Bumbled Love by Lila Rose



There, over there. Do you see him, Brooke?” Benjie yelled from right beside me as he clutched my hand in one of his. The other he used to point out his father on the field. He’d grown up so much in the past year, and I wondered if putting a brick on his head would slow it down.

“I sure do.” And damn, Dustin looked mighty fine. My belly gave that excited twisted thrill when I thought about the fact that I’d moved in with him about three months ago. He’d asked me when we’d been over at Nana Bev’s for dinner. Maybe he’d been worried I’d say no and wanted backup from Nana, but he hadn’t needed it.

I took one look at him and Benjie and knew my answer.

I loved going to sleep and waking up with him. Even if he did hog all the blankets. Then there were the mornings and nights when Benjie was here. The more time with them, the more I thought of them as my own little family, and I couldn’t help but smile goofily over how lucky I was, my body warming, knowing they were my people.

Not to say life was always picture perfect.

Dustin still annoyed me or pissed me off, and I did the same with him. I would take all and any day, happy or bad, though, and bottle them in my memory box, as I couldn’t imagine my life without Dustin and Benjie in it.

Val was also content in her new place.

Of course, as soon as Benjie was home, she deserted me and slept on his bed. I wasn’t jealous at all. All right, I was a little. She’d been my girl for so long. At least I had someone else to cuddle with, and Dustin was very good at snuggling.

“Never been to a game in person before.” Nana Bev stepped up beside me with the help of Tom. “This is pretty exciting. So much eye candy to look at.”

“What’s eye candy?” Benjie asked.

Shooting a glare at Nana, who cackled, I told Benjie, “She’s talking about the candy at the concession stand.”

Tom snorted.

“Oh.” Benjie’s lips thinned. “I’d like some eye candy.”

Groaning under my breath, I sent Nana another death glare.

She grinned. “Don’t worry, dear boy, you’ll get some when you’re older.”


“How about I take Benjie to the concession stand?”

“But there’s a person who comes to the family box,” Benjie said.

“That’s okay, I could use a walk. Will you keep me company?” Tom held his hand out, and Benjie nodded with a smile before he took it.

Once they were gone, I glanced around at the people in the box. I didn’t know everyone was coming to the game when I said I’d meet Emily and her man here to do the switch over since Benjie would be with her tonight. I also didn’t expect her to stay for the game, but I was glad she did. She stood chatting with Courtney and Reagan, while her man spoke with State, Carter, and Herb. Even Elaine was here and she wasn’t a fan of football like her husband, Herb.

“It’s good to see you happy, boo.”

Glancing back to Nana, I smiled warmly. “It’s good to feel happy.”

“You sure no woman will tempt you away from that man of yours?”

Rolling my eyes, I leaned my hip into the wall separating us from the field to face Nana. “Did Dustin put you up to that question?”

She snorted. “No… yes.”

“He has nothing to worry about. I’m completely in love with him.”

Nana’s gaze softened before it sparked with mischief. “He must be good in bed then.”

“Nana, I love you, but I’m not giving you any details about Dustin in bed.”

“Dang it. You’re supposed to let me live vicariously through you.”

“Please, you’re dating card is and always has been bigger than mine. I know you’re not going without… and I could have done without thinking that.”

She cackled before sobering. “Still, I just want you to know your parents would be so proud and happy with how you’ve led your life. Just like I am.”

The words hit me right in the chest.

“Thanks, Nana,” I whispered.

“I could still go for a great-grandbaby, so get on that, yeah?”

Laughing, I shook my head. “I’ll see what I can do. You could pester Reagan more. At least she’s married already. You never know, she might be knocked up now.”

“Reagan,” she yelled across the family box. “Are you knocked up yet?”

Reagan paled and shot her gaze to Carter.


Holy shit, she was?

I slapped a hand over my mouth, my eyes widening.

“Wait, are you?” Elaine asked.

Carter sighed. “We only found out today.”

“Oh. My. God!” Elaine screamed as she jumped up and down.

“Mom, you can’t tell anyone else. Well, besides the rest of Carter’s family. But I’m only seven weeks along.”

Elaine burst into tears. Even Herb was misty-eyed as he pulled Carter into a hug. I made my way over to Reagan and dragged her into a hug before her mom got to her.

“I’m so goddamn happy for you, but sorry about Nana. I was getting her off my back.”

She laughed. “It’s fine.”

Pulling back, I grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little. Tears formed in my eyes. “You’re pregnant.”

“I am.”

“You’re going to have to squeeze a watermelon out of your vagina.”

She sniffed. “I know.”

