Company Ink by E.L. Lewis

e p i l o g u e

One Year Later

"Cassie!" Vanessa shouts from the living room. "Monique's calling!"

"Ah! I'm coming!" I shriek, stumbling over all our packed-up boxes. God, we've accumulated a ton of shit in the past year. I rented a fully furnished place for a reason yet here we are. Yikes. "Answer it, answer it!"

Ness answers Monique's FaceTime call on my laptop and I hop onto the couch beside my cousin. "Mon! How's it going? How's the Big Easy?" I ask.

Monique groans. "Cassie, I am so uncomfortable all the time. I literally put the Big in Big Easy." Monique stands up and shows us her growing belly. "I'm a balloon!"

"But you're a cute balloon." Vanessa giggles. "How is baby boy Sani doing?"

"Well, he's turned my bladder into his own personal stress ball but other than that, I think he's happy," Monique says, a hint of irritation in her voice. "I can't wait to fly back to Seattle. My grandparents are driving me crazy. Eat this, drink this, lay down, go for a walk. They're like pregnancy drill sergeants."

"Awe, they just care about you," I muse lightly.

Monique rolls her eyes. "Sure, let's go with that. Any-who, enough about me. How are you girls doing?" Her gaze darts to Vanessa. "You had your last treatment yesterday, right? How'd that go?"

"I ran twenty minutes on the treadmill without stopping!" Ness beams, her smile glowing. "Tariq was very impressed with me."

I wiggle my eyebrows. "Tariq, eh? What happened to Dr. Amari?"

Vanessa shoves me. "You're making it seem like he's my doctor, and he's not. He's just an intern, and he uh—well, he might have asked me for my number as soon as the last session ended."

Monique claps her hands. "Oh my God, Ness! Look at you, picking up sexy New York doctors."

Vanessa blushes. "It's not a big deal and it's not like we're going to date or anything, he lives here and we're flying back to Seattle on Sunday. We're just friends."

"Sure," I tease. "Friends with feelings."

Ness cocks her head to the side. "Feelings? Yeah? You wanna talk about feelings?" Her eyes dart to Monique. "Ask Cassie about Blake."

Shit. Walked straight into that one. Monique tosses me a cunning smile. "So, Cassie," she begins. "Get any more letters from Blake?"

I roll my eyes, smiling coyly. "I might have gotten one today." I reach for the envelope on the coffee table and hold it up.

Monique shakes her head, laughing. "I still can't believe you guys send snail mail to each other, it's so odd."

"It's not odd, maybe a little old fashioned but not odd!" I huff. "Plus, it's not like we planned for this to happen, it just sort of happened. And it kind of made things easier in a way; phone calls and text messages are too much pressure, you're always scared about being left on read, or not picking up on time, with letters it's more casual, intimate even."

"Uh-huh," Monique hums. "And how many letters has he written to you?"

I shrug. "Like twelve or something."

"Girl," Monique chuckles. "A year of writing back and forth and you haven't even kissed. You guys are crazy."

"It was better this way," I say, fiddling with the envelope in my hand. "I mean it started as a joke but just snowballed into something...more. Also! You owe me twenty dollars because I stayed true to my one-year pact. No dating, no men, no sex. I expect your e-transfer later today."

Vanessa laughs. "Hell has frozen over."

I scowl at my cousin. "You're so funny, Ness, hah hah hah."

"So, what does the letter say?" Monique probes. "Read it to me."

"No! This is private!" I exclaim, holding the letter to my chest. "For my eyes only."

Vanessa scoffs. "You read it to me earlier, Cassie."

My mouth drops. "Traitor!"

"Come on, Cass!" Monique pleads. "Entertain me, I can't do anything fun anymore. Please!"

"Fine!" I grunt, opening the eggshell white letter, my fingers tracing the cursive ink.

"Okay, so he wrote:

Dear Cassandra,

Today is August 4th, which means it's been 1 year since I semi-stalked you to New York. 52 weeks since you agreed to have a coffee with me, a coffee that took us a little over three months to actually schedule. 365 days since you told me that you were going to spend the next year focusing on your studies. 8760 hours since I knew you'd be worth the wait.

As I sit in my empty, dark office with only the flickering shadows of tea candles for light (another power outage), I can't help but countdown the days until you're back in Seattle. The year is over, Cassie, and if it's okay with Vanessa (hi, Ness) I'd very much like to pick you up at the airport on Sunday.

I've waited long enough for you. Say yes.

