Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Five


A few days later I still couldn’t keep the thought of Dustin jerking off from my mind. Even as I watched Tom eating a banana at lunch, it popped into my mind.

“You’re creeping me out.” Tom glared.

Rolling my eyes, I muttered, “Whatever.”

“I went over to Carter’s parents’ house for dinner,” Reagan announced.

Tom dropped his banana and gripped his head. “Please tell me you didn’t do anything stupid.”

Regan sighed. “You have no faith in me—”

“Do I need to remind you, and you, for that matter,” he pointed at me, “that there have been multiple occasions where you two got into some type of trouble for saying something stupid or falling over your own feet or burning something down?”

“One time I burned a part of my kitchen. One time,” I said.

“I’ll admit I’m clumsy sometimes, but you have nothing to worry about. Dinner went well.” Reagan’s gaze moved to me. “Carter’s brothers were there.”

I knew where this was going. “Is that right?”

“Yes. Casper and Calvin. You remember them from the game we went to?”

“I remember you being blind to the fact they were his brothers and father sitting there.”

She scowled. “Shut up. I could ask Carter if they’re—”




She sighed. “Fine. I also met Carter’s sister and her husband, who’s in a biker club.”

My ears perked up.

“A biker club, you say?”

She grinned. “I do—”

“No,” Tom grunted.


“No.” He glared. “Don’t even think about it.” He stood and pointed at his eyes with two fingers, then at us. “I’m watching you two. Brooke, I love you like another dysfunctional daughter, but you’re not dating a biker. Reagan, don’t even think about a biker.”

“I’m not. Carter already said no to State when he mentioned partying at the clubhouse.”

“Knew I liked that boy.” His gaze narrowed again and landed on me. “Find a nice woman or man to settle down with or you’re going to give me a heart attack.”

Lifting my hand, I shot him a salute. “I’ll see what I can do, Captain.”

He sighed, shook his head, and walked out of the lunchroom.

Glancing back to Reagan, I leaned in. “So,” I drew out. “When can I meet Carter’s sister to get an invite to the biker club?”

She gulped and paled a little. “We’re having both families over for dinner next week. They’ll be there and you have to come as well.”

Grinning, I rubbed my hands together. “I wouldn’t miss it.” I knew, just knew, it would be a wild ride having the Wilds, Reagan’s family, and Carter’s together.

“You can help me keep Dad in check.”

Snorting, I picked up my coffee. “We’re talking about Herb here. He’ll do and say whatever comes to mind.”

She shuddered. “That’s what I’m worried about.”

It might have been mean to be looking forward to something at my best friend’s expense, but I was excited to see what would happen.

That weekend, I didn’t expect to hear from Dustin about minding Benjie since, from Reagan, I knew the guy’s team was at an away game. So as I sat on the couch in a hoodie and pajama shorts watching The Handmaid’s Tale, my phone buzzed. Presuming it would be Reagan, surprise flittered through me when Dustin’s name flashed on the screen. A sudden bolt of concern hit me in the chest. Was Benjie okay?

Dustin: Hey Brooke. Can I ask a huge favor for tomorrow if you’re not busy?

Sighing, I relaxed back on the couch.

Me: What’s up?

Dustin: Emily was called in to work to show a few houses. Are you able to watch Benjie for a while? She would have texted you herself but didn’t have your number.

There were no set plans for me tomorrow, and I did want to see that latest Disney movie. It’d be good to have a child with me to watch it. At least then the strange looks wouldn’t happen like they would if I went on my own. Not that I cared too much.

Me: Sure. I’ll need the address and it would be good to grab Emily’s phone number. Plus, would either of you mind if I take Benjie to that new Disney movie?

Dustin: I’m sure he’d love it and Em would be fine with you taking him. You’re the best, Brooke. I’ll talk to you when I get home.

He left me the address and phone number for Emily, who I texted asking what time I was needed. No other family would I do this for in my only spare time, but since I had a bond with Benjie, he was the lucky kid who was never going to get rid of me.

With my plans set, I watched a few more episodes before going to bed, while looking forward to seeing Benjie.

I rocked up the next morning just a little before ten to a cute one-story house. Before I was even out of the car, the front door opened with a bang, and Benjie was running down the walkway screaming my name.