“Love you, girlfriend.”

“Love you more, and I’m so darn happy you’re happy, and I’m happy and—”

“We’re all happy.”

She snorted out another laugh as I shook her shoulders again. “Yes.” She nodded.

Elaine, Herb, and somehow Tom had appeared again, all surrounding her for a group hug, which I just escaped. I was sure I even heard Tom blubbering about how amazing it was she was going to have an ex-Wolves player’s baby.

Courtney had her arm wrapped around her brother, crying into his arm. “We have to call Mom and Dad now!”

“Court, we’re going to see them after the game.”

“Dominic, we’re going with them. I want to see their faces. Oh, oh, call the brothers and have them meet us there.”

Smiling, I moved over to Benjie, Emily, her man, and Nana, who winced. “Did I fuck up?” she muttered when I got to her side.

“No, it would have come out soon anyway.”

“What’s everyone crying about?” Benjie asked.

Emily glanced at me quickly; we all knew Benjie was a gossip. Emily ruffled his hair as he leaned back into her legs. “They’re all just happy to be here and watching the team play. Did you see your daddy score that last touchdown?”

“I sure did. He was awesome.”

With the news, I felt a little guilty, as I hadn’t been paying much attention to the game. Though, as soon as Dustin found out Reagan was pregnant, I was sure he’d forgive me.

“Come on, how about we snack while we watch the rest of the game? Nana, let’s get you a seat.”

After a while, everyone settled into their seats again to finish watching the close game. I knew Dustin would play to all his strengths, since I’d promised him a blow job on the drive home. Actually, I was looking forward to a night with just the two of us. We could be as loud as we wanted without worrying Benjie would overhear. I also had a cute new lingerie set I wanted to share with my man.

In the last few minutes of the game, we were all on the edge of our seats. It was a tie, and the Wolves had the ball. Jennings threw it to North, who dodged around someone grabbing for him and passed it to Dustin. We all screamed and cheered him on, until I held my breath when I saw someone coming close to him. Dustin slid to the side and tossed the ball to Jennings, who took it right into the end zone to win the game.

Hugs went all around, and a few tears followed—mainly from Herb and Tom. Benjie leaped onto my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck.

“They won!”

“They did.” I grinned.

Suddenly there was a screech over the loudspeaker, before a voice came over, “Ladies and gentlemen, we just have one last announcement. Just bear with us for a moment as the Wolves get into position.”

Benjie slid off my lap and moved over to Emily.

“What’s going on?” Herb asked.

“Don’t tell me someone’s leaving the team again,” Tom whined.

Looking out onto the field, I saw Dustin’s team jogging over toward our family box. Standing, I gripped my top. “Is Dustin okay?” I asked, only no one said anything. I caught North and Jennings at the front in the middle as they stopped right in front of us. North winked, and even Jennings had a small smile, which was big for him.

My heart jumped into my throat when Dustin’s voice sounded from behind them.

“I know you hated me when I stuffed things up after we’d first met, and I understood why you were hesitant to want a relationship with me.” Tears filled my eyes. I glanced at Benjie and his smile was radiant when he gave me two thumbs up.

Dustin’s team parted and there stood my sweaty, dirty man as he went on, saying, “But the day you gave me a chance and admitted how awesome I was that you couldn’t resist dating me any longer.” I snorted out a laugh and wiped at my eyes. “It changed my life for the better. If you give me one more chance, I promise to make our future the best it can be.” Dustin stepped through his teammates and walked my way. People cheered but stopped quickly when Dustin jumped the wall separating us and got to one knee. “Brooke Baker, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Elation bubbled up inside me, causing me to blurt, “You’re an asshole for making me cry.”

Dustin chuckled. “Is that a yes? Can I always be your asshole?”

“Yes. Yes!” I nodded. More tears filled my eyes and tumbled over, just like my stomach was doing. While my heart, there wasn’t anything I could do to stop the frantic beat of nerves, excitement, and love.

Dustin slid the ring on my finger before he stood and scooped me up into his arms. I wrapped mine around his neck, ignoring his pads, and held him tightly.

“Love you, darlin’.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek.

Pulling back, I cupped his face. “I’ll always love you, even when you piss me off.” He chuckled, but it tapered off when I leaned in and kissed him.

More cheers and whistles filled the air. Then small arms curled around our sides as Dustin placed me back on my feet. I couldn’t quit smiling, and Dustin was having the same problem.

Dustin bent and picked Benjie up, who dragged us into a three-way hug. I didn’t put up a fight though. These people were my future, and I couldn’t wait to see where it would go.