Company Ink by E.L. Lewis

t h i r t y – o n e

Blake pushes past me, storming inside my room. "Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" I hold the door open for him.

Blake plants his feet firmly on the floor, not budging. He runs both hands through his wet hair, his clothing dripping all over the floor.

"You are the most infuriating woman I have ever met in my whole fucking life!" he yells, and I immediately shut the door. Shit, he's being loud.

Blake begins pacing back and forth like a madman.

"You're unbelievable, Cassie. Truly! Sure, when it comes to dishing out advice, you're all for it, but taking it? Oh God, it's like talking to a fucking wall! And why the hell do you never listen to me? Huh? I told you, you were paddling too hard, but did you stop? No, of course, you didn't! Because you're Cassie, and you do whatever you want without thinking about the consequences of your actions!"

Blake marches towards me and I circle around him like he's the hunter and I'm the prey. He's swearing at me! Blake doesn't swear. I'm lost for words. I don't know what to say.

"You're always so happy and smiling and fucking bright, but when things get real, what do you do? You run away. And you know why you ran? Because you hate that I saw through you. That I saw you. You, Cassie. Not this happy-go-lucky, 'I don't give a shit about the future' façade you put on. Okay, so you feel guilty about Ness, that's fine. That's normal, but you need to do something about it. Figure it out. Deal with it and move on, because, like it or not, Cassie, the world keeps on spinning regardless of how you feel!"

Blake's out of breath, panting, walking towards me, his eyes glistening with determination, grit, and something that makes my breath catch in the back of my throat. My eyes well up.

"You're wrong," I whisper, fighting back tears. "You're wrong—"

"I'm not." Blake stops in front of me, his hot breath blowing in my face. The scent of mint, sea salt, and ocean engulf my lungs.

My heart hammers in my chest as his hand grabs the back of my head, his fingers sifting through my damp hair. Hunger flashes in his eyes as his lips collide with mine, sloppy, uncoordinated, urgent. Our teeth crash and scrape, his hand on my waist, squeezing, roaming, gripping my wet clothes. I gasp, parting my lips, Blake seizes my tongue, our breaths hot, bouncing, panting. I swing my arms around his neck, my nails digging into his flesh, our mouths salty from the ocean, from my tears. Yet sweet. So, fucking sweet.

Blake pulls away first, staggering backward, covering his face. I'm left frazzled, shaking, melting, hot and bothered, and wanting more. Holy shit.

I try to catch my breath, my balance, my grip on reality. "Blake...I—" Words. How does one use them? "I—uh..."

Blake paces back and forth, my eyes following him, trying to read him. What's he thinking? Why did he—Why?

"Blake?" I breathe, touching my swollen lips. That was real. It happened. "Are you—I mean... Do you—"

Blake shakes his head, his azure eyes flickering around my face. "Cassie, I—"

Suddenly, the creaking sound of the door swinging open draws our attention, our heads snap towards it. Fuck.


He's holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other, confusion plastered on his face.

"What're you doing here, Pearson?" Adrian asks, studying us with curious eyes. "Why are you both wet?"

Fuckity fuck. No. God no. What did I do?

Blake's eyebrows knit together, his gaze landing on the roses. "I could ask you the same thing, Adrian." Blake turns his head slowly towards me. "What's going on, Cassandra?" His tone is strained, low, husky...hurt.

I bite my lip. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do! "Hi..." is all that comes out of my mouth.

"I asked you what you're doing here, Pearson?" Adrian asks again, more assertive, sterner, as he walks further into the room. "Why are you wet?"

"Our canoe flipped," I whisper, swallowing away the nervousness. "We uh—flipped."

Blake narrows his eyes, his jaw clenching. "Why do you have flowers, Adrian?"

Adrian looks at me and I shake my head subtly. Please don't. Please. "I—uh," he stammers. Just lie! Make something up!

Blake, swallows, his gaze flickering between the two of us, his eyes darkening. "Are those for Cassie?" he asks through his teeth. "And the champagne?"

I close my eyes. Think of something. Anything. My mind is blanking. How do we explain this? "Umm..."

Nothing. Na da. Zilch.

Adrian and I just stand there like two mutes with doe eyes. I half expected Adrian to gloat, to brag, to shove the flowers in Blake's face. But he's silent. Like me.

"Nothing? No explanation?" Blake lets out a dark, low chuckle. "Should I guess?"

"Blake, please—" I begin but he puts up his hand, his eyes red with anger.

"You're sleeping together," he says, clenching his fist. "Of course. I should've known. Doesn’t surprise me."

I shake my head. "We're not—" My heart is in my stomach, covered in ice and dirt and unease. "It's not what you think..."

Blake scoffs. "It's not? Then what is it?" He stares at Adrian with frigid eyes. "Are you sleeping with an employee, Adrian? Hmm?"

