Grumpalicious by Mia Faye

Chapter 34


How could I tell her that the song had broken me? It had made me want to be a better man and more it gave me the chance to be excited for my baby. She had to know what her raw and unleashed lyrics and music had done to my soul.

“I saw Alex after I heard you play the song on your guitar and we had the best day together. I told him that I was going to be a better father and apologized for messing everything up, then I thanked him for giving me another chance. It felt so good, Genni.” It was strange that telling her I had a good day with Alex was the first thing I wanted her to know despite all that we’d been going through.

“I saw the post, it looked like you were both having fun. I’m glad you reached out to him Cayden; it will be so much better for both of you in the end.”

“I agree,” I said as I waved to Peyton to join us. “I don’t bite, I promise. Come sit with us.”

She shook her head as if we were both bat shit crazy and took the empty seat next to me. “So, are you both good now?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Genni, are we?” I turned and looked at her.

“I want this baby, Cayden. I want to carry her...or him, I want to give birth and raise my child, with or without you, but honestly, I’d rather it be with you because I love you.”

The sincerity in her expression melted my heart. She truly was the most loving and perfect human alive.

“Okay. So, we will go to the doctor and do what we need to do so that you stay healthy. We’ll have you record music from home and keep the interviews to a minimum. Perhaps we’ll go off the radar for a while and just get ready to be a family.” A strange excitement tickled my senses as all of it came together that morning.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” I leaned in and kissed her soft lips. “I love you, Genevieve, we’ll make this work.”

“Oh, thank God,” Peyton breathed as she let out a sigh. This made us all laugh.

We enjoyed breakfast and conversation and watched my iPhone as the world went wild with our hashtag surprises. One of the phone calls blowing up my phone was from Clifford Ross’s office. The voicemail left was from a lawyer who threatened to sue me for the GrandpaRoss hashtag saying it was a violation of his rights. I was pretty sure calling out your own biological father wasn’t illegal, but I called my lawyer anyway and had him send a formal letter addressing the accusations. In the letter, my lawyer offered my father to take a DNA test to clear up any paternity confusion. If he was found to be my biological father, I had the right to claim him since I had not signed an NDA.

The lawyer went on to state that Genni and I would not be using the hashtag in further posts until the DNA results were in. He gave my dad one month to submit to DNA testing at a testing center in New York, if he failed to be tested, I would be allowed to resume using the hashtag legally as a refusal to test would be considered a confirmation of paternity.

We let all the rest of the calls go unanswered that day. Life was moving at breakneck speed and I loved it. I had more surprises up my sleeve as I’d stayed up most of the night making plans. After breakfast, I got down on one knee and took Genni’s hand. In my pocket was a seven-carat diamond ring, just hanging out in my pocket waiting to spend the rest of its life on her finger.

“Genevieve Green, will you marry me? I promise to love and honor you with all of my heart and be the best father to our baby. You have shown me that I can be a better man and I will be one for you if you give me the chance. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you and I hope that one day I will deserve your love in return. Please...marry me so that we might spend the rest of our lives falling in love over and over again.” I had tears in my eyes because I knew without a question she was the one.

“Yes,” was all she said looking stunned and quiet.

“Can we get married tomorrow?” I asked knowing I’d already made plans to get married in Mexico and Peyton gasped. “After you go to the doctor of course.”

“You have lost your mind,” Genni laughed.

“I’m serious. We’ll go to Mexico and get married. I promised you that I’d buy our bungalow if we got married. All I have to do is transfer the money and the place is ours. I’ve already arranged it and conveniently there’s a one-hour chapel just for dash-in weddings down the street,” and I wasn’t kidding, I had booked that too.

“I’ve never really dreamed of a big wedding or anything, but this all seems a bit sudden and um…sad.”

I could imagine a one-hour wedding place would be sad, but worth it if it meant I could be married to Genni sooner.

“I mean, I guess if this is just a fake wedding then it really doesn’t matter when or where we get married, so okay. The six months are up, and I still want to explore more of what we have together, so let’s do it. Let’s just make this happen.”

Suddenly, I was a little sad, she had no idea that I wanted to truly marry her...and be her husband until I took my last breath.

“No,” I said, quietly, hoping she’d want me as much as I did her.

She looked at me as confusion clouded her expression. “No?” she questioned.

“It’s not going to be a fake marriage. I’m marrying you, Genevieve this is it. We can have a real wedding if we want after the baby comes, but right now I just want to be married to you. I don’t plan on ever having another wife. You will be my one and only.”

“Cayden? What are you saying?” She looked like she might cry again and the last thing I wanted to do to her was make her cry more.

I’d already hurt her enough.

“I’m saying I’m in love with you and I want you to really marry me forever.”

“Genevieve, are you okay?” Peyton asked. “You look...pale.”

“I just... I wasn’t really expecting this,” she confessed.

“Do you not want to marry me?” The hurt look on her face crushed me and also had me worried.

“No, I do, it’s just…”

“All so sudden, I understand. But let’s take this crazy adventure together. I love you and I can’t see a day when I won’t always love you.”

“What about when the baby is horrible, and the world makes us crazy?”

“Well, that’ll just be a bad day, but we’ll get through those kinds of days together. I promise. We’ve both been through so much, we can make it...we’re good together.”

“I’m willing to try if you are.” The sweet smile that crossed her face gave me hope.

