Saving Us by Wendy Million

Chapter Forty-Five

My dad stuffed the last of his papers in his bag and then wandered around the living room, checking for anything he’d left behind.

“They’re arresting Johnny today?” I asked again from the couch.

“Yes.” My father’s voice was laced with deliberate patience. “They’re picking up Johnny, Jeff, and Theo.”

“They found Annika’s tights, phone, and purse in the wheel well of Jeff’s car, right?”

Dad stopped gathering the last of his things and stood staring at me. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. It feels weird to have you leaving. Are you sure you don’t want to stay longer?”

He smiled and came over to give me a hug. “I’ll return once the trial starts. But I need to get back to work. I’m out of personal days and holidays. The police have a good case. The pills complicate things, but it’s a strong case. Annika remembers. If they can convince Jeff or Theo or both to roll on Johnny, they’ve got an excellent shot at a conviction.”

I’d spent the last four weeks lamenting my dad’s lack of tidiness and his general presence, but I was going to miss seeing him, bouncing ideas off him, knowing I wasn’t alone.

“Annika still planning to return to school in a couple weeks?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

He grabbed his bags and placed them by the door. “Sebastian’s here soon?”

“He went to the gym and to class.” I checked the clock. “Should be here any minute.”

“Pepper spray and Taser with you at all times, okay? They’re arresting him, but he’ll probably be given bail. He could still get off these charges, so he’d be dumb to come after you. But hotheads like him can be unpredictable.”

“I got it, Dad.”

He enveloped me into a hug. “I love you, Natalie Ann. I’m proud of the work you did on this case.”

My grin was going to split my face. “Really?”

He placed one hand on each of my shoulders. “Really. You’re remarkable. Your mother would have been so proud of how you’ve handled yourself. I know I am.”

At the mention of my mom, my throat tightened. “Thanks, Dad. Thanks for everything.”

“I’m just a phone call away. You need me for anything, you call.”

“It’ll be okay.”

With one final hug, he picked up his bags and headed to his car. From the door, I watched him drive out of the parking lot. Anxiety fluttered in my chest, and I locked the door.

When I took my phone off the side table, there was a text from Clay. He’d been keeping his distance since Sebastian returned, but he and Annika were in regular contact.

Taking immense pleasure in Johnny and his boys at the station.

How are you seeing that?

Local news. Watch it. It’s amazing.

Going around the couch, I snatched the remote off the coffee table and flipped to the news station. Sure enough, Johnny, Theo, and Jeff were walking through a crowd of reporters flanked by lawyers and police officers.

Every time Johnny put up his hand to shield his face from prying questions and camera flashes, the sunlight caught his championship ring. Seeing it sent a jolt of anger through me. So unjust for his success and Sebastian’s to be linked.

Keys jingled outside, and Sebastian came in the door. His gaze strayed to the TV, and he grimaced. Rounding the couch, he sank into a seat, elbows on knees.

“I hope it’s enough,” he said as Theo, Jeff, and Johnny were walked into the station.

“Me too.” I scanned his face. “Nothing from the coach?”

“Not yet. He’s probably waiting to see where this heads with the guys.”

“You’re not worried?”

“Not worried at all.” He leaned into the couch. “I caught the damn ball and did a hell of a run during a nationally televised game. Yeah, Johnny threw it, but I caught it. He’s not going to kick me off the team because of Johnny’s arrest. He either goes down with him for the drugs or he coaches next year.”

Johnny’s lawyer took up the whole screen. We both stared at the TV, only half listening as he made a statement declaring Johnny’s innocence.

“What’d your dad say before he left?”

“It’s a solid case. Who knows?” My summary was close.

Sebastian grabbed my free hand and drew me across the couch beside him. He grabbed the remote and switched off the TV.

In one swift movement, he flipped me so that my back was pressed into the material and he was lying on top of me. Sometimes his strength and speed were breathtaking off the field too.

I grinned at him. “Alone at last.”

“I should start looking for a place to live,” Sebastian murmured.


“Isn’t Annika coming back in a few weeks?”

“She says she is. I’m not so sure.” I sighed as he nibbled on my earlobe. “You could live here for now?”

“Nattie, are you asking me to move in?” His hazel eyes danced with merriment.

“Maybe.” I drew out the word. “Could you can handle it?”

“I like the idea of going to bed with you, waking up with you every day.”

“There’s also dishes, laundry, cooking…” I rattled off the other things we’d have to negotiate.

“I’ll do everything.” He gave me a quick kiss.

“I have standards.” I kept my voice light, but I wasn’t joking. My own father didn’t meet them.

Sebastian chuckled. “I can take it, Nattie. I wanna do this with you.” His face clouded. “If Annika does return…”

“I’ll talk to her. She might enjoy having you here.”

“If she doesn’t, I’ll move out, okay? It’s not a big deal. Maybe when the lease is up here?”


“Really?” he asked. “You’d do that?”

“As long as Annika is doing okay by then, yeah, I’d live with you.”

He scooped me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to the bedroom. “We’re gonna need to seal the deal.”

“The roommate deal?” I laughed. “Seal it with what?”

“A little close contact.”

“Just a little?” I teased.

He tossed me on the bed, and as I bounced, I giggled. He followed me down, scooping up my lips.

“Maybe a lot.”

“I’m so glad Johnny’s been arrested.” Even as the words left my lips, I remembered his bail and my dad’s warning. Until Johnny was locked up for good, he was a danger to me, to Annika, maybe to Sebastian too.

“Hey,” he said. Something in my face must have given me away. “We got this, Nattie. He’s going down. I’m sure of it. Okay?”

Stroking his face, I kissed him, and I wished I could be as confident. At the edges of my happiness was a deep unease. Johnny didn’t seem like the type to go down without a fight.