Fragile by A.K. Evans



“But you’re safe, right?”

“Yes, I’m safe, Sam,” I promised. “Everything is fine, and I’m just going to finish getting myself ready right now.”

“I can’t believe you’re doing this,” my best friend said.

“That makes two of us,” I declared.

“I’m sure it’s going to be perfect,” she insisted. “Have a great time, and make sure you reach out to me some time tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

Nodding my head even though she couldn’t see me through the phone, I assured her, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Good luck!”

“Thanks,” I murmured.

A moment later, I disconnected the call and tossed my phone down onto the bed.

I had lost my mind.

I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I knew this was well beyond anything I had ever done.

No, that’s not entirely true.

I knew exactly what I was thinking.

I had been thinking for days now that I wanted something different. I wanted to give myself the opportunity to experience something more than what I’d been giving myself all my life.

So, I came up with a plan and put it in motion.

And now, it was early Friday evening and I found myself back at the one place I dreaded. The hotel.

Only, the hotel I was at currently was not the same one I used to work at in Finch, New Hampshire.


I was at a hotel in Pennsylvania.

Yes, that’s right. I decided to drag my ass all the way down to the venue just outside of Cash’s hometown to watch My Violent Heart play tonight.

Actually, that’s not entirely true either.

I was definitely going to go to watch My Violent Heart play tonight, but that wasn’t the reason I came here.

I came because I missed Cash, and he hadn’t stopped talking about how much he couldn’t wait until he’d be able to see me.

Things had changed between us over the last couple of weeks, particularly over the last few days, ever since I texted him from my personal phone.

Talking to him every day had become something I hadn’t expected. I didn’t think that it would feel a whole lot different than when I’d picked up the phone to call him from the bar.

But it was.

Because now that he had a way to reach out to me that was far more convenient than email, Cash didn’t hesitate to remain in constant contact with me. We talked on the phone, but I also got those texts from him at random times throughout the day about anything and everything. I could often tell that they were things he’d just thought of on a whim to share. That’s when I realized he had things happening around him, and in those moments, I was the person he thought of to share them with.

All I knew was that if this was a game for him, maybe he deserved to win. He was making all the right moves.

Of course, I hoped he wanted more than to just win the game. I still hadn’t forgotten what he’d said to me weeks ago.

When I win this game, I intend to keep the prize.

While I didn’t think of myself as a prize to be won, I appreciated the sentiment behind his words. It would be nice to know that he truly felt that way.

It was nearly time to find out, too.

I had arrived here last night after talking to Sam and Cal about my plan. I told Sam because she was my best friend. I told Cal because I was just as close with him, and I wanted him to know that I’d still be working here today and possibly Monday. I didn’t know how long I’d be staying, and luckily enough, Cal didn’t mind. In fact, he told me not to worry about work at all. I couldn’t bring myself to do that, but I appreciated his leniency.

The only other person who knew that I was here was Holland.

I didn’t like having to lie to Cash the way that I had, but it was all in the name of pulling off what I hoped would be an epic surprise.

And Holland was ecstatic the moment I told her what my plan was. She immediately offered to help me pull it off, which is why I was now here getting ready in this hotel knowing that somewhere in this town, Cash was getting himself ready, too.

I had presumed he was at his own home still since the venue was only about twenty minutes away from his house.

Cash’s house.

The place I’d be going to tonight.

It seemed impossible and completely surreal that I had the address to Cash’s house.

I didn’t know if it was a good idea for her to give it to me, but Holland insisted Cash wasn’t going to be upset when I spoke to her on the phone before she hopped on the plane to come back to Pennsylvania.

“Are you sure he won’t mind?” I asked her.

“Demi, trust me,” she ordered. “The man is going to be over the moon that I gave you his address. You have nothing to worry about.”

“I’m just… I’m nervous about showing up unannounced,” I confessed.

“Don’t be. I don’t know what it is, but something has changed with him ever since he met you,” she shared. “I can’t imagine there is any reason why he wouldn’t want to see you in the flesh if the highlight of his days right now has been when he gets to talk to you on the phone.”

The minute she shared that, all of my nerves about Cash being upset that I was just showing up to his place unannounced had vanished. Of course, that meant those nerves were replaced by the ones created when Holland communicated that the highlight of his days was when he got to talk to me.

Had he really changed?

He had said it. Holland had said it.

I was praying for it.