“Peyton, would you mind coming to Mexico with us for a few days? I bet Genevieve would like to have a maid of honor and a best friend there for her big day.”

“Oh, I’m coming, you couldn’t drag me away from this,” she said with a wide smile.

“And is Kevin coming?” Genni asked, still looking confused.

“He is and I’ve invited Alex and his family to enjoy a little vacation. It is all so sudden but luckily I’ve surrounded myself with spontaneous people. We’re all on board. My private jet leaves tonight and by tomorrow we’ll have the world’s shittiest wedding,” I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

We all boarded the jet that night and I made sure the mood was light and festive. I had family-friendly movies, snacks and a chef prepared a delicious dinner. The flight was nine hours and so when we arrived the next morning everyone was a little exhausted. I pushed our wedding one day so that everyone could rest in the bungalows. I had sort of lied to Genni, I didn’t just buy our bungalow, I had purchased all of them. The developer still owned the hotel, and I owned the bungalows with the caveat that I’d make them available for rent if I wasn’t using them. We agreed on an exorbitant rental price so I could make back the money I spent to buy them in a few years. There was no downside. More importantly, Genni, I, and the baby would have a place to escape to if we needed it. As soon as we opened the door to the bungalow we relaxed. It was the perfect getaway.

“I can’t believe this is all happening, Cayden,” Genni said as she laid down on the couch and stared out at the peaceful water.

“I can.”

She laughed, “Yes, well you arranged it all so I guess you might.”

“And it’s all going perfectly to plan.” I pretended to laugh with a sinister sneer.

“Did you give any thought to what I might wear tomorrow, Mr. Devious?”

“I know how much you hate being fussed over, so there is a local shop in town I thought we might visit today that can embroider a traditional Mexican wedding gown. I’ve told them that we will be coming and they’re willing to work with us. But we have a few hours yet and I thought we might christen our new home.” I kneeled in front of where she was laying and playfully tickled my fingers over her breasts.

She giggled. “You. What about the fishes,” her eyes glanced down to the glass bottom floor.

“Would you be more comfortable in the bed?”

“Yes,” she said and so I picked her up and brought her to the bed.

It took me no time to disrobe her and peppered kisses along her skin, noting how much I’d missed her.

She responded as she always did with gasps and mewls as I cascaded my tongue over her sensitive nipples lapping at their tiny peaks and the goose flesh that raised around them, telling me she was ready whenever I was.

“Ah, Cayden,” she cried out and her fingers raked through my hair making my cock harder.

There was no way I could take it slow; I needed her too much.

“Spread your legs, love,” I commanded as my fingers dipped into her checking to see if she could take me.

I wasn’t surprised to find her wet and waiting for me, so I thrust into her feeling her tightness. I was home. The look of adoration in her eyes as I entered her proved that she was the only woman I’d ever want. Her legs wrapped around my back and I fucked her hard, pumping in and out feeling her skin graze across my cock tightening with every stroke until I exploded into her womb, already full with our child. I was blinded by lust and had her three times before we fell into a dazed mid-day slumber.

We barely woke up to get dressed and showered in time to make it to her dress appointment in town. We picked a simple white dress with a plunging neckline and a sweet flowery embroidered hem.

“This is perfect,” she said twirling lightly.

“You are perfect.” I kissed her and we thanked the shopkeeper.

I paid twice the price of the dress just to support the shop and I could tell the extra money was welcome. We met Peyton, Sarah, and her family for dinner on the beach and I could tell Alex not only liked the bungalow with its glass floor and the view of fish but he was excited to have his whole family together for the first time in his life.

“So, Alex,” I asked while we were all eating. “How would you like to go snorkeling after the wedding tomorrow?”

“Aren’t you going to want to be with Genni?” He suddenly looked very sad.

“Maybe I want to go snorkeling too.” Genni smiled and her beautiful face lit up the room.

“I’ll probably sit this one out,” Sarah said, patting her very pregnant stomach.

“I might just stay here with her,” John added and the two of them shared a glance, which I knew very well.

The bungalows were a place of romance and I was happy they’d have a chance to be together enjoying them while I had Alex.

“When are you due?” Genni asked sweetly.

“He’s due in about six weeks. Luckily, Cash offered a private plane because I’m pretty sure I’m close to the no-fly date otherwise. But I’m glad we’re here. Thank you for having us, Cash, and for inviting us to share your wedding.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the worst wedding in history, but we’re going to have fun together for the next few days anyway, just us, hidden away from the world.” I looked at each one of them and knew they were the only people I wanted to witness Genni and I wed, with the exception of Kevin who was just tying up some last-minute details and would be down to join us for dinner. In fact, from the shouting I heard in the background he must have been on his way.

“No, you can’t go down there!” Kevin screamed at the top of his lungs.

“If he and that whore of his can trash my name all over the world, I sure as fuck can go down there,” a voice I vaguely remembered said.

Sarah went white as a ghost and I turned my head to find Clifford Ross barreling down the beach with Kevin hot on his heels. Two other men followed behind them as my father stormed toward our dining table which had been placed on the sand with candles and torches for ambiance. We were just starting a wonderful meal when he came to crash it.

“Mom!” Alex started to panic as Genni stood up from her chair and walked to meet him.

I was about to stop her but realized I wouldn’t be able to keep her from something she’d set her mind on and really she was the best person for the job. If anyone could tame that asshole, she could, I was proof.