Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Nineteen


We didn’t exactly have enough room for everyone for dinner since Tom opened his mouth to Reagan’s parents, and they arrived with him, so we had to bring in an extra table and chair from Dustin’s garage. Though, currently Tom didn’t look too happy about Herb and Elaine arriving when he did.

“This was my time with them. Alone. I shouldn’t have said anything to you on the phone,” Tom complained as he entered the living room with them in tow.

Herb scoffed. “I’d thought we’d come to the agreement to share?”

Tom glared. “Only because I was getting more time with them.”

“Who is them, exactly?” Reagan asked from the couch were she and I sat. We already knew they were talking about the men, but it was fun to get a reaction out of them and their fanboying over the guys. I doubted Herb and Tom would ever get over the fact they had a close connection to some of the men on the Wolves team. Every time they acted like teenagers seeing a singer they adored for the first time.

“Hey, Elaine, look at this over here.” Herb moved across the living room to stare out the window. He pretended to point something out to his wife, who rolled her eyes, patted his back, and moved off into the kitchen.

“Tom, I thought you were here to talk to Dustin about something? That’s what Benjie said.”

Dustin, who was talking to Carter off to the side, glowered at me.

Tom rubbed at the back of his neck. “Yes, well, I think since he’s welcomed me into his house, I’ll leave the talk for another day. Then again, I’m sure he took our warning at dinner that night seriously.”

Dustin nodded. “I did.”

“Good.” Tom crossed his arms over his chest.

Herb made a noise in the back of his throat. It kind of sounded like a whimper. When he turned, his cheeks seemed red. He cleared his throat and made his way toward the hall.

“Dad, where are you going?” Reagan asked.

“Nowhere.” His strides increased.

Carter chuckled. “I’m guessing North and Jennings are here.”

Tom gasped. He raced for the hallway. We heard a crash and then cursing with a few heated words.

“Dustin, do you want to go save your teammates?” I asked.

He placed his hand to his ear. “I think I hear Benjie calling me.” His smirk said it all. He was going to leave North and Jennings to suffer on their own.

“Dustin, don’t you dare.” He’d already bolted for the bedrooms where Benjie was playing.

Reagan sighed. “Carter….”

“Coming, Benjie,” Carter called and walked off.

“Come on, it’s up to us.” I stood with Reagan, and we quickly made it down the hall to the front door where we saw Tom and Herb peeking out the frosted glass panels on each side of it.

“Guys, come on. Let them arrive in peace.” So they didn’t get too scared over their fawning.

“But—” A knock sounded, and their eyes widened before they looked at each other and snickered like little kids.

“Dad, Tom, living room, now, or you’ll never be invited over again,” Reagan threatened. They glowered at her and shuffled down the hall sulking. “I’ll watch them. You answer the door.”

“Good idea.” As soon as I saw Reagan walking down the hall and into the living room, I opened the front door with a smile. “Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.”

“Thanks for the invite.” North smiled as he stepped in and kissed my cheek. If I wasn’t with Dustin, I would have swooned, but Dustin had ruined my attraction for anyone else.

North moved to the side and Jennings stepped in but halted at my words. “Ah, there’s a few extra people here. Reagan’s parents and our boss from school. Benjie’s fault.” Yes, I threw the kid under the bus. “He invited Tom this morning and the others followed him. On the bright side, it’s pure luck my nana was busy and couldn’t make it. She’d probably question you about who topped and bottomed.”

Jennings spun around and started for the car. North laughed and quickly grabbed him before he could get far. “It’ll be fine,” he told Jennings, who grumbled something.

When North had Jennings inside, I quickly closed the front door. “Another word of warning.” I winced at Jennings’s hard stare and clenched jaw. “Tom and Herb are massive fans, but they’re also family. Nothing will leave the house that you don’t want. They’re very trustworthy.”

Jennings cursed a few times. “You know I don’t do well around people.” He glared at his lover.

North kissed his cheek and took his hand. “You’ll be fine.”

“I swear to God, if you leave my fucking side, I’ll kick your ass.”

North chuckled. “I won’t.”

The nerves were coming off Jennings in waves as he stepped into the living room. Since I knew Tom and Herb, I also knew it wouldn’t take them long to have Jennings relaxed.

Reagan cursed when they slipped out of her hold and stepped in front of North and Jennings.

Dear God, they bowed their heads slightly and looked at them in awe. Did Tom have a few tears in his eyes?

Tom opened his mouth, but before he said anything, Herb did. “Hi, welcome, it’s great to meet you both. I—”

“Your dick’s hanging out,” Tom suddenly said, causing Herb to blush and actually look down at his crotch.

North choked on a laugh, and even Jennings’s lips twitched.

“Dad, why in the heck would you look down?”

Tom smirked. “Because it happenedÖ«—”

“One time! Just once when I was too drunk and forgot to put it away after I went to the bathroom.”

Reagan groaned and slapped her forehead. “I could have gone without knowing that.”

Laughing, I shook my head.

“Hi, I’m Tom. I work with Reagan and Brooke. It’s an honor to meet you both, North and Jack.” He held his hand out, and North went to take it, until Herb slapped it away and took it instead. “Dickhead,” Tom muttered and quickly grabbed Jennings’s hand and shook it.

“You know, my daughter is with Carter, but I have a niece—”

Tom slapped Herb in the back of the head and gestured to North’s and Jennings’s joined hands. Jennings tried to pull his hand free, but North wouldn’t have it.

