The Actress and the Aristocrat by Katie Ashley

Chapter Twenty-Six: Randall

Although I hated admitting when I was wrong, Charlie had been right. It truly was a surreal feeling being the man of the hour. Acquaintances who rarely more than gave a nod of hello suddenly stopped and talked with me. At first it was hard getting used to the stares, but I quickly realized they were staring at me in a good way—with admiration and even envy.

I would have to say the most fulfilling moment of the night was when Lydia saw us. The expression on her face was priceless. Once again, Charlie had been right about Lydia as well. Throughout the evening, I would catch her staring at me. Most often she wore a look of pure astonishment.

Of course, it wasn’t my transformation that made the night completely magical. It was being with Charlie. Now that we weren’t pretending anymore, every touch, every smile, and every kiss was genuine. I’d forgotten what it felt like to be out with someone I truly cared about.

Someone I dare say I loved.

The grandfather clock in the hallway had struck nine when Charlie and I found ourselves dancing again. At Charlie’s wince, I asked, “Are you all right?”

“I think my gimpy foot is finally going to force me to retire my dancing shoes.”

I nodded. “I completely understand. Go put your feet up.”

“I will. You go and mingle, and we’ll meet back up in a little while.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Go meet more of your adoring peers,” she teased.

With a grin, I replied, “I believe I will.”

Dancing had worked up a thirst, so I headed to the bar. After pouring my Scotch, I slid onto a bar stool to unwind. At the sound of someone slow clapping, I turned around. To my dismay, it was Lydia. A cat-like smile curved on her lips. “My dear, Randall, what an ensemble you’re wearing.”

“Sod off,” I grunted.

“Since I wasn’t being facetious, you don’t need to be so cross.”

“I thought I made it clear earlier today that I no longer wish to speak to you.”

Lydia chuckled. “You still know how to hold a grudge, don’t you?”

Swiveling on my stool, I turned my back to her and went back to my Laguvulin. But Lydia remained undeterred. “I’ll never forget our first fight. Do you remember it?” When I remained silent, Lydia continued on. “I didn’t want to tour those silly gardens you dragged me to see at Hardwicke. After I refused, I don’t think you spoke a word to me at dinner.” She eased down on the stool next to me. “The only thing that finally elicited a response out of you was at bedtime.” Leaning forward, she said in a low voice, “You finally broke your silence when I begged for your forgiveness by taking your cock deep into my mouth.”

I froze on the stool. Before Charlie, Lydia’s words would’ve had me rock hard and willing to say or do anything to have her in my bed. But now, there was nothing stirring below my waist. It was disgust, not lust, I felt for her. “You just don’t get it, do you?”

She tilted her head at me. “As much as it pains me to admit, I don’t get this new you.” She reached out to slide her hand down the front of my chest. “But I find it so very sexy.”

Grabbing her wrist, I eased it away from me. “I’m serious, Lydia. I want nothing else to do with you.”

“Oh, I hear you saying the words, but I know you don’t mean them.”

“I bloody well do,” I growled around the mouth of my glass. At the sound of Lydia’s sniffling, I jerked my gaze over to her.

“What will it take for you to forgive me? Must I grovel at your feet?”

“Don’t be dramatic.”

“I’m serious, Randall. I miss being your wife.” Tears spilled over her cheeks. “I miss our life together and our home.” She dabbed her cheeks with a cocktail napkin. “Most of all, I miss you.”

“Yet you didn’t seem to be thinking about any of that when you were shagging Michael.”

“It was a mistake. He is a mistake.”

“Is he aware of this?” Was he aware that his new wife was now going behind his back? God, how had I been so blind to her wiles?

“Don’t you see. He isn’t like us. He never belonged to our circle, and he never really will. You know the nouveau riche never do.”

“How very classist of you.”

She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. He just doesn’t get it because he isn’t a part of it. I’m sure it’s the same with Eliza.”

“Do not bring her into this,” I growled.

She held her hands up. “I didn’t mean to offend. I was just stating facts.”

“About Michael, not Eliza.”

Lydia sighed. “Fine. You want to know the truth about Michael?” She stared intently at me. “He isn’t you, Randall.”

