Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Fifteen


Can you tell me again why we’re here?” Reagan asked, smirking as we entered the pet store.

Rolling my eyes, I poked her side. “I already told you.”

“I know, but it’s funny. You’re really going to buy a kitten?”

“I am. Now help me pick one out. We’ll need all the supplies as well.” I headed for the area where they kept kittens. Opening the door, I walked in, and a gray and white cute little fluff ball raced up to me and pawed my shoes.

“Looks like you’ve been picked.” Reagan smiled.

Grinning, I bent and picked the adorable monster up and it meowed at me. I clutched it gently to my chest and its tiny head rubbed against my chin. “I’m in love.”

There were other kittens. Some playing, others trotted over to check Reagan and me out, but I only had eyes for the one in my arms. The kitten started purring.

Yep, I was completely in love.

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

Glancing to Reagan, I laughed when I saw she had two kittens in her arms. “I don’t know. But the question is, will I be the only one walking out of here with a kitten?”

Her face softened when she looked down at both. “I don’t know.” One lifted its paw and tapped her cheek. “Oh my God, I need to talk to Carter.” She put them down and got out her phone while watching them stick close to her. “Carter, honey, how do you feel about kittens? ... Oh, you’re a dog person?” She sounded gutted. “Where am I? Well, you see, when Brooke asked to have a coffee this morning, she actually took me to a pet shop because she promised Benjie he could see her new kitten when she didn’t have one. … Yes, I know, it made me laugh as well. … Why did she do it? Because of a blow job.”

“Ree!” I clipped.

Reagan cackled. “I’ll tell you about it later. But I need you to know I’ve fallen in love. … What? No, I wouldn’t fall for another man. They’re kittens. … Yes, they, there’s two who have claimed me. They want me to be their mommy, Carter. I can’t walk away from them. If you say no, you’ll have to come here and pry me away.” Her eyes widened. “Wait, are you serious? … Carter, are you sure? You know I was only joking when I said you’d have to pry me away? I don’t mind if you say no.” Tears filled her eyes. “God, I love you. You’re the best in the whole world.” She nodded, staring down at the two kittens who were still sticking close to her. “Okay, I’ll see you soon. Think of some cute names. Bye, love you.” When she hung up, she turned to me. “I’m getting kittens.”

“I heard.” I was more than happy with my monster who was now asleep in my arms. I doubted I could handle two of them.

The door behind us opened. “Hello, can I help you both today?” a woman in her late forties asked with a smile.

“Yes, please. I’d like to buy this little guy or girl, and Reagan would like those two.”

“Wonderful. The one you’re holding is a girl. The other two are a boy and a girl, but don’t worry, all have already been fixed. How about you come out the front and we’ll get the paperwork together? Then you can come collect them for their forever home.”

“Sounds great. We’ll also need to get some supplies,” Reagan said.


Not that I wanted to set my little girl down. I did, though, because the sooner I got the rest of the stuff out of the way, the quicker I could have her home.

The question was, what did I call her?

Fluffy wouldn’t be enough.

Princess didn’t seem right.

Maybe I had to wait until I saw her personality before I picked.

Hours later, I watched my kitten run across the floor after a ball, knock into a plant, then bounce off it before she hit her head into the couch.

No one told me they were full of energy.

No one told me how much you feared they got hurt or stood on or could slip out the front or back door while you weren’t watching. I’d thought I’d lost her when I went outside to the clothesline. My neighbors probably thought I was a crazy lady calling “Pussy,” all over the place. In the end, I found her curled up under my curtain in the front living room window, sound asleep.

My heart was still racing.

Bending, I picked her up and checked her head. “You’re such a hooligan. How were you so sweet at the store and here you’re ready to tear into everything?” Bringing her to my chest, I glanced around at the mess. Toys littered the floor, as well as the mess from the trash can, which she got into when I didn’t have the lid on properly.

She started purring in my arms, and once again, I was back in love and saying, “Who cares about the mess.” Kissing the top of her head, I wondered aloud, “What will I call you? It’ll need to be something Benjie and Dustin like.” She rubbed into me again and then attacked my hand when I went to pet her. Smiling, I played with her while I thought some more about it. “What about Wiggles?” I mused, since her butt kept wiggling in the air. But she didn’t look up at that. “Smooches? Nope. Izzy? No again. Valkyrie?” She stopped attacking me for a moment and looked up. “You like that one? We can use Val for short, but you’ll be known as Valkyrie.”

It was perfect since she seemed like a little warrior.

Later, when I was sitting on the couch and trying to tell Val off for attacking my sock-covered toes, my phone rang.

Picking it up, I saw Dustin’s name and smiled. “Hi. What are you doing up so late?”

