Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Sixteen


North didn’t room with me like usual. I didn’t know whose room he’d been in either. He seemed to be quick at disappearing, like he was Superman or something. It wasn’t until the fourth night he headed my way. “Yo, room with me?”

I glanced all around me to see if he was talking to me or someone else. Then, just to be a smartass, I pointed at my chest. “Are you talking to me?” I clasped my hands in front of me and jumped up and down a little. “OMG, is North Harrison talking to little old me?”

He glared, but his lips twitched. “Don’t be a dick. Can you or not?”

“Sure. I’ve been taking a single room, but I’m willing to share a double room with you since you asked me so nicely.”

He nodded and hooked his bag over his shoulder before he followed me into the hotel. Coach was there handing out keys, and I stopped in front of him just as Jennings did.


“Single or double? I have one of each left.”

“I’ll take a double,” Jennings said.

Oh fuck.

“I’m roomin’ with Grant,” North supplied.

Jennings’s jaw clenched. He handed the key over to me with a glare that threatened to set me on fire before taking the other key from Coach and stalking toward the elevators.

As North and I followed slowly behind, I prayed the doors would open before we got there to take Jennings up to whatever floor. If not, I was afraid for my life.

Leaning toward North, I asked, “How many ways will he be thinking of killing me?”

North snorted. “Won’t be you. It’ll be me, and about fifty.”

Of course, my luck was out the window, because by the time we reached the elevator, the doors hadn’t opened so we stood there awkwardly together. I rocked back and forth on my feet and adjusted my bag over my shoulder.

Was it suddenly hot?

Sweat formed on my neck and hands. Especially when I caught Jennings eyeing me like he wanted to choke me.

“Ah, good weather we’re having.” The lame words left my mouth.

Jennings just stared his hatred my way, while North snorted.

“Say, uh, North, you remember my girlfriend, Brooke?”

North grunted. I took it as a yes.

“Yeah, well, she just picked up a kitten the other day.”

Thank fuck the doors opened. I nearly fell on my face with how quickly I moved in. My luck was still in the gutter when I noted we were on the same floor, and it was on the twentieth level. Just a nice little ride with a murderous man and one who was now answering in snorts and grunts.

Fun times.

Tugging at the collar of my tee, I cleared my suddenly dry throat.

Both of them looked at me, and I instantly regretted gaining their attention.

“Do we need to hug something out?”

“What the fuck?” Jennings snarled.

Taking a step back, I shrugged. “You know the saying if two people are upset about something it’s best to hug it out?” I glanced to North and found him staring at me like I’d grown another head. “Never heard it?”

North turned to Jennings. “You don’t need to talk to him like that.”

Jennings straightened and stepped into North’s space. I wanted to vanish into the floor.

“Are you telling me what to do?”

“Maybe if I did, you’d get that stick outta your ass.”

I coughed, since my perverted mind went to North being up Jennings’s ass. It was lucky I didn’t say anything.

Jennings’s jaw clenched. “Stop trying to save me.”

“Fine,” North drew out.

Where was some popcorn when I needed it?

Praise Jesus, the doors dinged open, and I fled into the hallway. I’d let them sort it out. No way was I getting in the middle of that. It also seemed North could handle Jennings’s asshole attitude. Once at the room, I swiped the key in the lock and pushed it open. I didn’t step through though.

“North,” I heard and glanced down over to see North was getting close to our room. Jennings had stopped at a room down the hall. “North.” Jennings scowled when North ignored him and nodded at me to get in the room.

I did.

It didn’t surprise me when North dumped his bag in there and grabbed the room key from my hand before he shut the door again with him on the outside.

“Holy fucking shit.” That was intense. Dropping my bag on the bed away from the door, I pulled out my phone and hit Brooke’s number.


“I nearly died tonight.”

“What? Are you okay? Oh God, I’ll get on a plane right now. Where are you? Are you in the hospital? Dustin? Are you okay?”

Maybe it would have been better if I led with something else.

“Darlin’, sorry to have scared you. I’m okay. I didn’t nearly die.”

Silence, then I heard a door slam and winced. Had she been literally walking out the door to come to me?

“Brooke? Sweetheart?”

