The Geek Job by Eve Langlais

Chapter Twelve

Lexie ran up the hall to the elevator, not really trying to escape Anthony, but, given his suddenly dominant attitude, she wasn’t just going to roll over and give him her belly—even if she couldn’t wait until he took her cunt.

He gave her a head start, but it wasn’t enough, not with his new super speed. He caught her before the elevator, swooping her up with one brawny arm that had grown since his change. She shrieked as he threw her over his shoulder then moaned as his hand slid between her thighs to rub against her wet folds.

She noticed he’d shed the remains of his clothing before catching her, and she let her fingers trail over his taut buttocks. She still didn’t understand how he’d managed it, but somehow her geeky scientist had not only made the change into wolf—with some vamp mojo for extra speed and strength—but he’d also transitioned into an alpha. Her wolf was beside herself in her mind, yipping and barking about claiming him as their mate.

But Lexie, despite her body and wolf’s longings, determined he’d have to pass the same test as the others. If he could best her, then he could have her. She creamed herself at the prospect.

They entered the elevator and Anthony’s finger slid into her and she gasped as he found her g-spot and stroked it. He withdrew his hand, to her disappointment, and growled.

“What?” she murmured.

“They’re watching.” He shifted his weight to balance up on the balls of his feet and a crunching sound filled the cab as Anthony destroyed the camera.

“Frederick won’t like that.”

“Frederick can kiss my ass if he wants to see sunlight ever again.”

Lexie almost giggled. Somehow she didn’t think Frederick would be as impressed with this new take charge Anthony. She, on the other hand, found his new persona even more titillating than his previously shy and geeky one.

She didn’t make her move until they reached his apartment. She twisted and flipped herself over his shoulder, landing on her feet. She ran and bounded over the couch before she turned to face him with a grin.

“What are you doing?” he barked.

“I have this policy when dealing with male wolves. If you want to have me, first you have to best me.”

A slow wicked smile spread across his face and he took slow measured steps toward her. “Sounds like fun. How do I know when I’ve won?”

“If you can bite me at the moment of orgasm, marking me, then I’m yours. But keep in mind, Lycans mate for life. So be very sure before you do this. Once you claim me, there’s no turning back.”

Her words didn’t slow him, but they did make his cock thicken and bob in a distracting manner. “Perfect. Prepare to become mine.”

Cocky geek,” she taunted.

“Confident master,” he retorted making her knees tremble in a way she’d never expected any man to accomplish.

In the blink of an eye, he went from almost eight feet away to standing in front of her. She just managed to evade his hands, dashing into the bedroom. Again though, his speed overtook her and she found herself swept up into his arms, cradled against his chest. She expected him to fling her onto the bed and have his wicked way with her, but instead he headed for the bathroom. What a letdown.

“What are you doing?”

“Washing my dinner.”

Said meal clenched tight. She waited until he put her down in the hot shower before she attempted to escape him again, a failed endeavor, as he caught her before she even set one foot out of the stall. He upended her over his shoulder again, one arm holding her legs firmly as the other spread the lips of her cleft and let the water pour against her sex.

Lexie squealed and pounded at his back and buttocks as he manhandled her with ease. She’d already gone past the point of no return, but she still planned to make a good show of it, loving the way he handled her with ease.

They were both dripping wet when he carried them back to the bedroom and squeaky clean. He dumped her on the bed, but before she could spring up, his body covered hers. Lexie moaned at the hot and heavy feel of his form plastered to hers. His mouth clashed with hers in a fiery kiss that sent electric tingles to her cleft. When she would have twined her arms around his neck, conceding his superior strength, he gathered them in one of his and pushed them above her head. For a moment, she panicked and pulled at her trapped hands, but they didn’t budge.

Submission to a male was a new thing for Lexie, and to her surprise, it made her cream.

He grunted against her mouth and moved his lips away to rub his unshaven jaw against her skin. “I can’t wait to sink into you.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” Lexie gave up fighting. Anthony was who she wanted, and now that the barrier of their species had been torn down, she found herself eager to have him claim her. And to claim him in return.

“You are going to beg me to fuck you,” he said before nibbling his way down her neck.

His cocky words made her taunt him. “Then you’d better shut up and get to work.”

He nipped her skin in response and Lexie arched as a jolt of desire shot through her body. He sucked at her flesh, pulling at the skin, leaving a hickey for sure, but he didn’t attempt to bite her although he teased her with the edge of his canines. Using his tongue to trace his way, he moved down her body a bit, laving a path between her breasts. He didn’t let go of her hands as his mouth brushed over her nipples. He blew on them, his warm breath tightening her nubs. Cream pooled in her cleft as he teased her. Around and around, he kept moving, circling her nipples, never quite touching them. Lexie bit her tongue before she begged him to suck them—or even better, bite them.

He did neither. Yanking her hands down, he pinned them to her stomach as he crawled backwards, his chin brushing against her trimmed pubes. Her cleft quivered, anticipation coiling it tight as she waited for him to eat her like he’d promised. He didn’t. He pressed his mouth to the soft skin of her thighs, nipping and kissing, left then right.

Lexie panted with need, but she refused to ask. As if sensing her inner war, he chuckled, his warm breath feathering across her moist lips, unleashing an involuntary moan from Lexie.

“Tell me what you want,” he murmured, his lips a bare hairsbreadth away from her core.

Lexie clenched her eyes tight, fighting his allure out of pure stubbornness. She shook her head, unwilling to give in so easily.

He flicked his tongue against her clit, a swift, scorching motion that made her cry out. “Admit you want me to touch you. To lick your sweet pussy until you cum on my tongue.”

