Badge by K.L. Savage


Two months later

Badge bends down and places two bouquets of flowers down on Haley’s and Amber’s graves. He moved Amber just like he wanted, and he buried Haley right next to her. His family is together, and I can’t imagine how much he hurts.

He wasn’t the same for a few weeks after Haley’s death. Reaper postponed the get-together with the other clubs to give Badge some time to grieve. He went through so many emotions, and I was there every step of the way. He kept worrying I was going to leave because he was so heartbroken.

Never once did I question his love for me. I told him I thought it would be unfair and cruel of me if I got upset at him for mourning a part of his life that was officially over. He felt so guilty too, for not being there for Haley. He had no idea how much she needed him, and he thinks if he would have been a friend, then maybe things wouldn’t have gotten so bad.

“I hope you’re having fun with Mommy,” Badge says just as a loud shout comes from behind as the NOLA chapter starts up a large bonfire.

Probably with just their senses…

“I hope you find some peace—”

“—They are.”

I nearly jump out of my skin when I see someone I haven’t met yet, leaning against Lady’s pink headstone. He’s from the NOLA chapter and according to his cut, his name is Hex.

“Hex,” Badge smiles, reaching out his hand. “It’s good to see you, brother.”

“You too. I’m sorry for your losses. I can feel your pain,” Hex winces.

“It’s alright. I think both of them are at peace.”

“And they are.” Hex’s eyes drop to the empty space next to Badge. “Haley and Amber are right next to you.”

“Fuck you, Hex. Don’t fuck with me like that.”

“I’m not. Didn’t Tongue tell you I can see ghosts? I can see Lady, too. She’s right next to Poodle. She hasn’t left his side since I got here. I have a feeling I’m going to be explaining a crap ton if freaking spirits keep showing up.”

Badge still doesn’t look like he believes Hex and crosses his arms. “Prove it.”

Hex sighs. “Amber is little, like… maybe a few months old, and Haley is holding her, a big smile on her face. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. She isn’t sick anymore. She wants to say thank you for doing what you did. Most men wouldn’t have, but you gave her the chance to be with Amber.”

“Amber…” Badge turns his head and closes his eyes. “She’s really there?”

“If you concentrate, you’ll be able to feel her. Haley is lifting her arms and placing her in yours now.” Hex gets a little emotional as a shaky breath leaves Badge and he holds out his arms.

“If you’re fucking with me, I’m going to kill you.”

“I’m not. Be patient.”

A few seconds pass and Badge inhales a sharp breath, then looks down. “I can feel her.”

“Yeah, she’s happy. She’s smiling at you,” Hex says. “That little girl loved it when you read that book to her, you know. She loves you.”

Badge inhales and begins to cry. “I can smell the lavender shampoo on her still.”

“They have to go.” Hex pushes off the headstone.

“Go? Where? I just got to hold her again.”

“They are going where they can be at peace and so can you. It isn’t healthy for them to linger. You’ll feel them and you won’t be able to move on. Haley is taking Amber now.”

“I know. My arms are empty.”

“I will,” Hex says to them and I’m trying to understand this entire experience. It’s a little hard to believe. “She told me to keep an eye on you, and Haley wanted me to tell you congratulations. Hope, she said she’s happy Badge found you. You were the woman she could never be, and she hopes you two build a happy family together.”

“Three kids. I hope so too,” Badge says, not caring that heavy tears are spilling down his face. “I feel… lighter. Are they gone?”

“Yeah, they are gone. It’s a big weight, right? Instant relief, yet you miss them. It’s cool for me to give people a chance to say their final goodbyes. And it isn’t three kids,” Hex winks at me and I blush, staring down at my feet.

“Whatever that means,” Badge mutters, wiping away the tears. “Come on. Let’s go join the party. Apparently, there is a surprise guest none of us are expecting.”

I know of one guest…

We follow close behind Hex and as he passes Poodle, he tugs him over to the side of the house, petting the air next to him.


How do these NOLA members have these gifts? I almost don’t believe it, but what I just witnessed tells me I have to believe.

“Our guest of the hour is here!” Reaper announces as a car pulls into the parking lot. “Some of you won’t know her, but our original Vegas members will.”

