Company Ink by E.L. Lewis

t w e n t y – n i n e

Seeing your coworkers in everyday clothing is the trippiest thing ever. David is wearing shorts. Shorts! I almost didn't notice him among the herds of all my other colleagues, but his pale white legs nearly blinded me as he passed by. Thank God I'm wearing sunglasses.

"Well, look who's on time for once," David says, checking his watch. "Oh, my bad, you're actually a minute late."

I roll my eyes. It's nice to see that David, despite his environment, is still a douche. For a while, I thought I did something to make him hate me, but soon I realized this is just how he is, perpetually rude.

"Good afternoon to you too, Castleberg. I'm really looking forward to spending the next forty-eight hours with you. Perhaps if my flashlight burns out, I can utilize your legs for light."

"What?" David asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Never mind," I sigh. It's probably best he doesn't get it. "Where do I put my luggage?"

"Under the bus, obviously," David responds dryly and walks away.

Oh sure, don't help me, that's fine. I trudge my suitcase up towards the bus.

"Need a hand?"

I crane my neck over my shoulder. "Uh…no, it's fine I got it," I stammer, meeting Adrian's eager expression.

Instead of sleeping last night, hence the sunglasses, I stared up at the ceiling and replayed everything Adrian has said to me over the past few months. I dissected every wink, every kiss, every touch, and every time he shot me down. Which was a lot. And now I'm expected to just forget all of that? Let it go? Pretend as if he didn't give me severe whiplash with every 'I can't' and 'it's complicated'? I'm not ready to talk to him. I need more time.

"Are you sure?" he asks, eyeing my full-size suitcase. "It looks heavy. Did you pack your entire closet for this trip?"

"No..." I smile sheepishly, my eyes flickering over his shoulder.

Adrian follows my gaze and begins to chuckle. "Oh God, there's another one? Cassie, this is a two-day trip."

I scowl at him. "This suitcase is clothes, shoes, and bathroom essentials. The other one is my pillows and blankets."

Adrian grabs suitcase number one and places it under the bus. "You brought your own pillows?"

"I'm particular about the fabric that touches my face," I say flatly, walking over to retrieve suitcase number two, which is thankfully much lighter. I can't sleep without my satin sheets and memory foam pillows.

Adrian's hand brushes against mine as he grabs the second suitcase and gently places it under the bus. "I was thinking," he begins, his tone verging on nervous. "Maybe we could sit together? I'd like to uh…talk to you, Cassie, if you'll listen."

I bite the inside of my cheek. "Adrian, I don't think that's a good ide—"

"Cassie, you made it."

I whip my head around towards the voice, my breath catching. "Blake...hi." Oh my God, they're both here. Of course, they are, why wouldn't they be? Why am I freaking out? Breathe.

"Adrian," Blake nods, walking towards us. He stops beside me, standing so close that I can feel the heat radiating off of his body. "Nice to see you here as well."

"Pearson?" Adrian asks, his jaw clenching. "What are you doing here? You never come on these trips."

"Neither do you," Blake notes lightly, leaning ever so slightly into me.

Adrian stiffens, his eyes darkening. "Yes, well, I thought it would be good for morale to have all the Senior Associates present."

"Indeed, my sentiments exactly," Blake agrees smugly. "What's a team-building weekend without the Managing Partner?"

Oh jeez. Just bring out the ruler already.

I remember Kitty mentioning on my first day that Adrian doesn't like Blake because he doesn't believe he's Partner material, but I wonder why Blake's also so salty with Adrian. Maybe he can sense his vibes, the energy is always so tense between them. Or it's me. Wow. No no no no… Cannot think that.Way too anxiety-inducing.

"Yes, we would all just crumble without your leadership, Pearson," Adrian says in a tight tone. "Thank God, you've decided to join us."

My eyes widen. Fuck the ruler, these boys need a freaking yardstick.

"Okay, well, I'm going to go and find Kitty now," I peep, shifting my eyes between the two lawyers. "See you both on the ferry!" I rush up the stairs of the bus and scan around looking for my redheaded friend.

