Bumbled Love by Lila Rose

Chapter Seven


As I stared down at the bed before me, my stomach ignited with those darn butterflies. How was I supposed to sleep in Dustin’s bed without getting lost in his scent like I already was since I walked into his room? I could plug my nose, but I worried I would die in my sleep.

It was already hard enough to keep saying no when he asked me out, but I’d managed to stay strong. There was a chance I’d soften to the idea after sleeping in his scent all night.

He’d said he’d changed his sheets the day before but had to sleep in it last night.

Had he slept naked?

I usually did, but I wouldn’t tonight. Especially since Benjie was doors away and could wake up in the middle of the night wanting something. I didn’t want to scar the child for the rest of his life. Which was why I was dressed in long pajama pants and a long-sleeved top, an old one I found with the band KISS on it.

Sighing, I pulled my hair up into a makeshift ponytail with my hands and held it there as I stared at the bed some more. I was being ridiculous not climbing in, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Dustin between the sheets naked or half naked. To me, bedrooms were sacred. I wouldn’t want someone I hardly knew sleeping in my bed. Not where I’d had sex or masturbated.

Wait… how many women had Dustin had in this bed? No, I couldn’t think of that. They were fresh sheets, except for one night of Dustin and his masculine scent.

Groaning, I dropped my hands and then scrubbed one over my face.

All I had to remember was that I was here for Benjie. Who cared if Dustin slept right there. If he took his cock in hand and jerked off right there on that bed.

Dear God, it suddenly felt very hot in the room.

My phone ringing on the bedside table had me squealing and quickly snatching it up without looking at the screen because I didn’t want it to wake up Benjie.



I froze, and an embarrassed noise dropped from my lips. I was standing beside this man’s bed, and I’d just been picturing him tugging.

“You all right, sugar?”

“Uh-huh.” I nodded to myself as my chest rose and fell quickly. It was a little too much having him on the phone while I was in his room. I cleared my throat. “Is, ah, something wrong?”

“No, darlin’, just ringing to see how the day was.” He sounded pleased about something.

“Good. Fine. Great.”

His deep chuckle had me closing my eyes to take it in.

“Where are you now?”

My eyes popped open. “Now?”


“Like, right now?”

Another chuckle rolled through the phone. “I’m guessing you’re in my room.”

Snorting, I gripped my top at the chest and shook my head. “No. So, um, what are you doing?” I needed to get the conversation off me.

“Just on the bed in the hotel.”

Abort. Abort. Abort.

“That’s nice.” Nice? Really, Brooke, you went with nice? “Ah, I should go in case Benjie wakes up.” Yet, I couldn’t hang up.


I told Reagan the other day about Dustin and how he’d been asking me out. She mentioned Dustin could be the one, but I brushed off her words, saying he was a player and that if he had been the one, he would have seen a connection or been attracted to me right from the start.

He hadn’t, and I couldn’t forget that, because if I did, there was a chance I would fall into a world of hurt when he got over whatever infatuation he saw in me. Besides, whatever he did see probably had something to do with how I was with Benjie. There was a special place in my heart for Benjie because he was such an amazing, sweet, and funny child, who had given me the gift of his trust, and I was more than willing to be his friend and spend time with him. But I wouldn’t be more with Dustin because of the connection Benjie and I had. If that was all he saw I was good for.

“Brooke…” His tone was soft, sweet, but I wouldn’t cave. “Sleep well, darlin’.”

“Okay, ah, you too.” I quickly ended the call and placed the phone back down.

Since I wasn’t going to cave to Dustin, I had to stop being stupid about climbing into his bed.

“Right. I can do this.” I nodded to myself before I took the blanket and sheet and flipped them back. Nodding again, I reminded myself, “I’m here for Benjie. Who cares about this bed?” I didn’t. Nope. Not at all.

Slipping between the sheets, I dropped my head to the pillow and closed my eyes. If anyone walked in, I probably looked like I was lying in a coffin with how stiff I was. What were my arms doing crossed over my chest?