On that thought, I finished getting myself ready. The first part of my plan was to go to the concert and watch. When it was over, I was going to wait for Holland to reach out to me to let me know that Cash had left the venue and was on his way home. She and I were both reasonably certain that Cash wasn’t going to hang around afterward since he and I had decided to video chat tonight.

When I had gotten myself ready, I gathered up my bags and left the room. With any luck, I wouldn’t be coming back to the hotel, so I didn’t want to leave anything behind.

Before I knew it, I’d made it to the venue and was watching the droves of people walk through the massive parking lot to get indoors. It was crazy to think that this many people were there to see Cash and his band. I knew how big they were—or, I thought I did—but to see this in person was astonishing.

I made my way to the will call window for my ticket. Holland had managed to reserve one for me. I wanted to be discreet, so she promised a ticket that wouldn’t put me front and center and ruin the surprise.

The arena held twenty-thousand people, and I had no doubt once I had made it inside and took in the crowd that every seat as well as the standing area would be packed.

I didn’t know why I was worried.

Cash would have never been able to spot me with this many people.

Before too long, My Violent Heart took the stage. It took me a matter of seconds to realize that what we did at Granite didn’t even come close to comparing to what this was. Tens of thousands of screaming fans were riveted to the sight before them, and the band hadn’t even started playing yet.

They were larger than life.

Cash was larger than life.

The music started—Walker on the drums and Killian on the guitar—and everyone went crazy.

I didn’t.

Because I knew that I was going to hear his voice in a matter of seconds.

Sure enough, the moment he opened his mouth and sang the first few lyrics, I was rendered motionless. With each word that moved past his lips, I grew more and more turned on.

He was breathtaking. Jaw dropping. Magnificent.

His voice moved through me in a way it hadn’t when he performed at Granite. It moved through me in a way it hadn’t when he was talking to me on the phone.

Maybe because it was different now.

Maybe because I’d finally admitted what I’d been so afraid to admit before.

This man was everything I never thought I’d want. I had been so focused on who I thought he was that I missed feeling this. And while it still terrified me to think that I’d risk my heart with someone like him, I couldn’t deny it any longer.

I wanted to give him the chance to change my mind about men.

I wanted him to show me that this was about so much more than just having a warm body in his bed.

I wanted him to make me believe that a real, honest, and genuine man existed.

Watching Cash on stage, hearing his voice, I wanted him to prove that he was that man for me.



I thought that the feeling I got before we released a new album was untouchable. Never did I think I would ever feel something that came even remotely close to that level.

The energy and excitement had been buzzing through me for more than twenty-four hours now.

Ever since Demi told me she wanted to video chat with me tonight after we performed, I felt like I’d been unable to think about anything else.

It was a wonder I could even get on stage and perform tonight.

Even that felt different tonight.

Just when I believed I’d gotten used to the eager feeling, I stepped out on that stage and something else moved through me. I didn’t know what it was. I couldn’t explain it.

But if there was one thing I did know for sure, it was that Demi was absolutely the reason behind why I just had my best performance ever.

With a crowd of twenty thousand people, it would have been easy to give them the credit. No doubt they helped, but that wasn’t what it was.

It was her.

It was the promise of her.

It was knowing that I was finally going to be able to see her for the first time in weeks, even if it was only through a screen.

I hadn’t ever felt this energetic and alive before.

Coming from someone who lived a life that took him all over the world to perform for sold-out crowds, that was saying something. And what it told me was that Demi was meant to be someone special in my life.

I needed to do whatever I had to do to make sure I didn’t screw this up with her.

I’d just made it back to our dressing room, and it was clear everyone else was running on the same high.

“There’s nothing quite like performing at home,” Killian declared.

“Agreed. That vibe was crazy tonight,” Beck added. “Cash, man, you were on fire.”

“Yeah, you were,” Holland agreed. “What got into you tonight?”

Did I tell them? Should I let them know that the whole reason I was ‘on fire’ tonight was because I couldn’t stop thinking about Demi.

My Violent Heart was good. I knew we were good.

But had my ways all this time held us back from being the best we could be?

Before I could answer, Beck joked, “It was the best performance we’ve ever had, and Cash didn’t even need to take his shirt off.”


When everyone had their eyes on me, I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it was a fluke. Or, it’s like Killian said. It’s just something about being home. I can’t really explain it, but something just felt different when I stepped out on the stage tonight.”

