Falling for Prince Charming by Sophie-Leigh Robbins

Chapter Seventeen






I didn’t think I’d end up at Casa Mama Pizzas this soon after my disastrous date with Zeke, but here I am anyway. This time I’m in great company, though. No talk about baby teeth, no one cutting my food or forcing me to eat cheesecake. Not even a post-date questionnaire.

Maggie has brought me here to celebrate my promotion from hot dog girl to Princess Charlotte last week. Because I don’t have to busy myself answering questions about my dental health, I now have the time to fully take in the coziness and beauty of this place. Quaint checkered curtains adorn the windows and green cotton tablecloths cover the small wooden tables. Floppy houseplants are scattered around the room, giving the traditional look of the place a more tropical atmosphere.

“Do you know who it can be?” Maggie asks.

“Sorry, I was admiring the décor. Do I know who can be what now?”

“The girl Colton was kissing.”

I gasp. “He was kissing a girl? When?”

“At the castle grounds on your first day, right before your shift started.”

It takes me a couple of seconds to realize he’s not cheating on me, and that I’m the girl Maggie’s referring to. “Oh,” I say.

“I didn’t actually see them together, but his hair was all messed up and he had this goofy grin on his face.”

“Goofy? Really?” I ask, trying my best not to show how elated I am to hear that.

“You know the one. All lovey-dovey and high on endorphins after an amazing kiss.” She leans closer to me. “Do you have any gossip? Has he told you who it is?”

I take a giant bite of my pizza to buy myself some time. “I have no idea,” I say when my mouth is free again. “Why would he even tell me?”

“Because the two of you work together now. Like, side by side, every day. Surely you guys talk about things other than work stuff?”

“Yeah, but our love lives never come up. We’re way too busy posing for pictures to discuss our personal lives. What about you? How are things going in the dating department?” I ask, trying to steer the conversation away from Colton’s love life. Although, I wouldn’t mind hearing her talk some more about the look in his eyes after he kissed me.

She shrugs. “Not good. Things were going great with Kevin but then he ghosted me. I honestly think there’s something wrong with me. It’s like I repel guys after a couple of dates.”

“You don’t.”

“Do you know how long it’s been since I went on a fourth date with someone?” Her shoulders fall and she lets out a heavy sigh. “You would tell me if I smelled bad, right?”

I laugh. “Of course, I would, but you don’t stink. Seriously, there’s nothing wrong with you, Maggie. You just haven’t met the right guy yet. It will happen. You’ve just got to keep the faith. And keep applying deodorant. You’re fine.”

Wow, I sound like one of those personal development gurus whose ads are shoved in your face whenever you open YouTube. All that’s missing from my pep talk is a free workbook that leads to an expensive course.

“Maybe. I hope you’re right. Sometimes I worry that Colton got all the good genes. He’s like a babe magnet.”

I nod. “Yeah, he’s pretty great. For other girls,” I quickly add.

“And my other brothers are amazing-looking as well,” she says with a wince. “I don’t like referring to them as studs, but even I can tell they’ve been showered with a special gene.”

I smile at her. “Stop it. You have it too.”

“I do?” she asks, casting me a look that says she doesn’t believe me.

“Yeah, it’s that Wilson charm you guys all have.”

Maggie puts her fork down and chuckles. “Are you serious?”

“Trust me, you have it too. Just because you can’t see it yourself doesn’t mean I’m lying.”

“Thanks. That actually makes me feel a bit better,” she says, raising her glass in the air. “Let’s make a toast. To us for never giving up on finding love.”

Right when our glasses clink against each other, Zeke appears in the corner of my eye. I swivel around in surprise, and he waves at me. I give him a close-mouthed smile which he takes as an invite to come over.

“Good evening, ladies,” he says.

“Hi, Zeke. How are you?”

“I’m good. I’m on a date, actually. That reminds me. You still haven’t returned your post-date questionnaire. Will you be sending it over soon?” He throws me an expectant look.

I chuckle, eliciting a frown from him. Oh dear, he’s not joking. He wants me to send this questionnaire even though he’s on a date with another girl? I’ve got to give it to him, he’s weird and awkward, but he’s also gutsy.