Drawing in a breath, I relaxed into the mattress more and placed my arms down beside me. Closing my eyes, I ignored the strong scent of Dustin. If I was a creator of perfume, I would bottle his aroma and sell it, knowing I would be a millionaire in a week.

The prick smelled good. Too good.

A stray thought of touching myself crossed my mind, but I stomped on it, kicked it, punched it, and jumped on it before I threw that terrible idea out of my mind.

It was a couple of weeks later, when I was looking after Benjie again since Emily was out of town on business and Dustin was at an away game, that I had to pick Dustin up from the airport with Benjie. Of course, I took the chance to drive his car to the airport since it was a beast of a thing and needed my attention.

Beside me, Reagan bounced up and down on her feet as the doors opened and the team walked out. Looking down, I caught Benjie watching Reagan—who was officially with Carter, thank God—acting like a loon with a grin on his face. He caught my gaze, and I rolled my eyes with a grin, which had him giggling.

“Carter,” Reagan yelled, and she made a mad dash for him.

Laughing, I shook my head at my friend. Not that I could blame her. If I was as in love with someone as she was with Carter, I would have done the same. Heck, I was half in love with him myself because he made my girl so happy. Not only that, but I’d gotten to know his mom well when we had a girls’ night, and they were amazing people. Courtney had reminded me again of having a night at the compound, and honestly, I was looking forward to it.

Gently tugging on Benjie’s hand, I told him, “Come on, we better follow her, and since she’s closer to the group, we might find your dad better.”

“Okay.” He smiled.

We made our way over, dodging people since it was so busy. Even the paparazzi were there filming the Wolves arriving back in their home state.

We were nearing Reagan and Carter, who were looking lovingly at each other, when I heard, “Benjie.”

Benjie’s hand slipped from mine as he cried, “Daddy!”

Dustin appeared as Benjie ran the couple of steps and jumped into his dad’s arms. They hugged tightly before Dustin placed him back on his feet. “How’s my boy?” He grinned down at Benjie, taking his hand.

“Awesome. Miss Brooke took me to the library yesterday after school. I got so many comics it’s not funny. We can read them when you’re not playing.”

“Sounds great, kiddo.” He ruffled Benjie’s hair before bringing him in close with an arm around his shoulders. Dustin moved his gaze to mine. “Thanks again, Brooke.”

Shrugging, I nodded. “Not a problem.”

“Dustin, Dustin, who’s your lady friend?” a reporter asked.

Another called out, “Benjie, are you proud of your dad getting the winning touchdown?”

“Of course.” Benjie beamed.

Dustin suddenly shifted, and a gleam shone in his eyes. Before I could think of doing anything, he’d taken hold of my arm and tugged me into his side. My balance wavered until I placed a hand to his chest and stomach. Both firm. His words had me stilling. “This here is my girlfriend.”

He didn’t.

He did not just say that aloud to a dang reporter.

Anger ran through my veins. I was going to kill him.

No, I would gut him first and have him beg for mercy before I ended his life.

Shit, I would if he wasn’t Benjie’s father.

Glaring, I straightened and smacked Dustin in the back of the head before forcing out a laugh. “He means a girl who is a friend. The trickster.” My smile was pinched, my steps away from him were tight, but I had to get away before I punched him in the face.

Reagan, Carter, Dustin, and Benjie caught up to me as we made our way to the baggage claim and out into the multistory parking garage. The whole time I fumed just under the surface and clenched my hands so I didn’t throw them around his neck to throttle him.

Nearing our cars, since Reagan and I had followed each other and parked next to one another, I called out to my friend, “Hey, Ree, can you give me a lift home?” Turning, I threw Dustin’s keys to him, which he caught. I’d been hoping he’d have his mouth open and he could have choked on them.

“But, Miss Brooke, you said we could build a fortress later.” Benjie rushed up to me, wrapped his arms around me, and looked up with a cute little pout on his face.

Smiling softly, I couldn’t help but love this kid, and I knew if I went over there, I would murder his father. Running a hand through his hair, I said, “I promise the next time together we’ll do it.”