She made the mistake of opening her eyes and gazing down at him. His magnetic blue gaze caught hers and his lips tilted in a seductive grin. She caved to her needs and the pleasure he promised.

“Make me cum.”

Apparently those three words were enough. He swiped her with his tongue, a long wet lick that made her shiver from head to toe. He spread her lips and jabbed into her core, lapping at her cream. While his one hand held her own down, a prisoner to his delightful torture, his other roamed freely. He used the pad of his thumb to rub her clit while his mouth sucked and tugged on her lips. Lexie’s head thrashed and she moaned as he pleasured her. His tongue took the place of his thumb, flicking her clit in a rapid back and forth motion that had her hips bucking. He slid fingers into her sex—one, two, then a tight third. In and out they pumped as his mouth worked her swollen nub.

After the past few days of abstinence, her climax came fast and hard. Anthony grunted with satisfaction as her pelvic muscles clamped his digits tight.

The tremors hadn’t ceased when he moved, his body covering hers. His hands yanked hers back up above her head in a move meant to show he still held control. She loved it.

He settle himself between her thighs and the tip of his dick rubbed against her cleft. “Beg me for it,” he growled.

Lexie didn’t play any more games. “Take me. Fuck me and mark me. Please.”

With a groan, he thrust his swollen cock into her, triggering aftershocks that had her keening mindlessly.

“Now for my turn,” he said.

* * * *

Buried to the hilt in her shuddering moistness, Anthony gritted his teeth not to cum. Pleasuring her, holding her prisoner and making her beg, all those things combined put him on the edge of his own orgasm. But he well remembered her words. To claim her, and keep her forever, he needed bite her at the moment of orgasm.

With that thought in mind, he moved slowly in her, setting a steady pace. She looked so beautiful and soft beneath him, her cheeks flushed and her lips curved in a sweet smile of pleasure. However, he wanted to see her eyes, read them.

“Look at me,” he ordered.

Her green eyes flickered open, her lids heavy with passion, and her gaze aglow with emotion. Staring into her visage, he increased his pace, noting how her breathing hitched and the smell of her arousal clung heavy in the air. He deepened his stroke and her lips parted on a sigh. Her hips gyrated in time with his thrusts, tilting to take him further in her. He felt his orgasm building, but he strained against it until he the walls of her sex began tightening around him.

“Mine,” he growled. He buried his face into her shoulder, licking the skin there, biting only when the tremors of her orgasm rippled along his cock. He sank his teeth into her soft skin and heard her scream his name, her climax suddenly tripling in intensity and launching his own bliss.

The metallic taste of her blood hit his tongue and suddenly a deep hunger invaded him, and he gulped hungrily at her essence. Caught in the throes of a pleasure so intense, he only vaguely noted her cries of pleasure, so intent was he on marking and feeding from her. What seemed like scant seconds later, a growled warning from his newly acquired pet inside his mind made him release her flesh reluctantly. As sanity returned, he suffered a moment’s guilt and horror at what he’d just done.What have I become?Then he saw the silly smile on her face, and all doubt fled. He’d do and become anything if it meant keeping Lexie.

“I love you.” He uttered the words without thinking, and her eyes shot open in shock.

Uncertainty tried to grab him like it had so many times in the past, but he fought it. He loved her, and even if she didn’t know it yet or wouldn’t admit it, she loved him—and even better, according to the vivid bite-mark on her neck, she belonged to him.

“I—” She never got to finish her sentence because the sudden cracking of glass had them both diving off the bed. He stood in front of her protectively, while she went for the jacket on the chair where she pulled out a gun.

“We’re under attack.”

It was an unnecessary statement on her part because, with his enhanced hearing and senses, Anthony could hear the sounds of battle. He also saw a prime opportunity to try out his new powers.

He ran at the window and dove through the shattered remains.

Lexie’s scream of, “No!” followed him as he dropped through the air and hit the ground in a crouch without the slightest jolt or pain.Cool.

The wide expanse around him overwhelmed him for a moment with sensory overload. His brain quickly went to work sorting what his five senses noted, and zoomed in on the most important—danger. He sniffed the air, inhaling deep, then turned his head sideways to peer at the darkness. A figure stepped from the shadows and Anthony growled as he recognized the bastard who’d shot Lexie at the conference.

He noticed something else too—the guy had pointed ears.

“What the fuck are you?”

The Spock eared assassin didn’t reply, but he raised his gun. In a flash, Anthony reached the attacker and flung his paltry weapon away before grabbing him in a headlock. Then he bit him.

Anthony didn’t have time to savor the new unique flavor of the thug turned victim. Movement from the trees coalesced into more sharp eared freaks.

Anthony thrust the limp body away from him and wiped his mouth before giving them a feral grin. “Who’s next?”

Wielding a variety of weapons, and in some cases, just themselves, the invaders rushed him. And then stopped to look for him. With his new found speed, Anthony moved amongst them lightning quick, punching, kicking and tearing at the bastards who’d tried to kill him and almost managed to kill Lexie. His intrigued scientific side noted that while he kept downing them, the bastards kept getting back up.

He also discovered that while newfound strength and powers were great, they didn’t prevent injury—even if said wounds healed quickly—and against great numbers, he began to question the wisdom of his decision in facing them alone.

A pointy eared, green skinned creature that made Anthony think of a goblin lunged at him, only to stop with a stunned look before falling face first on the ground. A silver blade stuck out from the back of his head. No sooner did he note this then the crack of a revolver boomed. Anthony looked up to see Lexie had arrived and judging by the glint in her eyes, she was pissed. But not as pissed as he was when he realized how many male eyes had swiveled and regarded her naked form.

And thus did he truly begin to battle in earnest.