Grumpalicious by Mia Faye

Chapter 16


She pumped my dick under the water gently at first then her attentions built into a flurry of motion and intensity. I felt electricity travel from my cock to my toes and before I knew it, I was ready to cum hard. She could give me so little and always it was enough. I stood up, feeling gripped by ecstasy, and pulled myself out of her grasp to ejaculate into the filter on the spa tub. Tingles of fire raced from the back of my skull to my buttocks as I shivered out the last of my release.

“Fuck, Genni,” I gasped as I flopped back down beside her. “All you did was use your hand.”

I actually marveled at her ability to understand me and the needs of my body. I usually hated hand jobs. If I wasn’t going in for the deep-dive, I at least wanted some throat action, but with Genni, just her firm grip was enough. I realized it was because she alone was enough. Just being with her in her presence made me happy. Anything else was gravy.

“I’ve become pretty good at using my hand.” She twirled her hand in the air and I thought of all the other guys she’d not slept with and it made sense. She was good at getting guys off so that they would let her just be.

It was kind of a sad thought really. Men always wanting sex, constantly hounding her— like me—because she was beautiful, sexy, and talented. I got it, I got her whole virgin thing and why getting that cherry was such a prize.

“I’d love to return the favor.” I turned to her and offered a kiss.

“Thanks, but tonight I just want to dry off and go to bed. I will be nice if you held me though.”

And that’s what I did. I held her dressed in my baggy sweats and an oversized T-shirt— she was the most adorable thing. I thought I wouldn’t be able to just sleep next to her, but with her wrapped in my embrace, I felt warm and comfortable and fell right to sleep.

When we woke up the next morning we brushed our teeth. I impressed her by having a new toothbrush for her...then she got quiet.

“I guess you must have a stash of these,” she mentioned as she waved the toothbrush in the air.

“They seem kind of useless now.”

She gave me a funny look and the moment passed. But I was being honest, I couldn’t imagine anyone hanging out with me in my home other than Genni. For the next week, we followed the same routine. She’d get up, we’d have coffee together, and maybe toast or yogurt and fruit, she’d then take a car I’d ordered for her to the studio, work her ass off until late at night, come home, eat, take a bath, and crash with me in bed. We negotiated three episodes of the reality television series where Genni would be introduced as my girlfriend and we had a special Mexico vacation planned as the season finale where we’d be meeting with Allie and her new boyfriend and it was supposed to be a super explosive trip full of drama. We almost didn’t sign the contracts, but it was Genni who pulled me through it.

“We don’t have to be the explosive ones,” she assured me.

I wasn’t sure what a vacation in Mexico was going to look like for us, but I decided, per Genni’s counsel, to just live in the moment. So, the following week, Genni debuted her first single on YouTube. We wanted her nominated for a Grammy, so I used my PR machine and all the social media power at my disposal, and we dropped her first single the night before we were to film the first episode of the reality TV series together. We used the recording studio at the office, and it was really late. Genni was still so gorgeous, but the hard work had taken a toll on her. She needed a day off.

Since she’d arrived in New York she’d worked for two weeks straight. We slept together every night and apart from using hands, fingers, and the magic wand on occasion, Genni and I still hadn’t had intercourse. It was sort of okay, I guess, but the more I was with her, the more I genuinely wanted to make love to her. Not just pop a bone and shag her hard, but truly make love to every single inch of her body, however, the level of intimacy we shared was up to her discretion.

I sat and watched her sing, her voice was husky and beautiful, the song was gut-wrenching and tender and she nailed it. By midnight on the night, we dropped the song she had already gone viral. The phone was ringing off the hook. I woke up to ten billion emails, she was literally an overnight sensation and as much as I wanted to just celebrate with her, we had the damn show to film the next day. So, we showed up to hair and makeup at the crack of dawn and I gave her a parting kiss before we were whisked away.

“Just be you, you’re going to do great.” I encouraged her though she really didn’t need it.

“Thanks,” she said looking frazzled.

“Well, so who are you going to be exploiting this time?” Allie asked with a bite in her tone as we assembled at the house party where we were to see each other for the first time after months of being apart.

The whole thing was rigged, of course, most of the people milling about were extras paid to be there, and those who weren’t were friends of Allie’s. I was in shark-infested waters and worse, so was Genni.

“I’m launching a new singer and we’re legitimately dating. I’m not playing around this time, Allie, she’s the one.”

“Fuck you, Cash, there will never be just one,” she scoffed as Genni came out of hair and make-up looking like a queen.

“Please don’t tell me that nube is your next?” Allie was a vicious troll, and she loved every second of being exactly that.

“Allison King meet Genevieve Green.” I just went in for the band-aid ripping moment.

“Hi,” Genni extended her hand and for a second I thought Allie might spit on it.

“Hi,” Allie returned, completely plastic Barbie doll bitch, and gingerly shook Genni’s hand. “I heard your song last night. I think the world did. Cash does have quite the PR powerhouse behind him. I mean I even got a Facebook notification that you were going to drop a mega-hit. Ha-ha, I was like Genevieve who the fuck?”

“Right? Who the Fuck? I think that’s going to be the title of the album, we just have to clear it with licensing,” Genni joked, and I loved her that much more.

What I didn’t know was the cameras had already been rolling and that little exchange with the obligatory bleeps was going to definitely make it on the air. There was nothing I was going to be able to do. Genni was swimming in the deep end. Luckily it looked like she could hold her head above water.