I shot Dustin a scowl that shut him up, and he thinned his lips and turned to Reagan. “Is that okay?”

Reagan took us all in, and I felt Benjie move back to his dad before she replied, “Sure. Not a problem.”

“Kiddo,” Dustin said, “can you jump in the car while I have a quick word with Brooke?”

“Sure,” Benjie replied with a smile and grabbed the keys from his dad. I’d never seen him move so quickly to the car.

“Ree, let’s get in ours,” I heard Carter say.

“But—” Knowing my friend, she’d want to have my back or, more importantly, want to know what Dustin wanted to say to me. Not that I wanted to stick around and find out, but I wasn’t a total bitch. Besides, I would use this time to give him a good reaming… probably the wrong word to use.

“Sweetheart,” Carter tried again.

Reagan sighed. “Fine.” She caught my gaze. “If you need help maiming him, just call.”

Smiling, I nodded, always grateful for her. Dustin didn’t say anything until they were both in the car, and he took a step closer. I stepped back one, nearing the back of Reagan’s car.

“What could you possibly have to say now?”


My gaze narrowed. “You’re not sorry.”

His lips pulled up at the corner. “Not really.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

Dustin threw up a hand. “I am sorry it pissed you off, but after seeing you there, I wished what I said wasn’t a lie. I want you to be mine, Brooke. I know I fucked up royally that first time you came to my house. I should have taken you, not her. It should have been you all along.”

Shaking my head, I rubbed at the side of my neck. “You’re crazy. I’m not your type. I’m—”

He was in front of me, a hand threading through my hair, the other to my waist. “You are my type, Brooke. I can’t get you off my mind.” His lips were on mine. I tried to pull back, but he followed and we knocked into the car. I pushed at his arms, but when his tongue swept over my bottom lip, I caved and gave into my heart as it beat rapidly for him.

I kissed him back.

It was hard, hot, and demanding… but too quickly my brain caught up with my actions.

Tearing my mouth from his, I pushed him back. “We can’t.” I stomped to the passenger door to Reagan’s car, opened it, and slid in, closing it after me.

“Can you believe that idiot? Carter, do me a favor and run over him as you back out.”

He snorted and started the car. “Not sure the team would be happy with me.”

Rolling my eyes, I fixed my shirt and explained, “But we’d be happy, and Ree will make you even happier if you helped her BFF out. Won’t you, Ree?”

Please say yes so he can run him over.

“I’d make him happy even if he ran Dustin over or not.”

“Some friend you are.” I glanced out the back of the window and watched as Dustin moved to my window. “Damn, he’s moved.” If he thought I would roll it down, he could think again.

But that kiss—

Shut the hell up.

He bent with a big stupid grin on his face. It annoyed me so much I gave him the middle finger. His response was to wink as he said, “Talk soon, darlin’.”

No, we wouldn’t.

“Can we go?” I snapped at Carter in the driver seat.

Carter backed out while Dustin moved to his car and got in.

Dear God, had Benjie seen? What would he think? I swore if Benjie saw and got his hopes up, I would castrate Dustin.

When I voiced my worries, Reagan reassured me he hadn’t seen, and a wave of relief rolled over me, since Benjie had started talking to me about how awesome his dad was, and I had a feeling he was trying to hint at me dating him.

But for Benjie’s sake and my own, I couldn’t let that happen.

But that kiss

Yes, all right, I could admit it was everything I thought it would be. It ignited my body from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. My lips still hummed from the contact. My body still craved more.

That was another reason Dustin and I couldn’t get involved. He drew out more in me than any other person had. Female and male.

He had the power to wreck me, and I didn’t know if I could let that happen.

Growling under my breath, I rubbed my hand over my face. I didn’t know what was best, but that kiss kept playing over and over in my head.

When Reagan and Carter dropped me off, I realized I’d left my car at Dustin’s. Reagan said she’d pick me up the next day for work, but I still had to face Dustin to get my car and wasn’t sure if I would punch him or kiss him.