Grumpalicious by Mia Faye

Chapter 18


I didn’t like lying to her, but Allie lost it when the producers told her that I was in a serious relationship with Genni. She couldn’t fathom any relationship being that serious after such a short amount of time and just assumed I’d been cheating on her with Genni, and I sort of let her think what she wanted to since I didn’t really have a better explanation for her. I certainly couldn’t have told her the truth.

“Sorry, if we told you, it wouldn’t have looked authentic. Did she hurt you?” She really did drag Genni hard.

“No, but she did scare me, Cash. In fact, all of this is kind of scaring me. I don’t really want to dive too deep into your world, it’s a shady place. And yet, now I’m a little freaked to go back to my hotel because apparently Taylor Rayne is just next door, and it would be awkward if I ran into her. This whole night has been too much.” Poor thing, she really did look small and lost.

“How about you come home with me and we just get pizza and forget about everything?”

“I can’t forget about everything with you.”

“You can. Let me just be your friend and you can bitch to me about how some jerk’s ex-girlfriend attacked you on a reality television show set today and I’ll just listen and top off your wine. I promise.”

That got me a giggle which was a good sign.

“It’s very tempting,” she said with a bright smile.

“Good. I like when you think I’m tempting.” And her eye roll was truly precious. “In fact, I like everything about you. Your singing today was heaven and I will say you handled the drama as beautifully as you did Taylor Rayne’s call. That was totally unexpected. I mean I think production wanted to do something epic like that and Taylor, I was told, was on standby for something, but it was supposed to be related to Allie. Allie is so well connected and I think she and Taylor are ‘friends’ since one of Allie’s people knows one of her people or something like that. I never paid much attention to it, but now I do because she wants to sing with you.” That was going to be such a publicity bonus, I was thrilled.

“Yeah, it’s all...” Genni took a deep breath.

“Not anything we have to worry about right now.”

I wanted to hold her, so I did. I brought her into my arms and held her close. It felt good to have her sink into my embrace. For that one moment, I truly loved the woman. She was brave, gorgeous, talented, there really wasn’t one positive adjective I could think of that didn’t describe her. She was completely different than any woman I had ever dated before.

I brought her home and we ordered cheese, olive, and pepperoni pizza, her choice. We had wine and Caesar salad and even ordered our food from the divey pizza place down the street as if we were just two normal people. I wanted to turn on the TV so that we could use it as a distraction, but the moment I did there was an advertisement for Allie’s TV show, and it sort of killed the vibe, so I turned it off and put on some soothing music.

“You want to have a dip in the jacuzzi after dinner? I think a nice warm soak might do us both some good...we could just watch the stars.”

“Aren’t jacuzzies dangerous?” She gave me that playful glare she always loved to throw around.

“Not with my best friend.” I blew her a little kiss and she laughed again. I loved how forgiving she was. “I promise. I’ll continue to behave.”

She looked at me with that sparkle of love in her eyes. “I know you will. Sure, let’s do it. Jacuzzi, wine, and stars sound like the perfect end to the weirdest day I’ve ever had.”

We touched pizza slices to each other in a strange cheers and headed upstairs to the jacuzzi. I took off my shirt and threw it on the ground, then my jeans and underwear, she’d seen me before, no need to be modest. Watching me so casually undress, she did the same and in moments we were both naked. Unfortunately, my cock was really excited about that and it showed. I couldn’t even get my mind around what kind of visual would tame it because Genni was just too gorgeous, especially naked.

“Sorry, the little asshole just likes naked women. He’ll settle down if we ignore him.” I teased as if my cock wasn’t a part of me.

“No, he’s okay. I understand what he’s going through,” she sighed.

“Oh, come on. There is not one single bone in your body that can’t control yourself around me,” I complained dipping into the warm water. “You have it easy, trust me. I wish I weren’t so attracted to you; it would make not having sex with you so much easier.” I didn’t mean to say that exactly, but that’s what I said.

“Let’s pretend we did make love to one another, what then?”

“You mean how would it change our relationship? I don’t think it would change much. We’ve practically made love already, though you have had me waiting for a minute. It’s made the need much more intense. I don’t think having sex with you would lessen my desire for you that much. I might be more insatiable in that regard.” My whole body warmed at the thought of being with her fully. “Why? What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

“It’s a mess in there, trust me.” She shook her head and scoffed at herself.

