Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Eighteen


Brooke was asleep in my bed, and I couldn’t stop staring at her like a creep. We’d been sneaking around for a couple of months, and I was tired of hiding it from Benjie, especially as it meant Brooke had to leave each night—or sneak away first thing in the morning—when my son was home.

It was time to tell him.

Our relationship was strong, and I couldn’t imagine my life without Brooke in it.

I wanted to wake up every morning like—

Oh fuck, it was morning and Benjie was here. Brooke was going to freak the hell out her alarm hadn’t gone off.

Yet, I couldn’t find the will to care too much. I mean, it wasn’t the best way for Benjie to find out about me and Brooke, but it needed to happen.

Tucking her hair behind her ear, I chuckled when she swatted my hand away and groaned sleepily. “No, you had me twice, and I love your cock, but I need sleep.”

“I noticed your love for my cock, but I need you—”

Her hand covered my mouth, even while she kept her eyes closed. “Your cock isn’t the only thing I love.”

My heart shimmied inside my chest. I took her wrist, kissed her palm, but pulled her hand away. “What are you saying, darlin’?”

She peeked out as a blush spread across her cheeks. “I might love you too.”

A smile formed on my lips. “Might?”

“Okay, I could love you too if you let me sleep.”

I growled in the back of my throat and rolled into her so she had to fall from her side to her back. “Could? Say it, darlin’. Let me hear it.”

She grinned up at me and cupped my cheeks. “I do love you, Dustin Grant.”

There went my heart again, dancing for her. Only my gut tangoed along with it. Leaning down, I kissed her nose. “I love you too, Brooke Baker.”

Her eyes flared a little. “You do?”

“I do. Which is why we need to tell Benjie about this.”

Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she pulled me down for a hot and heavy kiss. One that distracted me and had me grinding my hard dick into her hip.

The kiss trailed off into small pecks before I moved my lips down to her neck and sucked. A shuddered breath left her as she ran her hands up and down my back. I loved that even out of bed, Brooke was a touchy person. She sought me out with her hands or mouth all the time. It was good, as I was an affectionate person as well.

But then she stilled under me.


“Hmm?” I kissed the mark on her neck.

“Is it morning?”

“Yeah, I tried telling you— Ooof.” Brooke shoved me hard off her and I caught an elbow to the gut.

She quickly climbed out of bed, while I lay on my side and watched her, palming my aching dick. She stopped moving to watch me, then shot me a glare. “Don’t distract me. I can’t believe I didn’t wake up. Did I set my alarm? I would have. You didn’t turn it off, did you?”

“I didn’t.” If I’d thought of it, I would have. “But it must be a sign for us to tell Benjie about this.”

A look of horror crossed her features. “Not like this,” she hissed. “He can’t find me in your bed. That’s a terrible way to find out.” She whimpered when we both heard the pitter-patter of footsteps.

Brooke dropped to the floor to hide. It was the side of the bed away from the door, so Benjie wouldn’t see her at least. Even when I just wanted to come clean with Benjie, I wouldn’t do it unless Brooke was on board.

Grabbing the blanket, I sat to lean against the headboard and pulled it up over my waist in time for Benjie to open my door.

“Morning, buddy.”

“Morning.” He smiled. He seemed chirpier than usual. “Can we have pancakes for breakfast?”

“We sure can. Why don’t you go get the things ready while I have a quick shower?”

“Okay.” His smile grew as he rocked on his feet a little. What he didn’t do was leave.

“Was there something else you needed, kiddo?”

“Well, I just wanted to know if Miss Brooke can come have breakfast?”

“Ah, I’m sure she’d like that. I’ll call her shortly, all right?”


“Why what, Benjie?”

“Why call her when she’s lying on the floor?”

Something banged. I had a feeling it was Brooke’s head from her quiet curse.


“Is she your girlfriend now?”

“Ah….” Did I tell him now or would Brooke kill me? I didn’t want to die after confessing my love for her and her for me.

A sigh sounded from the side of the bed before Brooke stood and gave a wave to Benjie, her face turning bright red. “Hi, Benjie. I just stopped by this morning to check on Dustin because….” She looked to me for help, but my brain was out of action.

“Huh? But I went to the bathroom really early and saw you and Daddy sleeping in bed, but your phone started making a noise and I didn’t want it to wake you both. I quickly snuck in to turn it off. I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

Brooke’s gaze softened. “No, buddy, you didn’t, and I, um, did stay the night. I hope that was okay.”

His smile was back as he rolled his eyes. “You’re Daddy’s girlfriend now, right? Daddy said only special people stay over, like wives and girlfriends. It must mean you’re his girlfriend so it’s okay.”

“It does mean I’m his girlfriend, as long as you’re okay with it.”

His tiny fists shook around in the air, and he yelled, “Yay, I’ve been wanting this for ages, because it means you can come around all the time when I’m here now and we can do so much.”

Brooke’s eyes filled with tears and she nodded. “I’ll look forward to it, but for now, how about we get those pancakes ready?”

Benjie nodded enthusiastically.

Brooke started to move around the bed, but I said, “Benjie, I need to have a word with Brooke. We’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

His nose screwed up. “Is this where you guys are going to kiss?”

Chuckling, I shrugged. “It might be.”

“Okay” was all he said before he skipped out of the room.

Scooting over to a frozen Brooke, I climbed out of bed and pulled her into my arms. Her breath escaped her in a huff when she wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest.

“What was it you said about Benjie finding out you stayed the night?”