An employee? Fuck. This is bad. This is no longer Blake, my Blake, this is the boss talking. Adrian's boss. Mine. I dig my nails into my palm.

"We're not sleeping together," Adrian finally says, taking a deep breath. "You're overreacting, Pearson. As per usual."

"Adrian," Blake hums maniacally, taking a step closer to him. "I'm a very understanding man, I can put up with a lot, especially from you, but right now, is not the time to antagonize me with insubordination. Now, I ask you again, what is your relationship with Miss Carrington?"

Miss Carrington? I think I just died. My breath is unsteady, my knees weak. How did this all get so twisted?

Adrian's eyes flicker towards me, apologetic and dim. "We're dating," he states, throwing me off guard. No... Oh fuck.

Blake blinks, turning his head slowly towards me, his face laced with betrayal. "Dating? Is that true, Miss Carrington? Are you dating?"

Frozen. I'm stunned. Unable to move. Barely breathing. Adrian looks at me with desperate eyes, like he's begging me to confirm. But my mouth is wired shut with shock.

"I'll take your silence as a yes," Blake says dryly, walking towards the door. "Carry on with whatever you had planned." He opens the door, turns his head, his glacial eyes on mine. "I expect your resignation on my desk Monday morning." And he leaves, slamming the door.

Resignation? I need to resign? I sink down on the floor, crumbling. "Did he just fire me?" I mumble out loud. After everything. That's it? After kissing me? Yelling at me? Looking at that. Fired. Huh.

Adrian kneels down beside me, dropping the roses and champagne to the side. "Cassie, are you alright?"

I listlessly look up at him. No energy. Deflated. "Why did you tell him that we're dating? Why didn't you just stay quiet? He would've left. He wouldn't have—"

Adrian cups my face, dragging this rough thumb along my cheek. "Pearson isn't an idiot, Cariño, he knew the moment I walked into the room."

I nod slowly, burned out and tired. "Right..." He knew. He saw it.

"I'll help you find another job," Adrian says softly, lifting me up to my feet and walking me over to the couch. "I have contacts at different firms if you want to stay in law, or we can find you something completely different. Whatever you want, I'll help you."

"Uh-huh," I murmur lifelessly. "Okay. Sure. Thank you."

"Cassie, it'll be okay. I promise." Adrian pulls me into his chest, stroking my hair. "I've got you. It'll be okay."

"This isn't how it was supposed to happen," I whisper. "Not like this."

"I know, Cariño, I know." Adrian places a gentle kiss on my temple and I almost wince. This feels wrong. Dirty. Tainted. "But it's also a good thing, right? It's a fresh start for us."

Us. Me and Adrian. Together. I said yes. I touch my lips as Adrian plays with my hair. They're still swollen. A reminder. A parting gift. He fired me. It's over. God, this is fucked up.

"Would you like to go back to the city?" Adrian asks. "Might be a little less awkward if we leave tonight."

"Sure," I mutter. "Let's go." This way I can spend all Sunday in bed, sleeping, erasing this weekend from my memories. Erasing Blake. The kiss. How my heart exploded. How right it felt. Everything.

"Cassie, please don't look so sad," Adrian whispers, placing butterfly kisses all over my face. "It's just a job. You'll get another one. You're smart, witty, and great with people, it'll be a breeze."

"Yeah, okay..." I push myself off the couch, realizing I'm still wearing all my damp clothes, I probably look like a raisin underneath. "I'm going to take a shower then we can leave."

"I'll call a cab," he says, walking me to the bathroom. "Is thirty minutes enough time for you to get ready and pack?"

"Mhm." I nod. Barely. "That's fine."

"Okay, I'll meet you by the gate." Adrian sighs. "Please cheer up, Cariño. It'll all work out."

I force a smile. God, he's being so nice right now. What is wrong with me? "I'll feel better after the shower."

Adrian places a soft kiss on my forehead. "I hope so."


"Cassie, we're here," Adrian whispers.

I look around. Oh, we are. I open the door to the cab and step out. I'm home. I don't even remember getting off the ferry.

I stare off into the distance as Adrian retrieves my luggage from the trunk. "Are you sure you're alright?" Adrian asks, his tone so fucking concerned. "You've barely said a word since we left."

"I'm just tired," I lie. "It's been a long day. I just want to go to bed."

"It's only 6 pm, Cassie," Adrian says, checking his watch. "Are you sure you don't want to go out and get some food?"

"I'm not hungry," I murmur, looping my fingers around my suitcase and pulling it towards the building. "I just want to sleep."

"Okay," Adrian says quietly. It's like he's walking on eggshells right now. Afraid I'll start crying again. I hate this. I hate feeling weak. "I'll call you tomorrow? Maybe we can go on a walk? Or to the market?"

"I might go see my parents tomorrow," I say, sighing. "But I'll call you if I'm free."

"Oh, okay." Adrian's face falls slightly. "Let me know if you guys need help packing."