“A year ago you found that fact alluring.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I was a fool. How could I not see what it meant to be married to an Earl? To sit in the Royal Box at Ascot and have an invitation to every social gathering at my fingertips.” A shudder ran through her. “You’re nothing more than a pariah if you’re not in the aristocracy.”

“Do you even hear yourself?”

“Yes, I do. I hear myself baring my soul to you about how much I miss you.”

With a contemptuous snort, I replied, “You don’t miss me, Lydia. You miss the idea of me. You miss everything my title means.”

“That’s not true. I love you, Randall.”

I shook my head at her. “No, you don’t. In fact, I don’t think you ever did.”

Lydia gasped in exaggerated horror. “How can you possibly say that?”

Because I met someone who showed me what love really was. “Because you can’t possibly love anyone as much as you love yourself.”

“You’re wrong. I do love you, and I can prove it to you.”

“That won’t be—”

Before I realized what was happening, Lydia lunged at me. Grabbing my face in her hands, she crushed her lips against mine. Once upon a time, a kiss like that would’ve engulfed me in passion. I would’ve swept the drinks off the bar and ravished her right then and there.

But I felt nothing but revulsion.

Grasping Lydia’s shoulders, I shoved her away. “Save me and yourself any further humiliation by never doing that again.”

Lydia blinked incredulously. “You really don’t want me.”

“As I’ve said repeatedly today and this evening, I do not.”

“You’re only saying that because of your new piece of arse!”

“I assure you I’m not,” I challenged.

“You’re absolutely pussy whipped!”

I chuckled. “You’re mad.”

“I am not crazy! She’s got you under some sort of spell.”

“You really are a piece of work,” I mused as I rose off my stool and started out of the billiard room. I entered the empty hallway on a mission to find Charlie. Unfortunately, Lydia was close on my heels.

“Let’s just see what happens when Eliza leaves you high and dry. You’ll come crawling back to me.”

“This isn’t about her—it’s about me.”

“Yes, and you’re just a weak man who is easily played by women.”

White-hot anger crashed over me with her words. I whirled around to face her. “How dare you.”

“It’s the truth. You’re as malleable as clay.”

In that moment, my emotions overcame me, and I lost all reason. All I could think of was proving to Lydia I was my own man. Instead of walking away and saying to hell with her, I erupted.

“You want to know how very wrong you are? Well, here’s the truth. There is no Eliza Littleton, and there never was. She is a product of my invention played by a very talented actress named Charlotte Monroe.”

“I don’t believe you,” Lydia murmured.

“I assure you it’s the God’s honest truth.”

A few moments passed as Lydia took time to process the enormity of what I’d just said. “Did you do it to make me jealous?”

“In the beginning, it didn’t have anything to do with you. It was about not wanting to have attend the society events alone. But as our plan unfolded, there was a small part of me who hoped her presence with me would make you jealous. As time went on, Charlie helped to free me of your spell. I came to see I no longer loved you. More importantly, I wasn’t sure if I ever loved you.”

Lydia gasped. “You bastard!”

“It’s the truth. I’m just grateful I’ve finally met someone to show me what true love really is.”

“You’ll pay for this.”

“Darling, after losing five years of my life to you and part of my fortune, there’s nothing else you can drain me of.”

“We’ll see about that!” She then whirled around and rushed away from me.

The only person I could think of in that victorious moment was Charlie. After searching for her in several of the rooms downstairs, I headed upstairs. At the sight of a light underneath the bedroom door, I rushed inside. “You’re never going to believe—”

My words died on my lips at the sight of a suitcase on the bed, and Charlie packing. “What are you doing?”

“I would think for someone of your vast intellect it would be obvious.” She jerked her gaze up to glare at me. “I’m leaving.”

“But why?”

A maniacal laugh bubbled from her lips. “After what I just saw between you and Lydia, it is very obvious you don’t need my presence here anymore.”

I swallowed hard. “Look, it’s not what you think.”

“You were kissing her!”

“No, it wasn’t like that.”

Charlie jabbed a finger at me. “Don’t you dare. I know what I saw.”

“What I meant to say was I wasn’t kissing her. Lydia was kissing me.”