“I haven’t found the time yet,” I say.

“Well, I’d advise you not to wait too long. One of these days, I’ll be swept off my feet. It could even be as soon as tonight. And when that happens… Let’s just say I won’t be able to turn back time for you. You’ll have to find a way to deal with your regrets then.”

It takes all the willpower I can muster not to laugh. “Good for you, Zeke. I hope this girl you’re meeting tonight is the one for you.”

“Thanks, I hope so too. My mother can’t wait to get her wedding dress out of storage to give it to her future daughter-in-law.”

Maggie’s eyebrows shoot up. “You’re not going to let her pick out her own wedding dress?”

He shrugs her question away. “Why would she want another dress? Reusing my mom’s is both economical and saves her time. It’s a win-win if you ask me.”

“I’ve got to agree, it’s a no-brainer. If it were me—”

“It could be you,” Zeke answers, hope filling his features. He whips out his phone and asks, “Shall I call my mother and ask her to drive to the storage unit?”

I throw Maggie a please-help-me-get-out-of-this-pickle look. Thankfully, she kicks into best-friend-rescue-mode right away. “That won’t be necessary, Zeke.”

“Why not?”

“First of all, it’s a bit rude since you’re here on a date with someone else. Imagine how she’ll feel if she finds out you promised another girl that wedding dress?”

He scratches his chin. “I’m sure she’d understand.”

“Yeah, take it from me, she won’t. Second, Elle’s no longer available. Sorry.”

His face falls. “Are you sure?”

I nod.

“Who’s the lucky guy then? I haven’t seen you with anyone and I’m a guy who pays close attention.”

Ew, what does that mean? That he’s been spying on me?

He nods slowly, as if a light bulb goes off in his mind. “Wait, I did see you the other day, with Maggie’s brother. You were walking along the beach together. I remember because it was the middle of the night and I wondered why you two were up.”

“That’s impossible,” I say. “I sleep at night.”

“I’m pretty sure it was you.”

I laugh nervously and try to telepathically signal Zeke to shut up and get away, but fail miserably. As I’ve never had any psychic experiences before, that doesn’t surprise me one bit, but still. It would be nice if this was the moment I discover I have paranormal powers. I sure could use them to my advantage right now.

Maggie snorts. “Elle and Colton? I mean, sure, you might have seen them once, but only because the three of us live together, and certainly not in the middle of the night. Trust me, I’d know if someone left the house at night. I have extraordinary hearing.”

“Oh,” he says, wholly unconvinced. “Well, I’d better go before Melissa arrives.”

Thank goodness. Crisis averted. Maybe I have some psychic powers after all.

As he walks to his table to wait for his date, I grin at Maggie. “You could always go out with Zeke if you’re still looking for a lover. You wouldn’t even have to shop for a wedding dress. Think of all the money you’d save.”

She laughs. “I’m not that desperate. No offense.”

“None taken.”

She folds her hands and gives me a dreamy look. “I’ve missed this. You and me, talking and laughing. I’m so glad Paul ditched you.”

“What?” I throw a piece of bread at her. It lands on the ground right next to her chair.

She reaches down to pick it up and puts it back on the table. “You know what I mean. If he hadn’t kicked you out, you wouldn’t be here right now.”

“I guess you’re right. There’s a silver lining to everything. I’ve come to realize that I never would’ve been happy with Paul. Not as happy as—”

I almost say as with Colton.

“As happy as here with your best friend?”

“Exactly,” I say.

Phew. Another crisis averted. This whole secret dating behind Maggie’s back thing is getting ridiculous. I’d be so much happier if we could have all of it out in the open. Maybe I should talk to Colton about it. I mean, there’s no reason to sneak around anymore, is there? We’re both into each other, and Maggie doesn’t have a say in our lives. Not where love is concerned anyway. Yes, that’s right. I love him. The realization makes me grin like a maniac.

“What are you smiling at?” Maggie asks.

“Nothing in particular. I’m just extremely happy to be here.”

It’s not even a lie. If it weren’t for Paul leaving me, I wouldn’t have come to Summerville Creek, and I wouldn’t have met Colton, which is—without a doubt—the best thing that could’ve happened to me.