Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Six


Even a few days later, I still couldn’t get the thought of Brooke dating someone out of my head. When Benjie had mentioned it, a damn furnace had lit in my gut, and I knew, I fucking knew, I hated the thought of her with someone else.

That blazing heat doubled when I realized she had more of a chance of finding someone than anyone else I’d been attracted to. And hell, I was attracted to Brooke. I couldn’t deny the attraction and the fact I didn’t only want to be friends.

Usually when discovering a woman I was hooking up with was bisexual, it would turn me the hell on thinking of all the fun we could have between the sheets, if she was open to bringing another woman into the bedroom. Yet it hadn’t with Brooke because I didn’t want to share her with anyone.

The possessiveness had surprised me, and it seemed had gotten me into trouble when I blurted my invitation out, asking Brooke on a date.

She’d refused to take my calls, and the only texts she responded to were ones that were about Benjie. I was suddenly jealous of my own child. Though I couldn’t blame her; my kid was the best.

Me: Benjie’s wondering when he could see you again?

When she hadn’t texted back within five minutes, my mind started rolling with thoughts. Was she on a date? Who was she with? I’m going to kick whoever’s ass she’s with. Is she in the shower? Naked? Of course, she’s naked in the shower. It’s too early to be asleep. Maybe she’s tripped and hurt herself. Should I call? Do I need to send an ambulance? She’s likely to get pissed if I do and nothing is wrong. Why doesn’t she want to date me?

I sounded like a whiny little bitch, but it had been like that since the phone call, and I really couldn’t keep her off my mind. She was there when I went to sleep and when I woke up.

Shit, maybe I needed to see a doctor about my new obsession.

When my phone chimed, I spun back to the coffee table, tripped, and landed on my face. Thank fuck no one was around to see.

Brooke: If you have something to do tomorrow afternoon, I could come watch him then.

Did I have anything to do? No.

Me: Great, I’ll let him know.

Brooke: Did you have something to do?

Me: Say about 4pm? He’ll be home from school by then.

Brooke: 4 is good, but do you have plans?

My plans were to stick around and spend time with her myself.

Me: See you then.


At least she was thinking of my balls.

Me: We haven’t even been on a date and you’re already talking about my balls.

Brooke: I give in.

My heart skipped a beat.

Me: Meaning you’ll go on a date with me?

Brooke: NO. I give in on your stupidity.

Me: It’s a start to our relationship at least.

Brooke: You need help.

Me: Are you offering?

Brooke: I’m not texting anymore.

Me: Because you’re too excited to see me tomorrow?

Me: The silence tells me you are.

Me: It’s okay, darlin’, just one more sleep and my balls can be yours.

Me: Night, Brooke. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Just as I sent that text, my phone rang. My hopes lifted into a flurry of excitement, only it crashed down when I saw Emily’s name on there.

“Hey, Em, you all right?” I may have sounded a little deflated, but my hope had just been burst, damn it.

Her laughter swept through the phone. “Gee, don’t sound so excited to hear from me.”

Smiling, I offered, “Sorry, I thought you were Brooke.”

“Is she still not talking to you?”

“Only in text. But she’s coming here tomorrow to see Benjie.”

“I’m sure you’ll win her over.”

“We’ll see.” Goddamn, I hoped I could.

“What I called for was to see if you mind that I ask Brooke to watch Benjie this weekend? I know you have an away game, but Micky invited me on a weekend away and….”

“You want to go away for a dirty weekend?”

“Well, yes. Is that bad? I shouldn’t, should I? That’s not being a very good mom when it’s my weekend with him. Oh God, now I feel like a terrible mother.”

Chuckling, I stood and headed for the kitchen. I’d have to go to bed soon for my ass-crack-of-dawn workout. “Honey, it’s fine. How many times have I switched things up on you? The answer is heaps. I’m sure Brooke would love to have Benjie. I might even keep him here and have her stay over. I’ll check with her tomorrow. Is that enough notice though?”

