“Time is ticking,”Rand replied.

“While that is true,I’m a female who never packs light,” I protested.

Rand smiled.“We’ll do it together.”

I returnedhis smile as Rob headed out of the bedroom. As soon as the door was shut behind him, I threw back the sheet and started racing around. While I’d meticulously packed and unpacked when we arrived, I merely starting yanking things from the closet I then shoved them into the suitcase Rand had opened for me. Still naked, I snatched and grabbed my toiletries out of the bathroom. After our sexathon, I would’ve killed for a shower, but there would be time back in London for all of that.

When I exited the bathroom,Rand was zipping up his suitcase on the bed. After tossing things in my toiletry bag, I glanced up to see him grinning at me. “What?”

His response was merelyto wag his brows at me. “Yes, I realize I’m still naked, but don’t worry. I plan on throwing something on to make our great escape.”

“You didn’t hearme complaining did you?”

With a snort,I replied, “How ungentlemanly of you.”

“Deepdown all men are just horny letches,” he stated with a sly smile.

As I steppedinto my panties, I replied, “I’m starting to believe it.”

Rand swepta hand around my waist and drew me against him. “The one good thing about getting back to London is I can ravish you in every room in the house without fear of anyone hearing.”

“What about Mrs. Homiller or Maude?”

“I thinkit’s time they had some vacation time.”

I laughed.“I was thinking maybe earplugs since I do like a good meal whipped up by someone else after sex.”

Chuckling,Rand replied, “Sounds like someone is getting used to the aristocratic life.”

“Oh,I won’t be knocking it anytime soon.”

Rand placedhis hands on my cheeks. “I want you to get used to it, Charlie. It’s part of my life, and you know how much I want you in my life.”

“Yes, I do.”

His expression grew even moreserious. “Regardless of what happens in the next hour to week to month, I love you, and that’s all that matters.”

I hatedthe voice in my head that protested while that was the most amazing thing ever, there was still my career to worry about. Shaking that thought away, I said, “I know. I love you, too.”

With a nod,he said, “Then cover your tits and let’s get the hell out of here.”

A laugh burstfrom my lips. “So cheeky,” I muttered.

Following Rand’s orders,I finished getting dressed. Just before we headed out of the bedroom, I slid on a pair of Jackie O sized sunglasses. While we’d originally had the valet to carry our bags up, I held my toiletry bag while Rand took care of the suitcases.

After stickinghis head outside the door, Rand peered down the hallway. “All clear,” he reported.

“You didn’t actually thinkthe paparazzi infiltrated the house, did you?”

“No.But there’s very few people here in attendance I wouldn’t doubt would try to snap a picture of us.”

“Bastards,”I grumbled.

Our trekthrough the hallway and then down the massive staircase had a truly illicit feel. Obviously, I’d never had to run from the press before. I’d heard other stars talk about it. Some had gone to insane lengths to keep away from the lens of the cameras.

Rob had madeuse of his waiting time by having the valet bring both cars around. Rand’s Aston Martin now had the top up. The trunk of Rob’s car was open and waiting for us. As he helped with my bag, Rob said, “I think the best thing is I’ll go out the front gate where they’re all waiting and lead the charge. Then you two can take the backroad by the stable.”

With a nod, Rand replied, “Sounds good.”

Once the bags were loaded,I hugged Rob before getting into the car. Staring in the rearview mirror, I watched Rob and Rand exchange a hug as well. Rand then came around and slid onto the seat. After closing his door, he turned to me. “Ready?”

Hell no I’m not ready to face a throng of photographers trying to grab pictures to attach to salacious stories that could ruin my life and career. Forcing a smile to my face, I tuned out that voice. “Ready.”