I was glad that they all felt the same high I was feeling, but I didn’t want to take credit for how everything went tonight.

“Didn’t you guys all feel it, too?” I asked.

“We felt it, Cash, but it wasn’t us that made it happen like that tonight,” Roscoe offered. “Tonight was what it was because of you.”

I didn’t know what to say.

Tonight felt like the perfect time to celebrate with my band. Something incredible had happened tonight, and I truly believed it wasn’t wise to just overlook it.

But I didn’t want to bail on Demi.

I knew she was the reason I had done so well tonight.

I wasn’t going to not have that call with her tonight, but maybe I could delay it for just a little bit longer.

“Why don’t we go out for a bit and celebrate this?” I suggested.

“No!” Holland yelled.

Stunned by her reaction, everyone’s eyes turned toward her.

“What’s going on?” Walker asked her.

Shaking her head, she insisted, “Nothing. I just… I just think that maybe we shouldn’t jinx it. Tonight was good. Great. The best ever. But Cash hasn’t been going out regularly lately. Maybe that’s why tonight was what it was.”

She made a valid point.

I’d been spending as much time as I could talking to Demi.

And I’d just admitted that I needed to do whatever I needed to do to not screw it up with her. Delaying that call to her probably wasn’t a smart idea.

“We can plan a barbecue or something like that while we’re home for these few days, but I don’t think we should go out tonight,” Holland added.

“I’m going out,” Killian announced. “I’m not going to let this feeling go to waste.”

“Same here,” Roscoe said.

“I’ll go,” Beck remarked. “I told my sister I was going to stop by and visit her tomorrow after I go see my mom. Sadie was bummed she couldn’t make it to tonight’s show, so I want to take her out tomorrow afternoon and do something to cheer her up. Plus, I need to take her out for her birthday since we’ll be on tour, and I’m going to miss the actual day this year.”

Walker cleared his throat. “I’m calling it quits here tonight,” he started before turning his attention to Holland. “You’ll let me know what you figure out for a barbecue? I’m definitely down for that.”

Her worried eyes went to his, and she nodded. “Yeah. I’ll work it out and let everyone know the details tomorrow.”

“We can do it at my place,” I offered. “Anytime you want works for me.”


“You going to come out with us tonight, Cash?” Beck asked.

I thought a moment. I did. I really did.

But I’d made a commitment to Demi. If I was a changed man, I needed to follow through on the promise I made.

I shook my head and answered, “No, I think I’m going to head home tonight.”

“You sure?” Killian pressed.

I nodded.

At that, I got to work on gathering up my things and getting ready to head out. After saying goodbye to everyone, I took off.

Twenty minutes later, I was finally back home.

Now that I’d made the decision to follow through on my original plans for the night, I thought it was wise to reach out to Demi ahead of time.

Me: Hey, I just got back home. I’m going to hop in the shower quick. I’ll call you in five. Does that work?

I set the phone down on the sink in my bathroom and started stripping. I’d just barely gotten all my clothes off when I heard the chime of an incoming text.

Demi: That’s perfect.

I smiled at the phone.

Normally, I would have spent some time lingering in the shower after a show, but I wasn’t going to do that tonight. I had waited long enough.

As quickly as I could, I did what I had to do and got out. After toweling myself off, I pulled on a pair of loose, gray sweats.

Just as I settled them on my hips and prepared to go get my phone, my doorbell rang.


At this hour of the night, I couldn’t imagine who would be stopping by. Unless, of course, one of my bandmates found it easier to crash at my place instead of making their way to their own. This wouldn’t be the first time that happened.

Instead of checking my outdoor camera to see who was here, I just went to the door.

When I opened it up, I received the shock of my life.

“Demi,” I gasped.

“Hi, Cash.”

I blinked in surprise. “What… what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I missed you, too,” she admitted, her voice hoarse.

It took me a moment to come to grips with the fact that Demi was standing right there in front of me, close enough to touch.

Close enough to touch,I thought.

I reached out to her and demanded, “Come here.”

Demi didn’t hesitate to fly forward into my chest. While keeping one arm firmly around her back, I used the other to close the door and lock it.

Once I had both arms around her, she tipped her head back and looked up at me.

“What is it?” I asked, seeing the strange expression on her face.

She swallowed hard before she begged, “Please don’t break my heart, Cash.”

With that, she pressed up on her toes and touched her lips to mine.

Just like that, I was gone.