“It will be. Thanks for understanding, Dustin.”

“Always. We’ll talk soon.”

“Okay, and good luck with getting Brooke to date you.”

“Thanks.” I had no doubt I would need it.

Opening the front door, I smiled at a glaring Brooke. “Good afternoon, darlin’.” I moved back for her to enter. She must have come directly from work because she was still dressed in pants and a shirt. Items that fitted her curves perfectly. My hands itched to reach out and run over her, but I would probably get a black eye if I did.

She didn’t move into the house. Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest, which pushed up her breasts and caused my dick to throb.


“Where’s Benjie?”

“He’s just getting out of his uniform.” I gestured into the house with a wave of the hand.

She scraped her top teeth over her bottom lip before stepping through, bringing her sweet scent with her.

Brooke made her way down the hall and dropped her bag to the floor. The way the pants clung to her ass made me want to become a poet all of a sudden.

How could I have been so blind to her from the start?

I was a fucking fool, that was how.

“Em rang last night. She’s in a pickle and is hoping you could help out.”

“Oh, how?”

“It’s her weekend again with Benjie, but she’s wanting to go away with her new beau, and since I have an away game, she was wondering if you’re not busy, would you watch Benjie?”

A small soft smile lifted her lips. “Of course I will.”

“You are the best, Brooke. Would you be able to stay here so he’s not out of place too much?”





“In your house?”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

“Do you have a spare room?”

“I have a study with no bed in it. But you can just sleep in mine.”



Your bed?”

My lips twitched when a blush rose in her cheeks. “Darlin’, are you okay?”

She coughed, choked, and nodded before she gave me the thumbs-up with both thumbs.

“You’re good with staying here?”

“Sure.” It sounded a little squeaky.

“You really are a lifesaver, Brooke.”

She snorted. “Or I just don’t have a life.”

I could change that. She could join ours because we’re full of life. “Well—”

Her hand shot up with her palm out flat. “Don’t.”

Grinning, I moved around her to the couch. “Want to sit down?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t you have somewhere you need to be?”

“Nope.” I sat on the couch and grabbed the remote to switch on the television. “I thought we could watch a movie together.”


“Miss Brooke!” was yelled from down the hall, and I heard Benjie’s pitter-patter of feet as he ran into the living room and dove at Brooke. She swung him up in her arms with the brightest smile I had seen yet. My heart stuttered and then raced before my body warmed. Benjie cupped her cheeks. “You’re here.”

“I am. It’s good to see you, kiddo.” She planted a kiss on his cheek and hugged him close before placing him back on his feet. Benjie took her hand and pulled her to the couch. He sat next to me with Brooke close to him.

“Daddy got a movie for us to watch, and he said we could cook some popcorn.”

“Sounds great.”

I didn’t miss the glare she sent me over Benjie’s head. I smirked in response. When I shot her a wink, she looked away.

One day I would win her over. While I’d fucked up, it had been an honest mistake of me being an idiot. I wouldn’t do it again.

My phone on the coffee table started ringing and I cringed when Letta’s name popped up. I quickly glanced to Brooke to see if she’d seen and caught her looking away from it as her jaw clenched.

“Daddy, you going to answer it?”

Fuck no, I wasn’t. I hadn’t heard from her since I’d taken her out that day and I didn’t want to know what she needed.

Ruffling his hair, I shook my head. “Nah, buddy. It’s not important like this movie and the company I have.”

“Can we have popcorn now then?”

Chuckling, I stood. “Yeah. Who wants a drink as well?”

“Me,” Benjie sang.

Brooke cleared her throat. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“I’ll be back.”

“Do you want us to pause it?” Brooke asked.

Smiling, I moved around the couch. “I’m sure I can catch up.” My phone rang again. Letta. Shifting back to the coffee table, I picked it up and turned it off. “Can’t have anyone interrupting our movie night.”