Adrian packing? Oh, God. I've broken him. This is all so messed up. "I'll let you know," I murmur.

"Cassie?!" Shit. I crane my neck towards the feminine voice coming from down the street. Why is she here? "You're home already?"

"Hi, Monique," I say, using all my will power to muster up a damn smile. "I thought you were staying with Matt all weekend."

"I had a few things to pick up..." Monique eyes Adrian carefully, her eyebrows quirking up. "I don't think we've met before, I'm Monique Moreaux, Cassie's roommate and lifelong best friend. You are?"

Bless her heart for not saying 'Hi, Adrian, I know exactly who you are because we ogled your photo at a bar a few months ago'.

Adrian extends his hand towards my roommate. "I'm Adrian Cavallero. I'm Cassie's—" He looks at me and smiles, so genuine, so fucking happy. "I'm her boyfriend."

Monique's mouth drops slightly as she shakes his hand. "Boyfriend?" she asks tentatively. "Oh, Cassie didn't tell me that you two were dating."

Adrian chuckles. "It's brand new," he says, grinning at me. "I'm sure Cassie will share all the sordid details with you tonight."

"Yeah, for sure." I laugh nervously, trying to avoid Monique's judgey gaze. "Okay, well, we should get inside. I'll call you tomorrow, Adrian."

Adrian takes a step towards me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, planting a feather-light kiss on my lips. "Stop worrying, Cariño," he whispers. "Have a good night."

I bite my lip as I watch him get back into the cab and drive away. I feel like I just lived through ten seasons of The Young and The Restless, that's how emotionally drained I am...

Monique grabs one of my suitcases as we head inside. "So, looks like I missed a lot," she says, calling the elevator. "Care to tell me how the hell that happened?"

I groan, closing my eyes. "I think we need alcohol for this conversation."

"Oh, Cassie," she sighs. "What did you do?"

Once we're inside our apartment, Monique darts straight to the kitchen, emerging with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Okay, here's your booze. Now talk."

I pour myself a small glass and chug it, repeating this step three times. Then I start explaining to Monique everything that has happened over the past few months. Everything. Every detail. Every conversation. Every outing. Each kiss. Each touch. Each time Blake and Adrian have made my heart beat faster than recommended by the National Cardiac Society. I talk until my mouth is dry, my brain is hurting, and my lips stained red from the wine.

"Ho-ly fucking shit!" Monique exclaims, her deep brown eyes bulging out of her face. "Why didn't you tell me all of this before? How did I not know?"

I shrug. "You're never around anymore," I whisper. "And you're busy with the wedding. I just didn't want to bother you with everything."

Monique sets down her glass and frowns. "Cassie, you're my best friend. You can always call me, you know that." She sighs. "And I'm sorry I haven't been around. Everything's just been crazy lately. I'm sorry for not being here."

"It's okay, it's fine, I'm not mad," I say, genuinely smiling for the first time in hours. "I love you, Mon. I get it. You're here now and that's all that matters."

Monique swings her arms around my body and pulls me into a big, warm hug. "So, what're you going to do, Cass? Are you going to date Adrian? Or?"

"I guess so," I say, nibbling on the inside of my cheek. I can finally date Adrian. That's what I want. It is. "I just can't believe Blake fired me, why would he do that? It doesn't make sense."

"He told you to resign, it's different." Monique tilts her head. "It's better. It means that there won't be paperwork. HR won't know the reason you're leaving."

"So, he saved me from humiliation. How nice of him," I huff. "I can't believe he had the audacity to kiss me and then fire me! So stupid. I hate him."

" you like Blake?" Monique asks softly. "You seem to be focusing more on him rather than Adrian, your uh—boyfriend."

"Oh my God," I whine. "You're right, you're right. What is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about Blake? Why, Monique, why?"

"Cassie, honey, I'm going to say something you might not like hearing," Monique begins, patting my back. "But maybe you're suddenly into Blake because you can't have him. You do this sometimes. Remember Sam? You chased him for months, pining after him, and when he finally agreed to date you, you said you weren't feeling it anymore. Maybe Adrian is your Sam."

"What? No!" I scoff. "That's not true. I like Adrian. I do, really, I do. He's—" I let out a deep exhale. "Adrian's everything I've ever wanted in a man. He's fun, he's charismatic, we have so much in common, did you know he went to Peru as well? Did I tell you that? He loves dancing and exotic food and he's...he's perfect."

"Then you should be happy, Cass," Monique says, pouring me another glass of wine. "You're dating him. He's yours. Forget about Blake."

I nod my head. "Okay, yeah, you're right. You're always right." I push my glass of wine away. "I don't want anymore." I get up and grab my laptop.

Monique narrows her eyes. "What're you doing, Cass?"

"Looking for a new job," I say, pulling up Monster. "Apparently, the world keeps on spinning."