The Geek Job by Eve Langlais

Chapter Eleven

Lexie dropped the cage in the solarium and made a face at the ugly mice inside. They returned her look with baleful red eyed ones of their own. Then they hissed, showing elongated, pointy fangs, and she sucked in a breath.

“Holy fuck, Anthony. What did you do?” Because she somehow knew Frederick hadn’t wasted his time turning a pair of mice into little bloodsuckers. She peered at the glassed panels of the solarium and then back at the little critters. Realization bloomed—he tricked me.

She took off running back up the hall, a faint crash making her curse and pick up her speed. She slapped her hand on the console and waited for the door to open, each second an eternity. She slipped inside and scanned the room, not immediately seeing him, but she could hear movement. She peered behind the first counter of equipment and vaulted over the second, stumbling in her shock at what she found.

Anthony trembled on the floor, his body in the grips of a seizure. His eyes were rolled back in his head while spittle foamed at his mouth.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” She cursed nonstop as she whipped a pad of paper off the counter and slid it between his teeth so he wouldn’t bite off his tongue. She straddled his body, one of her knees pinning his good arm. For his injured arm, she pinned his hand. But that didn’t stop him from banging his head off the floor.

She held him down with her body and spotted the vials on the floor along with the syringe.

“What the fuck did you do?” She whispered the words even as understanding dawned. He’d experimented on himself like the mice.But what will he become, if he survives?

After what seemed like an eternity, his body ceased thrashing and he lay still under her. She slipped off him and knelt at his side. She debated fetching the doctor, but at the same time, she didn’t want to leave him alone. She tugged his glasses off, and smoothed his hair back.

A tremor ran through his body, then another. Her nose prickled as his regular scent changed into something unique. He reminded her of wolf, and yet, he also emitted a disturbing element she’d only noticed around Frederick and other vamps. And yet…Anthony lived.Not for long, because as soon as he wakes up I’m going to kill him for being stupid.

He moaned, a low, deep sound that rolled into a growl.

Lexie shivered as the noise touched her and roused her wolf. A flare of lust ignited inside her to her mortification given Anthony’s prone state. She stood and walked away to gain some distance and perspective. She heard a whisper of sound and whirled only to find herself captured in arms of steel and pushed back up against a wall.

Startled at the speed of the attack, it took her a moment to register who held her. Anthony peered down at her with eyes that glowed a brilliant blue.

“You smell good,” he grumbled. Then he dipped his head to kiss her.

She’d always enjoyed her embraces with Anthony, the heat he could engender. But this? This was like a match igniting the driest of timber. His mouth claimed hers with a passion and power that actually made her knees weak. She clung to him as his hard lips slid over hers, sucking and pulling on her flesh. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and the taste of him made her moan.

He apparently enjoyed her reaction because he ground his hips against her lower belly, his solid erection pressing against her. She clutched at his shoulders, knowing somewhere in the back of her mind that she should be pushing him away, questioning his wellbeing; however, caught up in a maelstrom of lust, she could only burn.

His hands slid down her back to cup and squeeze her buttocks as his mouth moved lower to suck at the tender skin of her neck. She whimpered when he nipped her and wanted him to do it again, but instead he moved his head back to stare at her possessively. She licked her lips and a tremor went through his body.

Before she could ask him what he’d done, or berate him for his foolish experiment, he moved, tearing her skimpy top with his bare hands and baring her flesh. It was her turn to shudder.

“Mine,” he growled. She could only gasp as he ducked his head and his mouth latched onto her bared nipple. He took her tight bud into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it and Lexie cried out in pleasure. While his mouth tortured her nub, his hands got busy unbuckling and tugging down her pants. Her snug bottoms caught around her knees and he stopped yanking them to slide a hand between her thighs, stroking her moist flesh.

He stopped his decadent pleasure of her breast to whirl her around until her backside pressed against his fat dick. A hand in the middle of her back pressed her forward, bending her over and she heard the sound of a zipper lowering. Before she could utter a word—or two like “fuck me”—he’d shoved his hard cock into her.