“Just got into the hotel, darlin’. Sorry I couldn’t text earlier. Your kitty is cute.”

I smiled. “Thank you. Her name is Valkyrie. But Val for short. She’s a little shit, but worth it because she has her cute moments.”

“Have I said you’re amazing?”

“You have. But seriously, I should have had a pet a long time ago. She’s good company when she’s not up to mischief.”

“Can’t wait to actually meet her. Did you organize a day with Benjie?”

“I spoke to Emily just before and I’ll pick Benjie up the day after tomorrow. I’m looking forward to them meeting.”

“He’ll love her.”

“I figured as much. She’s impossible not to love. How have you been though? Didn’t you have a photo shoot today?”

“Yeah, just like any other time.”

“Has North reached out?”

“No, darlin’, and I’m not pushing.”

“That’s probably wise. What’s your plan for tomorrow?”

“Some interviews. Boring shit that comes with playing football. Seems like I haven’t seen you in ages, darlin’. Already missing you.”

My body warmed, and my mind went to Dustin’s gorgeous cock in my mouth.


“Looking forward to returning the favor, darlin’. It’s been on my mind every second of the day. Can’t wait to get a taste of you, sweetheart.” He hummed under his breath, and my nipples perked up while my belly fluttered to life with a thousand butterflies.

It was suddenly hard to catch a breath because that image was stuck in my brain.

I could hear the humor in his voice when he said, “You still there, darlin’?”

“Yes,” I squeaked and immediately cringed. Clearing my throat as he chuckled low through the phone, which didn’t help because his voice was like a wet dream, I went on to say, “I’m, ah, here.”

“Are you thinking about it, darlin’?”

Rubbing my thighs together, I realized he needed to stop talking or I was going to stick my hand down my pants.

“Dustin, you need to stop talking.”

Another low chuckle sounded, and I bit my bottom lip while Dustin tsked. “Brooke, am I getting to you, darlin’?”

“Yes. Now quit it.”

“Or I could help relieve some tension.”

My throat felt thick as I swallowed. “Sorry?” I breathed.

“Put your kitty to bed, babe, and call me back. I’ll be on my bed waiting for you. Hell, I’ll even send you a photo.”

“A-Are we really doing this?”

“Yeah, darlin’. Need to hear you come when we talk.”

“Dustin,” I whispered. Was it too soon? Heck, I hadn’t thought so when I had his dick in my mouth. But this seemed more intimate. And what, a dick in your mouth isn’t?

“I need this, darlin’. I wanna feel close to you when I can’t reach you. Let me give this to you, baby.”

Biting my bottom lip, I nodded. “Okay.”

“Call me back as soon as you’re in bed.”

“I will.”


When the call ended, I gnawed on my bottom lip some more and watched as Val started to curl up for a sleep. At least she was ready for bed and wouldn’t interrupt what Dustin had planned. An excited thrill swept over me despite my nerves. Standing, I pocketed my phone and picked Val up. I’d bought a playpen with a roof for her to sleep in because at the shop I’d been worried she’d end up hurting herself through the night when I wouldn’t be watching her.

In my room, I placed her in her bed and double-checked she had water, toys, and the extra container of kitty litter.

Kissing the top of her head, I told her, “Be a good girl while Mommy gets off with her boyfriend.” I groaned because that just sounded so wrong.

After Val was situated, I went into the bathroom and got ready for bed. My heart wouldn’t quit racing, and even my hands shook a little from the nervous energy flowing through me. I’d never had phone sex and wasn’t sure I’d be any good at it.

Sighing, I braced my hands on the bathroom basin and stared at myself in the mirror.

Did I need to put on more makeup? What was I supposed to wear? Something sexy or just go for naked?

Not knowing sent my stomach into a spiral. I felt like throwing up.

Right. I could do this.

Straightening, I stalked back into the bedroom to place my phone on the bed and undressed before I pulled open a drawer to my bedside table. Red always looked nice on me. I took out my favorite piece of lingerie that popped the girls up nicely and hugged my waist. I slipped into the matching panties and climbed into bed. I pulled the blankets up to my waist and grabbed my phone.

My breath shuddered out of me as I stared at the blank screen.

I could do this.

I could. For Dustin… and for me.

Blowing out a breath, I unlocked the screen and went to Dustin’s name in the call log. Before I chickened out, I pressed and waited.

It rang once. “Darlin’, I was just about to send you a photo.”

“Photos aren’t safe, honey. We could do a video call. That’s if you want to. We don’t—” The option to switch to a video chat rang and I pressed the button.

On the screen I saw Dustin’s smirking face before it died and he choked out, “What are you wearing?”