"Cassie!" Kitty waves her hand in the air. "Over here!"

Oh, thank God! I whimper as I sit down beside her. "Hey, Kit!" I give her cute little outfit a once-over. Light blue high waisted skinny jeans, white Converse, a darling short sleeve white blouse. "We're almost matching!" I opted for a heather grey t-shirt instead. Basic bitches unite.

"Great minds," she winks, passing me a pink Starbucks drink. "I got us a little something-something for the ferry ride."

"A Refresher?" I ask, taking a sip, my throat immediately burning. "Oh my God! Is this vodka?"

"It's five o'clock somewhere!" Kitty wiggles her eyebrows. "So, I saw you talking to Mr. P and Mr. Cav down there. Looked kinda awkward... Wanna talk about it?"

My cheeks flush. Who is this girl? "Nothing to talk about Kit. We're just colleagues," I say, taking a giant sip of the pink drink. Lord knows I need it.

"Come on! I know there's something going on!" Kitty whines. "Confide in me! I won't tell anyone! Please!"

Gosh, she's pushy. "Why do you care so much?" I ask her as the bus begins to move.

Kitty frowns. "It's just…I don't have a lot of girlfriends and I thought that maybe you and I were—" She sighs, her eyes flickering to the floor. "Never mind."

I close my eyes and groan internally. I know I shouldn't discuss this with a coworker. I could get fired. Hell, Adrian and Blake could get in trouble, but…Kitty just looks so sad. And I am dying to talk to someone about everything. Kai and Axel have both been abroad for the last month, Monique is always MIA, and I…I need an ear.

"Kitty, I swear to God, if you say anything to anyone, I will break into your house while you are sleeping and give you a haircut that will haunt your dreams forever, understood?"

Kitty nods her head feverishly, her eyes bright with excitement. "Yes! I understand, my lips are sealed! Think of me as your own personal Fort Knox!"

"Okay, fine."

And with that, I spill more tea than they did in 1773.



Balancing precariously on the railing at the front of the ferry, I fling my arms to the sides, the wind blowing in my hair, Blake Island right in front of me. "Look Kitty, I'm flying!"

Kitty giggles behind me and starts singing off-key. "Every night in my dreams! I see you! I feel you!"

I throw my head back and laugh, almost losing my footing. "That is how I know you!"

Kitty runs up beside me and we harmonize. "Go on!"

"Cassandra! Christ! What're you doing?"

Kitty and I exchange a look. Uh-oh! Busted! I hop off the railing, my head slightly dizzy.

"Oh, hello there, Mr. Pearson," Kitty says, holding back a laugh. "Care to join us? We're reenacting Titanic." She pauses, smirking. "The part of Jack is up for grabs."

My elbow swings into Kitty's ribs. "Shut up," I whisper through my teeth, even though I'm not actually mad. This entire ferry ride has been so much fucking fun. Kitty had more 'pink drink' stashed in her backpack.

Blake shakes his head, his eyes darting between me and Kitty. "Seeing as Jack dies, I'll graciously decline."

"Maybe Adrian wants the part," Kitty whispers to me. Damn it. This is what happens when you tell people your secrets. "Strike one for Blake," she adds.

During our hushed conversation on the bus, I ended up confessing to Kitty that Blake's been on my mind recently. Somehow, in the last few weeks, he's weaseled himself into my thoughts. Kitty is 'one hundred and thirteen percent' convinced that he's into me, a claim which I can't really verify. With Adrian, I know. He's said it. I've felt it. But with Blake? It's just a grey area of emotion. I wish I knew where his head was at, but I sure as hell am not going to be the one to bring it up.

"Kitty," I warn in a whisper, pinching her forearm. "You need to shut the fuck up right now."

"Ow! Okay, sorry!" Kitty rubs her arm, frowning. "I think I'll go to the bathroom," she says. "We're docking in a minute."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," I agree, shooting her a glare.

Kitty traipses away, tossing her empty cup into the garbage can before disappearing inside.