Lexie yelled as his swollen flesh stretched her, seemingly larger than before. His hands caught her around the hips and he plowed her, his body slapping back and forth against her ass as he drove himself into her. She didn’t mind his rough play though. It was just what her body craved. She gasped and panted as his quick thrusts quickly brought her to her peak, and then shoved her over it into a quaking orgasm.

With a bellow that sounded more animal than man, he jetted into her. When she felt the rigid tension leave his body, she opened her mouth to ask him what the fuck just happened, but she heard the sharp crack of a slap before she felt the burning pain on her ass cheek.

“Get upstairs, woman. We’re not done.”

She just about came again at his domineering words and tone. But he was mistaken if he thought she’d give into his orders without a delicious fight.

* * * *

Anthony laughed when she threw an indignant glare at him over her shoulder. He slapped her ass again just because he could, and besides, even if she tried to deny it, he could smell the fact she enjoyed it.

The scent of her lust was actually what drew him from the earlier agony of his body’s change. His nano injected serums had coursed through his body like wildfire, mutating his body at a molecular level. While he couldn’t be sure the extent of his new abilities, he’d definitely noticed an enhancement in his olfactory sense. Like the most evocative of perfumes, her arousal had woken him and driven him to his feet to claim her. He’d opened his lenseless eyes, to discover a sharpened sight beyond anything he’d ever imagined.

As he’d captured her in his arms and with his mouth, he’d vaguely noticed the speed with which he moved, but he’d found himself more intrigued by his dominating need to fuck her, to claim her body.

A distant part of himself recognized this new aggressive side of him was probably a side effect, but Anthony didn’t fight it or care. He’d always wished he could be more assertive, but fear had held him back. Now he fearednothing.

Lexie moved away from him, trying to yank up her pants which made her breasts bob enticingly. Anthony stalked toward her and noticed how her breathing hitched.

“Take them off,” he ordered.

“Like fuck. What the hell happened to you? I came back to find you doing the worm on a hot asphalt dance and now you’re acting like you’re hopped up on steroids and Viagra.”

Anthony let a slow smile creep across his face and he made sure she noticed his new dentition. Her eyes widened and he chuckled. “You said you couldn’t be with me unless I was like you. Guess what, darling? I’m now just as much wolf as you are.”

She shook her head. “That’s impossible. Lycans are born, not made.”

“Lycanthropy never counted on a geek who wanted to bang his woman.”

His word made her eyes dilate and once again, the waft of her desire tickled his nose. “I want you,” he said softly.And not just in my bed, but in my life forever.He didn’t say those words aloud, knowing she wasn’t ready for them—yet.

She shook her head. “You’re not just wolf though. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve got some vampire in there, too.”

Anthony cocked his head. “A regrettable error. Or not. I’ll admit, I panicked when I realized my gaffe, but now...” He used his right hand to tear the bandages off his left revealing smooth skin with only faint red lines to remind him of his maiming. He flexed his healed arm, his muscles bulging, and grinned. “Now, I think that cocktail was just right.”

“Shouldn’t you be running some tests on your condition?” She moistened her lips with the tip of her pink tongue and Anthony took a step forward, determined to claim those lips for himself.

“The only test I’m running tonight is how many times I can fuck you before we both pass out from exhaustion. I suggest if you want to do it on a bed that you get your sweet ass moving this instant or you’re going to find the floor awfully chilly.”

Lexie regarded him for one silent moment before kicking her boots off and shoving her pants down to her ankles. She stepped out of them and kicked them away. She stood there naked, her nipples pebbling, desire rolling off her in a thick wave he could almost grasp. She cocked her hip as she placed a hand on it provocatively. Anthony’s cock hardened and he took a step forward.

“Come and get it then if you think you can handle me.” She moved fast, darting away from him and leaping over the metal counters. Her hand slapped the console to unlock the door and she exited, sprinting. Anthony grinned as he gave her a five second head start. Then he took off after her.

And when he caught her, she was so fucked.