Smiling wildly, I braced for when he wrapped his arms around my legs. Only that time, I couldn’t resist. I had missed the little booger, it being five days since I’d last seen him. Bending, I picked him up and hugged him close so he curled his tiny arms around my neck.

Benjie pulled back. With his hands on my shoulders, he gave me a shake, which had me laughing. “Mommy said you’d be here and said you’re taking me to the movies. I can’t wait!”

“Me neither.”

“Thank you again, Brooke.” Emily approached with her arms full of things. “Usually I have a couple of people I can rely on, but they’re all busy.” Her eyes widened. “You didn’t have any plans already and Dustin talked you into this, right?”

Shaking my head, I smiled. “No plans.” Great, now I sounded like a lonely loser. I hadn’t even told Reagan about seeing Benjie again. I didn’t want it to seem like I was using the kid to see Dustin, because it wasn’t that at all. Though, I knew my girl wouldn’t judge me.

I placed Benjie back on his feet and took the booster seat.

“Here’s your bag, Benjie.”

“Thanks, Mommy.”

She leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Be good for Miss Brooke.”

“I will.”

Emily straightened. “There’s a spare key in Benjie’s bag if you get back before I do.”

“Okay, thanks.” I was simply happy she trusted me with her son.

The movie was amazing, and by the way Benjie was throwing his arms around as he spoke about it, he loved it also. We stopped at the front of the movie theater while I waited for him to finish talking before we decided to either go and eat or play in the arcade that was next door.


Turning, I saw Rebecca approaching me.

Benjie trailed off from talking and took my hand when I waved to Rebecca. “Hi. Did you just see something or are you going into one now?”

She smiled and briefly glanced down to Benjie before training her eyes back on me, ignoring the boy at my side. It rubbed me the wrong way.

“I’m going into one in a moment with a friend. What about you?”

“Benjie and I just saw the new Disney one.” Looking down, I grinned at Benjie and swung our hands at our sides. He beamed up at me.

He looked to Rebecca. “It was awesome. There was—”

“That’s nice.” Rebecca smirked at him before looking back at me. My imaginary hackles rose. I knew I mentioned I didn’t have any kids when we’d met at the bar, but it didn’t mean she could brush off a child I was spending time with. “I was going to call you this afternoon. I’m hoping you’ll go out on a date one night this week?”

After seeing the way she acted around Benjie, there was no way I would want to see her again.

“Sorry, I can’t. I’ll be busy with Benjie.”

Her nose screwed up. “You said you didn’t have any kids.”

“I don’t. He’s my friend.” I grinned down at Benjie who returned it.

“You’re picking him over going on a date with me?”


Her gaze narrowed. “I thought you were different.”

Snorting, I shook my head. “I thought the same about you.” Turning to Benjie, I asked, “What do you want to do next? Lunch or the arcade?”


Laughing, I ruffled his hair. “Let’s go have some fun.” I didn’t bother saying goodbye or even looking to see if Rebecca was still there. She showed she wasn’t worth my energy by showing her distaste for children. While I’d mentioned I didn’t have any, maybe I should have asked if she even liked kids. It didn’t seem like it. I was glad I found out now though.

As we walked through the arcade doors and the noise hit us, Benjie tugged on my hand. “That lady wasn’t very nice.”

“No, she wasn’t.”

My phone rang, and I quickly pulled it out of my pocket, seeing Dustin’s name flash up on the screen. “It’s your dad.”

Benjie brightened. “Can I talk to him?”

“Of course. Hang on. Hello?”

“Hey, darlin’.”

My stomach tingled, and of course my mind took me back to the conversation in the kitchen.

“Here’s Benjie,” I blurted and thrust the phone at his son.

“Daddy. Hi…. No, we just got out of the movie and now we’re in the arcade…. I’ll try and let her win.” He giggled. “What else has happened? Well, there was this lady and she asked Miss Brooke out on a date.” Dear God, kid, no, no, no. Yet, when I reached for the phone, Benjie skipped out of the way. “What? Oh no, Miss Brooke said no because she’s gonna be busy with me.” He lowered his voice to say, “Daddy, the lady didn’t seem nice…. Yep, okay, I’ll put her on. Bye, Daddy…. Love you too.”

I cleared my throat, my hand shaking slightly when I took the phone from Benjie. “H-Hello?”