“Something.” I smiled. Seeing his reaction helped my nerves settle a little in my stomach. I didn’t feel as cold once his eyes ran over every inch of the top half of me.

“You look gorgeous, darlin’.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, shyness coming over me, but I wasn’t going to let that stop this from happening. “Show me you.”

He chuckled. “Do I get a reward if I do?”

Winking, I dipped the phone down a little before I pulled it back up to my face. “You might.”

“Jesus. I’m not sure this’ll be good for my heart.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “Says the man who works out twice a day and plays football. I think you’ll be fine.”

“True, and I do want to see more.” He grinned and then slowly his phone moved from just his face down to his neck. Then his chest and shoulders came into view and finally his abs. I knew he was fit. But I didn’t know he was F I T fit. I gulped and felt like I had to push my eyes back in my head.

Dustin was made of perfection. His skin was smooth, and I wanted to run my tongue and teeth over every inch, to mark him in ways only I could.

“Even your nipples are perfect.”

His body moved with his laughter, and I enjoyed watching the movement.

Veins popped in his arms, and I wished I was there to nibble on them. I wanted to kiss him all over.

His face was in view once more. I pouted. “No fair. That wasn’t long enough.”

He snorted. “It was when I haven’t seen all of you yet. Give me the goods, sweetheart.”

I bit my bottom lip, a flash of worry sweeping through me over the thought of what I would do if Dustin didn’t like all of me? I wasn’t slim. I had a belly that jiggled.

“Whatever you’re thinking, stop. I don’t like the look in your eyes, darlin’. You have nothing to worry about. I know I’m going to love everything I see. Hell, I’m already hard from everything I’ve seen so far. Please don’t question my attraction to you.”

“Okay,” I uttered. Flicking the blanket off me, I slowly ran the phone down over my body. I heard his sharp intake of breath, his moan, and when he clipped, “Fuck me,” he groaned. “Shit, Brooke. I’m not going to last.”

My eyes rounded. “Wait, you’re already touching yourself?” I pulled the phone up to my face and slipped a hand into my panties.

“I am. You can’t expect me not to when I saw what I wanted in front of me. Christ, darlin’, I can’t wait to touch you. To taste every inch. To kiss, bite, and run my hands over your sexy-as-fuck body.”

“Dustin,” I breathed. How could I already be close? It was his voice. His damn rough and hot voice.

“Are you touching yourself, darlin’?”

“Yes.” I nodded, biting my bottom lip.

“Show me your hand in there, Brooke. Need to see it.”

Lowering the phone, I hoped I had the camera in the right spot, and from the groan Dustin let out, I did, but I was too busy closing my eyes and getting off on the sounds Dustin made—on his voice, his words. “Hell, darlin’, I bet you’re wet. So wet. Goddamn, I want to taste you. I’d lick your pussy all over but pay special attention to your clit while I slowly glided a finger inside of you.”

“God, Dustin.”

“Yeah, sweetheart, that’s exactly what you’d say with me between your legs.”

Legs that shook a little from the pleasure running through me.

“That’s it, darlin’, go faster. Imagine me between your thighs. You wouldn’t be able to move your hips like that, baby. Not when I was there holding onto them while my tongue tasted you.”

“I-I’m close.”

“So am I, darlin’. I’m so fucking hard from looking at you pleasuring yourself. It’s an amazing sight.”

“I wanna see you come.”

“After you’re done, baby. I already know I’m going to come long and hard from watching you. I wish those were my fingers in your panties. I wish I was lying next to you so I could be the one feeling your tight, wet pussy. I want—”

“Dustin,” I cried, shattering around my fingers while I rubbed the heel of my palm onto my clit.

“Yes, darlin’. Keep coming for me.” He groaned long and loud.

And I was.

My legs shook, my body ignited all over.

The phone dropped. I quickly picked it up and brought it up to my face, which I knew was turning red. “Your turn.”

“Too late, darlin’.” He smirked. “I couldn’t stop coming when you did.” The view on his phone dipped to his stomach and chest, where I saw his cum pooling over it.

“Not fair.”

He chuckled, bringing the screen back up to his face. “There’ll be plenty more times to see it. In person too.”

“I can’t wait, honey.”

His gaze warmed. “Love hearing that from you, darlin’. Now, you ready to sleep?”

“Oh yeah. You’ve exhausted me.”

He grinned and it looked a little cocky. “Same, darlin’. I’ll talk to you soon. Have sweet dreams of me.”

Saluting him, I winked. “I’ll try.”

Okay, for my first time at phone sex, I was sure things went really well, but still I couldn’t wait until Dustin was right there beside me.