“Like it makes a fucking difference.”

“I can assure you it bloody well does.” After coming around the side of the bed, I took her hands in mine. “You have to believe me when I say I didn’t want her to kiss me, and when she did, I didn’t feel anything. Not a damn thing.”

“You didn’t?” Charlie questioned softly.

Shaking my head, I replied, “Not only was I completely repulsed, but at the same time, all I could think of was you.”

Charlie blinked at me. “Really?”

“I swear. I even told her as much.”

“You did?” Charlie questioned incredulously.

“I did, and it felt fucking amazing.”

“I bet.”

“Not only did I tell her that, but I told her how it was because of you I’d realized I’d never loved her. That until I met you I didn’t know what love was.”

“What are you saying?”

“Something I should have said before this day. The real reason I flew all those miles to bring you back to me.” I placed my hands on the sides of her face. “How can I make it any plainer? I’m in love with you Charlie.”

“You’re really in love with me?”

“Yes, I am. With all my heart and soul.”

“I can’t believe it,” she murmured.

“Well, that’s not exactly the response I was looking for.”

She hiccupped a laugh. “No, you don’t understand. You telling me you loved me—it’s what I wished for yesterday.”

“It is?”

Nodding, she replied, “I love you, too, Rand.”

“God, I love the sound of those words on your lips.”

Unable to keep my hands off of her any longer, I drew Charlie to me. My hands slipped from her waist to cup her chin. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

Charlie giggled. “You might be changing your tune after you have me.”


“Then show me.”

I happily obliged by crushing my lips against hers. As our mouths worked in a frenzy against each other, my hands went to the back of her dress. Frantically, we worked to get each other out of our clothes. My sparkling coat dropped to the floor first, followed by Charlie’s dress.

“Bloody hell,” I murmured at the sight of her naked before me.

Charlie peered almost shyly up at me. “Do you like what you see?”

“More than you can ever imagine.”

“Touch me, Rand. Make me yours,” she instructed.

I obliged by bringing one hand to cup her arse and the other to cup her breast. The feel of her skin beneath my fingers was amazing. But I wanted more. I wanted to taste her. I dipped my head to suck one of the hardened points into my mouth. Charlie’s hands came to my hair as she sighed with pleasure. After flicking my tongue over her nipple, I brushed my teeth across it, causing Charlie to jerk at the strands of my hair. “Stop teasing me, Sir,” she panted.

“I’m just getting started,” I murmured against her skin.

After kissing a wet trail over to her other breast, I teased and tasted the nipple, causing it to pucker beneath my lips. My free hand dipped between Charlie’s legs. At the contact of my fingers to her clit, she cried out and swiveled her hips against my hand. When I slipped one finger inside, I found her drenched for me.

Once I added another finger, I began to pump them inside of her. Charlie’s breaths came in harsh pants as her hips moved against my hand for friction. As my thumb rubbed against her clit, I thrust my fingers harder and faster inside her.

“Oh God, Rand!” Charlie’s hands moved from my hair to grip my shoulders. She pumped her hips furiously against my fingers before throwing her head back. A shriek of pleasure escaped her lips as her walls convulsed around my fingers. “Yes!” she cried as she rode the wave of her orgasm.

As she came back to herself, I smiled down at her. “You’re so beautiful when you come.”

“You always say the nicest things.”

“You’re more than welcome.”

Charlie’s hands came to the waistband of my pants. After unbuttoning and unzipping them, she worked them and my underwear over my arse and down to the floor. Once I’d stepped out of them, Charlie zeroed in on my cock.

At her somewhat surprised expression, I said, “Sorry. I should’ve warned you.”

“That you’re huge or that you’re uncut?” she countered.

I chuckled at her compliment. “I thought you were already aware of my size from this morning.”

“It hits a little different when it’s right in front of you.”

“Truthfully, I meant about me not being circumcised.”

“Most Brits aren’t, right?”

“Have you done a lot of research on uncut cocks?”

She laughed. “Sadly, I haven’t. But I have a feeling I’m about to get wonderfully educated.”

“I’m happy to help the cause.”

Charlie took my erection in her hand, causing me to suck in a breath. She started slowly stroking me. “Just let me know if I’m doing it right.”