“Brooke, Brooke, Brooke.”

“Benjie, take this money and go get some tokens. But don’t go anywhere else and come right back here. I’ll be able to see you from here.”

“Yep.” He took the money and skipped off to wait in line, turning back to smile and wave at me.

“I didn’t mean for that to happen in front of Benjie.”

“Are you bisexual?” He choked, coughed, and quickly added, “Not that you have to tell me. I didn’t mean to ask it like that. Jesus.”

My eyes widened over the bluntness, and I would have told him it was none of his business, but he seemed just as shocked by his question as I was. Although, did he seriously want to have this conversation now? Shrugging, I told him, “Yes, but I’m not quite sure the relevance my sexuality has. I know I’m looking after your son, and the last thing I want is for Benjie to hear someone ask me out, male or female, but—”

“Brooke, I don’t care Benjie heard. But let me get this straight. You have more of a chance to be asked out by both sexes?”

My head jerked back, confused and a little shocked. “Yes?” I said hesitantly, only it sounded like a question.

His sigh was very audible. “Go out with me?”

I choked on my own saliva. “What?”

“Will you go on a date with me?”

Was he insane?

We couldn’t do that. If things went bad, I wouldn’t be able to see Benjie again, and that meant more to me than Dustin and his good looks, his sweet body, his charming and funny personality…. No, staying as we were was better. I couldn’t be distracted by him.


“Brooke—” A voice in the background called his name. “Fuck, I have to go, but we’re not done discussing this, darlin’.”

“We are.” We had to be, or I feared I’d cave, and I couldn’t let that happen.


“Benjie’s coming back. I have to go.”

“Talk soon, darlin’.”

Ending the call, I dropped the phone back in my bag and shook my head. There was no way I would talk to Dustin about going on a date. That was crazy.

Why would he suddenly ask me in the first place?

It didn’t make sense.

I wasn’t his type.

Also, he’d gone out with another woman right in front of me.

He was crazy.

Benjie approached. “Ready?”

“I am, but what was that you were saying about you trying to let me win? Be prepared to lose, sucker.”

A giggle bubbled out of him. “I’m not the one who’s gonna lose, Miss Brooke.”

Taking his hand, I led him over to some machines. “We’ll see.”

“What were you and Daddy talking about?” Talk about a quick change in subject.

“Just how the movie was.”

“Oh, okay.”

The rest of the afternoon we played about ten different games and then went to lunch at a burger place. By the time we made it back home, Emily was already there. She must have heard us pull up outside because as we approached, she stepped out with the phone to her ear.

“Yes, they’re here.” She waved to me as Benjie ran to her for a hug. “Okay, I’ll put her on.”

Drawn brows, I asked, “Who is it?”

Her lips twitched. “Dustin.”


He’d called a couple of times as I drove, but I didn’t answer, and luckily my car was an old one and there was no Bluetooth in it, so Benjie couldn’t see his name flashing.

“Hello?” I stepped away as Benjie told his mom all about our day.

“Darlin’, go on a date with me?”

Turning my back on the others, I scrubbed a hand over my face. “No, thank you. I have to go. Bye.”

Facing them, I noticed Benjie had disappeared and only Emily was there. I handed her back the phone. “I should get going.” I prayed she didn’t ask what that conversation was about, or I would feel more awkward than I already did. What was he thinking asking me out again while I was at his ex’s house?

“Thank you again. It sounds like he had a lot of fun.”

Smiling, I nodded. “We both did.”

Benjie flashed around a corner down a hallway and bolted into my legs. “Thank you, Miss Brooke. I hope I get to see you soon.”

Leaning down, I kissed his forehead. “I’m sure we’ll see each other soon.” I just hoped I wouldn’t see his father. With another quick goodbye, I made my way back to my car and climbed in just as my phone started ringing.

Picking it up, I sighed and hit the End button.

Didn’t he realize there was too much at stake for us to go on a date? My heart for one, and the fact I would miss Benjie. I knew this even after a few times with the little guy. All right, maybe I was holding Benjie in front of me as a shield to protect my heart because I was sure Dustin had the power to crush it. Starting the car, I figured Dustin would eventually get bored with asking me, even though I wasn’t sure why he started in the first place. Besides, I was sure he would have many other women to hassle or take out.