The car door opens and out comes a small brunette with a big smile on her face.

“Becks!” Sarah screams at the top of her lungs, along with Juliette and Melissa. They crowd her and give her a big hug.

“I’ll be damned,” Badge grins. “I never thought I’d see her again. She left for some massage retreat and never came back. I wonder what happened.”

“That’s a story for her to tell,” Reaper answers and once Becks fights her way out of the group hug, she makes her rounds with the guys next.

“Well, that’s awesome. I’m glad she’s back. I’ve heard a lot about her.”

“She’s the best damn massage therapist around,” Badge states. “I had this terrible knot in my back, and she rubbed it out.”

“She rubbed it out, huh?”

Badge rolls his eyes. “Angel, not like that. No one has slept with her.”

“Oh.” I cross my arms. “Good. Not that it would matter. “

“She was here back when the club whores were here. And no one understood her. She just liked being around everyone. I hope she stays for good. Hey, what did you think Hex meant about not three kids? Do you think one of them is sick or dying? God, I can’t handle another kid dying on me, Hope. I can’t do it.”

Knowing I don’t want to tell him here, I take him by the hand and drag him around the back of the Clubhouse where we can have a moment of silence.

A loud explosion sounds and shakes the ground, then a bunch of cheers rip through the air.

“Boomer!” Badge chuckles.

I lean against the back of the wall where no one can see us and fist Badge by the cut. “I’m your ol’ lady, right?”

He pins his arms above my head and nods. “Damn right you are. I wanted to talk to you about wearing my property patch or maybe getting a tattoo. You’re mine.” He begins to lift up my dress. “You want to fool around, Angel? You want to try to get caught again?” He slips his fingers under my panties and slides the thick digits through my folds.

I fumble with the button on his jeans as I nod, then unzip him, guiding him to my entrance.

“I fucking love these sundresses you wear. Easy access,” he moans as he thrusts into me in one stroke, right to the hilt. “What did you want to tell me?” His lips tickle against my jaw as he speaks, then slides out, causing my whimper to dance across the desert. “You know the rules, Angel. You can’t make noises or we will get caught.” He begins to speed up his pace and brings my other leg to wrap around his hips, then rams himself in me hard.

“I’m…” I can’t focus. The way he stretches me, the way he has one hand around my throat while one arm is around my waist to keep me off the ground and pinned to him, makes it too hard to think.

“Tell me,” he rumbles, his cock dragging along the space he has claimed. “You’re so tight and soft. I love how you squeeze me.” He dives his tongue inside my mouth, not for a kiss, but just to tease me with the expertise of how he can move it.

Back and forth, fast flicks. A lance of pleasure shoots straight down to my clit as his pelvis rubs against it. I moan loudly, and this time he wraps his mouth around mine to swallow the sound.

“What did I say?”

“You feel so good. It’s too hard.”

“It is hard, isn’t it?” He has a sardonic look in his eyes as he flips me around and spanks my ass. He lifts my dress above my ass and sinks his fat cock inside me again. “So fucking hard,” he gravels.

“Forrest,” I gasp his name and dig my nails into the side of the clubhouse.

“Angel,” he whispers.

“I’m pregnant,” I finally manage to say.

He pauses his movement then turns me around again, keeping me close to his chest as my legs move up to circle around his waist again. “What?”

“I’m pregnant. I found out this morning.” I begin to panic. I know we didn’t want more kids. “I… I took my birth control. It isn’t one-hundred percent effective but—” he silences me with his lips, kissing me long and slow. I can feel every ounce of love he feels.

His forehead drops to mine and he begins to move in shallow strokes, enough to drive me wild with wanting more, but not crazed to orgasm. “Me, you, Faith, Jay, Willow, and Baby Number Four will be the happiest fucking family out there. I’ll take care of all of you, I swear.”

I brush his hair back and smile. “How does it feel to go from hating kids to having so many?” I chuckle, which then turns into a long groan when he snaps his hips harder.

“Feels like salvation. Feels like a man with a second chance and a reason to live. It feels like a whole lot of love.”


And what’s so great about it is that it came out of nowhere when both of us were least expecting it.