"So, how's it going, Blake? Enjoying the view?" I ask as he joins me by my side.

"It's going well," he answers, grinning. "Clearly, I'm not having as much fun as you are though. Do you often find yourself hanging off the front of moving vessels?"

"Does it freak you out?" I tease, lifting my right foot up onto the railing. "Are you worried I'll fall?" My left foot follows.

Instantly, Blake wraps his hand around my waist. "Get down, Cassandra. This isn't safe."

"Do you plan on letting go?" I ask quietly, Blake's fingers digging into my side, causing my body to flush.

Blake shakes his head. "No, I'm not," he says in a low tone.

"Then I guess I'm pretty safe," I breathe, acutely aware that our faces are mere inches apart.

"I'd rather not risk it," he swallows, gripping my body with both hands and tugging me back to the safety of the ground. "Much better." He takes a step away from me, adjusting his aviators.

"We're docking," I note quietly, missing the comfort of his touch. Fuck. What is happening right now?

"Yes, we are," he says in a hum, looking around. "I need to go and help Nadine with the headcount."

"Right." I nod and follow him inside, my mind spinning. Something about Blake's arms around me felt so right. This isn't good. Especially not when Adrian is living rent-free in my heart.

I find Kitty standing next to our luggage at the disembarking zone. "I'm sorry about earlier, Cass," she says quietly. "I'm just a little tipsy right now."

"Same, girl, same." I take my sunglasses off and toss them into my purse. Maybe natural light will make me feel less fucked up. "And don't be sorry, it's not like he heard you. I just don't want to make things awkward."

"Incoming," she murmurs, nodding to the side. "Romeo, three o'clock." I guess we have code names now. Lovely.

"Ladies," Adrian smiles. "Ready to get the weekend started?"

The ferry gates open and everyone begins walking off the boat. I scramble around to grab both of my giant suitcases. "Can't wait."

"Me too." Adrian grabs one of my suitcases and rolls it behind him. "Don't argue," he mutters just as I'm about to open my mouth and tell him I've got it.

I roll my eyes and follow him up to the resort.


The term resort is a bit of a stretch to describe the little lodge we're all staying in. After checking in, we’re given our room keys. As Kitty mentioned, we're bunking together. I was worried there would be actual bunk beds, but luckily, every room has two queen size beds, plus a fireplace, a bathroom, and a little seating area with a TV. We only have twenty minutes to get ourselves situated before the first team-building activity.

Kitty and I chug two glasses of water before running out to the meeting area behind the lodge. I hoped we'd be able to flush the vodka out of our systems, but our little Russian friend is more stubborn than we thought. We're both currently trapped in the uncomfortable phase between hungover and drunk. Fucking great.

"Alrighty, hello everyone! My name is Erica and I'm your activity coordinator!" A perky brunette in a polo shirt exclaims. "First off, welcome to Sun Ridge! We are so happy to be able to host you. As you can see, we've already broken up your team into five groups who will rotate activities over the next two days."

I loop my arm through Kitty's, trying to keep myself upright. The sun is beaming down on us, birds are chirping, and the air is fresh and clean. All of these things are annoying the living shit out of me right now. I subtly scan around 'our group'. Nadine must have requested that all the senior staff and assistants be grouped together. Standing in a semi-circle around Erica is Blake, Adrian, Manpreet, Vivian, David, Matilda, Kitty, and me.

"If you will all follow me, we can get started, and trust me, this might be the funnest activity we have!" Erica exclaims, leading us further down the field. Funnest? Girl... That's not a word.

As soon as we pass two willow trees, the 'activity' comes into view. Oh, my fuck. Laid out before us, is the most insane obstacle course I've ever seen. Okay, it's the only one I've ever seen in person, I guess watching Wipe Out doesn't count.

"This is an exercise in trust and communication," Erica begins, pointing to the course. "You will be paired up into groups of two. One person will don a protective suit and be blindfolded, the other person on your team will then guide you through the obstacle course. To make things a little bit more interesting, we're going to time each group. The fastest team will win a ride on one of our speed boats. Makes sense?"