A fist landed in my side.

Chuckling, I pulled back and cupped both sides of her neck. “He loves you, darlin’, so there’s nothing to worry about. He’s like his daddy when it comes to opening our hearts to certain people. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, that person is stuck with us.”

She sniffed. “He’s just too adorable.”

“Even when those tantrums come out?” He’d had a few now when Brooke was around, not that any fazed her. She eventually talked him down with her magical powers.

“Even then. And when yours come out.”

“Aww, I was even adorable when I cried about not being able to give you head the other night?”

She snorted. “Well, except then. Your man card lowered a few notches and I thought about breaking up with you.” She lifted her gaze. “But then I realized I was in love with you. Gross, right?”

Grinning like a lovesick fool, I scrunched my nose up. “Ew, that is gross, especially when it’s catching, and I love you back.”

“How long do you think we have before he comes to look for us?” she asked as her hand slipped into my briefs and gripped my hardening dick.

“I don’t think we have that long.”

She pouted. “Too bad.” She pulled her hand free, patted my chest, and moved around me toward the door.

“Later?” I whimpered.

“Later.” She winked over her shoulder.

Goddamn, I was in love with her. Forgoing the shower until after breakfast, where I hoped I could talk Brooke into having one with me while I set Benjie up with his new LEGO set, I dressed in tracksuit pants and a tee before I followed after my woman.

“Benjie, give me the phone,” I heard as I rounded the corner to see Benjie cackling as he ran around the middle island with Brooke chasing him.

“Yes, Mr. Tom. She stayed here last night and said she was his girlfriend.”

My eyes widened.

“You want to come to dinner later? Last night Daddy said that Mr. North and his mister is coming over with Miss Reagan and Mr. Carter.” He slipped out of Brooke’s reach. “Okay. Six. Yes, bye.” He hung up and handed the phone to Brooke.

“Benjie, were you on Brooke’s phone?”

“Nope. It was the home phone.”

“Benjie, why were you talking to Tom?”

“I called him after Nana Bev.” He’d met her on a few occasions when we went there for Friday dinner night.

“Wait, what?” Brooke screeched.

“Why did you call Tom, Benjie?”

“He wanted me to tell him when you two started dating. He said he needs to have an important word with you, Daddy.”

Did I run for the hills now?

Only when I looked at Brooke, who seemed either angry or scared or a bit of both, I knew I’d take on the world for her.

“Oh, and they’re all coming for dinner.” He skipped up to Brooke and hugged her legs. Looking up to her, he asked, “Can I just call you Brooke? You’re like family now so it’s okay to, right?”

Brooke melted under his words, and I knew the worry about dinner with everyone was brushed aside by Benjie’s words. She gently pushed his hair away from his eyes. “I would be very happy if you did.”

“Okay… Brooke.”

Dipping, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you for being so cool, buddy.”

Benjie shrugged. “You’re welcome. Can we get breakfast now? I’m hungry.”

“Of course we can.”

Brooke moved over to the oven, but I slipped up behind her and wrapped my arms around her middle. “How you doing?”

She sniffed. “Fine.”

Chuckling, I kissed her shoulder. “Liar.”

“I just… I’m happy.”

“I’m glad you are, darlin’, because both Benjie and I are as well. Especially when you’re around.”

She turned in my arms and rested her hands on my waist. “Thank you for being a pain and pestering me about dating.”

I grinned. “Thank you for finally giving in and accepting. We’ll also have to thank Nana Bev again. If it wasn’t for her, I doubt I would have been so lucky.”

She nodded. “This is true. I’ll cook—” My eyes widened, and she sighed. “I’ll have you cook her favorite baked potatoes with all the trimmings and creamy mustard chicken.”

“I can do that.” Brooke still wasn’t the best cook, even after I’d tried teaching her. It was like everything she touched was repelled by her lack of skills or just didn’t want to end up charcoaled. Not that I cared if she cooked or not. I didn’t mind cooking. I’d always been a fan of it, finding it relaxing. If I wasn’t up for cooking, there were plenty of takeout options.

“I will master it one day. I’ll make cooking my bitch.”

Patting her head, which she swatted away, I kissed her nose. “I’m sure you will.” Glancing around to my son, I added, “Don’t you think Benjie… Benjie?”

“Where did he go?”

A tiny, what was trying to be quiet voice, was heard from the living room. “I know, Mommy, it’s the best. Brooke will be around all the time now.”

Brooke’s wide gaze shot up to mine.

Chuckling, I shrugged. “He’s happy about us being together.”

“He’s a little gossiper like his father.”

“Who, me?”

“Yes, you. You told Carter about—”

“Do you think Brooke will love me like she does Daddy, because she’d have to love him if she wants to be his girlfriend? But can she love me too?”

Brooke’s bottom lip quivered before she bolted into the living room and swung Benjie up into her arms and mumbled into his neck.

“What?” Benjie asked.

My damn chest felt heavy from all the blissful emotions swimming inside it. “She said she loves you with her whole heart.”

Benjie wrapped his arms around her neck. “I love you too!”

Taking the phone from Benjie, I lifted it to my ear. “Em?” All I could hear on the other end was my ex crying. Brooke and Emily had grown close, to the point where Emily ended up going to girls’ night with Brooke, Reagan, and Courtney.

“It’s so sweet,” she yelled through the phone before bursting into fresh tears.

Never would I take for granted how lucky I was to have these people in my life, but I’d thank anyone or everyone I could who made it possible. Without a damn doubt, I was blessed.