Benjie beamed up at me before he leaned into Brooke, who put her arm around him. It was no wonder Benjie warmed up to Brooke straight away; she was easygoing, fun, and sweet. He could probably tell she loved the times she was there for him, and in a way, it was good she’d spent time with Benjie first so they could have that bond.

Halfway through the movie, I got up to make some dinner for us and heard someone come into the kitchen a few moments after.

Glancing over my shoulder, I was surprised it was Brooke willing to venture into a room with only me in it.

It was progress at least.

“Do you need some help?”

“What happened to the movie?”

She shrugged and shifted from one foot to another. “We decided to wait for you this time.”

Nodding, I smiled. “Sure, I could use some help. Do you want to cut up the lettuce and tomatoes? It’s only an easy dinner of tacos.”

She walked over to the counter. “I can do that.”

As I went back to cooking the meat, I kept flicking my gaze to Brooke not far from me. I liked this. Both of us together in the kitchen cooking. Emily had always hated when I tried to help because she was set in the ways she liked dishes, but having someone help was good.

“How was work today? No glory hole incidents?”

She laughed. “No, thank God. It wasn’t too bad. I met Carter’s family Tuesday.”

“Carter mentioned they got everyone together before he had to go to LA. I’ll be leaving Saturday to meet up with him. He didn’t say much though. How do you think it went?”

“Good.” She smiled over at me. I hadn’t had a damn tingle in my gut in a long time. “Reagan finally realizes her feelings for Carter are reciprocated. Oh, and Carter’s ex, who works with Reagan and me, followed me to their place after she found out about the family dinner.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “Serious?”

“Yep. They quickly got rid of her though.”

“Sounds eventful.”

“I also got to meet Courtney and State. They invited me to the biker compound when they have their next party.”

The spatula dropped out of my hand and hit the floor.

“What?” I demanded a little curtly.

Brooke’s brows scrunched down as she looked at the spatula, then up at me. “I’m going to the next party at the compound.”

Like fuck she was. “You shouldn’t. They get pretty rowdy.”

Brooke snorted, shaking her head, and went back to cutting. “I can take care of myself.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Excuse me for a moment.” I turned down the heat and speed walked into the living room, snatching up my phone. “Dinner will be ready soon. I’ve just got to make a call, buddy.”

“Okay.” He didn’t even bother looking up from his comic.

Down near the front door, I put the phone to my ear and waited for State to answer. I’d known Carter for a while, so we knew each other’s families, and State and I got along. I’d even been to a couple of parties at the compound myself, which was how I knew they got rowdy.

“Yo, Dusty, what’s up?”

“State, love you like a brother, man, but do not invite Brooke to a party at the compound.”

He chuckled. “You got a hard-on for her or something? Afraid a brother will hit her up and win her over?”

“You could say that. Look, I fucked up at the start with her, but eventually she’ll be mine.”

“Good to hear, but I can’t not invite her, man. Court and she hit it off, so it’ll be outta my hands in the end anyway.”

“Fuck.” I scrubbed a hand over my hair. “Fine, can you do me a favor and let me know when it’s going to happen?”

“Let me guess, you’ll want an invite also?”

“You got it.”

“All right, man, I can do that.”

“You’re the best.”

“But… if she doesn’t want you there, I’ll kick you the fuck out.”

“What? Why?”

“Win her over quickly, man, because if Brooke’s upset you’re there, it’ll make my old lady upset, and that shit just doesn’t happen if I can help it.”

“It’ll be fine,” I reassured him and prayed I wasn’t lying.

“It’d better be. Talk soon.”

“Got it.” With that crisis averted, somewhat, I made my way down the hall and prayed once more that whenever the party would be, I’d be available to go. If not, I’d have to buy Brooke panties with a lock and key on it, and I’d make sure to keep the key, because those brothers at the Diamond MC were horny fuckers.