“I’m going to kill you myself.” She took a loud breath. “What the fuck were you thinking saying that? I walked out of my house in panties, Dustin. Panties.”

Now there was a pleasant image. Until I thought of another prick seeing her.

“Please tell me no one saw you and you’re back inside.”

“I don’t know, and I am. But seriously, Dustin, I’m going to kick your ass when you get home.”

“I’ll even let you, darlin’. I wasn’t thinking, but my death could have been close.”

“How?” she demanded. “And it better be good.”

Wincing, I scrubbed a hand over my face and sat on the end of the bed. “North hasn’t really approached or talked to me. Until tonight. He asked to share a room, but I’m pretty sure Jennings wanted to share with him. Darlin’, I’d be dead if Jennings had anything to do with it. Do you know how fucking awkward the elevator ride up was? I asked them if they needed to hug it out because the tension in there was damn thick. I’ll have to sleep with one eye open in case Jennings sneaks into the room and decides to kill me in my sleep.”

Brooke snorted. “You’re exaggerating.”

“I’m not. Seriously, I’m still sweating from the situation. If I don’t speak to you tomorrow, just know I’ve loved our time together and give Benjie lots of hugs.”

Her laughter rang through the phone. “I really should stay mad at you, but I can’t seem to and it’s not fair.”

“I’m just too cute.”

“You’re definitely something.”

“Can we get back to the fact you were only in panties to begin with? Why?”

“Nothing exciting, if that’s where your mind was going, and knowing you, it probably was. Val decided to throw up on me and the bed. I had just got out of my pajamas when you called and scared the hell out of me.”

Wincing, I rubbed at the back of my neck. “Sorry again about that.”

The door to the room opened, and North, with a sour look on his face, entered. He threw the key card down on the table and flopped onto the bed.

“North?” I called.

He grunted.

“Can you tell Brooke how close I was to death? I may have scared her a little.”

He groaned and rolled over to sit up. “You told your woman you were close to death because of Jennings?”

I nodded.

North sighed. “Brooke,” he said louder. I put it on speaker. “Grant was being a big baby and can’t handle a little intimidation.”

“I was not,” I yelled. “He’s lying, darlin’. I really won’t get a lick of sleep tonight thinking Jennings will break in here and murder me.”

North rolled his eyes and lay back down.

Brooke, laughing once again, said, “I better let you go do some bonding with your friend. Sleep well, sunshine. I’m sure you won’t wake to find Jennings standing over you.”

North chuckled.

“That’s cruel, woman.”

“Thank you. Goodnight.”

“Night, darlin’. Good luck with your pussy.”


“Jesus,” North grumbled.

“It’s a kitten, North. There is nothing sexual in that statement.”

“This is Grant we’re talkin’ about. You’ll learn his mind’s always in the gutter.”

Brooke huffed. “I already figured it out. Bye.”

“Bye,” we both said before I hung up.

North sat back up and rubbed a hand over his face. “She’s good for you.”

I smiled. “Yeah, she is. Benjie adores her also.”

“Good to see you happy, man.”

Thinning my lips, I wondered if now would be a good time to have a chat.

When I opened my mouth, North’s hand rose. “Nope. Don’t go there.”

Sighing, I kicked off my shoes and slid onto the bed more. “I thought we were friends. It’s been you, me, and Carter for a long time, North. Why can’t I question my friend about things in his life? I could help, you know.”

His brow rose.

“I could.” I waited, but he said no more and instead removed his shoes and got up from the bed to grab his bag.

“Do you know you’re calling me Grant instead of Dustin? I know someone else who does that.”

Dustin. Don’t.”

“Fine. I’m going to call room service. Do you want anything?”

“Yeah. Whatever you grab, I’ll have.” He dumped his bag on the bed and unzipped it, taking some clothes out. He paused, staring down at the bed. “I don’t know what’s goin’ on with Jennings and me.”

“It’s okay not to know. As long as he’s treating you right.”

He made a noise in the back of his throat. “He does. But… it’s hard because he’s so closed off. Shit, I didn’t know I was into guys until him, but he’s further in the closet than I am, and he’s always known he was gay.”

“You don’t want to hide, but he does?” I guessed.

