The Geek Job by Eve Langlais

Chapter Thirteen

Lexie used up the ammo in her gun, shooting the attacking Fae in the heads with silver bullets, the only way to bring the sly bastards down and render them out of action for a while. To truly kill one of the immortal ones, she’d require an axe, gas and a lighter. Hopefully, Frederick kept some marshmallows in stock.

Adrenaline pumped through her body, more from the way Anthony dove out of the window than the battle. As she worked her way toward her new mate, she noticed the vamps, including Frederick, had come to join the battle. The Fae risked a lot attacking in such large numbers, not that she could blame them given what she knew of Anthony’s success. Unfortunately for them, she was on his side, and as such, they needed to die for trying to harm him.

She got distracted several times by the sight of her geek-turned-alpha fighting. What he lacked for in training and finesse, he made up for in raw power. With no prior instruction, he’d managed to bring forth his claws and he used them with devastating effect along with his fangs which she still wasn’t sure were vampire or wolf in origin.

She worked her way toward him, taking out the goblins who got in her way—nasty slimy creatures. She hated them as much as mice. When she got within a few feet of Anthony, she yelled. “Don’t you ever dare scare me like that again.”

Without pausing in his ass kicking of the pair of trolls attacking him, he snarled back. “Get inside, and get some damned clothes on.”

She laughed. “Like hell am I leaving you to fight alone.”

“How am I supposed to protect you if I’m distracted by your naked body?” he growled as she took aim and fired at one of his assailants between the eyes.

“Get used it to, lover. You’re part shifter now. Just wait until I take you to meet my parents. You’ll get to see lots of naked people.”

He stopped fighting to turn and face her with a pleased look. “You’re going to take me to meet them?”

She shot the goblin sneaking up on him before answering. “Well, duh,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It’s what a girl does when she meets the man of her dreams, falls in love and mates with him.”

And that quickly, she found herself swept into his arms. “You love me?”

“Of, course I love you. I wouldn’t have let you mark me if I didn’t. Which reminds me, we got interrupted before I returned the favor.”

“Well then, shall we adjourn?” He stepped away and crooked his arm at her. Lexie arched a brow and looked around at the dying battlefield.

“Um, don’t we need to finish up here?”

Anthony chuckled. “Nah. Let Frederick do the rest. We took care of most of it already. Besides, we’ve got more important things to do.”

They left the scene of chaos, but never made it to bed. Anthony thrust her up against the elevator wall, and as he pounded his dick into her soaking sex, she bit him. She sank her fangs in deep, marking him to show the world that this geek—the most wonderful, sexy and lovable man ever—was all hers.