Everyone nods except me and Kitty. How in the world are we supposed to do this in our current condition, let alone blindfolded?! "I think the pink drinks were a bad idea," I mutter.

"Yup," Kitty whimpers. "I fucked up."

"Okay, so the pairings are David and Vivian, Kitty and Manpreet, Adrian and Cassie, Blake and Matilda. Please decide on which role you'll take on, and quickly slip into the suits," Erica says, gesturing towards her coworker who is holding up a tanned colored blow up sumo suit. Oh no. No! This is hell. I'm in hell.

Tilly puts her hand up. "Um...Erica? Hi, I'm Matilda, I was just wondering, is this activity safe for pregnant women? I'm a little over three months."

What?! I didn't know that! Erica purses her lips. "Maybe you should sit out in that case." She looks down at her clipboard. "Okay, this means that Blake, you're without a partner. Hmm..."

"It's alright, I can pass on this one," he says coolly.

"No, no," Erica hums looking around. "Oh, this could be fun. We can have two guides on one team. Might be a little bit more challenging but that's what we're here to do, right? Who'd like to take Blake?"

"Mr. Pearson should go with Cassie and Mr. Cav," David pipes up. "She's technically both of their assistants." I shoot him a frigid glare. Fucking David!

"Oh, that's perfect then! Alright, everyone suit up and I'll meet you at the course!" Erica exclaims.

"Good luck," Kitty laughs and runs away to Mr. Virk.

Adrian and Blake both saunter towards me. "Well, Cassie, go suit up," Blake says. "We'll meet you on the course."

"Why do I have to be the one in the suit? You suit up!" I grumble, crossing my arms. "She didn't specify that the assistants need to be the guinea pigs."

Adrian smirks. "Yeah, Pearson, go on. Take one for the team."

"Please, Cassie," Blake says softly, ignoring Adrian completely. "Kitty and David are both suiting up. It's only fair."

"Fine!" I groan, stomping my feet. "God, you suck!"


"Alright, team. On your marks, get set, go!" Erica blows a whistle.

This suit is hot, I'm sweating, my face is wrapped in a piece of shitty polyester fabric and I want to cry. Everything is dark and I'm kind of scared.

"Okay, Cassandra, in front of you are eight tires side by side, about five inches high," Blake calls out.

"Just jump and keep your knees up! Keep a rhythm!" Adrian says.

Fuck me! I take a tentative step forward, my foot landing on the ground. I'm in!

"Good Cassie! Keep going! Back and forth! Steady pace!" Adrian encourages me, clapping his hands.

"The next tire is about eight inches forward!" Blake says calmly.

"She's not going to be able to measure inches with a blindfold, Pearson!" Adrian scoffs.

I whimper, wobbling side to side, trying not to fall and trip. "She's not an idiot, Adrian, she knows measurements!" Blake huffs.

God, they're useless. I continue to take hesitant leaps, trying to drown out their bickering.

"Okay, you made it! Good job, Cassie!" Adrian praises. "Now just walk until I say stop."

"It's about three yards," Blake clarifies, and I keep walking. "Great, now you need to jump over four logs. They're about five—"

"Good God, Pearson! Not everyone has a mental measuring tape!" Adrian barks. "Cassie just jump forward as high as you can."

"I can barely move in this thing!" I whine. "I can't jump! I'll fall!"

"It's fine, Cassandra, you got this," Blake says in a smooth tone. "Just jump."

I hate this day! I jump and jump and jump and jump, trying to fight back tears. I am not made for this! This is cruel!

"Fantastic, Cassie!" Adrian exclaims. "This next one is a bit tricky. There are five swinging poles, you'll need to walk and stop on our command, okay?"

I sniffle. "I don't like this!" Swinging poles? Dear Lord.

"Okay, walk!" Blake exclaims.

"Stop!" They shout in unison and I freeze.