“Do you trust me?” It was a daring and risky question because I was pretty sure she didn’t trust me at all.

“I don’t know,” she quietly said.

“Well, that’s not a ‘no’. I’ll take it.” I kissed her cheek and she looked like she was going to cry.

“What am I doing? My whole life has just been turned upside down.” She bit her lip, and I could tell she was grappling with existential angst, more worry than the occasion needed.

“Everything is fine, you’re overwhelmed and tired. A good orgasm will cure all your problems.” She scoffed at me and laughed; at least she laughed.

“Do you ever take anything seriously?” Now she was getting angry.

“I take you seriously, but I think you’re getting worked up about a lot of things you have no power to change. Honestly, if you’d just surrender and take this journey with me, you’ll stop fighting yourself all the time. You want to make love to me, I know it and so do you, but you keep battling this image of me and of yourself and you’ll never win that war. Just let go and enjoy life. If you’re worried I’m going to have sex with you then drive you to a deserted mountain in upstate New York and dump your cold dead body, I promise I won’t. Making love to you I know comes with a lot of responsibility and I’m willing to take a step toward it if you are. I know all of this inner turmoil is you just fighting your own demons about this. There is nothing wrong with casual, consensual, loving, sex. You are a grown woman and that’s what grown women do. You wanted me to love you, well, I do in my way. I certainly respect you and I have no plans to hurt you. I actually want to try something new myself. I’ve never really loved anyone before but I’m willing to try with you. This is the hardest I’ve ever begged...anyone.”

She looked at me with an expression of complete surrender.

“I can’t stop thinking of you. And wanted to...I want…”

“No need to say it. I feel it too.” I then leaned in and kissed her passionately allowing my tongue to slip into her mouth and taste her as I moved closer.

I did nothing more than kiss her though my cock sure wanted more, I took it slow, knowing that this was probably the moment when Genni was going to let herself go and allow me to rock her world legitimately. We kissed for a while until she lifted her head up and looked at me.

“I’m getting hot,” she gasped.

“Me too. I have a bedroom up here.” I popped out of the water and grabbed us both some big fluffy white towels. “It has a view of the sky just like the pool room. And I’ve got snacks and stuff if you get hungry and ice-cold water...” She gently exited the pool and stared at me as I wrapped the towel around her shoulders. “We’ll still only go as far as you want. No pressure. I just want to wake up next to you.”

She wrapped the towel around her perfect body and quietly stepped out of the hot tub. “Lead the way.”

She was being a little more like herself, but I could tell she was still hesitant. We walked into the bedroom that I had just, well, for fucking actually. It did have a view of the night sky and was the most decadent perch in all of New York City as one could fuck ‘til their heart’s content looking at the stars, or what few of them we could actually see through the light pollution, and be the only ones in the world who knew we were there. I had a mad affection for privacy and so everything was triple-paned and darkened on the outside. No one would see anything and so I dumped my towel on a hook as soon as I entered the room, but Genni opted to hold onto hers.

“How about a lavender martini? I’m fixing myself one.” I walked over to the bar, fully naked.

“Naked bartending, that’s a first for me. Can anyone see us up here?” She looked around the nearly all-glass room.

“Nope, we can see out but not one single solitary soul can see in. My designer is flawless. Keep the towel if you must, but I’m lovin’ this feeling.” I started assembling what I needed to make us our drinks as she sat in a chair near the terrace and looked down to the city below.

“You really do have an incredible life, Cash,” she mused.

“Incredibly lonely at times,” I said, bringing her a drink. “What’s all this without someone to share it?” She sipped her drink and didn’t answer, still fighting her inner demons so I brought my chair up behind her and started massaging her shoulders. “Don’t give any of this too much thought.”

She slugged back her drink which was very unexpected, turned to me, and kissed me full on the lips again. She then kissed my neck, my shoulder, and down my chest. My blood started seriously pumping and I couldn’t think straight. I stood up, lifted her out of the chair, and brought her to the bed. The rest of the night could be likened to a freight train barreling through a small, seductive, little town full of mist and wonder. She gave me full license to touch, taste and feel.

“Just say one word and I’ll stop,” I assured her, and she grabbed my hair and brought my face to her mouth.

“I want this. I want all of you. I can’t wait anymore. I’m going crazy.”