Grumpalicious by Mia Faye

Chapter 23


The conversation was killing the mood. I hated talking about having an accidental pregnancy because it meant that no matter how close Cash and I were getting, he’d still never want our child, just like he didn’t want the son he already had. I gave having sex with him that night a lot of thought, but the truth was, making love to Cash brought us closer. The more we shared intimate moments, the more we understood each other. That understanding awakened us, not just sexually but emotionally and because of that, he addressed the issue before I even had to say anything.

“Let’s just take everything one day at a time.” He kissed my lips. “We won’t make any decisions about anything, it’s way too soon. Tomorrow you’ll see the gynecologist and we’ll discuss options and decide them then. Tonight, I want us to make us happy,” he said as he kissed his way down my belly. “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll start, we can leave the cock sucking for another day.”

And he did. I loved the feel of him between my legs with his tongue pressed against me. I arched into his eager mouth and my mind spun with passion. He knew how to wind me up in such a way that I forgot the world. Tingles of delight filled me, lessening my worries about what we were doing therefore making me more focused on the moment. In that instant, no one else in the world existed. When his fingers joined his mouth, I saw stars shooting across my line of vision as the first of several orgasms gripped me. My stomach clenched and I coiled in as my body shivered and exploded. As soon as the warm wave of euphoria washed over me, I was just fine.

“There you are,” Cash commented as he came up from the deep with his cock raised with a proud need.

“My turn.” I looked at him, knowing he needed a little of what he’d just given me. I gently rolled over toward him and scooted down the bed to take his massive length into my mouth. Gently lashing his cock with my tongue brought a kind of unexpected intimacy. I hadn’t much experience going down on men, I’d done it only a few times. Most of the time I just did as much as was needed, but with Cash, I truly enjoyed the feel of him in my mouth. As I swallowed him deeper, his groans of satisfaction encouraged me to explore more of him as I fondled his heavy balls. As I took more and more of him into my throat, I found a weird sensation, where he and I became one being, connected in an intimate way. I swallowed him and was about to massage his shaft with my lips, but his hand gently touched my head.

“I don’t want to cum in your mouth,” he whispered sweetly as he raised my shoulders away from him. “I want to look at your face,” he said, staring at me for a moment before he kissed my neck and fondled my breasts, igniting the fire inside of me again.

He lifted my leg over his hip and gently pressed into my pussy, with a raking pressure that sent pinpricks of pain and pleasure through my body. Before I was able to unscramble what was happening he was leaning over me, with a giddy smile as he slowly thrust himself all of the way in.

“Ah,” I cried out as he became a part of me in the most intimate way.

From that moment forward he pumped and thrust and my hips met his clamoring for as much of him as he’d give me. I couldn’t get close enough. Because of this I toppled him to his back and started riding his cock hard. I ground my hips into his and felt his dick hit the farthest reaches of my body and still I wanted more. I was ravenous for him. I leaned down to lay on his chest as we pistoned on one another. I kissed him as our bodies slammed in and out of each other until we were both right there on the edge. Cash quickly pulled out of me and massaged his cock between my pussy and ass giving me the most delightful sensation as he came hard and with a convulsing shudder on my back. It was weird but also wonderful.

“You are a goddess,” he breathed out heavily, panting from the exertion of his climax.

I had still not hit my climax quite yet and so I ground down on his deflating cock as his fingers found my swollen clit and pressed in hard, pinching and pushing until everything was a white-hot blur. After having such a powerful first orgasm, the second one was softer and left me ragged as I drifted down onto his hot body and promptly fell asleep. Somewhere on my path to dreamland, I think I heard him say he loved me, but I wasn’t sure, everything was too mushy and hazed to know.

I slept peacefully by his side. Clearly, I was exhausted as I didn’t even feel him get up and move about the room. I roused only when I heard the distinct ring of his phone coming from a location near my head. It rang long enough for me to wake up to the point where I wasn’t going to fall back asleep again.

“Sorry,” he said quietly as my eyes opened and tried to focus.

When my vision cleared, there he was with a night’s worth of stubble grown on his face and adoring green eyes, peering into my soul.

“Good morning.” I did my best to offer a smile.

I wasn’t as ravaged as I was the first time we’d had sex, but he was still a pretty big guy with a very passionate and enthusiastic lovemaking style. I felt well-fucked and achy.

“How are you feeling this morning?” He snuggled in closer to me and I feared morning breath.

“I feel amazing, but maybe I should go and brush my teeth before you come any closer,” I said, rearing my head back.

“Oh, trust me a little bit of morning breath from someone as delightful as you is never going to ward me off.” He leaned and kissed me passionately to prove it. “I loved last night, and I adore waking up with you. Somehow you make the day feel right.” He was absolutely glowing when the phone rang again.

Gone was the angsty man who was gruff and distant. He was Cayden again, the tender lover who knew to check in with me emotionally. I loved that man, the one laying beside me because he was a person few people ever got to see.

“So, what are we going to do today?” I asked, feeling invigorated. Just as I did, his phone rang again. “Someone is really trying to get a hold of you.”

He looked at the phone number and wrinkled his nose. “Why doesn’t she just leave a voicemail?” he said under his breath.