"Stop yelling at me! I can hear you both, I'm not deaf." My heart is beating way too fast right now.

"In about five seconds, walk forward," Blake says, and I begin counting. One, two, three...

"It's six seconds, Pearson!" Adrian counters just as I take a step forward. I'm instantly thrown to the ground when a blunt object swings into my hip. I land on my back with a thump.

"Fuck!" I shriek, thrashing on the grass. I can't even bend my arms or legs to get up because of this damn inflatable suit. "Someone get this goddamn blindfold off my face!"

"Shit!" Adrian says, pushing up the smelly fabric. "Are you okay?"

I glare up at the two heads hovering over my body. "Am I okay? Am I okay?! You guys are just—" I groan, flailing around. "What're you doing just standing there? Help me up!"

Blake's lips are pressed into a thin line, his eyes bright with amusement. "Are you laughing at me?!" I exclaim, attempting to reach out and pummel his smug face.

Adrian and Blake each grab one of my hands and pull me up. "I'm done!" I huff.

Erica runs up to us, waving her clipboard in the air. "You need to finish the course Cassie, it's part of the rules," she says.

I scowl at her. "I think I have a concussion!"

Blake chuckles. "Cassandra, you're wearing a padded suit and headgear, you don't have a concussion."

"Unzip me, now!" I demand, glaring at Adrian who's trying not to laugh. I hate them. Both of them.

"Yes ma'am," Adrian grins, releasing me from the sauna of the sumo suit.

Ah, to be able to move my limbs again! "Erica," I begin, forcing a smile. "Thank you so much for this wonderful experience, but I think it's another team's turn, okay?"

"But—" Erica begins but is cut off by Adrian.

"Please, Erica," he says. "I think she's suffered enough for one day, no?"

Erica sighs. "Fine, fine, we'll move on."

"Thank you," I say flatly, walking off to the side of the course, Blake and Adrian in tow. "Why are you both following me?"

Blake stiffens. "Just trying to get out of the way," he mumbles.

Adrian tilts his head. "Why do you think you have a concussion?"

I roll my eyes. "My head hurts, duh!"

"Someone's chippy today," Adrian teases. "Let's go find you an Advil."

"I'll come as well," Blake states casually.

"Pearson, I think we're quite capable of locating Advil by ourselves," Adrian scoffs.

I flap my arms in disbelief and march away. Stupid lawyers with their arguing and making me fall. I am so not in a good mood right now.

"Cassie, wait!" Adrian calls out, jogging up beside me. "Why are you so grumpy? It's just a little game."

"My head is pounding right now," I whine as we make our way back inside the lodge.

"From falling? Come on, Cass," he chuckles. "I'm with Pearson on this one. Your head was safely secured in that helmet."

I grumble. "I feel hungover," I admit, averting his gaze. "Kitty and I had a few drinks on the way here."

Adrian lets out a low laugh. "Well, that explains a lot."

"Don't laugh! It's not funny! You weren't the one trapped in that death suit." We stop at the concierge. "Hi, do you guys have Advil?" I ask, trying my hardest to sound polite.

"Of course, just give me a second," Benny the attendant says then ducks behind the counter, popping up again three seconds later. "Here you go, one Advil."

I snatch it from his fingers and toss it into my mouth. "Thank you," I say, grabbing a complimentary water bottle. Please save me, little green pill.

"Do you want to sit outside for a little bit?" Adrian asks, pointing to the front porch. "Or should we head back to the course?"

"Sitting sounds nice," I murmur, following Adrian to the patio furniture. "I'm too old for day drinking. I feel like shit."

"But you look beautiful," Adrian smiles as we sit down on the couch. "Listen, Cassie, we really need to talk. I don't want to keep putting this off."

I drop my head into my lap and groan. "Adrian, I have approximately seven functional brain cells right now and their only job is to make sure I don't die. Do we have to talk now? Can this wait until dinner at least? We can talk then...I promise."

Adrian shuffles beside me, placing a hand on my back and rubbing it up and down. "Okay," he agrees softly. "Dinner then."