“Ah.” Herb nodded. “Well, I don’t have any sons or nephews, but Carter has brothers. I’m sure— Will you quit hitting me.” Herb scowled at Tom.

“It was me this time.” Elaine popped up out of nowhere. “Hi, I’m Elaine. Reagan’s mother, and I suppose I can claim to being this dense head’s wife. It’s nice to meet you both. Can you tell me which one of you bottoms and—” Reagan ran forward and covered her mother’s mouth.

Snorting out a laugh, I shrugged at North and Jennings’s shocked looks. “Guess I didn’t need my nana here for that question. Guys, how about we let North and Jennings move into the house more and give them some breathing room.”

Tom nodded a little too much as he shifted back. “Of course. Can I get either of you a drink? Dinner’s about ready, I’m sure, but if you need a snack, I can get you one.”

“I’m fine, thanks, Tom,” North said.

Tom straightened, and his eyes glistened a little.

“I can help also,” Herb added.

“Where’s Carter and Dustin?” North asked.

“They’re hiding in Benjie’s room so you two could get the full welcome party from Tom and Herb on your own.”

“What do you mean?” Tom asked.

“Yeah, we’ve been nice.” Herb crossed his arms over his chest.

“Nothing.” I smiled.

“Can I kill your friends?” Jennings muttered as Elaine pulled Herb and Tom away.

North nodded. “I’ll even help.”

A little monster barreled into my side and hugged my waist. “Hi, Mr. North and Mr.…” Benjie looked up to me. “Do I call him scary man like Daddy does? Or should I say Jack or Jennings?”

“Hey, hey, hey, kiddo. I never said Jack was a scary man.” Dustin chuckled guiltily and rested his hands on Benjie’s shoulders as Carter snorted and shook the guys’ hands. “I said he was my new best friend.”

“You said that eventually, Daddy. But I heard you on the phone to Mr. Carter—” Dustin covered his son’s mouth while I snorted and thought we really had to make sure Benjie wasn’t around when we were trying to have a private conversation.

Jennings’s brows drew up as he stared at Dustin.

“Anyway. Dinner’s ready.” Dustin bolted back into the kitchen, taking Benjie with him.

“Are you sure he’s your friend?” Jennings asked North.

North snorted. “Yeah, he grows on you.”

That he did, and in the best ways. Before Jennings knew it, Dustin would have wormed his way into becoming close friends.

Leaning back in my seat, I listened to the conversations around me and smiled. It was good to see everyone relaxed and talking. Even Jennings tried to involve himself. I knew it was more for North’s sake because every time he spoke or started a conversation, he would look to North to see if he was noticing. North definitely was; his eyes didn’t move far from Jennings at all.

Dustin’s arm curled around my shoulders, and he gently tugged me into his side before he kissed my temple. “Having fun?”

Grinning up at him, I kissed his chin. “Yes. It’s good to see everyone together. We’re only missing Nana and the Diamond MC guys.”

He chuckled. “We’d need a bigger house if that was to happen.”


He’d said we would need a bigger house.

My heart and stomach were singing and dancing together. I knew Dustin and I were working toward a future, but it was good to hear us moving in together come out of Dustin’s mouth.

Snuggling back into him, I nipped at his hand over my shoulder. “Can you imagine a dinner party with Adrik, Death, and State?”

Dustin grinned. “There’d be a few more death threats going around if anyone looked at their partners wrong.”

“And if Nana was there, a lot of them would be said to her.”

We both laughed, and from across the table, I caught Benjie staring at us with a smile. I was so glad he was happy with our relationship.

Dustin cleared his throat and then announced to the table, “Just in case no one knew by now, Brooke and I are dating.” I knew he’d said it for Benjie’s sake since he only found out today.

Elaine gasped and pressed her hands to her chest. Everyone looked at her. “What? Too much?”

“Just a little.” Herb patted her on the head. “It was plain to see after we arrived, and you haven’t left Brooke’s side for a second.”

“I think it’s awesome.” Benjie clapped.

“Thank you, buddy.” I smiled softly as my chest warmed.

“It means I could get a brother or a sister soon. If I get a choice, I want a brother so we can play LEGO together.”

Dustin choked on his sip of beer, and I quickly shook my head. “Buddy, it’s too soon for that. Besides, I still have Val to take care of since she’s only a little baby.”

“I suppose.” He shrugged. “At least you didn’t say it wouldn’t happen.”

He had me there.

Dustin’s hand slid under my hair and cupped the back of my neck. As the others went to talk about something else, I looked up to Dustin when he shook me slightly. He smiled. “At least you didn’t say it wouldn’t happen.”

I knew he’d said it before, but I had the urge to check again. “You want more children?”

“Darlin’, eventually I want it all with you.” He pressed his lips to mine, but I was still stunned by his words.

He wanted it all with me.

That meant living together, marriage, and kids… right?

It did.

Gripping his thigh, I leaned in and told him, “You’re getting an extra-long blow job for that.”

“Damn, darlin’, you’re making me hard at the dinner table.”

“It’s your fault for being… well, you.”

He pulled back and winked. “You know, with that offer, it tells me that you really do love me.”

Nodding, I solemnly said, “You’ve ruined me for anyone else.”

Dustin chuckled and lightly pecked my lips. “Good, because you’ve done the same.”