“Go ahead and answer it. I can go in the other room if you want.” I didn’t really think about the fact that I was naked.

“No, stay.” He answered the phone and looked at me with a smile. “Yeah.” It wasn’t a very nice way to greet someone, but he was Cash Coltrane, no expected him to be nice. He waited on the phone for a few minutes as a look of worry spread across his features. “What?” The look soon turned to panic. “Isn’t he only nine?” His lips made a thin line. “Well, I don’t know what you expect me to do about it.” There was another long pause. “Seriously, Sarah. I don’t see how I can be of help here. Just call the police. I’ve told you before I don’t want to be involved. I send you guys money, that should be enough. Let me know if you find him. If you don’t hear from him in a day, I’ll see what I can do on my end to get you some more help.” Again, a moment of silence. “Listen, I’m sorry he feels that way, I really am, but you know growing up without a dad isn’t the worst thing in the world, he’ll get over it. Maybe your new husband can step it up, I mean isn’t that what blended families do?” He was getting angry as his face reddened. “Oh, I see, well,” he heaved a big sigh. “I guess that changes things. I’m sorry I can’t help you. me when you find him. I’m sorry.” He ended the call and his face dropped into a concerned frown.

“Is everything okay?” I didn’t want to pry, but things sounded dire.

“Alex ran away. His mom is pregnant and starting to show so they told him, and he ran away sometime last night. They can’t find him.” Cayden’s voice was a harsh whisper. “Sarah wants me to come to help look for him, but I don’t see what good that will do. He doesn’t even know I’m his father. I think she wants me to reach out on social media and claim him, you know so that he’ll feel wanted, but it’s her job to do that, not mine. I don’t even know the guy. My father left me and never claimed me, and I turned out okay. He’ll be fine. He’s probably just at a friend’s house trying to make his mother angry.”

“Is that what you did? Run away to punish your mother for your father not loving you?” I shouldn’t have asked, it was his business, but if I was going to have anything more than a fake relationship with him one day, his son would eventually be a part of our lives, even if he didn’t want him to be.

“It’s totally different,” he huffed.

“It’s not different at all. You said your father was famous and kept your mother as entertainment and you ended up on the streets, doing drugs, hanging with thugs, and…”

“And I fucking turned my life around and now look at me. I didn’t need a father to become what I’ve become in life, okay. The kid will be fine...he’s from strong stock, he’ll grow a pair of balls.” With that, Cayden got out of bed and walked naked to the bathroom.

“You know how infuriating you are?”

“It’s always me isn’t it?” he yelled out from the bathroom. “I’m always the bad guy.”

I sat with that for a moment. I mean he had a point, him going to look for Alex wasn’t going to bring him back, but denying his son, especially as a famous public figure… Well, that could really wear a boy’s self-esteem down to nothing. He stayed in the bathroom for a while and I wasn’t sure what to do at that point. I should have gone in and tried to console him, but he wasn’t the nurturing type. Instead, I got up and got dressed. I walked out into the living room and just stood overlooking Manhattan thinking of a nine-year-old boy on those streets with a broken heart. After a long time, Cayden came out of his room looking refreshed, he’d had a shower without me.

“I’m sorry, it isn’t my business what you do with your son.” I turned to him to see his beautiful face in the early morning light. It was only near eight, so still pretty early.

“No, you have a point. It’s just...It’s all so complicated.”

“I just think of him out there on those streets feeling unwanted, I’m worried is all. A kiddo shouldn’t have to go through that kind of pain. It’s not his fault he was born.” I closed my eyes and thought about Cayden and me, we hadn’t been safe with each other, and though I was pretty sure we hadn’t, we could have made a baby easily.

“You’re right.” He came up behind me and slid his arms around my center. “Sometimes, I am the villain.” He kissed my neck and sent shivers down my spine.

Was I ready to love the antagonist? Just then he got another call and every nerve in my body tensed. Cayden’s expression crossed in confusion as he answered it.

“This is Cash,” he said, obviously not knowing the caller on the other line. “What? How? Just... How?”

“Is he okay?” I squealed in panic.

Cayden shook his head and I freaked out more.

“Okay, she’s right here, I’ll let you tell her.” And just like that, Cayden handed me the phone.

I looked at him with wide terrified eyes. “Hello, Ms. Green. I am Carlton Spelling calling from the Academy of Recording Arts and Scientists to let you know that you have been nominated with Taylor Rayne for the song Angel. Congratulations. We’ll be in touch with the details later.”

“Oh My God...Okay, um, okay. Thanks,” I said as I ended the call, completely stunned. “Did I just get nominated for a Grammy?” I barely squeaked out.

“It seems like you did. You and Taylor.” Now Cayden was beaming with pride.

“How?” I had barely left Texas, everything was such a crazy mess. I couldn’t even compute how long it had been.

“Well, she’s Taylor Rayne and the song is beautiful, so it’s reached thirty million views last I checked. Taylor is releasing an EP with the song on it, you’re going to make millions. We got the deal yesterday. I thought I’d surprise you this weekend, but it looks like Carlton Spelling beat me to it.”

“I can’t believe that this is all happening.” I flopped down on the chair near the window and let all the big feelings I was having wash over me.