Yours Truly,

Blake Pearson

P.S. Perhaps your reply can come in the form of an email or a text message. Even though I have great faith in the United States Postal Service, I'd hate for you to arrive before your answer.

P.S.S. Hello Monique

"Holy cannoli," Monique sings. "That guy is one smooth...writer."

Squealing, I throw my head back. "I know!"

"Okay, relax there, Monica," Ness quips. "You're getting all squeaky."

"I can't help it! I'm just so—" I let out an ecstatic sigh. "I just can't wait to be back in Seattle. Everything is just so perfect right now. I have my degree, I've lived in New York, and now I just—I need my man." I pause, my face falling. "He is mine, right? He wants to date me... right?"

"Oh my God, Cassie," Monique laughs. "The man wrote you handwritten letters for a year, I think it's safe to say that he's interested."

I grin, biting my lip. "You're right. You're right. Ah, I'm so excited."

"We're excited for you," Ness says warmly. "A year is a long time for you to go without sex."

I roll my eyes. "Oh, shut up!"

"Oh gosh, you guys are too much," Monique laughs. "So, you're flying back Sunday? Where are you staying? With Ness and Lucy?"

I groan. "Well, I rented this Airbnb downtown until I figure out what to do with the house. The lease for the renters is up at the end of the month, then I might sell."

"And for a job?" Monique asks in her mom-voice. "Any leads?"

"I'll have you know that I've hired a job agency to help me," I state proudly. "They've been sending out my resumes this past week. I've gotten a few replies but nothing that really catches my eye."

"A job agency?" Monique purses her lips, nodding. "I'm impressed. No Twitter?"

I scoff. "It's the last resort now."

"I'm proud of you, Cass," Monique smiles.

"Thanks! I am too."

Vanessa checks her watch. "Okay, Mon, we have to go. We have reservations in fifteen minutes then we're going to the MoMA for an exhibit."

"Yes, the MoMA," I sigh. "Again, for the third time this week. Maybe uh—fiftieth time overall?"

Ness shrugs shamelessly. "There's a lot to see."

"They're paintings, Ness," I huff. "How can you stare at them for hours?"

Ness narrows her eyes. "Every stroke matters Cassie. It tells a story, captures emotions."


"Whatever, you're coming whether you want to or not," Ness says then turns towards the laptop. "We love you, Mon. See you in a few days, okay?"

"Bye girlies!" Monique exclaims. "Love you!" And the call disconnects.

Vanessa springs off the couch. "Okay, I'm getting our jackets, and then we're leaving."

"Fine, just give me five minutes to check my emails," I say, opening up my iMail account.

It's only been a week since I've started applying for a job, but I've gotten a few replies back already. I was hoping Gucci or Prada would reach out to me, wishful thinking, but I'm not going to be super picky right now either.

When I get to the latest email, the subject line catches my eye. What in the fuck?

From: [email protected]Subject: Opportunity Awaits at Cavloretta CoutureDate: Aug 6, 2021To: [email protected]

Miss Carrington,

My name is Yasmin Simmons, Human Resources Manager at Cavloretta Couture. We are currently looking for young talent at our new headquarters in Seattle, Washington.

I received your resume and portfolio from Horizon Recruitment, and I believe you'd be a great fit at our new corporate office.

Members of our team and I were really impressed by the various projects you managed at New Vision Press, as well as your glowing faculty recommendations at both WSU and NYU. We were particularly wowed by your paper, Couture in the 21st Century: Industry Trends and Market Breakdown.

Here, at Cavloretta Couture, we are always looking to collaborate with passionate, talented, and ambitious people who will bring innovation and creativity to our brand. Currently, we'd like to grow our team with a Creative Director, North American Market. I'd love to tell you a little more about this position and learn a few things about you, as well.

Are you available to meet on Monday, August 16, 2021 at 10 am? If so, I'd be happy to set up a call. I'm also happy to discuss the role via email or LinkedIn if you prefer.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Yasmin SimmonsHR ManagerCavloretta CoutureSeattle,

My jaw drops. Ho-ly shit.

I reread the email two more times. How is this possible? Cavloretta Couture doesn't have any stores, let alone a headquarters, in America. But they mentioned the recruitment firm I used to help me find a job. What is going on?!

I quickly go to their website, biting my nails as the page loads agonizingly slow.

Once the browser loads, my eyes dart to the announcement on the landing page.

“It gives me great pleasure to announce that Cavloretta Couture is going international.”– Adrian Cavallero, CEO

CEO?! Is this what he's been doing all year?

The End

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