“Yeah, somethin’ like that. He’s got a shit father who’s against it.” He turned and eyed me. “Are you cool with this shit?”

“What? With you being into guys?”


“North, my heart breaks a little you’d question me like that. I love you like a brother from another mother no matter who you do.”

He snorted, then chuckled. “You’re a dickhead.” He made his way to the bathroom.

“A dickhead who loooooves you.”

He shot me the middle finger over his shoulder. But at the door to the bathroom, he turned. “Jennings won’t say or do shit to you. He’s just scared you’ll say somethin’ to the team or management. I’ve told him you wouldn’t do that. You or Carter.”

“Damn right we won’t.”

He nodded. “I know.”

“What’s up with the space though? Not that I don’t love having you around. But did you two get into a fight last night?”

“I wasn’t in his room since we’ve been away. I wasn’t ready to talk to you, sorry. So, I got a single room on my own to think. We fought the night you guys rocked up and haven’t really talked since, or until before, but even then he was just saying shit about you and Carter spreading rumors. When he’s an idiot like that, not trusting me in knowing you guys, I don’t want anythin’ to do with him.”

“You like him. Like really like him?”

North’s brows drew together as he shook his head. “You sound like a thirteen-year-old.”

“So? Just answer the question. Does he make you happy? Do you get butterflies over the guy? Can you see a future with him?”

He groaned and glared at me. “Do you feel all those things with Brooke?”

“Yes. Do you with Jennings?”

His tone was soft. “Yeah.” He shook his head again. “But enough of this shit. I’m goin’ for a shower.”

Saluting him, I grabbed the room’s phone. “I’ll get the food ready, and we can watch some emotional movie and eat while we cry.”

“Fucking dick,” he muttered, but I caught his smile before he closed the door.

I quickly placed an order and then sat back, contemplating whether it was best I stayed out of North’s business or not.

More importantly, did I risk my life by going to talk to Jennings?

I had Brooke and Benjie to think about.

Christ, I was being a pussy.

When I heard the shower switch on, I climbed off the bed and grabbed the room key. Quietly, I got out the door and moved down the few doors to Jennings’s room. I didn’t know if it was hunger pains in my gut or if I was about to shit myself from nerves.

Man the fuck up, I told myself before I reached out and knocked on the door.

It took a couple of beats, just enough time for sweat to pool at the base of my neck, before the door swung open aggressively and Jennings stood in it, glowering.

“Is that expression the only one you have?” When Jennings stepped forward, I shot my hand up in front of me. “Shit, I didn’t mean it. Don’t kill me. North will cry.”

His brow rose. “North is right. You’re like a little yippy puppy.”

“He said that about me? Aw, that’s kind of cute.”

“And annoying.”

Shrugging, I threw out a hand. “I don’t see it that way. Anyway, I only have a few moments before North gets out of the shower. I want you to know that Carter and I would never say anything about what we saw because North is our friend. We respect his privacy—”

“Except when barging into his house.”

“That was different. He’d been ignoring us so we’re going to worry about him. Now we know he was busy with you, it explains things.” I glanced down the hall and back again. “Look, I promise nothing will come from Carter and me or our women. But I need you to understand that if you hurt North, we will fuck you up, even though you scare the shit out of us. He’s never liked someone like he has you. Shit, you give him all those gooey feelings, but right now you’re fucking up. Don’t let outside crap come between you and him if he’s important to you. If he’s not important, then let him know so he can move on.”

His jaw clenched and he fisted his hands at his sides. He didn’t like the idea of North moving on. Good.

“All right, I’m out. Later.”

Starting to walk off, I stopped when I heard, “Grant.” Glancing over my shoulder, I tipped my chin up to him to keep going. He sighed. “Thanks for coming to talk to me.”

Spinning, I clasped my hands in front of me. “Does this mean we can be friends?”

His look of horror amused me too much. If he stuck around, it’d be fun giving this guy shit.

“I… don’t know what to fucking say.” He shook his head, stepped back into his room, and shut the door.

“It’s okay,” I called. “We’ll work on it, bestie.” My work here was done. Now he’d better get his head out of his ass and make my friend as happy as I was.