“We have a few other names that we're tossing around just in case,” I added to tame Allie’s fire.

“Maybe it should be called Who the Fuck is Cash’s Flavor This Week?” Allie added.

“Ha, that’s funny.” Genni only lost her cool for a moment. “Only I’m no one’s flavor of the week, I’m too busy to even eat. I don’t have time for nonsense and Cash and I are just exploring our feelings for each other. I’ll let you know if it fizzles out, but for the moment we are both pretty invested.” She flashed one of her signature big smiles and I felt my blood pressure ease a little. “And God, I love what he does with his mouth. Am I right? He’s everything.” She looked at Allie dead in the face.

“And everything would be?”

“None of your business.” Genni threw out her signature glare and my heart warmed.

“You’re on TV, sweetie. It’s all of our business. When you start dating the most important man in music, especially if you show up on his ex-fiancé’s television show, even your shit is for public consumption. But don’t be too bruised when that end date comes faster than you thought it might. Cash has a short shelf life.” With a flip of her hair, Allie was off to talk to someone else and the camera’s followed; she loved to get the last word.

“I can see why you liked her,” Genni looked at me and said sarcastically. “You must still have her fingernail marks etched on your back. I didn’t see them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. What did you two do for fun, light matches and flick them at each other?”

“She’s a pretty solid screw. Imagine all that fire arched and panting and begging you to dive deeper...and her vagina is expert, grade A, seasoned vagina. I mean, she could take me and then some. It was always just about the sex.” I shrugged my shoulders because that was the truth. “She’s a nasty bitch but I would go for her killer pussy any day of the week...when we were together it was always just shut up and fuck.”

And finally, I showed up at the party. I had been trying to be such a good guy for Genni, and there I was on national television because I knew they had cameras absolutely everywhere, and I had just confessed that Allie was just a good fuck. Genni stood there a little shell shocked for a moment, then a nice fake smile spread wide across her face.

“She’s pretty keyed up, I bet if you asked her, she’d still give you anything you want, Cash. She’s clearly hurting and is still in love with you. Maybe you guys need to sit down and work out whatever is missing…perhaps you need to make her feel like she was more than just a person you slept with.”

I wasn’t sure why that made me so angry, but I just went off. “You know what’s missing?” I yelled, loud enough for absolutely everyone to hear. “Her soul, that’s what’s missing. Come on...I can’t do this.” I grabbed Genni by the arm and I was about to drag her out when she stopped me.

“But I can. I love you, Cash, and if we need to be here to clear your name and prove to the world that you are someone better than they think you are then I will stand here and take whatever anyone throws at me. We’re stronger than this...we can rise above it.”

Well fuck me...she was brilliant. She wasn’t just playing the game; she was owning the playing field.

“You know that’s why I love you. You’re fire, girl. Fire.” I took her gently by the arm and walked her to the buffet table spread out with tons of food and I introduced her around.

Allie kept us in her hawk-eyed line of sight, but I didn’t care. For the first time, I was having fun. There was lots of talk about Genni’s viral video, and plenty were grabbing Instagram shots with her and tweeting that they’d just met her. And, even though she had not agreed to it, and it wasn’t in her contract, she sang an acapella version of the song right there on the grass, with just a mic and her guitar. The whole place fell to pieces over her. I had legitimately found a star.

After her song I was swept away from Genni, leaving her to the crowd to film a confessional which was part of the show’s format. When I was Allie’s boyfriend, we would do them together, but as the tension mounted and we broke up, we did them apart and they were scathing little slander pieces meant to tear each other down. I was slightly worried after I was fitted with a mic, sitting in the pink fuzzy room, completely designed by Allie.

“So,” the interviewer started. “Allie is really out to get you tonight. First of all, she wants to know why you showed up here with a date.” The interviewer said, knowing full well Genni had signed a contract to be on the show.

“You mean other than the fact that I was only brought back on the show to be here with my new woman?” I laughed it off knowing my comeback line would land on the cutting room floor. “Well, Allie and I have a lot to recover from. We both weren’t very kind to each other, and I think we’ve left scars. I didn’t want to hurt her, but you know she’s here with her new man so all’s fair in love and war right? I wanted her to know that I’ve moved on and I don’t have any hard feelings. Genevieve is one of the kindest women in the world. Allie could take a page out of her book and maybe she will because I’m sure she’s out there at that party with her dagger’s out, but I trust Genni can handle Allie. In the end, Allie is just as broken as I am.” And damn it if I didn’t just spout out the truth. “You know I think I loved that most about Allie. We were both cracked and jagged and we’d dragged ourselves up from the gutter. I cared for Allie and part of me will always care about her,” of course that was a lie. “But wanting the best for someone is also allowing yourself to let them go. Genni taught me that and I hope one day we can all be friends.”

Okay, so I ended with a cascade of lies. My plan was to be so boring they’d have to stop filming me so that I could get back to Genni and see if she needed any rescuing.

“And what about Allie’s allegation that you were dating Genni while the two of you were still together?”

“Genni would have never dated me if I was still attached to someone…”

The questions continued, and I answered each one with something about Genni, to the point that the interviewer finally got tired and checked with his producer to see if they had enough film on me to quit. It was a surprise to no one that they had plenty and I was excused to go outside and find Genni’s hair being pulled out by the roots as she was dragged to the pool.