“Oh, it’s very good.” I gritted my teeth. “Too good.” At her look of surprise, I gently took her hand away from my cock. “It’s been a long time for me. If I want to last at all, you’re going to have to stop touching me like that.”

“I understand.”

“Let me get the protection, love.”

She jerked her head back to stare wide-eyed at me. “You have a condom?” she asked almost incredulously.

“Why do you act so surprised?”

With a shrug, she replied, “You just don’t seem like the condom-at-the-ready kind of guy.”

“Well, if you must know, Rob slipped them in my suitcase.”

Charlie giggled. “Leave it to him to have your back. Or maybe I should say front.”

Snorting, I replied, “At least we know we have his blessing,” I mused.

After ripping open the gold package, I slid the condom on. Charlie didn’t take her eyes off me the entire time. I threw the wrapper to the floor and pushed her back onto the bed.

When I positioned myself between her thighs, I rubbed the ridge of my erection against her clit, causing her to moan. I dipped my head to kiss up her neck. I licked across her jawline over to her ear. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a woman as much as I want you now.”

“Please, Rand,” Charlie murmured.

Her begging was my undoing. After guiding my cock to her core, my eyes locked with hers. It took everything within me not to slam into her. Instead, I slowly slid inside, inch by inch. Charlie bit down on her lip as her slick, tight walls took my cock.

“Are you okay?”

A lazy, almost satisfied smile lit up her face. “I’m good. Great. Excellent.”

With a laugh, I replied, “I concur.” I rocked slowly back out of her. As her gaze met mine, I said, “I want to make love to you and in the same breath, I want to fuck your brains out.”

Charlie surprised me by giggling. “What?” I asked.

“It’s just shocking to hear you say things like that.”

“It’s best that I warn you I have a very dirty mouth in bed.”

“Is that right, Lord Pretentious?”

I tsked at her. “You know my rank is higher than that.”

“Now that sounds more like you.”

“You may prepare yourself to call me Earl Everlast.”

She grinned. “Yes, please.”

Without holding anything back, I then thrust back inside Charlie, causing us both to moan with pleasure. As I set up a slow, languid rhythm, Charlie’s hands came to slide up and down my back. Our tongues tangled together the same way our arms and legs did. Once I knew she was ready to take all of me, I pulled out of Charlie. After pulling her legs up flush against my chest, I plunged back into her. “Oh God, Rand!” she cried, as she twisted the sheets with her fingers.

The new position allowed me deeper than before. I began to slam in and out of Charlie. Her hands came from the sheets to grip my forearms. Her cries of pleasure fueled me on to pump faster and harder.

When her walls began tightening around my cock, I slid out of her. Charlie’s frantic gaze meeting mine. “Don’t…stop!” she panted.

“I wouldn’t dare.”

Rolling her over, I brought Charlie up onto all fours. My hand palmed the globe of her ass. I couldn’t resist smacking her cheek. Charlie instantly tensed before throwing an incredulous glance at me over her shoulder. “Did you just spank me?”

“Um, yes, I suppose I did.”

She shook her head. “Just when I think you can’t surprise me, you go and do something like that.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed—”

“Trust me, I’m not complaining,” she replied with a grin.

With a wicked smile, I smacked her arse again. Her gasp of pleasure caused my cock to jump. Wanting to be within her tight walls, I slammed back inside of Charlie. As I began to manically thrust into her, I dipped one of my hands to tease her clit. Charlie moaned and buried her face in the mattress.

This time when she started to come, I let her go over the edge. The sounds of her orgasm sent a rush of pleasure over me. With Charlie’s walls clenching my cock like a vise, I finally let myself come.

As we lay there with chests heaving, Charlie turned to stare wide-eyed at me. “I’m pretty sure that was some of the best sex of my life.”

I cocked my head at her. “Are you serious or just flattering me?”

“Oh, I’m completely serious.” She rolled over to prop her head on her elbow. “I didn’t think nice guys could fuck like that.”

“We most certainly can.”

“I’ve been missing out.”

“I promise to catch you up many, many times.”

Charlie grinned. “I’m looking forward to it.”